Jan. 19, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 19, 2014, 6 p.m.
Love it? Hate it? Let me know!!
The sun rose with the death of another tribute. Santana realized this cannon burst was louder than they had been previously, so other tributes must be somewhere nearby. She reread Brittany's letter one more time before she folded it up and left her hidden alcove. As Santana started on her way, she listened for voices or footfalls that would give her a clue to who she was now tracking. Attacking Karofsky without a weapon would be suicide, but Santana was far more anxious to confront him than Blaine. At least killing her District partner wouldn't feel like she was betraying a friend. Karofsky was such a horrible human being that killing him would actually be doing the world a favor. She'd never even spoken to Anderson, but she loathed the idea of having to kill him when his encouraging words and beautiful song had been her saving grace for the past year. Santana could hear muffled voices around the corner, and the sound of someone sobbing quietly. Definitely not Karofsky then. Hesitating outside the small room, Santana listened to Kurt comforting his boyfriend and was struck with jealousy. They were together. She wished she could have been there to comfort Brittany when she needed it the most. Her feeling of envy was cut short when she remembered that the Games would soon rip them apart just like they had torn Santana's love away from her.
Blaine's silent tears had turned into choking sobs as he tried to come to terms with what he'd just done. Kurt held him tight until he'd managed to quiet his sobs and get his breathing back under control. When he'd finally calmed down, Blaine realized how his current situation might be perceived in the Capitol. He'd killed at the cornucopia almost without a second thought, and now he was having an emotional breakdown over the death of another tribute. His actions could cast doubt on his commitment to protecting Kurt. Blaine loved Kurt more than anything, and he would continue to do whatever it takes to save him, but that didn't mean he had to enjoy it. Blaine took no pleasure in taking someone else's life. He had no right to decide that Kurt's life was worth more than the other 22 people who entered the arena with them, but he had already made his choice. Blaine kissed Kurt softly before untangling himself from the other boy's embrace. He hadn't realized how long they'd sat like that until he felt how stiff his muscles were when he stood up. Blaine had crossed to the opposite side of the room to get a container of water from their pack when the Gamemakers made their next move.
Kurt was still kneeling near Sam's body when the floor opened at a steep incline, tipping him away from Blaine before he even realized what was happening. Kurt cried out for his boyfriend as he tumbled out of sight. Blaine's heart leapt into his throat at the desperate way Kurt shouted his name. When he turned around and saw Kurt falling into a chasm the led beneath the arena, Blaine lunged across the room. He tried to follow, but the floor had already shifted back into place. Kurt was gone. And he wasn't alone.
Santana was starting to despise the arena. One second she was outside the room eavesdropping on the boys' shared grief, and the next the floor had opened up beneath her and she landed hard somewhere underneath the maze. She quickly recovered from the shock of the fall and forced herself to stand. Santana knew the Gamemakers would find a way to tear the boys apart, but she wished she hadn't been sucked into the drama of it. She could hear Kurt running all over the place, shouting for his boyfriend and not even attempting to stay quiet. It was a stupid move considering Karofsky was still hunting them. Still, Kurt's desperation to reunite with Blaine was her best chance for finding a way back into the main arena. Santana followed the boy at a distance, hoping he would find a staircase or path leading to the surface soon.
Kurt didn't know where he was or how he was supposed to find Blaine now. It was dark and damp below the arena, but the new maze was just as complicated as the previous one. Kurt felt like the Games had begun all over again and his only mission was to find Blaine. It was all he could do not to cry from frustration. He took off running, trying every possible corridor to find a way back to the surface. He doubted Blaine's compass would be of any use in this situation. It wasn't as if they could break through the floor as easily as they had gone over the wall. Kurt was worried about Blaine. His boyfriend had been in a state of emotional distress, and now Kurt worried that he might do something foolish and rash in his attempt to find him. He didn't care if anyone heard him running through the corridors. At least anyone following him wouldn't be able to attack Blaine.
Blaine was almost catatonic. He was still sitting on the floor, staring at the spot where Kurt disappeared. He didn't know how long he'd sat there, but the sun was high in the sky now, telling him it was midday already. He took out his compass to find Kurt, but the needle hadn't moved. Either Kurt was trapped immobile beneath the floor, or the Gamemakers had come up with a way to block the magnetic signal. Blaine had begun to question himself for the first time since the reaping. From the moment he volunteered, he had never once doubted his ability to keep Kurt alive and help him win the Games. He had pushed his limits during training, and dominated the social scene in the Capitol to ensure sponsors for them. He'd survived the battle at the cornucopia and found Kurt, despite the odds stacked against them. Through all of it, Blaine had been certain he would succeed in his goal of saving Kurt. Now his confidence was cracked. Blaine was starting to worry that his moment of weakness with Sam had set the audience against them. He began to wonder if it mattered at all that they were this close to the end. Maybe the Gamemakers had called all of the shots to get them to this point and let Blaine think he could succeed. To give him hope and then rip it away at the last minutes. Blaine thought he'd been playing by the rules. He was finally starting to realize that when it comes to the Games, there are no rules.