Sept. 14, 2011, 11:49 a.m.
Sept. 14, 2011, 11:49 a.m.
River Flows In You
Chapter 8 - Glee Club
Blaine enters his house tapping absently on the keys of the keyboard, absorbing the tones.
“What is that?” Blair asks from her sleeping-place.
“A keyboard, it is like a portable piano. I borrowed it from Sean so I can learn how to play mine and Kurt’s song. I am going with him to school tomorrow, to his glee club.”
“You are adorable. Though you are not plinking on that thing all night while I’m sleeping!”
“I can play outside. I just need my phone so I can listen to the song while I play.”
“You’ll have learned the song in like, an hour. So you should get some sleep too. Goodnight Blaine.”
“Maybe… Goodnight Blair.”
Blair turns over to her stomach and Blaine walks back out of the house.
Blaine sits on the huge rock by the lakelet in the forest, listening to the song on his phone and then playing it through on the keyboard. Good thing we have such good sense of sound. If I would have been human this would have taken weeks to learn.
Just like Blair thought, Blaine knows the song perfectly by the time an hour has passed. He still sits on the rock for two more hours, practicing and singing his made-up lyrics. He turns the keyboard off and just enjoys the silence of the forest for a few minutes, before returning to his house.
Blaine puts the keyboard on the floor next to his bed and removes his clothes. He has some trouble removing the bandages, since Blair had secured them at the back, but manages after just a few seconds. He falls asleep naked at about one at night.
At six, Blaine wakes up to the sun shining through his window. Blair is already awake and has gathered breakfast. It’s fall so there are less fruits and more mushrooms. After breakfast Blair binds Blaine’s tail and Blaine picks out his clothes for the day. He chooses a pair of light jeans and a sky-blue cardigan with a white t-shirt underneath. He puts on the black coat and his Converse and leaves for Kurt’s house.
Blaine knocks on the door at seven twenty-five. Kurt opens the door with a huge grin.
“Hi boyfriend.” Blaine grins back at him.
Kurt huffs a breath of laughter. He then replies “Hi boyfriend.” followed by a sudden shriek of “FINN!”.
Blaine jumps.
“I’m sorry. But he is SO grumpy in the mornings. I have a hard time getting him to the car.”
Finn comes walking down the stairs, dragging his feet. “Hi Blaine.” he says and passes the two boyfriends in the doorway, out to the car.
Kurt opens the driver side door and sees Finn in the passenger seat. “Finn, you sit in the back today. Blaine is coming with us.”
“I was wondering why he was here…” Finn says, yawns and then moves to the backseat.
Blaine takes his place and the seat is already warm from the short time Finn had sat in it.
They drive in silence, all three too tired to keep up conversation.
Kurt parks outside a huge building with hundreds of humans gathering in groups outside it or walking into it.
“We’re here. What are you going to do all day, Blaine?” Kurt asks as Finn gets out of the car.
“Bye Blaine.” he says and yawns again, walking toward the building.
“I thought I could sit in your car while you are in class and meet you outside the door before glee club.”
“Okay, I’ll give you my keys.”
“Can I see your schedule? And do you have a map of the school?”
“Yes, but I need them before I go inside. Why do you want to see them?”
“I thought I could walk you between classes. If I see the schedule and the map I will be there waiting every time.”
“You won’t be able to remember it all in just a couple of minutes.”
“I will.”
“So you have a photographic memory?” Kurt quirks an eyebrow.
“I do.”
“Really? That is amazing.” Kurt hands Blaine a piece of paper with squares on it and a big folded up-one.
Blaine looks at them for about a minute each and then hands them back to Kurt. They kiss and then get out of the car. Kurt shows Blaine how to lock and unlock it and then Blaine gets back in his seat. Kurt looks around to make sure nobody is watching them and then kisses Blaine again before saying goodbye and walking into the building.
Blaine sits in the car for about an hour, listening to music on his phone. He looks at his watch, gets out of Kurt’s car, locks it like he showed him and then walks into the building. He looks at Kurt’s schedule and the map in his mind and finds his way to Kurt’s classroom through the corridors. A bell rings somewhere and the corridor is crowded with people. The door to Kurt’s classroom opens and a bunch of students spill out into the hall, going in groups in different directions. Kurt is the very last one to exit.
“Hi Kurt. I found your classroom!” Blaine smiles widely at Kurt who looks bewildered.
“You did.” Kurt says breathlessly.
