Learning again
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Learning again: Chapter 6

T - Words: 904 - Last Updated: Jun 05, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Jun 05, 2012
1,501 0 2 0 0

Blaine slumped, tapping his fingers on the table and sighed. Mel flashed him a quick look of worry, but turned back to Rachel, who was now singing a song from ‘My Fair Lady’. Usually, Blaine would’ve loved something like this, but today… he just wasn’t in the mood.

Kurt kept popping into his mind. All of the ‘what if’s’ were swimming around in his head. What if I’d have given him my number? What if we lived near each other? What if he lived in a completely different city? What if I knew his last name?! Blaine groaned, getting a few disapproving glances from people around him, who thought he was insulting Rachel’s performance. He shook his head in an attempt to clear his thoughts and downed the rest of his drink. He kept his eyes trained on Rachel, who was finishing her fourth song.

There was polite applause, and then Rachel looked towards the side of the stage and nodded.

“Now, everyone please give a warm welcome to my dear friend Kurt!” Rachel said into the microphone, beaming and gesturing for said person to come to her. Blaine’s head snapped up. Kurt? His mind screamed, No, no it can’t be. This is a total coincidence. It’s not hi-OH MY GOD! Biting his lip to stop from gasping in shock, he had to blink a few times before he registered what just happened.

Kurt walked on stage grinning, giving Rachel a tight hug and sat down behind a microphone. Blaine felt a hand grip his arms tightly, and turned his head slightly to see Mel; her mouth was wide open and her eyes were as wide as saucers.

This was Kurt, who collapsed on the street this morning. Kurt, who hasn’t been out of Blaine’s head all day. Kurt, as in KURT!

“Oh. My. God.” Mel squeaked into his ear, her mouth still agape. Blaine made an incoherent noise, his eyes trained on Kurt. Wait, Kurt’s going to sing? Blaine’s eyebrows furrowed.  Am I dreaming? Seriously, this sort of thing does not happen to me. He thought desperately, as Kurt, looking as gorgeous as he did earlier Blaine’s mind grumbled, introduced himself and the song he was singing. Blaine had to resist the urge to do something stupid to get his attention.

His mind was still reeling, but then all thoughts were cut off when Kurt opened his mouth to sing.



“Now, everyone please give a warm welcome to my dear friend Kurt!” Rachel said into the microphone, beaming and waving her hand for Kurt to come join her. Come on Hummel, you’re a star, a voice in his head said. He took a deep breath, threw his shoulders back and plastered on his best show smile. He walked on stage and gave Rachel a hug. She beamed at him, eyes twinkling, before handing him a stool, adjusting the microphone to his height and disappearing backstage.

“Hello, I’m Kurt and I will be singing Enchanted, by Taylor Swift. Thank you.” He said in his most posh voice, before clearing his throat and waiting for the music to start.

“There I was again tonight, forcing laughter, faking smiles, same old tired lonely place.” Kurt sang with a small smile on his face. His eyes scanned the audience and he could see the Taylor Swift fans freaking out over his song choice.

“Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face, all I can say is it, was, enchanting to meet you.” An image of Blaine conjured in Kurt’s head and he had to shake himself quickly, a silent reminder to focus on the song. He sang his way through another verse and chorus, before coming to his personal favourite and the last lines of the song.

“Please don’t be in love with someone else; please don’t have somebody waiting on you.” He finished with a flourish. Rachel skipped towards him, clapping enthusiastically. Kurt beamed and noticed the audience was on its feet. It felt great. 



Blaine stood on his feet, clapping hard, even though it hurt. He felt hypnotised; Kurt’s voice had been amazing. I need to speak to him, Blaine thought urgently.

“He was AMAZING!” Mel said to him, sitting back down. “I can’t believe that’s Kurt. What a coincidence?” She grinned, still looking like she didn’t believe this was happening.

Or maybe its fate… an annoying voice said in the back of Blaine’s mind. No, I shouldn’t get my hopes up. Kurt might have a boyfriend, his thoughts continued, though a flare of jealousy was mixed in now. He turned back to the stage, not really listening to Rachel ramble on, instead he was looking at Kurt. He looked good. Like, really good! But still tired. Blaine’s eyes glossed over as he started conjuring images of him taking care of Kurt, bringing him food and water while he rested, kissing him goodnigh- and this is where the thoughts stopped. He hadn’t even realised Kurt and Rachel changing their outfits into leather pants and a tight fitting black top, but there they were. His eyes raked over Kurt’s never ending legs.

 Blaine’s brain fused as the opening notes of ‘All That Jazz’ came on over the speakers. Mel giggled at Blaine as he threw his head back and groaned quietly. Oh good lord. 


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Oh good lord! That's were you leave it off?!! Gah, this is good, I enjoy it, but now I sit for an update..