Sky of Firelies
Chapter 2: Like A Penguin Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sky of Firelies: Chapter 2: Like A Penguin

K - Words: 1,461 - Last Updated: Dec 07, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 8/? - Created: Sep 27, 2011 - Updated: Dec 07, 2011
920 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Warning: F-Word is used at the end. Fiiiiinally little Blaine is mentioned xD I swear, this is the last bus chapter xDI own nothing but the plot!
Kurt soon learned that Mercedes wasn't so bad, just overly loud. She wouldn't stop talking, and from what Kurt gather she was just as a good singer as Kurt. And Kurt believed himself to be very good.

"So Kurt! Hey Kurt! What do you think?" Mercedes asked, showing off the magazine. She pointed to some tall woman in a flowing prom dress.

Kurt scrutinized the dress. It just seemed to fall into place, the fabric folding in just the right places, the colors colliding perfectly, the strapless top ruffling out. For some reason, Kurt envisioned Mercedes in her room, trying on dresses just for the feel. "It's very pretty---"

"I know!" Mercedes said, grinning. She took her job of being Kurt's voice very seriously.

"Can you too can it about those stupid clothes!?" Puck shouted back at them, a pouty look on his bad boy face. Kurt tightened his lips and gave the boy a stare.

"Clothes aren't stupid, you are," he quipped back, sticking out his tongue. And for a moment, he surprised himself. Always the the quick tongue, but ever since his mother, Kurt used it less and less. But regardless, he smirked at the boy's frown.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not---"

"Stop it!" Another voice sighed. Both boys jumped and turned to their right, where the awkward boy who was behind Kurt in line, had spoke. "Jeez just ugh!"

Mercedes giggled and tugged on Kurt's arm. "Ignore him!" she pointed to Puck. Kurt nodded but kept looking at the awkward boy. He looked to big for himself, like his arms and legs were way to long. The boy shifted in his seat under Kurt's look, turning red from either poor complexion or embarrassment. He caught Kurt staring and straightened up. Kurt blushed a bit and ducked down.

"I-I'm Kurt," he introduced himself.

"...Finn. Hi," the boy said turning to the girl next to him, apparently continuing what he was doing before: swooning over her. Kurt frowned but shook his head.

Mercedes just shrugged. "Look! This would look good on you!" she pointed to a man wearing a ruffled white shirt, almost pirate like, and a deep purple and black vest. He had a top hat resting on his head. Kurt nodded.

"It's pretty---ow!" Kurt whined, feeling a kick to his chair.

"Hey!" Mercedes snapped, the recoil hitting her as well.

"Only ladies care about clothes," the boy behind him sneered, pinching Kurt arm.

"Ow! No!" Kurt snapped, rubbing his arm.



"Ah---" the boy was intrupted by Mr. Schue, appearing by Rachel's and Puck's set of seats.

"Alright guys it's twelve! Who's hungry?" Mr. Schue grinned, holding out two bags. Ms. Pillsbury took one and moved towards the back, handing out the lunches.

Mr. Schue started giving out sandwiches, the choices being bologna and cheese, tuna fish, and peanut butter and jelly.

"No thank you Mr. Schuester, I brought my own!" Rachel grinned up. Kurt heard her digging through her bag. Puck swiped a bologna and cheese sandwich, tearing through it quickly. Mr. Schue gave to the people across from them before turing to Mercedes and Kurt.

"Um Peanut butter and jelly please," Kurt's voice squeaked as Mr. Schue handed him the sandwich. "Thank you."

"No problem! And for yuh---"

"Bologna and cheese please!" Mercedes said, grabbing the sandwich. Mr. Schue laughed and turned to ask Finn and the girl.

"Wait, so Puck had always been that...rude?" Blaine asked.

Kurt nodded. "Yes, always the hooligan," he laughed, feeling a twang of self pity. Even though he was happy here at the Warblers, Kurt missed his friends back at McKinley. Yes, even the hooligans.

"Wait, so Puck's the dick, Mercedes is the black girl, Rachel is the suck up, and Finn is just awkward?" Wes laughed. Him and David had joined the two today after Blaine explained the story.

Kurt brushed it off, knowing Wes wasn't being serious about those comments. Or more, knowing he wouldn't dare say it to Kurt. But he nodded and chuckled. "Yes."

"So where does Blaine fit in?" David asked, throwing a blue ball against the wall of the dorm.

"He comes in later." Kurt just shrugged.

Blaine just nodded, chuckling awkwardly. Oh yes. Blaine came in later. But if he was going to honest, with himself at least, he was in the story sooner than Kurt thought.

