Learning again
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Learning again: Chapter 2

T - Words: 1,473 - Last Updated: Jun 05, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 19/? - Created: Feb 19, 2012 - Updated: Jun 05, 2012
1,907 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Yay! A quick update! I'll try and keep this up, but no promises.I'm also posting this on ff.net, so if you have any problems on here, try there! Under the same name and whatnot.A big big thank you to my beta, Kaylee (JustCallMeObsessed on ff.net)I couldn't have done this without her wonderful input and help!Enjoy!

Blurry shapes. Outlines. Dark colours. That’s all Kurt could see as he blinked wearily. His first thought was, what the hell is going on?  The next was, why does my head hurt so much? And as his vision focused, his mind almost exploded with thoughts such as SWEET LORD! Who is this angel?

An extremely good-looking man was leaning over him, a curly almost-afro sitting on his head and glasses with thick black lenses. Kurt spent the next 30 seconds or so gaping, mouth open and all, at this beautiful person in front of him. It took another 10 seconds or so to realise that said man was waving in his face and looking extremely concerned.

“…ar me? Can you hear me?! Hello?!” The handsome stranger was searching his face for any signs of pain; he looked quite adorable whilst doing so, a voice at the back of Kurt’s head said.

Kurt’s mouth snapped shut and he turned a vibrant shade of pink. “Uhm... Sorry?” Kurt answered, brows furrowing in confusion at why this man was taking so much care of him, a complete stranger – not that he was complaining of course!

It then took a few seconds for Kurt to look around him. He was laid on the floor, shivering with a thick duffel coat behind his head. He couldn’t really remember getting down here.

“What… What happened? …Why am I lying on the floor exactly?” Kurt asked the stranger, an eyebrow raised elegantly. He tried to sit up and his head started to spin. The man’s hands pushed him down again gently.

“Whoa! Don’t sit up yet!” handsome guy said, “You’ve been out cold for a few minutes. You were shouting for a taxi and you just kind of…fell.” He chuckled nervously.

Kurt stared blankly at the man, and he shifted under his gaze.

“I’m Blaine.” He adjusted his glasses, stuck out a hand and smiled.

His smile, Kurt thought, as he sucked in a sharp breath. It was breathtaking. It lit up his eyes, made the sweetest dimples in his cheeks and he immediately became 10x more attractive.

“…Kurt.” He shook the given hand cautiously. Kurt tucked his legs under him, ready to stand up, when a strong arm wrapped around his waist and helped bring him to his feet. He stumbled slightly at the sudden change and Blaine immediately put a hand on his shoulder, steadying him.

“You probably shouldn’t… move.” He told Kurt, trying to catch eye contact. Kurt avoided his gaze determinedly; from embarrassment and he knew that if he looked into Blaine’s eyes, he’d ramble and humiliate himself.

It’d been so long since Kurt had been attracted to anyone. Even if he had just fainted on the guy.

“Yeah. Um, thanks. I have to go…” Kurt searched for an excuse, backing away slowly. His eyes caught sight of a taxi driving past and he stopped dead. WORK!

“Shi- No! I need to go to work! No no no NO!” Kurt cursed to himself, shaking his head. Blaine stared, an amused but confused look on his face. “Uhm… Sorry, Blaine was it? Yeah, can you tell me the nearest coffee house?”

Blaine lifted an arm and pointed to a small shop across the road, “Yep, there’s one right there.” The shop had a large green sign, with the words Caffeine printed on them in white, a pile of coffee beans above the ‘I’… It’ll do!  Kurt thought to himself, as long as its coffee, Dylan should be fine.

“Right… thanks again!” Kurt smiled at Blaine, jogging over the road. Oh god. I looked so stupid. Who faints in the middle of the street?  Kurt fumed to himself.

He had crossed the road and was almost at the door when he heard him name being called.

“Kurt! Wait up!” Blaine called from behind him, panting slightly. Kurt winced; Finn used to tell him off for walking too fast. “Let me buy your coffee. It’s the least I can do… You did just faint on me after all.” Blaine smirked, straightening his coat and glasses, looking amused.

