Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Ive chosen to write Klaines daughter unnamed, despite the fact that I gave her a name years ago. But I can get that people strongly dislike the name, hell, even I sometimes regret picking the name "Rachel", since Im not a fan of Hummelberry/Blainchel/Klainchel. But Ive grown attachted to my Rachel, so woops, Im not changing Rachel Elizabeth Addelaide Hummel-Anderson (its a moutful).
By the way, Isabel is Brittanas daughter. She also has a sibling Charlie.
Klaine Advent 2015 Day 12, "Legend"
Will they tell your story? (Time)
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story? (Time)
Will they tell your story? (Time)
Who lives, who dies—
Who tells your story?
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story - Hamilton.
Going through her parents attic is a lousy thing to do. Yes, she knows she has promised pa to help them sort out all of dads stuff. Ever since dad died, pas health is going down too. People keep on telling her that her pa cant live without his (late) husband, and that hell die from heartache.
Its both a sad and a comforting thought.
But yet, the daughter of Kurt and Blaine Hummel-Anderson believes in it. Her pas ready to go, so one of the last things she can do for him is helping him go through dads memories.
Isabel is helping her, and shes the one to find dads old dairy.
"Look at this!" she says loudly.
Together, they read.
December 12th 2015
Dear dairy,
I did it. Im still jitterish, but it finally happened! Im on Broadway! As a swing, but still. The fact that Im a swing isnt that bad- gotta start somewhere, right? Also, now I can stay in school. Sam and Elliottll have my head if I drop out of NYU, and Sam isnt even in college!
Despite that, Im still very happy. One of the other swings had his Broadway debut yesterday, Im still waiting for mine, but itll come.
I can use my time for other things too- even if it includes watching Kurt Hummel playing lead. Just like me, hes new on Broadway, but I can tell you. He will be a Broadway legend.
And I will be one too, and hopefully, next to him.
Yes, I might be too hopeful, but there is something about Kurt Hummel that makes me fall for him. Its not like the last couple of guys I liked, this is real.
But this will be our debut -and itll be so good, itll outbeat Hamilton!- and it is a great start for both of us.
I dont want to come off as a douche à la "you need to go out with me Ill stalk you if necessary", but I basically have it all planned out. Between Kurt and I, I mean. Theres only one flaw in the plan: I need to talk to him. Im afraid Ill make a fool out of myself, dairy.
Ive expressed my concerns to Elliott, but he just laughed it off. He thinks its endearing that I have a crush on my co-star (sort of co-star?), but its not a crush.
I am hopelessly in love with Kurt Hummel.
And Ive planned out my life with him.
And Ive never spoken to him, despite the fact that weve both been in this production for a while now. Guess thats the downside from being a swing. I dont have strong connections with the entire cast, only the other swings.
But one day, well be a Broadway legend together.
My old dream came true: I am on Broadway (as a swing, but whatever). My new one: Kurt Hummel.
Am I a fool?
x B.
"Well, his dream did come true," Isabel points out to her friend. She nods. Her dads were the Broadway powercouple for years.
Of course, new, young talent has replaced them, but their legacy will live on, and as their daughter, shell make sure it will continue living on.