Jan. 19, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 19, 2014, 6 p.m.
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Santana was exhausted. She had been on the run for hours, trying to elude Karofsky. Eventually she managed to lose him when they heard someone else nearby. She knew he would stop following her if he thought Anderson was close by. Her District partner certainly wasn't one of the great thinkers of our time, so Santana had her suspicions that the Gamemakers were purposely trying to force conflict by making it easier for him to find his targets. Not that she was surprised. With only 5 tributes left, passions were running high and each remaining tribute would become convinced that they were going to win. The final few kills were always the most enthusiastic because each one was a step closer to home. Her aching muscles protested with every step and she definitely wasn't going to be able to hold out much longer. Santana wasn't afraid to die. She knew Karofsky was sadistic and would make it as unpleasant as possible, but even a drawn out, painful death was hardly the worst thing that a person could experience. Santana had been dead for most of the past year anyway. Since her girlfriend Brittany had been reaped for the previous year's Hunger Games. Even though she was from District 1, Brittany hadn't scored high during training. She just lived in a special place in her head and the Gamemakers didn't understand. Her low score made it harder for Brittany to gain sponsors. Someone in the Capitol must have hoped she'd live up to her District's standards because she did receive one gift in the arena. The arena was a frozen tundra that year, and a sponsor had paid for a thick blanket that kept the girl from freezing to death. It couldn't save her from the other tributes though. Brittany survived until there were only 8 tributes left before another tribute managed to find her hiding spot. When she died, a part of Santana died with her.
So Santana knew better than anybody what Anderson and his boyfriend were going through, except she had been too much of a coward to volunteer for the girl she loved. Santana and Brittany had never known acceptance in their relationship the way Anderson and Hummel did. The boys might have faced ignorance from their neighbors in 12, but people clearly loved them. She'd seen Hummel's dad on television for years and he was definitely not the type of man who would disown his son for his sexuality. And Anderson grew up in the Capitol where everyone clearly worshipped the ground he walked on. Santana's family hadn't even spoken to her since she told them she was in love with Brittany. Not a day has gone by that Santana didn't wish she had been brave enough and selfless enough to take Brittany's place in the Games last year. Santana wasn't afraid to die. She just wished she had something left worth dying for.
Sam was hoping for another uneventful night. Earlier in the evening, he lost most of his supplies and his sword in yet another attempt to elude Karofsky. Sam had no idea how the other tribute kept finding him. He wished Karofsky would stalk some of the other remaining tributes for a few hours and give him a chance to regroup. As he ducked around a corner to dodge another attack from the larger boy, Sam found himself enclosed in a room that hadn't existed moments before. Without warning, the floor dropped out from beneath him. Acting on instinct, Sam dropped his weapon and found a finger hold in the brick wall. His hands started to slip and he struggled to find purchase with his feet. Sam quickly shrugged off his supply pack and held on for his life. After a few minutes his hands and arms began to ache. He wasn't going to be able to hold on much longer, and just as suddenly as it had disappeared, the ground shifted back beneath him, and Sam fell hard. Winded, he struggled to catch his breath as the sun set and the arena went dark.
Blaine and Kurt were taking turns keeping watch throughout the night. Kurt was watching the stars and listening for nearby tributes while Blaine finally slept. He'd wanted to keep watch the entire night but Kurt put his foot down and scolded his boyfriend for treating him like he was fragile.
“You need to sleep too. Let me take watch first.” Kurt knew that Blaine had probably been awake most of the last night, and he didn't sleep at all the night before the Games.
“What if something happens in the middle of the night? I told you I was going to protect you.” Blaine was worried that Karofsky or one of the others could sneak up on them in the darkness. Now that he found Kurt, he was convinced the Gamemakers would find a way to separate them again. All in the name of entertainment.
“Do you honestly believe Karofsky could SNEAK up on anyone? You'd hear him coming a mile away. And I'm getting sick and tired of you protecting me. We're a team. Why can't we protect each other? I'm not completely helpless you know.”
Blaine knew Kurt wasn't helpless. Just like he knew he wasn't going to win this argument. Kurt was right. He would be better prepared for the inevitable fight if he was rested. Blaine finally conceded to letting Kurt take the first watch with the promise that he would wake him if he heard anything or anyone nearby. Kurt kissed Blaine in agreement. He fell asleep almost immediately. Kurt spent the first part of the night reorganizing their supplies, following Blaine's lead of keeping a small amount of food and water on his person in case they had to flee the area quickly. They also each kept one of the flares on them. Blaine figured if they somehow got separated, it would be an easy way to find one another. Kurt suggested using them as a decoy to lure the remaining tributes to them. He was tired of hiding.