Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
Blaine loved the difference he could see in Kurt. Yes, he was still quite wary around other people. He still jumped when Puck gave me a friendly slap on the back or started slightly when Santana suddenly yelled his name across the choir room, but he was also much happier. He chatted with Mercedes the way he used to, gossiping about Rachels choice of clothing and which cheerleader was dating which football player. He would participate more in class and in glee, always raising a hand when he knew the answer or offering to sing a song of the theme they were looking at. Blaine could see the smile that took over the gloomy expression that he wore around others.
Blaine and Kurt were sat under the bleachers Friday lunch time. Kurt still felt more comfortable eating lunch there, though a couple of times that week hed braved the canteen, sitting closely to Blaine and distracting himself with his lunch. Now, they were eating their way through the sandwich Blaine had brought in for them to share, chatting as they did.
"Did you want to go out tomorrow?" Blaine asked.
Kurt finished chewing his mouthful as he gazed at Blaine in question. "We go out pretty much every Saturday. Why would I not want to?"
"No, I meant, did you want to go out on a date? With me. Tomorrow," Blaine clarified.
Kurt blinked at Blaine. He knew this would come after he and Blaine had talked at the wedding, even though nothing had yet been said about it, but Kurt may have unconsciously been worrying that Blaine had changed his mind about it.
"Id love to," he answered, his eyes gleaming with delight.
"Great! Ill pick you up at about one?" Blaine suggested.
"One?" questioned Kurt. "What did you have planned?"
"Thats a secret," Blaine replied, lowering his voice as if there were people around who could be listening in. "But I do suggest you wear some comfortable clothes. Especially shoes. I have a long day planned for us."
Kurt just grinned in reply as he continued to eat, his brain already working overload trying to plot an outfit.
When Kurt woke up the next morning, he was extremely excited. He had a date with Blaine. The idea was almost ludicrous, going on a date with his best friend, but it was also something he was really looking forward to. He and Blaine didnt particularly act like best friends. Not in the way, say, Puck and Finn did. They cuddled in bed and fell asleep in each others arms whilst watching movies. They held hands sometimes and played with each others hair when they were at home relaxing. They acted kind of like boyfriends, even though they werent really at the stage of saying that out loud yet.
Kurt rushed around his room for hours, tossing outfits aside until he found the right one, smoothing cream over his skin to make it look its best, running his gel smeared fingers through his hair until it stayed the way he wanted it to. When the doorbell rang at one, he looked immaculate. He grabbed his keys, phone and wallet and rushed through the house, yelling a vague farewell to his dad and Carole before throwing open the door to greet Blaine.
It seemed that Blaine had gone to similar efforts. His hair was gelled, as usual, but hed seemingly listened to Kurts nagging as hed used a little less than normal, making his hair well styled yet much softer looking. He wore dark jeans, which hed rolled up to fit his leg length, and a checkered shirt. To complete his look hed added a sweater vest and a bow tie. Kurt thought he looked positively adorable.
"You ready?" Blaine asked with a grin. By the looks of it, he was just as excited as Kurt.
"As Ill ever be," returned Kurt, stepping out and shutting the door behind him. As they walked to the car he asked, "Are you going to tell me where were going yet?"
"Its a surprise," Blaine replied. They climbed in the car and Blaine started it, not saying anymore on the matter.
"What if I dont like surprises?" asked Kurt.
Blaine chuckled. "Then you are going to hate today. Its full of them." Kurt huffed out a breath of air, as if annoyed with Blaine, but Blaine could see the smile from the corner of his eye.
When they reached their first destination, Kurt furrowed his brow in question at Blaine. "The zoo?" he asked, his voice laced with confusion.
"I just thought it would be a fun starter activity," Blaine reasoned.
"You mean were not going to be here for the whole date?" questioned Kurt.
"Of course not! We have two more stops after this! This is just the part where we can be fun and childish and you can decide now if you want to back out due to my immature tendencies!" Blaine explained.
Kurt laughed. "Well I can tell you now that Im not going to back out, but that sounds like fun!"
