Bonds Rekindled
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Nov. 27, 2012, 1:06 p.m.

Bonds Rekindled: Chapter 9

M - Words: 1,750 - Last Updated: Nov 27, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Jul 21, 2012 - Updated: Nov 27, 2012
294 0 2 0 0

Kurt hadn't expected it. The mixed scents hit him as he walked out of his bedroom. Blaine was still out cold on the bed. Kurt smiled back at him and walked cautiously out of the room. He closed the door quietly even though he knew Blaine would probably hear it. He walked down the stairs and heard the two talking in the kitchen.

“What brings you here?” Cooper asked.

“Hmm...I would say nothing but there's a lot pulling me here,” the female voice replied.

“Oh yeah? Such as?”

“I've heard a lot about you. I've also're quite the charmer. I'm looking for some fun. You're single...I'm single...why not?”

“So, in other words, you've been following me and got here first?” Cooper asked. She laughed as he talked and he heard her snort quietly.

“I was here first with a flame of mine. It didn't work out and I met my only son and child and decided to stay back while he wanted to go do bigger and better things. I am.”

“Ah, I see. Look, I'm way older than you...”

“Not in human years. We're the same age. I know how old you are,” she said. Kurt felt sick to his stomach as he listened to them. He decided to walk into the kitchen and as he did he saw her with her arms wrapped around Cooper's neck, her back to Kurt.

“Kurt!” Cooper said. His mother turned around to face him surprised. She was dressed in just a long t-shirt and socks.

“Really?” Kurt asked.

“Kurt, I'm so sorry honey...”

“Please, I understand you're my mom but respect my house. If you two want to hook up do it else where...or not at all,” Kurt said as he walked into the kitchen to the refrigerator. He pulled out a bottle of water and ran back to his bedroom. Blaine was on his back now, his god sculpted chest exposed. The covers lay tucked around his waist and Kurt bit his lower lip. He had the decency to get dressed before he left the room today. Usually they had an empty house so they'd walk around how they pleased, especially Blaine.

Kurt laid back down on the bed and put an arm around Blaine's chest and laid his head on his chest. The hummingbird heart beat echoed through his ears and he hummed in contentment. A knock sounded on their door and Kurt groaned and stood up. Blaine had already shifted and was sitting up.


“Eww...put some clothes on Blaine!” Cooper said.

“Shut up!” Kurt head behind him and laughed.

“What do you want?”

“Want to head out for a little bit? I want to talk to you about my baby brother,” Cooper said smiling.

“Sure, let me get ready. I'll meet you downstairs in a few minutes,” Kurt replied. Cooper left and he closed the door. He shuffled back to the bed and kissed Blaine.

“I love drinking!” Blaine said as he laid back down.

“Yeah, because it doesn't bother you like it would if you were human,” Kurt replied annoyed. Kurt had taken in that luxury too but it usually took quite a few drinks to even get tipsy. It had even taken Kurt a few drinks in his human years to get tipsy. Kurt got showered, dressed, kissed Blaine one more time and left the house with Cooper. As they walked down the street the coffee shop him and Blaine frequented Cooper spoke up.

“I missed him so much...thank you, Kurt.”

“For what?”

“For looking for me. For bringing me back to something I thought I lost. I made Simon promise me to care for him if something should happen. He hadn't been able to save the other boy but...Blaine was saved.”

“Did you ask Simon to change him?”

“No. I didn't. Just to make sure he would heal and be okay. I didn't know Blaine had changed until Simon came back to me after a few months. He told me what happened and that he left him. I cursed Simon out and told him to never show his face around me.”

“How did you change?”

“The day Simon told me, he brought a woman. She was gorgeous. Long dark brown hair and these green eyes. Her smile was out of this world and she had me at hello. We kept in touch and I asked to be changed. I had proposed to her and we were set to wed then I was to change.”

“Did it happen?”

“ did. But then...after a few years of being together...she was killed. I moved to the States and I've lived here since. I was looking for Blaine but never got a solid lead after he changed his name.”

“It wasn't easy after you changed your name...but I got you. Thanks to Simon,” Kurt said.

They walked into the little cafe and Kurt ordered them coffees and they sat down. He took a sip and looked at Cooper. He was looking out into the town lost in thought.

“What's on your mind?” Kurt asked.

“Just remembering him as a kid. I vowed I would never forget those days. He's grown into such a nice young man. I don't know if young is the word...he's young but mature.”

“Yes, he is. Now, what are you doing with my mom?” Kurt asked.