“May I hold your hand while I walk you to class?” Blaine asks and holds his hand out toward Kurt, who is holding a notebook to his chest with one hand.
“Sure. Everybody here already knows I’m gay.” Kurt takes Blaine’s hand, looks at it briefly and then back to Blaine. And they are going to bully me anyhow…
They both smile like fools and then start to walk toward Kurt’s next class. Lots of people stop and stare at them while they walk shoulder to shoulder through the halls. Kurt pretends not to care and Blaine is too happy to notice. However, Blaine keeps glancing around, making sure they don’t run into Azimio and Karofsky. They don’t, but neither Kurt nor Blaine sees the other boys following them, a few feet back.
Blaine kisses Kurt goodbye at the door to his next class and Kurt blushes all the way down to his chest, which is slightly exposed due to his v-necked dark blue shirt. So Blaine kisses him again before Kurt rushes into his classroom, clutching his notebook to his chest with both hands now. When Blaine turns around, smiling, he sees that all the humans are staring at him. He offers them a “Hello everyone. Just walking my boyfriend to class.” and most of them stop staring after that.
Blaine walks Kurt to two more classes, sitting in Kurt’s car in between. The second time he and Kurt walk hand in hand down the hallways, people stare less and whisper more. The third time people don’t even seem to notice them much. When Blaine arrives to the classroom where Kurt has had his fourth lesson a different bell rings. This time all the students seem to walk in the same direction.
“Hi Blaine.” Kurt’s voice makes Blaine look away from where he was following the students down the hall with his eyes.
“Hi Kurt.” Blaine kisses Kurt’s cheek.
“It’s time for lunch. I brought salad and fruits.” Kurt smiles. “But we have to get it from my locker first.”
“Should we eat in your… locker?”
Kurt laughs. “No, Blaine. The locker is where I keep my books and stuff. We eat in the cafeteria.”
“Can we eat in the car instead?” Blaine looks at Kurt pleadingly.
“Okay, fine.” Kurt says after reading Blaine’s face for a moment. “But if you spill something you’ll have to pay for it to get cleaned.” Darn that puppy-face.
“Of course.” Blaine smiles proudly. Yup, totally a puppy!
Blaine and Kurt walk hand in hand down the hallways until they reach a row of little metal doors. Kurt stops and fiddles with a metal thing on the door and the door opens. He pulls out two plastic boxes and two bottles of water. Blaine takes one of each and then they walk out to the car and both of them sit down in the backseat. They eat the salads that Kurt has prepared and talk about Kurt’s classes. When they are done they put the empty boxes and bottles in the driver’s seat and talk some more. Then they start kissing. Then they kiss some more. Kurt straddles Blaine’s lap in the middle of the backseat as they continue to kiss. Kurt roams his hands up Blaine’s arms and into his hair. Blaine keeps both hands on Kurt waist, holding still.
Kurt’s phone jingles. He scrambles off of Blaine’s lap and thuds against the backrest with a sigh. He checks his phone and says “It’s Mercedes. Class has already begun. I’m late!”. He leans over to look at his hair in the mirror, twists some ends of it and then kisses Blaine swiftly. “See you after class!”
Kurt is gone. Blaine takes some time to breathe and calm down. We are boyfriends now! He is going to want to… see me and… touch me. I have to tell him soon, before he accidentally finds out by himself. Maybe I can touch him and stuff, to distract him from wanting to do it to me… Blaine rubs the back of his left hand absently. Hopefully he won’t run away. Hopefully he will still want to be with me. I don’t know what I would do without him. Blaine is lost in thought for a long while, until he checks his watch and realizes that Kurt’s class should already be over. Blaine gets out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him. He winces when he thinks about what Kurt would have to say about that kind of treatment to his baby. While running toward the front doors he pushes the remote lock and looks over his shoulder, almost managing to fall face first into the staircase when missing the first step.
Kurt is standing outside his classroom waiting for Blaine as he comes jogging through the hall and stops right next to him, panting.
“Hello Blaine. What happened?” Kurt asks, tapping the side of his book with his index finger.
“I was thinking. And I forgot about checking my watch. I’m sorry.” Blaine says between deep breaths, straightening his back.
“Thinking about what?” There is a weird, dark glint in Kurt’s eyes. Lust?
“About us and… Let’s talk about it later. You don’t want to be late for the next class too, right?” Blaine extends his folded arm and Kurt loops his arm through it.
“I suppose not.” Kurt says as they start walking. “This is the last class before Glee club. So are you meeting me outside there or outside the front doors like we said before?”
