Counting Stars
Beginning the Lesson Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Counting Stars: Beginning the Lesson

K - Words: 1,812 - Last Updated: Jun 15, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 4/? - Created: May 16, 2015 - Updated: May 16, 2015
234 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: If the spacing bugs you, sorry. This was really long and the way it was before made it look like a glob of words. I didnt enjoy looking at it. Remember to review! Tell me how I did this chapter!
Sue pointed to another signature line. Kurt sighed and signed. As soon as the pen was lifted off the paper, Sue pulled it back and looked for the next one. Kurt sat back and watched her. Her eyebrows were scrunched and her lips were in a very tight line. she then slid the packet of paper back to him and pointed to another line.

He looked at her and then bent over to sign it. “I don't remember these many signatures.” He commented.

Sue shrugged. “Well, this is what happens when someone doesnt sign their name right.”

Kurt finished and handed it back to her. “And how did it come back to you?”

Sue looked up from the packet. “It came back the same only with a pink post it note saying that your name, ‘Kurt Hummel', is not a legal name. Apparently you don't how to sign your own name right or something.”

Sue went back to the packet but Kurt's eyes widened. There was no way. Is he suppose to be signing with the other? No . . they had that changed. . . right? RIGHT??

Sue flipped to the last page and handed it back. Kurt signed it.

“You sure this is your legal name?” She asked incredulously

“Yes.” Kurt answered loudly, hiding the doubt.

Sue shrugged and took the packet. Sliding the packet in a bright orange envelope, she called for her secretary and told her to send it immediately back to the ‘sender'. She then took a seat in the chair facing Kurt and looked him over.

“It should come back in a couple of days so don't think you can elope to Kentucky or anything.”

Kurt wiggled in the chair. “New York.”

“Whatever.” Sue spun the chair around so that the back was facing him. A hand popped on to the side. “You are excused porcelain. Just remember what I said.”

Kurt smiled and a small giggle slipped past as he heard his old nickname.
Its been even a longer time since he has heard that. He quietly walked out of the office and got dissolved into the massive crowd. He followed the flow to one of the side doors and as it turned he broke free and went out the doors. Outside there was a warm breeze across the breezeway. A large stubby tree let it branches droop over making a small tent in the garden. As he passed it he heard a small familiar giggle. He peaked over his shoulder and saw a blonde ponytail shake. He quietly circled the tree and found a small entrance hole in the back. From it he could see Brittany kneeling beside the trunk looking out at the passing people.

She giggled and he slowly crawled up behind her. When she leaned closer to the branches he pounced on her, wrapping his slender arms around her waist and yelling.


They tumbled onto the ground with their heads brushing against the branches. They rolled together until Brittany had securely gotten on top.

She kept him pinned in a tight bear hug.

“Kurt!” She squealed as she squeezed

Kurt was flabbergasted. He tried to wiggle out of her grip.

She smiled at him. “You scared me!”

He wiggled enough to get some even breathes. “I know! Please let me go! I'm getting light headed!”

She playfully shook her head and squeezed tighter til Kurt was gasping for air.

“Brit! Brit!”

She giggled and let him go, turning her back to him as she watched the people go by. Kurt laid there for a moment, catching his breath before sitting up.

“So what are you doing Brit? Where's Santana?”

Brittany shrugged and sighed. “Arguing and picking fights with the others.”

Kurt smirked. Go figure. He sat beside her.

She heard it and turned to him. “It's not suppose to be like this!” She suddenly exploded with a huff of breath.

It startled him and made him jump. After a moment he shook his head and rolled his eyes. “It's just like it always was, nothing has changed.”

“But we did.”

They sat there looking at eachother until Kurt looked away.

“Not really.”

Brittany leaned on him and giggled. “Sure it is! Me and you are hanging out again in a secret spot that no one can see us!”

Kurt playfully pushed back “Everyone can see us.”

Brittany giggled louder. “Nope, just me and you.” She laid her head on his shoulder.

Kurt did the same and they sat in a peaceful silence for a while.

"We did change Kurt."

"Give me three examples." Kurt challenged

"Quinn, Santana and I are still the unholy Trinity. Puck and Quinn are still a thing."

Kurt nodded along.

"And you and Blaine are still a thing."

Kurt lifted his head and looked down at her. She kept her eyes on the sidewalk.

"We are not a thing. We broke up a while ago and are very happy apart."

Kurt stated roughly, barely keeping his breath.

Brittany shrugged.

