Left, But Right To You
Epilogue Previous Chapter Story
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July 10, 2012, 7:03 p.m.

Left, But Right To You: Epilogue

E - Words: 970 - Last Updated: Jul 10, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Jun 02, 2012 - Updated: Jul 10, 2012
808 0 10 1 0

Author's Notes: This is it! I'm so upset to see it end but it must. I might do a sequel but there's no guarantees. Cross your fingers though because I am trying to work one out for this!Anyway, here's the epilogue! Warning: FLUFF!!
2 Years Later

Kurt opened the door to their apartment and set his messenger bag on the floor. The lights in the apartment were dimmed and there was a dozen roses sitting on the table with a sticky note in front of them. Kurt read the neat script of Blaine's handwriting.

'The way you smile makes my heart race'

He smiled down at it and looked into the living room. On the coffee table was another vase of roses. He walked over slowly and picked up the post-it note.

'I can still remember the first time I saw your face and your ocean blue eyes. I've been lost a sea since then'

Kurt giggled and started to feel self conscious. He moved towards the hallway that led back to the kitchen. Another table with more roses sat there.

'Our first date, our first kiss, our first anniversary, everyday you're on my mind and I'll never forget these moments'

Kurt put this note with the two others. He made his way into the kitchen and saw Blaine standing next to the dining table. He was dressed in a casual suit and his hair was gelled back. He was holding a single rose in his hands and walked up to Kurt. He held it out to him and Kurt took it and looked at the note attached to the stem.

'I will never say goodbye to you. You're the best thing to happen to me my whole life'

“You are too sweet for words,” Kurt said leaning over and kissing him gently.

“Happy anniversary baby,” Blaine said when he pulled away. Kurt wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. Blaine laughed and pulled away.

“I take it you got my flowers and messages?” Blaine asked.

“Yes...I did. Thank you. The delivery of roses to me at work was a great way to start the day,” Kurt replied. The first note had simply said 'I Love You, Happy Anniversary'. Kurt had given him his gift in the morning before work. Blaine had an old pocket watch that had been broken for years. Blaine told him it had been from his grandfather. So, Kurt took it and got it repaired and gave it to him. Blaine had jumped on him and thanked him over and over again.

Blaine moved away from Kurt and pulled the chair out from the table for him. Kurt walked over smiling and sat down. Blaine moved over to the stove and put the food on the table. It was Shrimp Alfredo and garlic bread. Kurt remembered their first date at the sight of the food. Blaine opened a bottle of white wine, one that Kurt had gotten him for his birthday the previous year. Blaine poured two glasses and set the wine back in the ice. He gave Kurt his glass and sat down at the table.

“Blaine...this is amazing. Thank you for everything you did today,” Kurt said.

“It was my pleasure,” Blaine replied. They served themselves some of the food and sat in a comfortable silence. They finished eating and then finished off the bottle of wine. After they cleaned up they made their way into the living room. They watched a movie but didn't pay much attention to it since they were caught up in each other. After it ended they made their way to their bedroom. Kurt changed into a pair of sweatpants and a tee. Blaine chose just sweatpants and Kurt shook his head. It would probably all end up on the floor anyway.

Blaine turned his lamp off and Kurt moved over to him. He laid his head on his chest and kissed his shoulder. Blaine's hand ran soothingly up and down his back.

“What's that?” Blaine said breaking the silence.

“What?” Kurt asked looking up at him confused.

“On the ceiling.”

Kurt rolled over and looked up. He didn't know if he should laugh or cry or slap Blaine across the face. On the ceiling in glow in the dark letters was 'Will You Marry Me Kurt?'. Blaine's lamp turned on and Kurt looked back at him and saw he had a little black box in his hands. He shifted away from Blaine and looked at the box stunned.

“No...” Kurt said. Blaine's smile faded and Kurt mentally scolded himself.

“I didn't mean it like that! I meant no this isn't happening but it is...”

“Kurt...calm down. I understand. But, these past two years have been amazing and I'm wrapped around your finger and I wouldn't have it any other way. Kurt, will you marry me?” Blaine asked. Blaine opened the little box revealing a platinum band with a single diamond in it. Blaine took it out and looked at Kurt hopeful. Kurt jumped on him and hugged him tightly. Blaine didn't catch himself in time though and they fell off the bed and onto the floor. They cracked up laughing as Kurt laid on top of Blaine.

“Yes...you crazy fool...I'll marry you,” Kurt said kissing him passionately. He pulled away and Blaine slipped the ring onto his finger. He looked down at it feeling like everything had finally fallen together and his life was complete. This would be a fun story to tell their friends and family.

“I love you so much,” Blaine said.

“I love you, too,” Kurt said and their mouths connected once more. Kurt looked down into his hazel eyes when they parted and smiled down at him.

“Thank you...this whole night was amazing. I can't wait to marry you and start our new life,” Kurt said.

“Neither can I,” Blaine said and kissed him once more. Kurt stood up and helped him up and this time they fell onto the bed wrapped up in each others arms not wanting to let go.

End Notes: Thank you everybody for reading this story! For sticking with it until the end it means so much that you all take time to read my stories! :')


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it was a beautiful story - thank you for sharing :D

Thank you for reading! :)

A sweet ending to a lovely story ... thanks so much for sharing it with us :)

Thank you so much for reading it! :)

This was so beautiful!! :') Loved absolutely every bit of it. xx

Thank you so much! :)

Yay! :D Thanks!

Oh my god. Perfect ending to an amazing story. It was perfect.

Aww! :D <3