Of Broken Nails and Bloody Kisses
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Of Broken Nails and Bloody Kisses: Chapter 3

M - Words: 1,920 - Last Updated: Aug 08, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Created: Aug 08, 2011 - Updated: Aug 08, 2011
279 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Hi again readers! I've added a bit of Klaine banter to the end of the last chapter (because, come on, who doesn't love a bit of Klaine banter?), so feel free to go back and read that. I woke up the morning after I published it to find that I had 15 people following my story and 2 reviews... I nearly died of happiness :') Thank you so much for reading, and I hope that you enjoy the next chapter :) MUCH LOVE. Oh and I'll love you even more if you review. Just saying.Disclaimer: Can someone buy me Glee for my birthday? Until then, I don't own Glee. Not even a tiny bit. *breaks down sobbing*Oh and one more thing... I wanted the Warblers to go Nationals too. So they are. Don't you just love Fan Fiction?
Of Broken Nails and Bloody Kisses: Chapter 3

"Ok, we have one rule. No discussing Nationals, got that Anderson? Because, no matter how hard you try, we are NOT going to tell you what numbers we are performing. Deal with it." Wes leant back in his chair, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. Blaine sighed.

"Wesley, I honestly don't care. You have your numbers and we have ours... which are probably significantly better than yours, but still. We'll just have to see at Nationals. Bring. It. On." He took a victory sip of coffee, only to discover that it was still piping hot. David chuckled as he spat the contents over the table.

"You never take a victory sip of coffee Anderson, I would have thought that would be obvious by now."

"He doesn't have the opportunity to do it very often."


Jude pulled up the remaining chair beside Blaine, sighing deeply as he flipped his hair out of his eyes. Blaine raised an eyebrow at his friend.

"Let me guess... Either the problem with you is girlfriend related, school work related, or Daniel related."

Jude glared at him out of the corner of his eye.

"Daniel related!" Sang Wes and David.

"Shut it Wevid."

"We resent being called Wevid... We aren't dating."

"Please, I've seen couples who are less snugly than you."

David flushed, and Wes gave Jude the best you-deserve-to-die glare he could conjure up. Jude chose to ignore it.

"Since you moved out, thank you very much for that Hobbit," Blaine squirmed uncomfortably under Jude's glare, "He is now my roommate. And I don't appreciate waking up every morning to find my hand coated in whipped cream with him poised over me brandishing a feather, or spiders in my underwear drawer, or, god forbid, him holding my hand over a tub of warm water..." He shuddered, as all of his friends burst into hysterical laughter.

"It's not funny! How would you like to wake up to that? Huh? Maybe I'll just have to do that to you Wevid; I've heard you're both incredibly heavy sleepers!"

That soon shut them up. Blaine attempted to change the subject.

"So... How is your Nationals preparation coming along?"

Wes looked at him, with a glare that could only be described as bitch, please. David quickly averted their attention.

"How's my boy Kurt?"

Blaine's face broke out into a smile just thinking about his perfect boyfriend. Nothing got past these boys.

"Ahh that good, huh?"
"Is he as good in bed as he is in the kitchen? His cookies are to die for, so I'm hoping so, for your sake!"
"How far have you guys gotten now?"

Blaine blushed so much he was sure that his face was of a similar colour to Jude's hair. He turned to fix each individual boy with a withering look. Just tell them how you feel, his brain said. Tell them that he's perfect. He's beautiful and your day gets a little bit brighter every single time he looks at you. That moving so you could see him every single day was the best decision you've ever made in your entire life. His friends gasped. Holy shit, I just said that out loud. He mentally face palmed.

Wes and David beamed at their shorter friend, throwing we're-so-glad-you-kids-finally-got-together looks in his direction. Blaine turned to see Jude looking triumphantly at him, brandishing his phone.

"Got it all on tape!" He grinned victoriously. Blaine blanched.

"If you value your life, Jude Richard Hawley, you will give me that phone right now."

"And... Send."

Blaine put his head in his hands as he felt various high fives occurring above his head. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Reluctantly pulling it out, he looked at the message on the screen.

You love me THAT much, huh? I wish I could be with you to say the same, but I guess I'll just have to show you later. ;) Love you- K xxxx

Jude read the message over Blaine's shoulder (having the height advantage over him really came in handy on many occasions), then picked up his coffee and took a victory sip, only to spit it all over Wes and David. Blaine chuckled.

"Victory sips are a bad idea. Burnt your tongue, Hawley?"

Jude looked around murderously. "No... Who put salt in my coffee when I wasn't looking?"

All of the boys looked warily at each other. None confessed to the act. Suddenly, a giggle erupted from behind a nearby sofa. Jude whipped round in surprise, only to find a short blonde boy in a Dalton uniform, creased over in hysterical laughter, crouching behind the leather love-seat.


With one last giggle, Daniel was gone. Jude turned helplessly to his friends, who were struggling to control the tears of laughter that were pouring down their faces.

"You see what I mean?"


"So I was thinking tonight we could go and get coffee with Mercedes and David? I mean, I know it'd be really hard for David to go for an hour without Wes, but I can imagine Mercedes and David being a really cute couple, so if we just..."

Both boys gasped as the flavoured ice hit them straight in the face. Blaine had never felt something so disgusting in his life. Kurt was right, he thought. It really is like being bitch slapped by an iceberg. They both stood there, in shock, before turning to see the boy clutching an empty cup with an almost triumphant look on his face. Azimio. Again.