They got out and headed towards the entrance. Kurt went to get out his wallet as they neared the ticket office but Blaine shook his head and pulled out his own wallet, taking two tickets out of it.
"Im already way ahead of you. Now put that away and dont get it out again. I asked you out and I plan to make this as perfect as possible, so you will not be paying for anything!" Blaine insisted.
"Youve already got tickets? How long have you been planning this?" Kurt asked.
"Since the wedding. It would have sucked if you said you didnt want to come today because then Id have had to bring Wes or something and it wouldnt have been nearly as fun," joked Blaine.
"Well I hope I dont disappoint you and make you wish youd brought Wes with you," said Kurt with a smile.
Once theyd got through the line and were in the zoo, Kurt could see what Blaine meant about his immature tendencies. He was pretty much bouncing in excitement as he made a grab for Kurts hand and dragged him to each exhibit. He didnt let go once they got there, which made Kurts heart beat just a little faster, and Kurt couldnt help but echo Blaines excitement. Kurt loved their first activity. The exhibits were amazing considering it was a small zoo and the worker at each would talk about the animals. They went to the butterfly farm and Kurt couldnt help but love the way the butterflies fluttered freely around them, landing on a leaf every so often so that they could get a closer look. They also went to the sea life exhibit, which was definitely Kurt and Blaines favourite. They had tanks where you could feed the fish, big tanks which you could peer into to see dolphins swimming around and a giant tank which had a tunnel they could walk through so that the fish were swimming around them.
They had stopped off to have a little lunch in the cafe and chatted as they ate, Blaines hand still clutching Kurts across the table, not caring who saw. Kurt couldnt help but grin at this act. Alex had never done anything like this. He didnt realise a date could be this enjoyable.
They left the zoo around 4, after Kurt had managed to convince Blaine that he didnt need to buy him a giant dolphin toy, and hopped into the car ready for their next stop. They drove to Westerville, which was a pretty long drive and so they filled it with music and singing and laughter. Blaine knew that Kurt would definitely like this activity, although he could see the confusion on Kurts face when they pulled up to Westerville community centre. Instead of explaining, he pulled out his wallet again and revealed two tickets. He handed them over to Kurt to read.
"West Side Story?" asked Kurt.
"I know its no Broadway or Wicked, but its difficult to get tickets to New York with a weeks notice," Blaine chuckled. "So I thought we could see how Westervilles local drama club manage."
Kurt threw his arms around Blaine - although it was quite a struggle with the centre console between them - and squeezed him tightly. "Thank you! I havent seen a musical in... I dont even remember the last time I went to see a musical that wasnt on DVD. This is going to be great!"
Blaine grinned, glad that Kurt was so enthusiastically pleased with their second activity. "Im glad you like it. "Now lets go get our seats before the show starts!"
Blaine barely paid attention to the musical, even if it was one of his favourites. Instead, he watched Kurt; the way his eyes shined with delight and how he quietly whispered the words of the songs along with the actors and the way his hand squeezed Blaines tightly as if Blaines hand would disappear if he loosened his grip. It was amazing to see this side of Kurt. It was like the Kurt he saw when they watched musicals on Blaines bed, only more emphasised.
When the show was over and they walked out and climbed into the car, Kurt told Blaine about all of his favourite parts, all of the actors he thought portrayed their part perfectly and which singer was the best. Blaine smiled as Kurt talked to him, loving the way Kurt was relaxed and comfortable. It was almost as if all of his troubles were forgotten. When the road took them into some woods though, Kurt looked at Blaine questioningly.
"If the third activity is taking me into the woods to murder me then I think Id rather go home and order take out," Kurt jested, but Blaine just chuckled.
"Dont worry, I left all of my murdering tools at home," Blaine returned. "This is going to be a little less violent."
Blaine took them down a dirt road and pulled up next to a tall fence. He stopped the car and gestured for Kurt to get out. Kurt still looked perplexed. "Whats this?" he asked.
"Wess family have a good few acres of land behind their home, and this is part of it. I just thought it would be a lot safer so we dont run into any murderers or anything," Blaine said with a wink.
