Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
"Ohhh, the moon, that is my name! And I know the perfect song for it! Rents Over Th-" [remembers Ive used my Rent song] "-motherfu-"
Anyway, I wasnt into a Werewolf!AU (if you like those, Id advise the Wax verse). So I had no idea what I was doing and boom.. I suddenly have a Doctor Who crossover.
I have a standard Klaine/dw crossover idea in which Klaine are companions to 10 and 11, between Donna and the Ponds (and theres a lot more oh god). Heres a lil drabble of Klaine and 11 (and yet, spoilers for series 8, because wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey).
Klaine Advent 2015 Day 13, "Moon"
I imagine.. I imagine..
When youre driving through the moonlight on a highway when through the moonlight to a dance you are breathless with a wild anticipation of adventure and excitement and romance
Then at last you see the towers of the palace silouetted on the sky above the park and below them is a row of lighted windows like a lovely diamond necklace in the dark
When Youre Driving Through the Moonlight - R&Hs Cinderella
"The moons an egg."
"Excuse me?" Blaine asks. The Doctor just repeats the statement. "The moons an egg."
"Have you ever been to the moon, Doctor?" Kurt asks. "Oh, several times!" the Doctor answered happily. He pulls a lever and the TARDIS takes off. Kurt and Blaine are used to it now.
In a way.
Not really.
"Ive been on the moon quite some times, I also went to see the moon landing with Martha a couple of times," the Doctor continues, "Ive been with her on the moon too."
"And youre taking us to the moon now? A moon that apparently is an egg," Blaines never been to the moon. That might sound like an obvious thing, but not to Blaine. Not to the life Blaines leading (with Kurt).
"Yes, because theres much to see on the moon!" the Doctor exclaims, "Ive taken a lot of people with me to the moon, but dont think its not special! The moons pretty peaceful, unless people use it for bad stuff. For example, did you know that Sarahs son Luke used the moon to destroy the earth? Oh wait- that was Luke under influence of Mr. Smith."
Kurt and Blaine have no idea what hes talking about, but he does that often.
"Human colonisation of the moon starts in a couple of years anyway- you humans never learn." Kurt and Blaine sigh deeply. The last thing they need is mankind taking over new area that isnt theirs, but what can they do. "Or has it already started? Human timelines arent parallel to mine."
"But anyway, if you thought Paris was the city of love, wait till you see this one!" the Doctor says, clearly excited, "I once took Rose- I mean, I went there a long time ago."
Kurt quickly pulls the Doctor out of his misery. "Alrida, lets do this then!"
Blaine nods towards the Doctor, and they both fix their bowties. "Mine is neater!" the Doctor says proudly. "Might be, but mines more beautiful," Blaine points towards his double checked bowtie. The Doctor just grumbles.