Kurt searched his sparkling hazel eyes warily; they look genuine enough. He knew that trusting a stranger in New York wasn’t always the best idea. He remembered the time when Rachel got an offer to hold her purse as she dug through it for money for a taxi driver. Let’s just say that said purse was never seen again.

“Uhm…” Kurt hesitated; He hated accepting things like this, but then decided he was in too much of a rush to argue. “Sure, thank you.” He gave a small smile, receiving a bright grin from Blaine in return. Blaine opened the door for him, letting him step inside first. A gentleman too, That annoying part of Kurt’s brain mentioned.

They both entered the small shop, a bell clinking above them as they shut the door. It looked like another world in here. Small, comfortable chairs, bean bags and round tables in every corner. A smell of coffee and toffee floated in the air. All the customers looked happy, slurping various drinks from different sized cups, chatting away. The girl behind the counter, who looked about Kurt’s age, clad in a bright green apron with the words ‘Caffeine’ on it, smiled as Blaine walked in. Kurt raised an eyebrow as they were both waved over excitedly by the girl.

“BLAINE!” The girl swung round the side of the counter, enveloping Blaine in a big bear-hug. Kurt felt slightly disappointed. Okay, not gay then. What did I expect anyway?  He thought, scolding himself for letting his hope rise.

Blaine chuckled as he pulled away from the hug. He engaged the girl in, what only could be described as excited chatter between two teenage girls, before shushing her and pulling Kurt forward by his hand. This move was met by a giggle and Blaine elbowed the girl.

“Kurt, this is my best friend and roommate Melanie.” Blaine gestured to ‘Melanie’ in front of him. OH, Kurt thought, Best friend? …Hmmm.

“Nice to meet you.” Kurt almost-whispered, his cheeks burning as he was met with a searching gaze from Melanie. She gave another giggle and pulled Kurt into a tight hug, her short brown ponytail wafting in Blaine’s face.

“It sooooooooo nice to finally meet one of Blaine’s boyfriends!” She gushed, practically glowing with bright blue eyes. Blaine was looking at the menu hanging above the four huge, silver coffee machines. “So, how long have you two been together?!”

Kurt stuttered, a bubble of excitement and hope filled him as he realised BLAINE WAS GAY! He mentally cheered.

However, when he remembered why Melanie was looking at him weirdly, Kurt struggled to answer her question. Noticing the pause, Blaine stepped in for him.

“Not my boyfriend Mel, he collapsed on the street and I helped him.” Blaine rolled his eyes and slapped her affectionately, though he did flush a nice shade of pink.

“Oh… Okay then” Mel said, looking disgruntled. “What do you want anyway?” She moved back round the counter, tightening the apron around her waist which had come undone with all the sudden hugging.

“I’ll have a latte and Kurt will have…” Blaine shrugged and gave a pointed look to Kurt.

“I’ll have a medium dri…” Kurt started, before his eyes widened. Dylan! Kurt thought, alarmed.  “Oh bloody hell! Can I have a black coffee please?! And quickly!”

Melanie raised her eyebrows, but started working on his order right away. Kurt muttered swear words to himself for forgetting again about work while Blaine tried to meet his gaze, curiosity showing on his face. Kurt sighed.

“I’m late for work and my boss is a total asshole.” He explained, rubbing his temples soothingly, trying to rid the migraine he could feel starting. “And I’m probably going to get fired after this.” He continued with a sarcastic smile.

“Right.” Blaine said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He went to speak again but Mel cut into them, handing Kurt his coffee.

“Thank you so much!” Kurt grabbed the cup, shoved his hand in his pocket, threw down a few coins and went to make his way to the exit. He stopped abruptly and span round. “Oh, and Thanks again Blaine! It was really nice to meet you.” Kurt flushed a brilliant pink.

“Anytime,” Blaine winked and raised his hand in a small wave. Kurt flushed even deeper and almost ran to the door.

He took a moment to cool himself off and prepare for whatever horrible punishment Dylan had in mind.

But one thing was certain.

Blaine did not leave his mind all day.



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I loved how you kept having Blaine adjust his glasses :) so attractive!