Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
Dec. 21, 2013, 6 p.m.
The rest of the dinner went nicely. Blaine couldnt stop grinning like an idiot the whole way through. Kurt just got on so well with his family; he talked fashion with his mother, cars with his father, Hollywood with his brother. Kurt fit in so well. But ever since speaking to Cooper he couldnt help but think about how he felt towards Kurt. Yes, Kurt was his best friend and yes, when hed first met him hed developed a bit of a crush, but that had kind have been forgotten when Blaine found out about Alex. Did Blaine still feel that way? He wasnt sure. His main priority at that moment was to make Kurt better and he knew, whether his feelings for Kurt developed into something more or not, that was the way he would always think.
Once theyd finished dinner, they made their way back to Blaines. They all changed into their pyjamas before collapsing onto the sofa to watch a film before bed. As it was Blaines birthday weekend, he got to choose, and Blaine being Blaine, he decided that Finding Nemo was the best choice. They watched it quietly and about a quarter of the way through, Blaine felt a head droop onto his shoulder. He turned his head ever so slightly and found Kurt dosing quietly against him. He smiled at the boy and rested his head against Kurts hair. It wasnt long before he felt his own eyes drooping.
"Is he asleep?" he heard his mom whisper.
"I think so," Cooper replied.
Blaine was too tired to clarify that he was actually awake and so he kept his eyes closed.
"He and Kurt seem close," Cooper commented. "They seem to make each other happy."
"Yeah, they do," Linda said. "Im glad they have each other. I dont know what would have happened to Kurt if he didnt have Blaine. I dread to think of it actually."
"How bad was it?" asked Cooper.
"Blaine didnt go too far into detail but he didnt need to. I saw how Kurt was when hed show up at ours late at night in tears. His ex boyfriend got angry a lot apparently and he took it out on Kurt. When Kurt first admitted hed been harmed, it was because hed gotten a black eye from having his phone thrown at him and he couldnt excuse it. Hes still covered in bruises. But its not just the bruises. Hes been taught that hes worthless and that no one will ever love him and hes having a hard time believing otherwise. I think Blaines the only one he truly trusts at the moment," Linda explained.
"Im glad Blaines there for him then. It just sucks that hes had to experience this sort of abuse before and now hes having to deal with the aftermath of it. At least it wasnt as bad this time as it was before," Cooper said.
"I think Blaine was worried that it would be," said Andrew. "He was worried sick about Kurt."
"Well, Im just glad that thats all over now. Kurt seems to be recovering well," Cooper said.
"Yeah, hes started therapy and he has good friends and family supporting him. I think hell be okay," said Linda.
"And he and Blaine?" asked Cooper, curiously.
"Currently inseparable best friends, but with the way Blaine looks at him, Im sure there could be more in the future," Linda explained.
"We should probably wake them up and get them to bed," Andrew said.
"They look too adorable to move, but I guess theyll get cricks in their necks if they dont," Linda argued.
"How about we let them be adorable for a little while longer?" Cooper suggested and Blaine was grateful for his brother as he snuggled closer to his best friend and let himself fall asleep.
The next day was a bit of a rush. Kurt and Blaine had woken up in Blaines bed, neither of them particularly remembering the groggy journey up to his room guided by his mother, and immediately went for showers. When they were both dried and dressed, they chatted animatedly over breakfast of toast and jam. They styled their hair side by side in the bathroom mirror and when both of them were ready, they went to leave to meet the Warblers. They had decided to go bowling, after Blaine had convinced Kurt that wearing pre-worn shoes wasnt going to kill him and the amount of germs in a bowling ball probably wasnt much different to the amount of germs on clothing racks at shops.
They met Wes, David, Trent, Thad, Nick and Jeff at the bowling alley and split into two teams. Blaine, Kurt, Nick and Jeff played together and Wes, David, Thad and Trent played together.
"I can see how you decided whos with who, Wes," Blaine commented as Wes put their names in.
"I totally didnt go with gay and straight. Actually, I knew youd want to be with Kurt and I didnt want Niff because I know theyre going to be all cute and stuff so I thought Id stick them with you two as youll tolerate them," Wes defended. He stepped away from the controls, grinning.
"Oh god, what nicknames have you put in for us?" asked Blaine, groaning as he looked up at the screen. "Really? Frodo is the best you could come up with?"
"Hey! Its a classic and youre not losing it that easily," said Wes.
"Well, as Blaine is Frodo and I take it Nick and Jeff are Niff 1 and Niff 2, why am I CGCB?" asked Kurt.
"Because Cute Glee Club Boy wouldnt fit!" explained Wes. Blaine resisted the urge to groan again.
"Im not even going to bother asking," Kurt said.
