Against All Odds
Four More Fall Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Against All Odds: Four More Fall

M - Words: 1,368 - Last Updated: Jan 19, 2014
Story: Complete - Chapters: 37/? - Created: Dec 18, 2013 - Updated: Dec 18, 2013
170 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Originally I wanted Sebastian to be a villain and for Blaine to be the one to kill him. Somehow this evolved instead. In my head the Santana/Sebastian fight is choreographed like "Smooth Criminal" but with weapons. And Blaine just happens to be in the area so Sebastian can have his one (sort of) redeeming moment.

Love it? Hate it? Let me know!


Karofsky was livid. His alliance had completely fallen apart and he hadn't gotten a single kill out of it. Lauren finished off Azimio after Santana got him in the back with her knife. And somewhere in the arena, another three tributes had been killed since dawn. If one of them was Anderson, he was going to be furious. He had been Karofskys primary target since the Games began. Karofsky should have been the one attracting sponsors. District 1 always had the Capitol audience supporting them. Instead they'd been manipulated by the sob story romance Anderson had been playing. Pretty boy Anderson who grew up in the Capitol. Karofsky had been eager to kill the boy since training began. As the Games wore on, he was starting to get anxious. At this rate, Karofsky would need to take out almost all of the remaining tributes in order to beat his District's record. After a few hours of trying to track Santana, he came across a tribute who had run from the initial battle at the cornucopia. Knowing he still had to track down Lauren and Santana, he was furious that yet again he didn't have time to enjoy his kill. Instead, he attacked the other boy quickly, grasping his head in both hands and twisting as hard as he could. He heard the satisfying snap as the other tribute fell to the ground. As the cannon boomed, Karofsky mentally checked one more kill off his count. Well, maybe he had enjoyed it a little.




Sebastian was bleeding. He'd been trying to make his way back toward the cornucopia to search for more water and supplies when he crossed paths with the female tribute from District 1. She only had one knife and he was armed with a sword, so it should have been an easy fight for the confident boy. His weapon had a longer range so he didn't need to get as close as she did, and if Santana threw her knife she would be weaponless and vulnerable. She was quick on her feet though. Sebastian wasn't surprised to see that the career alliance had already fallen apart, but Santana's attack still managed to catch him off guard. After almost an entire day without conflict between the tributes, the Gamemakers must have altered the maze so today would have plenty of bloodshed. Sebastian had noticed yesterday that the walls in the arena moved. He assumed it was the Gamemakers' way of bringing tributes closer together to force a fight or lead them into a trap. After all, their primary task is to keep the audience entertained. Circling each other a couple of times, Sebastian dodged the first few attacks and managed to injure the girl, but Santana had finally caught him in the neck with her knife. Weaponless, she quickly jumped out of his reach and ran in the opposite direction. He knew he was losing a lot of blood. He stumbled down the corridor, hoping he could find something to make a tourniquet. He stopped to rest after a couple of minutes, already feeling weak and shaky from blood loss. This definitely wasn't how Sebastian had intended his day to go. He had been hoping to at least run into Blaine one more time in the arena. As if the Gamemakers could read his mind, Sebastian looked up to find Blaine standing next to him with a sympathetic look on his face. Blaine dropped into a crouch next to the wounded boy.


“I'm sorry this happened to you.” Blaine truly was sorry as he watched Sebastian bleed out. Despite growing up in the Capitol, Blaine had always seen the Games for what they were. It made him sick to know that he was here, watching another boy bleed to death purely for the entertainment of the Capitol. Blaine had no emotional connection to Sebastian, and had been thoroughly creeped out by him during training, but no one deserved to die this way. He watched Sebastian's eyes slide in and out of focus and knew the boy would be dead soon. There was nothing Blaine could do to ease the other boy's suffering, so he simply knelt beside him and waited for him to die.


Sebastian's last thought before he passed out was “it's all fun and Games...until it's not.”




Blaine tried to ignore his growling stomach as he continued trying to solve the arena. Blaine knew he was running out of time. Sebastian was the 5th tribute to fall since sunrise. Blaine was still visibly shaken from their encounter. He came across the dying boy as he serached for Kurt. As soon as it was light enough, he had examined the gift he received the night before. It was a magnetic compass, but not like any Blaine had seen before. It would have been a useless gift for any of the other tributes who probably wouldn't even know what it was, but Blaine had actually used a similar object on camping holidays and scavenger hunts when he lived in the Capitol. Although it was small and reasonably useful, a compass would have been considered a luxury item in the Districts. He doubted any other tribute would know how to use it.


What made this compass unique was that instead of pointing north, the arrow moved to point at an embossed pawprint design. Blaine recognized it from the bracelet he currently wore. Knowing that all of the tributes had been fitted with a tracking device before entering the arena, Blaine now guessed that their tracking devices emitted a unique magnetic frequency and that his compass was somehow tuned to Kurt's location. They must have even more sponsors than he anticipated. A gift like this would be extremely expensive. Even something as simple as a container of water could cost an exorbitant amount of money. Kurt must be on the move. The needle shifted slightly, indicating that its magnetic north had changed position. Every few minutes Blaine had to alter his course to adjust for Kurt's movement in the maze. At last he was making progress.




Karofsky had to be careful now. Lauren and Santana would both be coming after him and if they attacked him together the numbers would be on their side. He had to make 6 more kills before he reached his goal, meaning he had to take out all but 1 of the remaining tributes. He definitely didn't have time now to take out any of his targets slowly. These Games weren't going at all how Karofsky had planned. And he still hadn't come across Anderson. He knew from the Capitol broadcast last night that him and his faggy little boyfriend had both survived the first night. With any luck Sebastian had followed through on his end of their alliance and followed the boyfriend. Maybe even injured him so Karofsky would have an even easier time finishing him off. He'd taken Azimio's weapons and supplies after Lauren took off, so he now possessed a couple of jagged bladed knives, a lethal looking ax, and his long sword. As the afternoon wore on, he came across 2 more tributes. One of them was semi-conscious, probably from dehydration. Karofsky made quick work of her before turning to his next target. He didn't have as much time as he wanted, but he was determined to make this one more entertaining for the audience. Karofsky attacked the other tribute, pinning him to the wall with his forearm against the boy's throat. He lifted the boy off the ground, enjoying the weak struggle. He pressed harder, cutting off the other tribute's air supply and waited until he had almost passed out before dropping him hard to the ground. Karofsky aimed a few hard kicks at the boy's chest, head, and gut. After a minute or two of this, he yanked the boy back to his feet and drew one of his knives slowly across his throat. Blood sprayed the wall and the boy collapsed against Karofsky's hold as he bled out. With a vicious grin, Karofsky checked another 2 kills off his list.



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