Aug. 24, 2013, 11:44 p.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 11:44 p.m.
'I gave someone a makeover today.' 'Really?' Kurt asks. 'Yeah, a daughter of one of my high school friends in Columbus, Mira Bennet, had a friend who needed a new start. He needed to get over his ex.' 'Must've been a special girl,' Kurt mutters, 'I didn't need a whole new look to get over Blaine.'
'He looked familiar, but I dunno why. I've never met him before,' Isabelle says, 'Dunn even know his name. His friends called him Prep, because he looked so preppy.'Preppy like Blaine?Kurt thinks, but he pushes it away.
'Oh, and Isabelle?' 'Yes?' 'I was wondering if-' 'Yes you can have a free evening,' Isabelle says, 'And I know about the special callback and that you want to go, because Rachel is going to perform. Go and have some fun.'
'Okay, then I should go,' Kurt says excited, 'Picking the right outfit.' Isabelle smiles and then 'Oh! I remember something!' she says, 'The one who got the makeover, Prep, told me to greet you.'
'I still call you Prep,' Matt says. Blaine-no, the new Blaine,smiles.
'What are you going to do with your old stuff?' Verena asks. Blaine shrugs. 'Sending it back to my parents just to be sure. Anyway, I didn't shave this time. Look!' 'You're growing a beard?' Verena laughs. 'No,' Blaine answers, 'Not a real one.'
'Are you going to the callback tonight? It's a special one.'"There's this amazing bar where all the NYADA students go to..."'Kev and the twins are going. I'll probably join them. You?' 'Going with some from the dance class and Michelle,' Verena answers.
'Okay, right. I'm going,' Santana whines, 'But only because this is a special callback.' 'Good,' Rachel smiles. 'I called Adam. We'll meet him at eight,' Kurt enters the living room. 'Is England going too?' 'Santana....' Rachel hisses. 'It's okay, Rach. Adam can handle her.'
Kurt goes to his room. He looks good. Everything is good, but Kurt is wondering one thing: who is Prep, and why does he know him?
The callback is amazing, but Blaine doesn't feel good. And he does know why.Push it away, Anderson, you're reborn!he keeps on thinking, but he can't.
He tries to look okay, but he breaks when a familiar face gets up to sing. 'Hi everyone. I'm Rachel Berry and I'm going to sing Funny Girl.'
Rachel is here. Rachel. Is. Here. But that means'Kurt is here,' Blaine says, 'If Rachel's here to sing, Kurt's here to support her.' 'No Prep,' Kevin says, 'We agreed to get over him. So just sit and relax for once.'
'Anyone else want to sing?' a host asks when Rachel is done. 'You should!' Mira says, 'Prep, you were amazing at Vogue!'"This is a song that I sang for the first time ever when I met the love of my life. So, Kurt, this is for you."'No thanks,' Blaine says shortly.
'Go!' Santana says. Adam nods. 'But what am I supposed to sing?' Kurt says, 'I am unprepared.' 'Kurt! RememberBeing Alive? That was unprepared too,' Rachel says. 'Yeah! Listen to Berry!' Santana says.
'Oh, why not,' Kurt shrugs. 'Whoo!' Rachel cheers. 'Go!' Santana repeats. 'You can do it!' Adam says.
Be brave, Blaine thinks, You are here for a new start. 'I'm getting another drink,' Mira says, 'Want one too, Prep? Kev? Musican?' 'Yeah, an iced tea,' Kevin says, 'No more alcohol for me.' Blaine and Matt shake their heads. 'Okay,' Mira says, 'Back in five.'
'WE HAVE SOMEONE!' the host shouts. Blaine doesn't care. 'So, Prep,' Matt starts, 'How-' But another voice cut his of. A voice from the stage, and it's not the host's.
'Hello everyone, I'm Kurt Hummel and I will be sayingHappy Ending.' Blaine panics. 'Musican, Kev,' he says, 'I have to go!' 'But Prep-' 'Sorry, see you tomorrow.' Blaine stands up and leaves before someone could stop him.