Bubble Wrap
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Bubble Wrap: Chapter 6

T - Words: 2,164 - Last Updated: Dec 21, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 23/? - Created: Dec 21, 2013 - Updated: Dec 21, 2013
144 0 0 0 0

For the rest of the week, Blaine was glad that Kurt opened up to him a bit more. He was still trying to get Kurt to see that he was worth more than he let on, even if it was a slow process. But at least he was talking to Blaine. He still avoided Blaine at school, but Blaine knew that it was probably because Alex told him to. Blaine was still fighting the urge to punch Alex in the face every time he saw him. Now that he knew what Alex was really like, he couldnt help but get angry whenever he thought about the way he was treating Kurt.

Saturday came fast and Blaine was excited. It had been weeks since hed last seen his Warbler friends and he couldnt wait to catch up and have a laugh with them. Wess car pulled up on the drive and he rushed to greet his friends as they all piled into his home and headed straight to his room.

"Nice room, dude!" said Trent. "Is it true that you have a music room?"

Blaine nodded and said, "Yeah, its where my guitars are. We can go in there later if you like."

"Any chance for you to show off you musical talent, eh Anderson?" commented Nick, who was clutching hands with Jeff. Jeff nodded in agreement with his boyfriends statement.

"Shut up, you. I hear youve been hogging all the limelight since I left," Blaine countered.

"Well someone had to replace you and it couldnt have been one of these idiots," said Nick. At the sight of his boyfriend pouting, he added, "Except for Jeff. Hes not an idiot." Jeff grinned and placed a chaste kiss on his boyfriends lips.

"Dudes, this is guy night. Not sappy adorableness night. If you want to make gaybies tonight then go find Blaines spare room!" Wes teased.

"Shut up, Wes. Just because youre not getting any," Jeff chuckled.

"You guys suck," said Wes. The boys raised their eyebrows at Wes, who groaned when he realised what he said. "I hate you guys."

"You said it, Wes," said David.

"Now lets all ignore Wess slip of the tongue - stop laughing Blaine" - Trent said, turning to Blaine who was sure enough trying to smother his laughter - " and lets start this guy night as Wes called it.

"Sure. Where are you parents anyway, Blaine?" asked Thad.

"Some comedy night at The Lodger. Decided to make a night of it," Blaine answered.

"Awesome. So seven boys, no parents, 5 bags of marshmallows, 4 giant chocolate bars, a room full of musical instruments and a giant flat screen TV downstairs. I can see this being an interesting night," Wes said with a grin.

"Ill get it!" Blaine called when the doorbell rang. He grabbed the money theyd all put in to pay for the seven giant pizzas theyd ordered and rushed to answer the door, grinning like an idiot. He hadnt realised just how much hed missed his friends from Dalton and hed been having a whale of a time with them. He couldnt stop smiling.

However his smile fell as soon as he opened the door.

Kurt stood on his doorstep, eyes and nose red, his hair and shirt ruffled.

"Kurt?" Blaine asked.

"I-Im sorry. I just n-needed someone," Kurt stammered. "Im intruding arent I?"

"No no no. Whats wrong?"

"I really dont want to talk about it right now. I was kind of hoping we could just like, hang out or something, but youve got people round havent you?" he said, motioning to Wess car on the drive.

"Its just some of the Warblers. Want to come in? You can stay over if you want," Blaine suggested.

"No, I dont want to interrupt," Kurt said.

"You wont be interrupting. Youre my friend too. The Warblers will love you. Besides, I dont think well finish all the pizza we have with the amount of sweets and chocolates the guys have brought around," Blaine chuckled.

"I, erm, do you mind? I could do with just having a laugh right now," Kurt said.

"Of course I dont mind. In fact, I insist," Blaine said. "Now come on in, its cold outside!"

"Thanks," Kurt said. He stepped inside, toeing off his shoes with an unsure smile in Blaines direction.

"Come meet the guys, theyre going to love you!" Blaine said.

"I dont suppose you mind me using the bathroom first? I look kind of a state right now," Kurt said.