"Okay, Wes, youre going to have to explain whos who," said David, nodding towards their screen.
"Okay, David, youre Blaise Zabini. You can blame Blaine for that one as he made us watch Harry Potter so many times that I actually bothered to learn his name. Trent, youre sunshine, because youre the sunshine of the Warblers and Thad, youre Lord Snooty. I mean, you yell you mock us, sir! at nearly every Warbler meeting!" Wes explained.
"Leaving you as King of Awesome?" asked Blaine.
"Our names have to reflect our true selves!" Wes argued.
"I see..." Thad commented. "Well, can we ignore Wess stupid nicknames and get bowling? I want to kick his ass!"
Nick and Jeff both bowled before Kurt and Blaine, and sure enough they took the opportunity to be cute straight away when Nick insisted he had never bowled and Jeff took his hands to show him how.
"Have you bowled before?" Blaine asked Kurt.
"Yes, but I was 7 years old and I think my mom did most of the work for me," Kurt chuckled. "I will ignore any mocking behaviour if I completely fail at this."
"Im sure youll be fine," Blaine assured him. "I havent been in a long time so Im probably going to stink."
"I cant imagine you not being good at something," Kurt admitted.
"There are a lot of things Im awful at," Blaine said.
"Still cant imagine it. Go on then. Its your turn now," Kurt said nodding towards where Nick and Jeff were making their way back to the bench where everyone else was seated.
"Wish me luck," Blaine said with a wink. He strolled over to collect a ball before lifting it, sending his arm back and quickly snapping it back forwards. In the end, he managed to knock down seven pins the first time and a further two on his next bowl.
"See, good at everything!" Kurt laughed, passing him to take his own turn. He chose an emerald green ball that fitted his fingers perfectly and looked straight ahead at the pins before sending the ball flying down the alley. It smashed straight into the middle pin, effectively knocking down the nine behind it. He grinned at his achievement and made his was back to Blaine and the Warblers who were all gaping.
"Look, I got a strike," he stated proudly.
"How did you do that? It was like, perfect!" Blaine said.
"Im sure it was a fluke," Kurt replied and took a seat between his friends, unable to wipe the smile off his face.
"I still cant believe you got 5 strikes. I thought you hadnt done this in years," said Blaine, as he pulled open his menu. Theyd finished bowling and had decided to get lunch at a nearby restaurant before heading back to Blaines.
"What can I say? My skills include sewing and painting, maybe Im just good with my hands," Kurt replied. Wes burst out laughing and Kurt immediately blushed, realising how that could have been taken and apparently was taken by Wes.
"Sorry, Kurt, you set yourself up for that one," Wes chuckled.
"Ignore him, Kurt," Jeff said. "Wes constantly has his mind in the gutter."
"Can we once again just not think about Wess idiocy and instead decide on some food?" asked Thad. "Im starving!"
"Youre always thinking about food!" complained Trent.
"Are you not?" asked Thad.
"I think about other things too," said Trent.
They all read their menus and individually decided what they wanted and after ordering chatted amongst themselves about their bowling scores.
"Im not surprised that Jeff and Nick got the lowest scores. They used the majority of their turns to fondle one another," David said with a chuckle.
"We do not fondle one another!" Nick argued.
"In public," Jeff added quietly, earning himself a slap on the arm from his boyfriend.
"Dont want to know," Thad said. "If I start thinking about that then Im going to get worse nightmares than I did that time that I came home a day early and found my sister and her boyfriend in the hot tub."
"Nightmares? But your sisters totally hot," David said. "I wouldnt mind finding that."
"Ew, thats my sister," Thad said.
"Its cool, bro. Though Im not sure crushing on a sibling is completely normal, I think you should at least be able to admit that theyre hot," David said.
"Can we please talk about something thats not how hot my sister is?" Thad asked.
"So youre admitting that shes hot?" said Wes.
"Shut up," Thad groaned.
"Dont worry about it Thad. Wess brother is sex on a stick," said Nick. Wes looked at him with raised eyebrows.
"Dude, dont say that! Come on Jeff, bitch him out!" Wes complained.
"I normally would, but I have to admit he is pretty much sex on a stick," Jeff said.
"I hate you guys," said Wes.
"Attention! I see food!" Thad interrupted.
"Could it be? Our food is here at long last?" David said, dramatically clutching at his chest.
The waitress approached their table and stopped, which lead to Thad beginning a cheer that all of the boys joined in on. When theyd all received their food, Blaine turned to Kurt.
"Still dont want to escape my friends?" he asked.
"Naw," said Kurt. "I told you, I like them and theyre funny. Remember, my closest friends are the New Directions. Im used to weird and dramatic!"
Blaine was sure, at that moment, that Kurt couldnt get any more perfect.