"But where are we going?" Kurt inquired. "Are we going to hang out with Wes?"
"I thought we agreed that Wes wouldnt be as fun," Blaine laughed. "No, if we were wed go through the front entrance. Youll see why Ive brought you here soon!"
The walk to their third activity was only about 5 minutes and was filled with idle chat and hand holding. Kurt soon saw the glow coming through the trees and looked over at Blaine with a questioning expression. Blaine just raised his eyebrows, gesturing for Kurt to continue walking. They approached the lights and Kurt soon saw what the finale to their date was.
In front of them was a small clearing, surrounded by trees which had been draped in multitudes of fairy lights, some still and some flashing but all just as pretty. In the middle of the clearing was a fort made up of tent poles with blankets draped across the top and underneath and a wide opening to let in light. On the floor of the fort was a large picnic basket, two plates and two cups. Kurt felt tears welling in his eyes at the sight ahead of him which made Blaine panic immediately.
"Oh my God, dont cry Kurt. I thought youd like it. If you want we can just go home and order that take out and watch some movies or-"
Blaine was cut off by Kurts arm tangling themselves around his neck as Kurt pulled him into a tight embrace. "Shut up!" Kurt complained. "I love it. No ones ever gone to this much effort for me."
"It wasnt that much effort," Blaine assured him. "I had Wess help with setting it up and he brought the food out just so that it didnt get eaten by any animals or anything."
Kurt pulled away to look at Blaine. "But still! Youve thought everything out and everything is perfect. This is the best date ever," Kurt stated, wiping furiously at his eyes to rid of the stray tears.
"Well in that case, shall we eat, Mr Hummel?" Blaine asked, offering a hand to Kurt, formally.
"We shall," Kurt replied and took Blaines hand. Blaine led them over to the fort and allowed Kurt to take a seat before doing so himself. He opened the picnic basket and rifled through the food taking out all sorts; sandwiches, fruit, chips, pasta salad.
"I didnt know what youd want so I brought a bit of everything," Blaine admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Its perfect," Kurt assured him, tucking in.
Once theyd finished, they lay back on the blanket just outside where the roof of the fort ended and looked up at the stars through the overhanging branches from the trees, fingers entwined together and faces mere inches apart.
"Thank you," whispered Kurt.
Blaines eyes flickered over to meet Kurts. "What for?" he asked.
"For everything. Today was perfect. I still cant believe you planned all of this for us," Kurt explained. "This date had made me realise just how much fun and excitement a date could be. When I went on dates with Alex when we first started going out, it would just be going to Breadstix and listening to him talk about himself. Or going to a party and being his accessory. It didnt feel like a date." Kurt bit down on his bottom lip when he realised what he had said. "I shouldnt have brought that up, Im sorry."
"Dont be sorry, Kurt. Im glad that you dont feel like that on this date," Blaine replied.
"This has been the best day of my life," Kurt grinned.
"I really want to break my rules," Blaine suddenly stated.
"You... what?" Kurt asked, confused.
"Well, before this date I made some rules for myself to make sure that it was perfect. I would do this properly and be a perfect gentlemen; hold your hand but only give you a kiss goodnight at the door. Now Im kind of wishing we were at your door, because I really want to kiss you." As Blaine said this, his eyes flickered between Kurts eyes and his lips, making Kurts heart beat faster in his chest.
"Would it help if I gave you permission to break your rules?" Kurt queried.
"Yes. Definitely," Blaine said firmly.
"In that case, I give you permission." Kurt grinned in delight as Blaine leaned forwards to join their lips. As soon as their lips touched, they both felt the shock of electricity theyd felt before. The spark which ignited and spread through each bone and muscle and vein in their bodies. It felt like fireworks.
Their lips separated momentarily, their foreheads staying together as Blaine whispered, "Will you be my boyfriend?" Instead of answering, Kurt just leaned back in to reconnect their lips and reignite the spark. A spoken answer wasnt needed.
The day had been perfect.