Learning again
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Learning again: Chapter 9

T - Words: 1,351 - Last Updated: Jun 05, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Jun 05, 2012
1,445 0 1 0 0

Thank you to my wonderful beta Kaylee! (JustCallMeObsessed)

I’ll try and update in the next week! J


“And Blaine was dressed as Harry Potter, Wes as Dumbledore and David as Snape, all holding wands in mid-battle!” Mel could barely finish speaking, she was laughing too much. Kurt and Rachel burst into hysterical laughter whilst Blaine buried his flushed face in his hands. The night had so far, consisted of getting to know eachother, telling embarrassing moments, re-telling the story from this morning, along with inappropriate side comments from Mel who had both Blaine and Kurt blushing beautifully.  

“Yeah, okay, we’ve established that I’m a nerd,” Blaine said, glaring at Mel, “can we stop telling embarrassing stories about me now?”

Mel smirked at him and he swatted at the side of her head playfully, biting back a smile. Rachel was attempting to calm down, but was still releasing high-pitched giggles.

Kurt gasped for air, taking a sip from his non-alcoholic drink, “Brilliant,” he said, wiping tears from his eyes, “Absolutely brilliant.”

Blaine’s eyebrows rose, and he grinned mischievously. Two can play at this game, Blaine thought as he turned to Rachel,

“So, Rachel, any interesting stories about Kurt?” he asked, looking extremely curious and interested for her answer.

“Well…” Rachel opened her mouth to speak, eyes sparkling already in amusement, when Kurt squeaked and clamped a hand over her mouth.

“Nope, no stories at all!” Kurt interrupted, attempting to look casual but his voice was higher than usual. Kurt flashed Rachel a warning look, and sipped his drink once more. She sniggered, turning to Mel who had an amused expression on her face.

Kurt cleared his throat, adjusting his shirt before leaning a little closer to Blaine, motioning for him to come closer.

Confused, Blaine leant forward aswell. Their knees brushed and both boys shuddered at the spark that shot up their bodies.

“Maybe another time,” Kurt whispered, winking, before sashaying to the bathroom with an innocent expression on his face. Blaine’s mouth went dry and he held in a groan of frustration.

Mel and Rachel laughed into their hands as Blaine remembered where he was and blinked a few times, shaking his head to regain concentration. Mel and Rachel started conversing about a play they were both in at college and Blaine relaxed into his seat, crossing one leg over the other. Kurt returned and sat back in his seat.

He tilted his head to the side, questioningly looking at Blaine. “What do you do for a living?” he asked suddenly.

Blaine’s eyes widened in surprise, but answered, “I’m a musician, you know, singing and playing the guitar. I’ve been known to act too“ he smiled, “How about you? How did the whole thing with your boss go?”

Kurt’s brows furrowed and he almost asked how Blaine knew about Dylan, then the pieces clicked in his mind as he remembered he’d told Blaine about him in the coffee shop.

“Oh, that! Well, probably won’t be sleeping for a few weeks with the amount of work he’s dumped on me, but what can you do?” Kurt shrugged his shoulders, sighing quietly. Blaine looked concerned for a moment, but decided against saying anything. Instead, he simply looked at Kurt, properly looked at him, soaking in every detail of his flawless porcelain skin, his enchanting eyes, that perfect hair. Blaine was fascinated by Kurt. Whenever Kurt, spoke, he only wanted to know more and listen to his silky voice for hours. He listened to Kurt and Rachel as they spoke about their old high school, both laughing as they recalled old songs they had sang in glee club. Wait? What? Blaines mind interrupted his string of Kurt-related thoughts.

“You two did competitions with your Glee club?” Blaine asked, slowly piecing things together in his mind.

“Yep! McKinley High, competed in sectionals, regionals and nationals while we were there.” Rachel answered, before starting to ramble about all of the solos she’d had.  

McKinley? Why does that sound famili-… wait. Dalton tied with a team one year… Blaine’s eyebrows furrowed, as he cast his mind back a few years, no, it can’t be! That’s… sweet lord, that’s the school that we tied against at sectionals! A voice in Blaine’s head stamped out any coherent thoughts. He’d met Rachel before. He’d met KURT before.

Oh my god.

“Oh my god” Blaine’s mouth dropped open.

“What’s wrong?” Kurt asked, frowning a little at Blaine’s expression.

“We’ve met before,” Blaine said, his eyes wide, “at Sectionals 2011! I was the lead singer for Dalton Academy.”

Kurt, Rachel and Mel’s mouths all dropped in unison.

“No. Way.” Kurt whispered. Mel simply opened and closed her mouth a few times.

“I knew you looked familiar!” Rachel exclaimed, jumping out of her seat a little.

Mel raised an eyebrow as Rachel started babbling about competitions, Vocal Adrenaline and Jesse St. James.

“It’s a very small world” Kurt commented, chuckling.

Blaine laughed with him and was struck by the thought of how good they sounded together. He realised he hadn’t even know Kurt for 24 hours (well in reality he had, but not properly) yet he wanted to know everything about him, to get to know him. His favourite colour, what makes him cry, what his first pet was, everything. Maybe even sing with him.

And now, Blaine thought, is the time to do it. He caught Mel’s eyes briefly and she gave him a knowing look.

Blaine took a deep breath and turned towards Kurt, only to find him standing up abruptly.

“Rachel! Look at the time! We’ve got to set off now if we’re going to get back to Lima in time!” Kurt looked alarmed as he downed the rest of his drink.

Rachel’s eyes widened fractionally and she grabbed her coat. They both pushed their chairs under and then turned back to Blaine and Mel.

“I’m sorry! We have to go!” Kurt looked genuinely disappointed that they had to leave. “We should do this again sometime?”

“Definitely!” Blaine and Mel spoke together and Rachel flashed them a smile before walking towards the door.

Kurt’s eyes lingered on Blaine again and he gave him a small smile before turning and following Rachel.

Blaine slumped into his seat and sighed heavily. Mel simply raised an eyebrow and said “It’s now or never Blainers” before sipping her drink.

Blaine’s eyes flashed towards Kurt’s empty chair and in a flash he was out of the door shouting Kurt’s name.

Kurt turned around in confusion as Blaine ran up to him. Rachel smiled and climbed into the car to give them some privacy.

“What’s up?” Kurt asked, watching Blaine grab something out of his pocket. A phone?

“I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to go out?… with me? On a date?” Blaine looked to the floor and rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Kurt’s heart jumped in his throat and he had to stop himself from doing a happy jig right then.

“Sure,” Kurt agreed, trying not to look too eager, “shall we swap numbers and figure something out?”

“That sounds great” a goofy grin took over Blaine’s face. They swapped phones and added each other to their contacts.

Kurt looked at his car, where Rachel was currently belting out a Broadway number in the front seat. He rolled his eyes.

“I should go… I’ll text you soon.” Kurt grinned, walking to his car. Blaine watched as they drove away, waving.

Blaine practically skipped back to Mel, his smile lighting up the whole room.

As Kurt turned the corner, he couldn’t keep still in his seat, grinning so much his cheeks started to ache.

“Someone’s happy.” Rachel commented, looking towards Kurt. Kurt nodded happily, and Rachel simply waited for him to start gushing.

It wasn’t long and soon enough, the pair were giggling madly and planning Kurt’s outfit for the date.




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