Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Anyway, this is a short one, because this prompt is just... uh. This was a perfect time to use a Kinky Boots song, but instead, I wasted used my Fun Home song.
This story takes place in canon end season 3. I assume around 3x15 - 3x20. Uh, its lightly crack?
Klaine Advent 2015 Day 11, "Kink"
Telephone wire,
Run and run,
Telephone wire.
Sundown on the creek,
Partly frozen, partly flowing.
Must be windy, trees are bending.
Junction 50 field needs mowing.
Feels like the car is glowing.
Telephone Wire - Fun Home
Both Kurt and Blaine resent the fact that the glee club has named them the odd couple, because really, theyre not that weird.
But at times like this, they have to admit that they are very weird.
They do things in the bedroom that other couples dont do. "I got it!" Kurt yells. He doesnt mind yelling, since no ones home.
"I cant believe were doing this," Blaine mumbles.
"You suggested it," Kurt points out. Then, he hides behind the blankets. He quickly grabs the binoculars Rachel lent him (because she needs a night of sleep, not another night of stalking Finn) and he keeps a close watch on Blaine.
Blaine is on the other side of the room. Kurts got to admit that Blaines blanket fort is way better than his, but Blaine doesnt has to know. Stupid Blaine. He has the pillows.
"I know youre watching me," Blaine shouts from his side, "No cheating, Kurt!"
Kurt pouts, but puts away the binoculars. "Im tired of speaking so loudly, cant we do it already?" Instead of binoculars, hes now holding two different things. He still cant believe they spent a free Saturday on making these things.
With a tin can telephone in his left hand and a speaking tube in his right, its time. "Earplugs in!" They both have one earplug for their left ears. Right ears are for tin can telephones.
Now, the only way theyll be able to communicate will be through their devices. "Can you hear me?" Kurt speak through his speaking tube.
Theres no reaction.
Still nothing.
"Blaine, sweetie, can you hear me or not?"
He allows himself to peek, and he sees that Blaine is speaking through is tube too. Weird.
Now, from Blaines point of view, it is very frustrating.
"Earplugs in!" Kurt had said. Not much later, Blaine got his first message.
"Can you hear me?"
"Yes!" Blaine says excitedly. It works!
"Yeah? Kurt, Im here, hi!"
But then: "Blaine, sweetie, can you hear me or not?"
"Yes, yes, I can hear you. Kurt, why are you still asking me this?"
"Blaine, I see youre speaking to me," Blaine immediately looks up, and its true. Kurts watching him. "but I cant hear you."
But then Blaine sees it. Theres this huge kink in their telephone wire.
As shit.