July 24, 2012, 9:44 p.m.
July 24, 2012, 9:44 p.m.
When he heard the car pull into the driveway of their perfect house, in their perfect neighborhood, he knew their perfect life was over. Kurt had been successful as a writer, an editor, and now as an author. When they had welcomed their daughter, Kurt's biological daughter, into their lives just three years ago Kurt worked from home and worked on the sequel to his first novel. His husband was a successful business man working in an insurance company and providing for his family. They were the picture perfect couple with a lovely little girl and considering another. But not now. Kurt had stopped the adoption process and Andrew didn't know.
When he heard the car door slam outside he feared what would happen. For a second he reconsidered what he was about to do but got his courage back. He looked back at the drawer that held the revolver he had hidden just in case things got out of hand. The same revolver he'd held to himself so many times before Abigail came around. He knew things wouldn't get out of hand but he didn't know what to expect from Andrew anymore. He had not expected this truth at all and had made sure to be prepared. He looked back as the door knob turned and his well put together husband came in. His tie was gone, his hair had been messed up but quickly fixed. Kurt realized then it was actually happening.
“Hey, babe,” Andrew said.
“What?” he said as he put his brief case on the floor.
“Where were you?” Kurt asked.
“I had to work late. I had two meetings to get through tonight. You know how it is,” he replied.
“It's every night now, Andrew. What's really going on?”
“Nothing. Kurt, I work twelve hour days...I can't help it I come home a mess,” Andrew said.
“Stop...just stop lying! That's all you've been doing for months!”
Andrew looked at him confused and then sighed. He ran a hand through his hair and walked over to Kurt. Kurt could smell the stench all over him and moved away.
“I know you're cheating. I've heard it from people and you always smell like it!”
“Kurt, I'm not cheating! I love you and only you!”
“Stop. Lying!”
Andrew looked taken aback but Kurt didn't care. He was right, Andrew had been cheating and he was not going to sit back taking it. Not anymore.
“I have worked so hard to keep our family together...but...I'm tired of it. Get out. Don't even bother begging for forgiveness. You're not getting it,” Kurt said. Andrew looked at him angry and turned away from him.
“No matter what I do it's never good enough! I've been working my ass off for you and Abigail!”
“You could care less for her and I or you would be home and with us! All you do is work and sleep with some other man! You don't love us anymore. Get out!”
“I love my baby girl. Don't say I don't!”
“But you don't love me! I need you to love me too but you don't. I've given you everything of me and you could care less! I gave up my full time job to be home with Abigail since you didn't want to give yours up! I don't regret it but I regret ever loving you! I should have listened to everybody...”
Andrew glared at him and put his hands on his hips. Kurt crossed his arms and returned the glare.
“Get. Out.”
After a minute, Andrew grabbed his brief case and walked out of the front door. Once it closed and he heard the roar of the engine fade away; He let out the choking sob he'd been holding back. He wrapped his arms around himself and fell down to the floor in a heap. He wiped at his eyes and ran a hand through his hair. Five years of marriage down the drain. Five years of wasted devotion. Kurt made his way to the guest bedroom, not wanting to sleep in his own bed, and fell asleep there. For the first time in years he cried himself to sleep.
The next day, Kurt left Abigail with Rachel and Finn while he went to the court house. He was lucky in a sense. All of his closest friends and family lived on this one street, across from each other. Nobody knew what he was doing that day. They couldn't know the perfect family was imperfect. The papers were filed in a matter of hours and he was ready to become a single father to the only light in his life.
A week after the filing, Kurt finally had the nerves to tell his friends about him and Andrew. Quinn, Rachel, Mercedes, and Santana were all there for him and supported him. They helped him with Abigail and helped him move Andrew's stuff out and helped him start over. Kurt couldn't have asked for better friends. He bought a new bed to replace the one he had shared with Andrew. The other one he threw away at the dump and felt good about it.
The court hearing was months later. Kurt was fighting for full custody of Abigail Elizabeth Hummel-Taylor. He took Taylor off her last name leaving her with just Hummel. As far as he was concerned, Andrew would never be her father. Unfortunately, she would be with Andrew every other week. Kurt got child support from him, which was a high price. He also got spousal support until he got a job, and those paychecks were just as good.
Kurt got the house they had made together. Andrew would still be paying the mortgage and all the bills until Kurt got a job. He was happy but breaking every day. Abigail was three but knew something was off. She asked for Da sometimes and Kurt didn't know what to do and more than once it resulted in him breaking down. After the divorce was finalized Kurt promised to put Abigail before anything else. Just a few weeks before the finalization, he had gotten a full time job with a news paper as an editor and could work from home. However, once a week he needed to be in the office to work.
As time went on he slowly rebuilt his life. He put Abigail above everything and avoided dating in the year. He had seen Andrew around with some guys and it hurt but he let it go. He had to. His friends were there though and more than once Santana had seen Andrew and gave him a piece of her mind. Kurt was happy...or so he thought. And it was the perfect inspiration for a novel.
I like the intro, Kurt my angry little angel lol. I'm looking forward to this story blooming into fun wanky angst.
Lol! More tomorrow after work and Speed will be updated too!
I love this beginning!
Thank you!