Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
[A/N] Just thought Id mention that most of Blaines birthday presents I found on a website called Menkind and God did I have a laugh looking through that website. And the bracelet is from Etsy and its amazing! If you want to see it just message me because its seriously perfect, and its for men and for women.
The weekend was going great. Kurt decided that he really liked Blaines friends. They all treated him as if he were a long term friend and non of them asked questions that he was uncomfortable answering or that would upset him. He was sure that Blaine had informed them of at least the basics of his situation, but non of them acted differently around him or over protective. Instead, they just acted normally around him.
When they returned to Blaines house, they all greeted Cooper and Blaines parents and then immediately rushed upstairs to Blaines room. They dumped their overnight bags in a corner and blew up the blow up beds that Trent had once again provided, before finding the best spot to watch movies from. Blaine sat in the middle of the headboard with Kurt and Wes either side of him, Trent and Jeff lay on their stomachs in front of them and David, Nick and Thad sat on a blow up bed on the floor at the foot of the bed. As Thad was closest, he was responsible for putting on movies and changing them once they were finished. He started with the box of DVDs that was already out and looked through them to find a suitable fillm.
"I didnt know you had so many musicals," Thad commented, waving Gypsy before placing it back in the box. "I see you keep them with your Disney collection. They must be important!"
"I just have them out a lot," Blaine said. "Kurt and I watch them when hes over."
"I didnt know you were a fan of musicals," said David.
"Dude, Im gay, I sing in a show choir, I read vogue. Of course I like musicals!" Blaine defended.
"Blaines just a complete stereotype who likes to rebel by liking football and boxing," Wes commented.
"I think we all have a little stereotype in us," Blaine said.
"Yeah," agreed Nick. "I mean, Jeff loves baking! Id say thats pretty stereotypical."
All heads turned to Jeff who playfully whacked his boyfriend on the arm. "Nick! You werent meant to tell people that!"
"They were going to find out anyway!" Nick argued.
"Well, Nick is addicted to Americas Next Top Model. Its like crack to him," Jeff chuckled.
"Screw you!" Nick moaned, narrowing his eyes.
"Later, baby," Jeff winked, causing the rest of the boys to groan.
"Guys! We dont want to know!" Trent yelled, covering his ears.
"Okay, well, ignoring those two, what are watching?" David asked.
"I say we have a Back To The Future marathon!" suggested Wes.
"No! I dont even like the third one," Thad complained. "And the first sucks in comparison to the second."
"Harry Potter marathon?" Blaine piped up.
"Really? Youll cry like a baby, you know that," said Wes.
"Its my birthday, Ill cry if I want to," Blaine argued.
"Fine, Harry Potter it is. Order pizza around the third one?" Thad suggested.
"Always thinking about food!" David commented, rolling his eyes. "Youre okay with Harry Potter, arent you, Kurt?"
"Of course! This is the guy who has a custom made Marauders Map shirt!" Kurt laughed.
"Dude, thats so cool!" Trent grinned.
"Trent, your inner nerd is showing," laughed Jeff.
"Right, lets get this marathon on!" said Thad, and inserted the first disc.
The boys all fell asleep around 3 AM, somewhere during the fourth film after eating a lot of pizza and ice cream between them, to which Kurt complained that if he continued attending Warbler sleepovers, his skin and weight would be doomed from the amount they ate. In the morning, they all went downstairs to find Blaines mom flipping pancakes and his dad and brother seated at the breakfast bar.
"Happy birthday!" they all cheered when they noticed Blaine had entered. Chairs were pulled up to the table in the dining room to make room for everyone and Blaines mother served pancakes out to all of the boys.
"Thanks, Mrs A," said Nick. "Your pancakes are perfect as always!"
"As perfect as Kurts?" asked David.
"Youre kidding, right? Kurts were like heaven on a plate. Hard to live up to that!" Nick laughed.
"When are you opening your presents?" asked Trent.
"I think youre more excited than me! Who says Ive got presents?" Blaine jested.
"Just hush right there, we know you have presents as weve bought them for you so you cant even try that, Anderson," remarked Trent.
"Fine, after breakfast then?" replied Blaine.
When breakfast was finished and each boy was full, Blaines mother came swanning into the room to clear away and gestured for the boys to go into the living room. Cooper and Andrew came in holding their own presents for Blaine and set them in front of him. As soon as Linda came back in, she insisted he begin opening straight away. Blaines cheeks darkened as the attention turned on him to unwrap each present.
His parents had bought him new speakers for his music, several tickets to a football game of a team that Kurt was sure his dad had mentioned a few times and music editing software for his computer, as well as a few books, items of clothing and accessories. He thanked them over and over, taking his time to hug each parent gratefully. Cooper was next and gave his brother his present, which was small and in an envelope. He opened it to reveal two return tickets to LA for a week at new year. Blaine couldnt hold his joy and excitement as he ran at his brother and hugged him around the middle, a stream of thank yous coming from him. Cooper just chuckled and ruffled his hair, insisting he just wanted some bro time.
After presents from his family, Blaine insisted they go upstairs to open his friends presents. He knew his friends and if theyd got him anything like they got him last year, then he definitely did not want to be opening them in front of his family. Sure enough, when they got upstairs, each of his friends searched their bags and produced two presents.
"They did this at Dalton," Blaine explained to Kurt. "For our birthdays, wed buy two presents. One normal present that you could show to your parents and one present that I guess is a little more of a joke present."
"Me first, me first!" Wes insisted thrusting his bin bag at Blaine. Blaine opened it to find two gifts, both wrapped equally tragically, one much larger than the other. He decided to start with the big one. He tore at the paper to reveal a snow cone and slush maker. He wasnt really sure what to say, but he didnt have to think when he looked up at Kurt and realised Kurt was smirking.
"Dont get throwing those at me, Blaine," Kurt joked, leaving the Warblers confused and Blaine chuckling.
"Erm, thank you, Wes, I guess?" Blaine muttered, before reaching for the second gift. He quickly tore at the wrapping to find a copy of 50 Shades of Grey, to which he chuckled. "Thanks Wes. You always know what I want!"
Thad was next. He bought him a travel mug - "because you drink so much coffee," Thad had explained - and for his joke gift hed gotten him a pole dancer alarm clock. Trent bought him a messenger bag and a mankini. David bought him a guitar case and an Inflatable Cock Fighting Set, a game involving inflatable penises that you strap to your body and fight with. Jeff bought him a sweater and a mug saying Blaine Anderson is a sex kitten. And Nick bought him a set of bow ties and a little box containing sweets names cola cocks.
Blaine was definitely glad he didnt open his presents in front of his parents.
He thanked each of them for their gifts and laughed at all the joke gifts, and was then handed a final present. He looked up to see Kurt grinning. "You didnt think I wouldnt get you anything, did you?" Kurt asked. Blaine smiled back at him and tore the wrapping off to reveal a box. He flipped the lid up and found inside an ID bracelet, the straps made of distressed brown leather and holding a silver plate stamped with the word COURAGE. "I, erm, I know it seems tacky, but its kind of a thank you for giving me the courage I needed. Plus, once I got the idea in my head it stuck."
"Thank you," Blaine whispered and immediately pulled the bracelet onto his wrist, tightening the leather straps so it fit snugly.
"Can we play with your presents?" Wes pleaded and Blaine rolled his eyes.
"Go for it," he consented, and shared a grin with Kurt.