"Oops, sorry homos! I must have tripped over your rainbow capes... Maybe you should j-ju..."

He was stunned into silence as Blaine grabbed Kurt's collar and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Blaine pulled back to see Kurt blushing under the blue dye that had begun to stain his Alexander McQueen jacket. He turned to sneer at Azimio.

"What's your problem? Can't you see that we're just like everyone else? We love each other so much, much more than you will ever understand. You may never discover love like Kurt and I have, and to be honest you don't deserve it if you are willing to treat us like shit just because we're the same sex."

Azimio just stood there, his mouth gaping open at the PDA the boys had just had. He began to stutter, and, most probably, come up with another insult to throw at Kurt and Blaine before he was yanked up by his collar.

"Now, Chucky Cheese, what on earth do you think you're doing to Porcelain?"

Sue Sylvester, to the rescue, once again.


"So are you boys going to tell me what happened, or am I going to have to torture it out of you?"

Blaine whipped round to look at Kurt with a terrified look on his face.

"She's kidding." Kurt whispered, grinning slightly, until he felt a rather large clump of ice move into his pants. That was not a nice feeling.

"Well? I'm waiting, short stack."

She looked at Blaine impatiently. I guess that's my new nickname, Blaine thought. He sighed inwardly, and looked the cheer leading coach straight in the eye.

"Miss Sylvester, we were just stood by the lockers discussing our plans for the end of the day when Azimio came and slushied us. I'm afraid to say I often let my temper get the better of me, so I kissed Kurt to make him angrier. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience we have caused." He paused awkwardly, before turning his attention to the giant painting of President Nixon on the wall.

"Are you kidding me? If I could, I would use all of the thugs on the football team as part of my slave labour to make my Sue Sylvester protein shakers for 10 cents an hour. I don't blame you for getting angry, kid. Just try and keep the PDA to a minimum. I may be fine with you boys flying the rainbow flag, but others aren't as accepting as me."

Kurt tried to hold in a snort. Sue Sylvester? Accepting? He turned his attention back to the coach sat in front of him.

"But, saying that, I am going to start keeping a closer eye on these hallways. No one will slushie you and get away with it. Ok?"

Both boys nodded vigourously. There was no point disagreeing with Sue Sylvester, even though they knew that it was nearly impossible to punish every single one of the boys that bullied them.

"Now go and get cleaned up. You look like 2 thirds of the Blue Man group."


"Kurt?" A tentative voice came from the riser behind him. Kurt looked up from his phone, and turned around to see Brittany looking at him meekly, like she had something to confess.

"What's wrong, boo?"

"I just wanted to tell you... I'm really happy you have Blaine."

Blaine looked up at the mention of his name, and turned round to face the shy girl.

"I wasn't going to tell you, but then Lord Tubbington said I should tell the truth, because last time I didn't, and my mom found some cookies under my bed and took away my video camera."

Blaine and Kurt shared a quizzical look, before turning back to her.

"Why do you need your video camera?" Kurt asked questionably.

"Because Lord Tubbington and I are making a re make of Alice in Wonderland. Hollywood is going to buy it, and then Lord Tubbington will have to go around with a bodyguard." She turned to Blaine. "He's playing the Queen of Hearts."

She smiled tenderly at the boys, before turning back to continue her conversation with Tina.

"Surely he would be playing the Cheshire Cat?" Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear. He shivered at Blaine's warm breath on his ear.

"Never question Brittany's logic."

At that moment, Mr Schue walked in, and a knot appeared in Kurt's stomach. He began to sort through music on top of the piano. Kurt tentatively raised his hand.

"Kurt? How can I help you?"

"Well I was so... touched," he turned to glare at Santana as she muttered "Wanky!" under her breath, and carried on, "by Blaine's performance the other day, and I wanted to return the favour." He turned to face his boyfriend.

"This is for you."

Blaine looked lovingly at his boyfriend as he took a place in the centre of the room, and began to sing.


Kiss me too fiercely

Hold me too tight

I need help believing

You're with me tonight.

Blaine instantly recognized that the song was from Wicked, his favourite musical. Kurt knew him so well.

Every moment

As long as your mine

I'll wake up my body

And make up for lost time

Say there's no future

For us as a pair
And though I may know

I don't care

Kurt looked at Blaine with eyes full of love and affection. This song was perfect for them.

Borrow the moonlight

Until it is through

And know I'll be here

Holding you

As long as you're mine

What is it

It's just for the first time

I feel...wicked

He held the long note at the end, not cracking once. Blaine felt tears of happiness rolling down his cheeks, and he ran forward to embrace his boyfriend. He lifted Kurt off his feet. Kurt giggled innocently, and stumbled slightly when Blaine finally put him back on the floor.

Mr Schue coughed uncomfortably. "Sorry to interrupt guys, but we really do need to get back to class."

A knock at the door startled the entire club. They all turned to look at the door.

"Come in!" called Mr Schue.

The door opened to show a tall, burly boy in a Letterman Jacket standing awkwardly in the door way. He lumbered into the classroom, and turned to face the curly haired teacher.

Finn stood up and walked over to his step brother, standing in front of him protectively.

"What are you doing here, Karofsky?"

Karofsky smiled stiffly, before looking Kurt in the eye.

"I'm here to join Glee club."


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Very different story. I like it.

Thank you! Feel free to check out my other one too :)