Aug. 24, 2013, 11:44 p.m.
Aug. 24, 2013, 11:44 p.m.
New York City. Blane Anderson has a Rachel Berry moment.He's in New York! He made it out of Lima! He's in NYADA!
The NYADA dorm rooms are quite big. One half of the room is his. He doesn't have a room with bathroom though. He knows his family is kinda loaded, but he wanted to go back to basic.
Blaine looks around. No sign of his roommate yet. A few days before Blaine left Ohio, NYADA sent him a really official looking sheet of paper with his roommate's name on it. Kevin McArthur. That sounds rich.
Blaine picks the bed on the left side. He's setting everything up when someone opens the door.'Heeeeeeeej!'Blaine turns around. 'You must be Blaine Anderson, my roomie! I am Kevin McArthur. You can call me Kev.' 'Hi, Kev,' Blaine shakes Kevin's hands. He doesn't look "rich" at all. 'Ah I see you took the left,' Kevin says, 'Alright alright! I always go for the right so I don't mind.'
'So, introduce yourself, man,' Kevin says, 'Or do I have to go first?' Blaine just nods. 'I'm Kevin McArthur and I came all the way from Florida. I'm an artist. My passion is playing instruments, but stuff like singing and dancing are okay. I came here with two friends. They room together a few rooms away. I look happy because I actually feel like shit. My girlfriend girlfriend broke up with me, but I can move on. No worries, I'm not a douchebag.'
'Uhm.. well... I am Blaine Anderson, from Ohio. I play instruments too, my favourites are keyboard, piano and guitar, but I play more. But my true passion is singing. I was in a glee club, we won Nationals once. I broke up with my boyfriend-' he pauses. Kevin doesn't look angry or disgusted so he goes on '- over a year ago, or I don't even know. I don't want to think about it. I'm still not over it.' 'Sucks man.'
'I know. One of my friends from glee came to New York with me, but not NYADA. My ex lives here somewhere with two of my friends from glee who graduaded earlier and he goes to NYADA too so... yeah that's kinda shit. But I hope I can bear the pain and guilt.'
'You're honest,' Kevin says. 'Excuse me?' 'You're honest,' he repeats, 'Most people are so obsessed with first impressions, they romanticize their stories. You didn't. You could've told me you were a football player, whose girlfriend was the hottest chick in school, but no, you tell the truth. A glee clubber and you're gay -not that I have something against glee clubs and gays. You're honest. I like it.' Blaine is awestruck. 'Thanks,' he says.
'Who are your friends?' Blaine asks. 'Mira and Matt. They're twins.' 'And if I may ask, your gf?' Kevin looks sad. 'Tajana goes to MIT,' he answers, 'What about your friends?' 'My best friend Mike went to LA. My other best friend, Sam, is in San Francisco. One of my best friends from my second school -Mike and Sam are from my third school, long story- Wes, goes yo NYU.' 'And your bf?' 'Kurt goes to NYADA with Rachel and Santana, I guess. We stopped talking a while back, but I know San moved in. And my fellow NYC glee clubber, Artie, does film at the Brooklyn Film Academy.'
'Kurt?' Kevin asks, 'You mean Kurt Hummel?' He goes through his bag and finds a NYADA flyer. 'This guy?' He points to Kurt on the flyer.
'Yeah. Why is-' 'He wasthehighlight of the Winter Showcase last year, and he wasn't even a student. This was his unplanned NYADA audition. Carmen tricked him.'So came Kurt to NYADA. Burt never mentioned how.'And, sorry for saying this but as his ex you have the right to know, according to this flyer, he's currently dating the Adam's Apples lead singer, Adam Crawford.'