June 5, 2012, 8:47 a.m.
June 5, 2012, 8:47 a.m.
Kurt sat on the sofa elegantly, being careful not to wrinkle his shirt. A few hours earlier, after a much needed sleep, Kurt and Rachel had walked downstairs to a cooked dinner, courtesy of Carole, and spent the afternoon talking about life in New York. A few minutes of chatting about their apartment, jobs and their old neighbour who used to run around the halls naked at 6am before he got arrested passed.
Eventually, as Kurt knew they would, they got onto the subject of their love lives. Kurt had already known that Finn was still single, but it didn’t surprise him when Rachel seemed extra cheerful once he’d said it. Kurt smiled, remembering how Finn’s face lit up when Rachel had also said she wasn’t dating anyone. Still helplessly in love with each other then, Kurt thought fondly. Despite all the drama, Kurt did think Finn and Rachel were a good couple, and he would bet his entire scarf collection that they end up together, someday.
Rachel had then gone on to explain one of the reasons she wasn’t dating; because she didn’t have time with her drama course and of course, this led to a ten minute conversation about all the roles she had landed and how it would help her on the way to Broadway. Kurt had let out a subtle breath, thanking Rachel’s mouth silently that they’d moved off the topic of relationships without discussing Kurts.
Unfortunately, the feeling of relief was short-lived, because Carole had then turned to Kurt and asked if he had anyone special in his life and winked at him. Burt and Kurt had both choked on the food they were eating, and spluttering, Kurt had turned bright red.
“No, I’m practically married to my work,” he’d answered nonchalantly, trying to catch Rachel’s eye and tell her not to mention Blaine. Not that there was much to mention… Not yet anyway. However, Rachel obviously had other ideas.
“Kurt! Why don’t you tell them about Bla-mmph!” Rachel had been cut off as Kurt smacked a hand over her mouth and smiled nervously around the table. Burt and Carole caught each other’s eye and chuckled, whilst Finn stared in confusion.
Burt turned to Kurt, raising an eyebrow and clearing his throat, “Who’s this kiddo?”
Kurt sent a death glare towards Rachel who looked sheepish but was grinning. Finn snorted into his hand, attempting to hide his amusement but failing horribly.
“No-one dad. I fell in the street yesterday and he helped me,” Kurt smiled faintly, remembering, “and it turns out his best friend is someone Rachel knows. Mutual friends, that’s all.”
“But aren’t you seeing him on Friday, Kurt?” Rachel asked, grinning mischievously.
“RACHEL! I WILL BURN ALL OF YOUR ANIMAL SWEATERS!” Kurt fumed, unable to stop the blush rising up his neck. Carole giggled and Burt took pity on his son who currently looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him up, and changed the subject.
Kurt groaned at the memory. He was going to talk to Rachel about keeping secrets and ‘the rules of talking in front of parents’ soon.
He was currently tapping his foot impatiently, waiting for Rachel and Finn to get ready. They were off too breadstix for a new directions reunion. Rachel had got into contact with everyone a few weeks ago, mentioning that she and Kurt were coming to Lima for the weekend and they’d all promised to be there.
Carole walked into the living room, snapping Kurt out of his thoughts.
“You look nice honey” she smiled, sitting down next to him.
“Thanks” he smiled and reached out to touch her newly-cut hair, “I like it!” he complimented.
“That’s high praise coming from you!” she joked, before looking at Kurt for a moment, and holding out her arms.
He fell into them, thanking whatever gods up there that Carole came into his life. She wasn’t trying to be his mother and that’s why he loved her. She understands that no-one can replace his mom, but she’s still there for him one hundred percent and is the mother-figure he needs. She squeezed Kurt hard and he clung to her, before they both pulled away and wiped their eyes, laughing.
“We miss you when you’re not around you know.” she said to him, and Kurt replied with a teary ‘I miss you too’ and their moving moment was broken by Kurt’s message tone. Kurt furrowed his brow and checked his phone. His heart fluttered in his chest as he saw the name, Blaine. A wide grin broke out on his face.
Carole watched silently, watching Kurt’s entire face light up and his eyes dance. She patted his knee and left him tapping away at his phone. Whoever it is, I hope he makes Kurt happy, she thought, climbing the stairs to tell Rachel and Finn to hurry up getting ready.