Against All Odds
Little Fall of Rain Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Against All Odds: Little Fall of Rain

M - Words: 1,533 - Last Updated: Jan 19, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 37/? - Created: Dec 18, 2013 - Updated: Dec 18, 2013
168 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Please dont kill me!!

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Karofsky was ready to end it. It had been thrilling when Blaine realized what he was doing, but now it was time to move on. He slowly dragged the blade down Blaine's chest one last time before thrusting the knife deeply into his abdomen. He twisted the handle, making sure he hit at least one vital organ before pulling the knife out and dropping it to the ground. Blaine let out a choked cry as the knife slid between his ribs and perforated his lung. He could taste blood at the back of his throat and realized with shock that he was going to drown in his own blood. It would be a slow death.

Kurt watched in horror as Karofsky viciously stabbed Blaine. There was blood everywhere and Blaine was crying in pain and fear. Kurt put his hand over his mouth, biting down to keep from crying out. He needed the element of surprise. Kurt saw Blaine's discarded sword on the ground a few feet away and he quietly moved to pick it up. Karofsky was too engrossed in admiring his handiwork to notice Kurt slowly moving closer with his weapon raised.

Blaine was glad it was almost over. He didn't know a person could feel so much pain without dying, and he took deep breaths, wondering how many he had left. As his head rolled to the side, Blaine saw Kurt approaching them holding his sword, ready to strike. Blaine couldn't prevent the gasp of shock that escaped his lips, but he quickly turned it to a gasp of pain, keeping Karofsky's attention fixed on him. Kurt would only have one chance to pull this off. If he didn't aim to kill, Karofsky would snap his neck before he had an opportunity to strike again.

Kurt blinked tears out of his eyes and gathered every ounce of his strength and every bit of hate he felt for the larger boy and charged forward. Karofsky never even saw it coming. With a scream of rage, Kurt pushed Blaine's sword into his back with as much force as he could summon, severing his spine and exiting through his chest. He was dead before he hit the ground. Kurt didn't even blink when the cannon fired. He used the last of his strength to shove the body away from Blaine, pulling his boyfriend into his arms.

“I'm here, it's okay. You're going to be okay.” Kurt gently wiped the blood and tears off Blaine's face. He tried to calm down, but he felt his heart breaking as he held Blaine tight. This was the moment he'd been terrified of ever since the Gamemakers had simulated it during training evaluations. Blaine reached out to hold Kurt's hand and Kurt realized in horror that Karofsky had cut off two of Blaine's fingers. Kurt wanted to throw up.

“Oh, Blaine. I'm so sorry. I should have gotten here sooner. I'm sorry.” Kurt kept whispering apologies, begging Blaine for forgiveness he didn't deserve.

Blaine closed his eyes, listening to Kurt's voice and letting happiness fill his heart. Karofsky was dead. Kurt was going to go home. Despite the pain and the smell of blood so thick it was choking him, Blaine smiled.

“Shh Kurt. It's okay. I'm not afraid.” It hurt his chest to talk, but he needed Kurt to let him go. Kurt was going home and the pain would be gone soon.

“Don't talk like that. You're going to be alright. I'm going to take care of you.” Kurt refused to accept that Blaine was dying. The Capitol loved Blaine. They wouldn't let him go. Not like this.

“I love you so much.” Blaine was starting to feel tired and he wondered how much blood he'd lost.

Kurt was terrified. He didn't know what to do. Blaine's skin was much paler than usual, almost ashen, and the pool of blood under them was growing larger. Kurt gently turned Blaine onto his uninjured side so he could breathe easier. He let go of Blaine's hand and put as much pressure as he dared on Blaine's ribs. Blood had already seeped through Kurt's fingers, so he quickly shrugged out of his jacket and wadded it up, using it to apply pressure. Blaine's eyes were closed and he was so quiet. Tears rolled steadily down Kurt's cheeks.

“Blaine I need you to stay awake. Please I need you. Open your eyes sweetie. For me.” Kurt sighed with relief when Blaine's eyes fluttered open. “That's my boy.”

Blaine just wanted to sleep. But Kurt had begged him to stay awake. He would give Kurt anything. So he opened his eyes and stared into the face of the boy he loved from the day they met. Blaine saw the pain in Kurt's eyes and felt his heart break. He tried to lift his arm to caress Kurt's face, but he couldn't get it to cooperate. Karofsky must have hit a nerve while he was slicing him up. Blaine let his head drop back and tried to force himself to stay awake. He focused on the pressure Kurt was putting on his ribs. Blaine's eyes kept slipping shut and it was getting harder to reopen them each time. He felt something cold and wet fall onto his cheek and opened his eyes again. Kurt had tears running down his face, but his tears were warm. Blaine felt another drop on his face and realized it was starting to rain in the arena.

“Please Blaine. Please don't leave me. I need you. I can't go home without you.” Kurt knew that if Blaine died part of him would die too. His heart would be dead and left behind in the arena. His jacket had soaked through with blood. The shallow cuts on Blaine's face and body were caked with dried blood, although the deeper ones were still oozing. His hand was bleeding heavily and Kurt hadn't been able to bring himself to look at the ground next to him where he knew 2 of Blaine's fingers were lying. Kurt knew he was being selfish, but he kept begging Blaine to open his eyes every time they slid closed. The first few  drops of rain had turned into a light drizzle, and it made Kurt shiver. He felt his heart clench when he Blaine start singing quietly. His voice was just above a whisper, and Kurt tried not to think that this might be the last time he heard him sing.

Don't you fret

I don't feel any pain

A little fall of rain

Can hardly hurt me now

You're here

That's all I need to know

And you will keep me safe

And you will keep me close

And rain will make the flowers grow

Kurt's smile didn't reach his eyes. Blaine's voice was so weak and Kurt knew there was nothing he could do to save him. He looked into Blaine's eyes expecting to see pain and fear, but all he saw was love. He sang softly, sharing one last song with his boyfriend.

But you would live my Blaine

dear God above

If I could close your wounds with words of love

Blaine loved listening to  Kurt's voice. He took a shuddering breath and continued.

Just hold me now

And let it be

Shelter me

Comfort me

Kurt sang with him.

You would live

A hundred years

If I could show you how

I won't desert you now

Blaine's voice was shaky. He lifted his uninjured arm and rested his palm on Kurt's cheek.

The rain can't hurt me now

This rain will wash away what's past

And you will keep me safe

And you will keep me close

I'll sleep in your embrace at last

The rain that brings you here is heaven blessed

The skies begin to clear and I'm at rest

A breath away

from where you are

I've come home from so far

Kurt took over again when Blaine stopped to catch his breath. Blaine's breathing was shallow and pained. He closed his eyes and concentrated on Kurt's beautiful voice.

Hush my dear Blaine

You won't feel any pain

A little fall of rain

Can hardly hurt you now

I'm here


And I will stay with you

Til you are sleeping

And rain will make the flowers grow

Choking out the end of the song, Kurt watched the slow rise and fall of Blaine's chest that was the only indication that his boyfriend was still alive. The arena was growing colder and Kurt felt goosebumps pop up on his skin. His legs had gone numb from sitting on them for so long, but nothing mattered except for the boy in his arms. Blaine's skin was cold, his breaths were getting shallower, and he hadn't opened his eyes for a while. Part of Kurt hoped it would get cold enough in the arena that he'd freeze to death.

Kurt had been lost in his thoughts and his grief when the Capitol anthem broke the silence, causing him to flinch violently.


“Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the 125th Hunger Games; from District 12, Kurt Hummel!”



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