Aug. 30, 2012, 6:58 a.m.
Aug. 30, 2012, 6:58 a.m.
It was the Tuesday of the second week of work. Blaine didn't bat an eyelash when a tall, gorgeous man, extremely well dressed in a tailored suit walked past his desk and into Kurt's office. This was a regular occurrence. He didn't even see Finn and Rachel glare at said man as he walked by.
He hadn't yet been presented with the opportunity to sneak into Kurt's office because whenever he tried, Kurt was in there. Blaine never had a spare minute either, as he, 9 times out of 10, was with Kurt when he wasn't in his office.
Blaine's attention and interest was piqued, however, when raised voices then came from the office.
"Who's in there?" He asked Rachel, who lounged idly on the couch with her legs across Finn's lap, playing with his hair. They were here to take Kurt out for dinner after work and had arrived early.
"Sebastian." Rachel rolled her eyes and Finn tensed slightly.
Trying to ignore the confusing pang of his heart, Blaine sent her a questioning look and Rachel continued.
"He's Kurt's… boyfriend?" She looked to Finn, who shrugged angrily. "Well, on and off boyfriend. But, jeez, are they on and off! I can't remember the last time they stayed together for more than two weeks." Blaine felt his heart drop out of his stomach, though he denied it to himself.
"Kurt should dump that jackass for good," Finn growled. "I'm not stupid, I know Kurt tries to hide why they break up, but I'm not blind or deaf. I know it's because that son-of-a-bitch cheats on him."
Rachel patted his arm but had a protective glint in her eyes also.
Blaine swallowed roughly and distracted himself from bursting in and punching 'Sebastian' in the teeth by straightening the paperwork he was currently filing.
"OH, SCREW YOU!" Sebastian stormed out of the office and Kurt followed, stopping as he realised there was an audience. His cheeks turned a light shade of pink but he was too angry to be properly embarrassed. He looked for Sebastian, but he'd already gone, slamming the door.
"Zachary, you know how to lock a door, I presume?" Without waiting for an answer, Kurt chucked him the set of keys, "Good, I've timed the alarm to set in exactly half an hour from now. Finish what you're doing then lock up and leave otherwise it won't set properly."
"Let's go." He directed to his brother and best friend, before fleeing the room. Rachel and Finn scurried after him, shooting goodbye smiles to Blaine.
He waited a full two minutes for safety, before he calmly walked towards Kurt's office. This is it. His opportunity.
Nothing of interest was in the drawers, but Blaine hadn't expected there to be. He set his sights on some sort of… passage. Maybe a secret room? Blaine has dealt with Kurt's bank statements – he knows he has enough money.
Kurt's bookcase stood in the far corner and Blaine raised an eyebrow. Kurt was always adamant that no-one touched his bookcase; using the excuse that it was his mother's, it had been in their family for generations and was the only thing he had left of her ergo it shouldn't be touched or tampered with.
Blaine hesitated. He didn't know if morally, he could go against someone's wishes to not touch something because of a deceased family member.
It was only on closer look, that Blaine saw the 'IKEA' logo printed up the side. He scoffed. Sure, generations.
None of the books looked suspicious. Most of them were autobiographies of famous fashion icons, models, designers etc. Blaine's eyes skimmed the shelves and on the fourth one up was a book on Egyptian fashion.
As soon as skin came into contact with the spine of the book, the wall behind the bookcase seemed to suck all of the books and shelves out of sight and left in its place, a door. He blinked; surprised at the speed this happened. Blaine tried the handle – locked.
He peered at the keyhole. Any sibling of Cooper's could pick a lock at the age of six and Blaine was no exception… even though he's Cooper's only sibling. Whatever, the point is, he could unlock the door in a heartbeat. He just needed something sharp.
He peered around the office for a needle or a toothpick but found nothing. Kurt's stationary wasn't sharp enough. Then his eyes caught a gleam from his desk.
The keys. Kurt left him keys!
Blaine sprinted to get them, not before doing a cliché 'look left, look right, I'm alone' movement and ran back to the door.
He searched through the keys – Really, Kurt?! There must be at least thirty keys on here! – And finally found a small silver one that matched the design. Yes!
He slid it into the keyhole carefully and twisted it to the left. The lock clicked and Blaine did a silent victory dance.
The door pushed open and inside was a small, well-lit room. A small, well-lit, empty room. All the hope that had filled Blaine with his success of finding the room vanished, leaving him with a heavy feeling of disappointment.
Nevertheless, Blaine walked in and looked for some sort of trap door, a sign, message, anything. He walked the whole perimeter of the room, even jumping around to see if he activated anything. Nothing happened.
Just as he was about to give up and leave, his eyes caught something. On the door frame was a button, impossible to see at first glance.
Blaine ran his fingers over it and using what was left of his courage, pressed it cautiously, one foot out of the door in case it was a lock-down stimulus and he needed a quick getaway.
A large sign rolled down out of nowhere, a message written in black paint, in a foreign language.
Blaine whipped his phone out of his pockets and snapped a picture quickly, deciding then and there to get out incase the button set off an alarm to alert Kurt.
The books slid back into place as he placed a hand on the Egyptian book once more and double-checked nothing looked out of place.
Nodding in triumph, he walked out of the building, locking it securely to go inform Cooper of his findings.