Jan. 19, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 19, 2014, 6 p.m.
I separated the chapter into 2 parts again just to give each of our favorite boys their own chance in the spotlight.
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The day had finally arrived for their televised interviews. Each tribute would have 10 minutes with the Master of Ceremonies to discuss their game plan, share a story, or make a final attempt to gain support from the Capitol audience. Being from 12 meant that once again Kurt and Blaine would be last. It gave them a partial advantage because they would be able to hear all of the tributes before them and could adjust their own strategy based on the other tributes' interviews. But it also meant sitting through almost 4 hours of anxious waiting.
The female tribute from District 1 got the ball rolling. She had a kind of fierce beauty and a sarcastic attitude that made her popular in the Capitol. Every time the MC asked her a personal question, she would reply with a snarky comment, and the audience was enjoying the back and forth camaraderie between the two of them. Kurt hadn't caught her name as he listened to the interviews, and as much as the audience was enjoying her dry wit, he knew her interview wasn't particularly memorable. They wanted stories and were suckers for romance and angst. She wasn't giving them much to work with.
Her district partner was even more laconic. It seemed like he was going for the “strong and silent” strategy. Kurt personally thought he was just unable to string an entire sentence together. His name was something Karofsky and all the MC was able to get out of him was that he was anxious to get into the arena and get his hands on a weapon. As he finished his interview, he told the crowd that his goal for this year was to top his District's record kill count by taking out 14 of his fellow tributes single handedly.
The tributes from District 2 presented a cocky sort of confidence, but again didn't have much to say. The female, Lauren, talked about how she wanted to show the boys that she was a deadly adversary, while the male, Azimio, told the audience what an honor it was to represent his District and how he'd been waiting for his chance to volunteer for years. Considering they had some of the highest scores from training and were practically guaranteed sponsors, District 2 definitely had brawn over brains.
Kurt knew he should be paying attention to the other tributes' interviews, but after the first couple of Districts, he found he couldn't concentrate on anything other than the churning feeling in his stomach. He looked over at Blaine who was following the interviews with a rapt attention as if he was forming and reforming his own interview strategy as the afternoon wore on. His bushy eyebrows were knit together as he listened to interview after interview. Kurt tried to focus, but he barely noticed when each interview finished and the next one began.
Sebastian was still playing the role of handsome and charming. His interview was spent flattering the audience and thanking them for being such generous hosts throughout his time in the Capitol. He told them he looked forward to winning the Games so he would be able to return each year as a mentor. The crowd cheered for him and the MC wished him well in the Games as he made his way off stage. Any other year, Sebastian would have been the undisputed fan favorite. He was good looking, articulate, and had a strong killer instinct.
Over the next few hours, tribute after tribute had their brief moment in the spotlight. Some, like Sebastian, performed much better than others. One girl mentioned just wanting her death to be quick and painless because her infant daughter would be watching back home. It was a subtle way to play the “teen mom” card. Outside of the career pack, most of this year's tributes were easily forgotten and would probably be dead within the first couple of days in the arena. Finally it was Kurt's turn.
“One of our favorite forbidden lovers, from District 12, please welcome Kurt Hummel!” Kurt walked on stage to deafening applause. He gave them his usual shy smile and waved to the crowd as he took his seat. “So Kurt, I think I speak for everyone when I say how excited we are to have you with us. Let's just address the elephant in the room and start by talking about how you ended up here tonight. You were selected this year as the female tribute from your District.” Kurt's reaping was projected onto a large screen behind him.
“Well, obviously I'm not a girl. Just don't ask me to prove it on live television.” The audience laughed along with him. Kurt knew his unusual reaping would be a topic of discussion, and he was prepared for it.
“So was it a practical joke gone wrong, or do you think your District was actually out to get you?”
“I think it was a little of both actually. Being gay isn't a welcome trait back home, like it is here. All my life people have put me down, verbally and physically, and it's only gotten worse since Blaine and I started dating.” Burt had told Kurt to find a casual way to steer the conversation to their relationship. The MC noticed the opening and took it.
“Ahh yes, Blaine. We're looking forward to talking to him next. Aren't we?” The crowd cheered. “Tell us what it's like going to the Games with him.”
“It's terrifying. It's been so hard knowing that no matter what happens in the arena, one or both of us will be gone in a few weeks. Or less. And I'm so scared that I'm going to lose him. But part of me is selfish enough to be glad he's coming with me because he's my rock. I don't know if I could find my own strength without him next to me. And being with him here in the Capitol, I just wish…” Kurt looked out at the audience with a sad smile on his face as he let his sentence hang there.
“Tell us what you wish Kurt.” The audience collectively held their breath as they waited for his reply.
“I wish I had had a chance to know Blaine here. To see Blaine the way you all do. It's like he finally made his way home, and everyone has been so welcoming and so accepting to both of us, and I wonder how our lives would be different if we had fallen in love in the Capitol instead.” Like Sebastian, Kurt knew that flattery was an excellent social strategy. Throw it in with some angsty romance, and it's a recipe for success. Kurt talked about how he and Blaine's relationship had been built on a foundation of friendship and how they always brought out the best in each other. The audience adored his story of their first kiss and he was pretty sure he saw a few people crying when he talked about how they held each other at night, knowing their time together was so limited.
“Well Kurt, We've got enough time for one more question. This one has been submitted from our audience. What's been the most memorable moment for you here in the Capitol?”
“Honestly, I've enjoyed almost everything these past few weeks. Training has been intense and I know my odds are pretty long, but I feel so much more prepared now than I was the day of the reaping. And everyone has been so gracious and hospitable at all of the events. And of course the food has all been phenomenal. But my absolute favorite moment was when I got to see Blaine perform at last week's party. I've heard him sing before and I don't need to tell you how talented he is, but that was the first time I saw him play piano or sing in front of a crowd. He looked so perfect up there, and I'm so glad I got to see him like that before…” Kurt trailed off again, letting the audience finish his sentence in their own minds. He thanked the MC in a quiet, tearful voice as he headed off stage.