"Sure, Ill go sort you some pyjamas for tonight whilst you do that," Blaine said, leading Kurt up the stairs. When Blaine had found some pyjamas, he met Kurt out on the landing. Kurt looked better, fresher. Hed sorted his hair and shirt back into place and hed cooled his skin with cold water. Blaine smiled at him and Kurt returned it. He gave him the pyjamas, which Kurt accepted gratefully and rushed to change into. He brought his clothes out and took them into Blaines room to keep out of the way. "Ready?" Blaine asked.

"Yes," Kurt replied. Blaine went to lead Kurt back down the stairs, but paused when Kurt said, "Oh, and Blaine?" Blaine turned to look at him. "Thank you."

"Its nothing," Blaine insisted.

"What took you so long? And wheres our pizza?" asked David when he came back into the living room. Then they noticed Kurt behind him. "Oh, whos this?"

"Guys, this is my friend, Kurt, from McKinley. Hes going to be joining us. Kurt this is Wes, David, Thad, Trent, Nick and Jeff" Blaine said pointing at each boy in turn. He raised his eyebrows as if to say dont ask any questions and the guys smiled in understanding.

"Finally, we get to meet one of Blaines new public school friends. Now you can dish the dirt! Has he been wearing those Capri pants and polos?" questioned Thad.

"Every day," confirmed Kurt with a smirk.

"God, Anderson. Your ankles really arent that hot," Wes teased.

"Shut up, Wesley. My ankles are hot and you know it. I cant believe this is the first time youve met and youre already ganging up on me to take the mick out of my wardrobe!" Blaine huffed, crossing his arms and mocking annoyance. "Come on Kurt. You can come watch the movie by me. I dont want the other guys to rub off on you."

"Wheres our pizza?" asked Trent. As if on cue, the doorbell rang. "Wow, Im magic."

"Yeah, Trent, youre the next Harry Potter. Niff, go get the pizza! Moneys by the door," said Blaine. Nick and Jeff stood up with a synchronised sigh.

"And no making out in the hall!" yelled David. "Or in front of the pizza guy!"

"We cant make promises!" Nick called back, taking Jeffs hand and pulling him out into the hall.

"What movie are we watching then?" asked Blaine.

"Well, we have the choice between Spiderman and Batman," said Thad. "Niff and Trent wanted Spiderman, but Wes, David and I wanted Batman. Looks like you guys will have to decide for us."

"Spiderman," Blaine and Kurt said in unison. They caught each others eyes and burst out laughing.

"Oh God. Blaine has replaced me. With a better looking guy. David, hold me!" Wes said, dramatically throwing himself at his friend.

"Comparing Kurt to you, Wes, is offending," Blaine stated, his voice emotionless.

Wes went to complain when Nick and Jeff walked back into the room, carrying seven massive pizzas between them. "Sorry we took so long. The pizza guy had a bad case of homophobia and Nick had some chocolate on his lip," Jeff laughed with a wink at his boyfriend.

"You guys are terrible," Trent said.

"Did you decide a movie?" asked Nick.

"Yeah, were watching Spiderman," said Blaine. "The gay vote over ruled."

"Dont tell that to my girlfriend," said Trent.

"We all know that youre hetero-flexible," teased Wes.

"Guys! Are we going to spend the rest of the night talking about Trents sexuality or watch this movie and eat this damn pizza?" asked David.

"Movie and pizza! Movie and pizza!" Nick and Jeff chanted.

"You alright?" Blaine whispered to Kurt as the rest of the boys delved into the pizza.

"Yeah, Im fine. Your friends are funny," Kurt said with a grin.

"They take some getting used to, but I wouldnt trade them for anything," Blaine said with a smile. "Now lets get some pizza before these lot wolf it down."

The pizzas were finished, the movie was running and already the guys were falling asleep. Nick and Jeff were probably the first to go, curled up against each other with Nicks head on Jeffs chest. Trent and David were next, followed shortly by Thad. After Kurt had dropped off, it was just Wes and Blaine awake. Wes tiptoed over to lie in the space between Blaine and Jeff.