Kurt shook his head and looked where she was. On the other side of the sidewalk in the free green lawn where all the boys from glee club tossing a ball. Kurts eyes instantly looked over at Blaine who had shed down to his T-shirt. Kurt watched as they laughed and pranced around for the colorful ball. Brittany moved on his shoulder, he looked down at her and met her gaze.

"Do you really believe that nothing changed here?" She asked quietly
He took a minute and looked at the group of guys. Then looking down at her, he nodded.

Brittany sat up and looked around. "Then why cant we just get along?"

Kurt raised an eyebrow.

Brittany stood up and touched her hand to the trunk of the tree. "If we never changed, then why cant we get along like we use to? We use to be able to sing on stage together and be happy alongside each other. What happened then, if we didnt change?"

She kept her back to him and started circling tightly the tree. Kurt sat there silent. He shrugged, stood off and brushed himself off. After a second they were facing each other, but not with the same playfulness they had. Kurt looked away, back to the group of guys, and then back at Brittany. She pulled herself close to the tree, her face gently brushing the trunk.

"What happened to us if we all didnt change?"

Kurt bit his lip. Its not like they changed for the better. More like they all changed for the worse. . .

Brittany sniffled and Kurt turned his attention to her. "I wish it wasnt like this."

Kurt hugged her, letting her put her head on his shoulder. "We still can be the same. Like you said, its just me and you in a secret place."

Brittany picked her head up and wiped the tears away. "Everyone can see us."

"Nope." Kurt shook his head. "Just me and you." He laid his head on top of hers.

The glee club sat uncomfortably as Mr. Shue scribbled on the whiteboard, his back turned to them. Kurt sat on the highest row in the furthest corner from Blaine and Rachel. Next to him was Brittany and below him sat Mercedes. It gave him some comfort, but didnt make the obvious awkwardness disappeared.

When Mr. Shue turned back around the board read "My life in a song". The glee club read it over and started to whisper to each other.

"Since we havent really stayed together for a while-"

"Mainly because someone is a stage hog and her skinny mini me ditched us for a better posi." Santana interrupted

Kurt rolled his eyes and Rachel loudly signed.

"Santana do you want to actually say something or do you want to just beat around the bush with it?" Rachel snapped with arms crossed

"Yeah I do." Santana stood up and opened her mouth.

"Shut the hell up Santana." Kurt said sharply, glancing at her before looking at the board again. "Obviously you wont be able to do this lesson so why dont you go sit in the corner and make up a couple of lies for tomorrow. Otherwise shut your trap and start singing about how your life is so much better mine, Rachels, or anybodys life." He sat back in the chair and crossed his arms.

Santana laughed, clapping her hands and bending backwards. "Oh look at porcelain finally have a pair of balls for once. Now that is something!" Santana walked up to his chair so that her face was in his. He rolled his eyes and looked away to the side. "So what are you going to do about it Hummel? Last time we ever talked, you could barely make mac and cheese for you and Blaine without needing help. Now youre this big vogue personnel but lets be honest." She got even closer to him. "You still the biggest, cowardly vitamin d deficient lion I have ever seen. Roar snow white, roar." She smirked at him.

He finally looked up at her, trying to not show the returning nervousness in him, and hide his shaking hands. Hes faced bigger, nastier people than Santana Lopez. He works with some of them. But as he looked into the Latinos eyes, the returning submissiveness that he had back in high school showed threw in his eyes.

"I thought as much." Santana turned and started walking back.

Kurt saw the eyes on him, slowly turning back around. How did he get back in this situation? It was almost like slow motion the way she was walking back to her seat, and the whole time he watched her a burning rose from his stomach. Suddenly the words were coming out without any restraints.

"Santana so strong, so mighty, yet cries over the fact that she was outed in high school. Running around like a chicken without her head when Brittany cuts it off with you and then suddenly when you guys get back together you think that you all big and bad. Everyone can see how fake you are, so please stay on one level because otherwise youre just making a fool of yourself. Like you always do." Santana turned around to him and stared at him with her mouth open. He shrugged at her. "Youre not that hard to figure out. But maybe thats because Im closer to your own wife than you are who likes to spill you like a glass of milk." Kurt shrugged and stood up

Santana put up a finger and looked cynically over him. "Excuse me."

Kurt shrugged, grabbed his knapsack and walked down to Mr. Shue. "I didnt stutter Santana Lesbian Lopez. Hope Israel isnt around to hear us."

Santana made her way down to him but he had already started for the door. He flipped her off as he said his parting words.

"I dont need this. I dont need to stay."

"Yeah Hummel! Walk away like you always do!" Santana yelled as he left the

Kurt walked it with a smile. He got Santana riled up. Santana Lopez. If he couldnt have any of his usual fun, this way will do just fine.


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