“I will come and get you after class.” Blaine smiles.
“Such a gentleman.” Kurt smiles too.
Blaine leaves Kurt at the right place and gets back to the car. He listens and sings through “River Flows In You” a couple of times while waiting. He gets back to Kurt’s classroom about ten minutes too early, to make sure he isn’t late. He leans against the wall, head tipped back and looking at the ceiling tiles.
“Are you nervous?” Blaine looks down and finds Kurt’s concerned face.
“No. I’m fine.” Blaine says and smiles weakly.
“Are you sure?” Kurt says and when Blain nods he adds “Everyone is really nice so you don’t have to worry.”.
They walk hand in hand toward what Kurt has told Blaine is called the “choir room”. When they enter a bunch of students are already sitting in the red chairs lined up in front of the brown wall. A man is standing beside a big black piano. Kurt stops, still holding on to Blaine’s hand. “Mr. Shue? If I may?” The man by the piano nods.
“Everyone. This is my boyfriend Blaine. He is here to visit for the day.” Kurt says and smiles proudly at the other students. “Is it okay if he sits with us during glee club today, Mr. Shue?”
“Of course Kurt. Now, everyone. Introduce yourselves.” The man by the piano says.
“Yo. The name’s Artie.” a boy in a weird metal chair with wheels says.
“Quinn. Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Tina.”
“His real name’s Noah. I am Lauren.”
“My name's Brittany. You are really sexy.” A blonde girl says and beams at Blaine.
A girl with black hair and a bit darker skin looks a bit angrily at the blonde. “Santana.”
“Hey white boy. My name’s Mercedes.”
“My name is Rachel Berry!” What a shrill voice!
“And my name is William Shuester, but the kids call me Mr. Shue.” the man by the piano says.
“Hello everyone. I am very happy that you let me join you today.” Blaine says and smiles at all the humans in the room, even the now furious-looking black-haired girl. “Actually… Mr. Shue?”
“Yes, Blaine?”
“I have prepared a song for Kurt. I thought that since this is a singing club that maybe I could play it here?”
Kurt stares at Blaine, his mouth open slightly. “What?”
“Um… Sure, I guess. Go right ahead.” Mr. Shue says and sits down next to the students.
Blaine gestures to Kurt to sit down, which he does, while snapping his mouth shut. Blaine sits down on the piano bench and starts playing the intro. Should I sing it in Fouri or not? His friends are going to ask questions, but he really likes it when I use my language. Blaine starts to sing his made-up lyrics in Fouri and all of the students look shocked, but he doesn’t see that because he is looking straight at Kurt. Kurt looks at his friends and blushes a deep shade of red. When he looks back to Blaine there are tears in his eyes, which makes Blaine’s heart ache even though he knows that those are happy tears. When he finishes playing no one says anything for a long while. He smiles at Kurt who stands up and walks over to him. Kurt kisses Blaine on the lips, right there in front of the whole Glee club.
“Dude!” Finn exclaims. “I don’t want to see that again.”
Kurt and Blaine both chuckle as they break apart. Kurt grabs Blaine’s hand and pulls him toward the chairs and they sit down at the very end of the bottom row.
“What the hell was that, dude?” Noah asks.
“It was in Blaine’s native language. Don’t worry about it Noah.” Kurt responds and rolls his eyes at him.
“Native language? Where’s he from?” the angry-looking girl asks.
“He-“ Kurt begins but Mr. Shue cuts him off.
“Doesn’t matter. That was great, Blaine. Now, let’s start today’s lesson, shall we?” he scribbles a word on the whiteboard on the wall and the students turn to look at him instead of Blaine.
Not Kurt, though. He is looking at Blaine, smiling slightly. He brushes his hand over Blaine’s knuckles and Blaine squeezed his fingers in response.
“Kurt? If Blaine is going to stay, you have to pay attention.” Mr. Shue says and Kurt turns his head to focus on his teacher.
Blaine continues to look at Kurt while the teacher talks to his class. When finally the bell rings Kurt jumps out of his seat, rushing toward the car. “Finn. Get a ride!” he calls back before they enter the hall outside the choir room.
“I had no idea you were going to sing!” Kurt exclaims when they are both buckled into the car.
“I wanted to surprise you!” Blaine explains. “Also, I did not want to tell you about it and then ending up not getting to do it.”
“That was really sweet of you Blaine. It was beautiful.”
“When you cry, it makes my chest ache. Even when I know they are happy tears.”