"Is he okay?" Wes whispered, nodding towards Kurt who hugging his knees and nuzzling the pillow beneath him in his sleep.

"I dont know," Blaine whispered back. "I think hes feeling better. He really needed someone tonight."

"Do you think hes the reason that Kurts so upset?" Wes asked.

"Im not sure. I hope not, but I assume he probably is," replied Blaine.

"Im glad youre there for him, Blaine," Wes murmured. "I know that youll be able to help him."

"Do you still think I should tell him?" asked Blaine.

"Personally, yes. If you tell him, he might understand," said Wes.

"Youre right," said Blaine.

"Im always right, dude," Wes chuckled.

"Youre head is going to get too big to fit through that door soon, man," Blaine said and shoved his best friend before turning back to the movie.

When Blaine opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was Kurt. He blinked for a moment, confused about the fact that Kurt was sleeping next to him, his face looking peaceful and oh so beautiful in sleep. He tried his best to look away, realising that if Kurt woke up then Blaine would look like such a creep. It wasnt until a bang sounded in the kitchen that he tore his eyes away and realised that everyone was already up. He rolled off of the blow up mattress and stood up, trying not to jolt Kurt, but it was too late. Kurts eyes fluttered open and he rubbed them out of tiredness.

"Morning," Blaine whispered.

"Morning," Kurt mumbled, sitting up and stretching his back.

"I think the guys are awake," Blaine said, nodding his head in the direction of the kitchen where the sound of laughter was emitting from. "Want to go get some breakfast?" Kurt nodded and so Blaine held out his hand to help Kurt up. Kurt accepted it with a sleepy smile and they made their way through to the kitchen. The guys appeared to be taking turns at spinning on the chairs of the breakfast bar.

"You guys are so childish!" Blaine laughed.

"Blaine! Youre here! Tell Trent off. He pushed me off the chair and now my ass is bruised!" demanded Thad.

"I repeat. Childish. What we eating?" Blaine said.

"What do you have Blainers?" asked Wes.

"Dont call me that. And we can make pancakes? Although I dont think I trust any of you to cook. My mom would kill you if you damaged any part of her kitchen!" Blaine said.

"Ill make them," piped up Kurt. The boys all looked at Kurt grinning.

"Yay! We love you Kurt!" shouted Wes.

"Wes, you love anyone who makes you food," Blaine laughed.

"I love Kurt more because hes making me pancakes," Wes argued. Kurt chuckled and Blaine helped him find the ingredients to make the pancake batter. As they began making the pancakes, the Warblers chatted to him happily.

"Ive heard all about yours and Blaines duet, how did it go?" asked Wes. Blaine glared at him.

"It went great, I think. Everyone loved it," Kurt answered.

"Whats your range?" asked Thad.

"Countertenor," said Kurt. The boys all stared at him, with the exception of Blaine who already knew.

"Dude, please come back to Dalton with us," said Nick. "We havent had a countertenor in years!"

"You dont even know if I can sing," Kurt chuckled.

"Sing for us then," said Jeff.

"You... what?"

"Sing. Do the duet you and Blaine did," Jeff suggested. Kurt looked over at Blaine who nodded with a smile and so Kurt began to sing. The boys stared at him in awe as his voice filled the kitchen, harmonising with Blaines.

They finished the song as Kurt placed a highly stacked pile of pancakes on the breakfast bar. The boys all cheered and whooped and Kurt smiled at them sheepishly.

"Are you sure you dont want to come join the Warblers?" asked Nick, taking a pancake off the plate and taking a bite. "Oh god, these are the best pancakes ever. Im not even asking, Im begging now. Please come to Dalton. You can sleep in my bed. Ill take the floor!"

"Nu-uh! If he goes to Dalton then Im stuck with Rachel Berry in glee!" Blaine argued.

"Youll have to deal with that one on your own, man," said Nick. Blaine pretended to throw a tantrum whilst his friends, including Kurt, all laughed at him. Blaine couldnt help but hold back his smile. He knew later he and Kurt would have to talk about the reasons behind his appearance the previous night, but until then he just enjoyed the sound of Kurts laughter.


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