“Nothing...unless I con her and we get the man before they do anything to me,” Cooper said shrugging.

“You could die! It's dangerous, Cooper! Don't do this,” Kurt replied worried about his brother.

“We need to get her, Kurt. As much as you hate it we need to get her in custody so she can be dealt with.”

“What will they do to her?”

“Probably rip her fangs out,” Cooper replied. Kurt's tongue traced over his fangs and he winced at the thought of them being ripped from his gums.

“Please...can we do anything to get the charges off of her?”

“Unless she confesses then the punishment will be worse.”

“They won't torture her will they?”

“Depends who gets her. If it's this guys friend then he may do worse to her. If it's a governing vampire then probably not that bad.”

“I just got her back...and it turns out she's some evil woman.”

“She's not evil...just blinded by love for a vampire who might be controlling her. We don't know...”

“If she's being controlled?”

“We need to know why.”

“This is all so messed up,” Kurt said. Cooper nodded and took a drink.

“I haven't hunted in so long...I need something.”

“I do too...let me pick us out some people,” he replied.

“Let you? Why?”

“I have the ability to see's what I use to hunt. I hate drinking bad blood but if I see dark auras I usually go for them. Also, I can see someones past and it shows me what made their aura,” Kurt said like it was nothing at all.

“Can you...see mine?”

“Not unless I blink. I haven't looked at yours yet.”

“Would you?” Cooper asked.

“Sure...” Kurt replied and blinked. The orange outline stretched around Cooper. He wasn't surprised that his was the same as Blaine's. But there was a different color to it. It wasn't just orange. It varied and got lighter then darker.

“Hmm...yours is just like Blaine's. Orange. Courageous. It has other meanings too...such as good health and excitement. You have a lot of energy and stamina. You're very creative and adventurous. Over all, you're outgoing and very open,” Kurt said. Cooper nodded and Kurt smiled.

Kurt looked out the window and saw the black aura. As he did he jumped down to the floor and squeezed his eyes shut. The fear coursed through his veins and he felt the pain once more in his chest as the other day. He heard shouting but blocked his ears. Arms wrapped around him and he was picked up bridal style. He opened his eyes and blinked to try and stop the auras around him but they wouldn't go away.

The next thing he knew he was being laid on the couch in the living room of his house. Cooper's aura was still wrapping around him and no matter how much he tried to will it away it wouldn't stop. Blaine was next to him as he stared up at the ceiling, blankly. Blaine's hand was wrapped with his as his other trailed over his chest. Not feeling the pain anymore or any blood he started to calm down. He looked over at Blaine and sighed.



“God, are you okay?” Blaine asked, relief crossing his face.

“I...I think s-so.”

“What happened?” Blaine asked as he glared at Cooper.

“We were in the coffee shop and he was talking about auras. Next thing I know he jumps off his chair and curled up into a ball...” Cooper said.


He looked up to see Erica behind the couch looking at him concerned. She reached down and took his hand. Kurt sat up pulling his hands away from both of them and curled in on himself. Blaine got on the couch next to him and put a hand on his arm.

“Are you okay?” Blaine asked.

“Do I look it?” Kurt snapped angrily. Blaine flinched back and looked up at Erica.

“Why don't both of you go for a walk and talk? I'll stay with him...”

Blaine looked at Kurt cautiously and then nodded. He got up and left with Cooper as Erica sank down next to him. He looked over at her and fell into her open embrace. He wasn't crying, not at the moment like he had been, but he was still afraid. He looked down and still saw the brown aura around Erica. He closed his eyes for a few seconds and opened them up. The aura was gone and a breath of relief left him.

“Honey? You saw the black aura didn't you?” she asked.

“Yeah...I did...”

“You need to calm down though...nothing happened. You're safe and everybody else is.”

“I know...I just...didn't expect it. I'm scared...what if it does happen again?”

“That may not have been the same person, sweetheart.”

“But what if it is? What if he or she, for all we know, followed me?”

“Then, we'll deal with whoever it is. You know Blaine is set on killing this thing. He's been telling me for so long now.”

“I know...” Kurt replied and sighed.


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Yeah, I ship cooper and Kurt's mom, he is now into milfs (not exactly in this story since they are the same human age but just the idea.) And what the hell happened to Kurt?!? That shit is cray cray

Lol XD No shipping Kurt's mom and Cooper! I have better plans for him! ;) And maybe he is into milfs! XD We don't know! Like I said...Kurt had a panic attack...wouldn't you after somebody tried to kill you? He went through something traumatic! Blackout is the next update in a few! :)