“I’ll try not to cry, then.” Kurt smiles.
“Then I will try to make sure you are always happy.” Blaine brushes his fingertips over the side of Kurt’s neck.
“You are such a dork!” Kurt giggles.
“But you still like me.”
“I do.”
They spend the rest of the afternoon in Kurt’s room, talking. Blaine has to leave at nine, after enjoying pancakes for dinner with Kurt’s family. Luckily Finn says nothing about the glee club-incident.
“Do you want to do something this weekend?” Blaine asks as they stand outside on the grass, hugging close in the chilly autumn air.
“I do, but I can’t. We are going to visit my aunt over the weekend and in the beginning of next week I have to study for a huge test that I have on Thursday.” Kurt looks down at their pressed together chests.
“It’s okay. We can text and call when we miss each other.”
“Let’s do something next Friday, though.”
“Anything. We can decide that later. I’m going to miss you.”
“I will miss you too.”
They kiss for a minute and then Kurt has to return into the warmth of the house, since he didn’t put his jacket on. He waves at Blaine through a window, and Blaine waves back.
“How did it go?” Sean is standing outside Blaine’s home, leaning against the wall with both his arms and legs crossed.
“Great. Kurt loved it.”
“Is that why you were gone for so long?” Sean wiggles his reddish eyebrows at Blaine.
“What do you mean?” Blaine narrows his eyes at his best friend.
“Nothing.” Sean stops leaning against the wall. “I came to get my keyboard.”
The two boys tiptoe inside and Blaine hands the keyboard to Sean. Blair lets out a grunt and then continues to snore loudly.
“Your sister is amazing.” Sean whispers before leaving the house.
On Friday night Blaine finds out that Kurt’s aunt lives somewhere without cell phone reception so they can’t talk until Sunday night when Kurt comes back home. So Blaine spends his weekend face down on his bed. Blair makes him get up to eat and wash himself but he plunks back down on the mattress as soon as he is done. On Saturday Blair tries to talk to him. On Sunday she doesn’t. After dinner on Sunday Blaine seems to be a bit happier, though.
“Kurt is coming home tonight!” he squeals after swallowing the last piece of an apple.
“Good for you.” Blair mumbles and continues to eat.
“What, what?”
“Are you angry at me?” Blaine asks and pokes at Blair’s leg with his tail.
“I’m not!”
“You are. Tell me why!” Blaine says and pushes Blair to the floor, straddling her and tickling her sides.
Blair howls with laughter and smacks at Blaine’s arms. “STOP THAT NOW!” she shrieks between giggles and panting. He lets go off her and sits back when tears start to roll down her cheeks.
“Okay, I’m mad at you.” Blair says, sits back up and wipes at her eyes.
“Because you were a zombie all weekend.”
“I’m sorry.”
“You are never like that. I don’t ever want you to be like that again. Just because you can’t see Kurt for a few days doesn’t mean that I stop existing.” Blair mumbles and pokes at her leftovers.
“Linda moved in with Patric on Friday, didn’t she?” Blaine asks and moves closer, bumping their knees together.
Blair nods and more tears fall from her eyes. Blaine stands on his knees and wraps his arms around her. She sobs into his shoulder and he moves his fingers through her hair, knowing that that usually calms her down. “I’m so sorry Blair. You are always there for me when I need you, but I wasn’t. I’m a really sucky brother.”
“No you aren’t.” Blair mumbles into Blaine’s shirt. “You were just sad.”
“Yeah, but you were sadder.”
Blaine continues to hug Blair while she calms down, running his fingers through her dark curls. Suddenly Blaine’s phone jingles.
“You should get that.” Blair says and wipes at her cheeks when Blaine lets go of her.
“You okay?”
“For now.”
Blaine answers his phone. “Hello? Kurt?”
“Hi Blaine. I’m finally home from my aunt’s!”
“Did you have a good time?”
“When I weren’t missing you, yes. Or, I was missing you all the time but I got distracted. Not that I could ever be distracted from-”
“I get it.”
“Good. Did you have a fun weekend?”
“Yes.” If you call lying face down in my bed and sulking “fun”.
“What did you do?”
“Oh, I walked around some. Hung out with Sean, you know.”
“Oh, okay. Well, I have to go to bed now. But I’ll text you when I’m at school tomorrow.”
“Okay.” I love you. Oh wow, can’t say that yet! “Sleep well.”
“You too.” I love you. OH GAGA, it’s too early for those words. “Bye.”