Blaine was sitting all the way in the back, by himself. The rowdy crowd of boys were too busy pushing and shoving each other to notice Blaine's sullen and bored expression. Ms. Pillsbury finally reached him, handing him a tuna fish sandwich, the last remaining choice. He peered over to see Kurt talking to the people around him. Blaine couldn't place his finger on it, but he was so enthralled by the boy. Maybe it was his porclein looking skin. Or the way his hair just looked so soft.

Or maybe the fact that Kurt dressed like he was going on a date rather than a summer camp.

So he just sits there staring until he gets a thwack in the head, causing him to jump.

"Sorry!" An Asian boys said, sincerely but still grinning. Apparently he was trying to hit the person in front of Blaine with a bouncy ball. Blaine just gave a nod and returned to staring at Kurt. He seemed so delicate in his seat. He looked almost like a doll. And when that boy was kicking Kurt's seat and being mean, Blaine steamed, wanting the boy to stop. He wondered if Kurt was mean too. But no, he looked to soft to be mean.

Soon back up front, one of the adults held up two movies. "Alright guys, you have a choice," Mr. Schue said. "Gargoyles, or The Lion King? Let's vote Gargoyles?" Almost all the boys hands shot up, except Kurt's. "And the Lion King?" All the girls, as well as Kurt's, hands go up, winning them the vote since there was considerably more girls. There's a groan from the boys and Mr. Schue can't really fathom why; he made sure he would pick out at least one unisex movie and felt like Lion King was it.

"Nice going lady!" the boy before kurt kicked his chair again, leaving him with a sour face on.

"Oh shut up!" Kurt snapped back. But the boy made a fist, shaking it, and it shut Kurt up quick. He looked to see if Mercedes caught it, but she was too busy mouthing the words from Circle of Life.

The bus jolts to a stop after the Lion King, taking rest at tourist spot somewhere along the way. God it was so long ago both Kurt and Blaine had forgotten. Soon the kids are being shuffled off the bus, a chance to stretch legs and get candy or stop at the little gift shops. With a crumpled ten dollar bill, Kurt and Mercedes tow inside. Blaine follows them, holding his on money in his pocket.

"That hat looks so good on you!" Kurt pipped to the small Asian girl trying on an oversized hat. It was one of those beach, shady hats.

The girl smiled and turned around. "Thanks! I'm Tina."

"I'm Kuh----"

"This is Kurt and I'm Mercedes," Mercedes chimed in, holding Tina by the arm and looking at hats. Blaine watched them from the sunglasses' rack, fiddling with a pair of yellow Ray Band knock offs in his hands.

"Those are nice." Kurt says, appearig next to Blaine. Blaine jumped a bit but looked at him, wide eyed.

"O-oh? Oh! Um you think?" Blaine asked, shuffling his feet, feeling as if on the spot.

Kurt nodded, his skin even more perfectly smooth up close. His hair seemed to fall just right and the clothes hung snuggly on him. Blaine looked like a loser in his gym shorts and Mickey Mouse tank top.

Blaine fiddled with the glasses as Kurt picks up an all black pair, big and round. Blaine was about to introduced himself until Mercedes called Kurt.

"Kurt! Look!" Mercedes held in her hand a small, 4-inch, stuffed penguin.

"Um cute?" he said, shrugging.

"It's for you! Cause you're as adorable as a penguin!" Mercedes giggled and blushed.

"Oh thanks!" It was unclear to Blaine whether Kurt took that as an insult or a compliment, but nonetheless, he took the penguin and hugged it. "I'll just pay for these. Are you going to get yours?" he looked over to Blaine.

Blaine shrugged. "I-I dunno..."

Kurt shrugged. "Alright." He went to go pay. He then left the store, returning to the bus. After he was out of view, Blaine put the sunglasses on the counter, paying for them.

"THE yellow sunglasses? That's where you got those ugly ass things!?" David laughed. Blaine went red and was about to tell him to kindly shut the fuck up, but decided just to glare.

Kurt laughed too, blushing at the idea that Blaine kept those glasses for that long. "Hey I was called a penguin!" He giggled.

End Notes: Fun fact: I like to throw things from the show in here. Case in point: The penguin for Kurt's quote in 'Sexy' and the yellow sunglasses from Blaine's 'It's Not Unusual' number.


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I just love the way that you are telling this story, the way the flashbacks and present-time intertwines is very effective. I love your explanation for how Blaine got the yellow sunglasses...more please!

Thank you so much! Hah thanks! <3 More tonight hopefully <3