Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Dec. 23, 2015, 6 p.m.
Like I said, maybe I shouldve put Blaine at Watford, because then I wouldve been able to use the Warblers. I dont like Sally and Carlos. Ah shit.
Also, I was planning on saving my Rent song for another drabble, but man... this song yells hope to me.
Klaine Advent 2015 Day 8, "Hope"
Theres only yes
Only tonight
We must let go
To know what is right
No other course
No other way
No day but today
No Day But Today - Rent
Still 2011
Living in the World of Mages is pretty hopeless. Theres war and a threat of a second war the entire time. The only way you can get free is by fleeing. But by doing that, you will lose a lot, so you will still feel powerless.
His dad agrees with Dr. Bunce. Its very sad that the mages of Kurts generation have never known the World of Mages when there was still peace. Kurt was born in that time of peace, but he cant remember it. He can only remember the upcoming news on Dead Spots and the Insidious Humdrum.
His dad might be a Normal car engineer, but hes also on the Coven, and hes working his ass off.
And now Kurt has tasted the freedom in the magical world. Hes more used to magic than his friends, because his dad has married a witch, but Kurts at Watford most of the time, and during summer, Carole limits her use of magic so Finn wont be jealous.
Although, Finn is seventeen now. Kurt never understood why young wizards and witches arent allowed to use magic.
Hell be able to live in a world with magic, but he just wont be able to use it. It kind of terrifies him. What happens if a Dead Spot appears? What will Kurt and his dad do? What will Finn and Carole do? Do Kurt and his dad just have to leave?
Kurt has considered leaving. Hes heard of families that moved to America, for example. Kurt doesnt know.
When they arrive at Watford, everyone greets them warmly. "So, how was it?" Kurt hears. He turns around and smiles when he sees his two best friends.
"You two are assholes," Kurt says, "You couldve gone with me." Sally rolls her eyes. "You didnt answer the question," Carlos points out.
"Oh, it was great. Blaine showed me all the secret passages of the castle," Kurt says, and Sally immediately interrupts him.
"Excuse you, who?"
So Kurt tells them. Carlos smirks the entire time, and Sally just pretends she isnt about to yell from happiness.
They both share a knowing look.
Kurt sighs deeply. "Guys..."
"Oh, come on, let us have some fun too!" Sally squeals loudly. Carlos blocks his ears. "Who needs to know about the adventures of Simon Snow at Hogwarts when you can hear about the adventures of Kurt Hummel and a certain Blaine, uh..."
"Yes, him!"
Kurt sighs again. He doesnt want to hear it.
"Kurt, listen to Sal," Carlos interrupts Kurts misery, "We both know youre the pessimist, and we also know that a man doesnt have to fix anything, but maybe you need someone -besides us- in your life. We know you think the World of Mages is shit, but maybe you need some hope."
"Hope in love, for example," Sally adds.
They awkwardly shuffle away. Theyre Kurts friends, so they know when he needs the time to think, and Kurt really needs it now. He knows theyre right about him being pessimistic, but hes been pessimistic for years.
Ever since his mum died in that fire.
Thats the main reason Kurt loves Blaines present so much. He knows the potions supposed for when Simon Snow... goes off, or anything, but Kurt needs it more than anyone.
Not that Kurt would ever consider getting too close to fire anyway, but he knows that as long as he has Blaines potion, he wont be as afraid as before.
And just then, an owl appears. She drops a letter in front of Kurt, before flying away. Did someone use A little bird told me for him?
But then...
Guess who this is :D?
And for the first time in a while, Kurt smiles. Sure, he has smiled a lot during his time at Hogwarts, especially when they were in the Room of Requirements, but when was the last time a smile spread over his face in the World of Mages?
Blaine really gives him some kind of hope in this hopeless World of Mages.