Nov. 27, 2012, 1:06 p.m.
Nov. 27, 2012, 1:06 p.m.
“Kurt? Uh oh...” he heard her say. He put the bags on the island in the kitchen and made his way back into the living room. He crossed his arms and looked at Erica.
“What happened, hon?” she asked. Blaine had walked into the house and closed the front door by now. He looked sheepishly at Erica and spoke up.
“Do you remember Natalie Halden?” Blaine said.
“Yeah...I haven't seen her in a while though,” Erica said.
“Well, in her past life she was Elizabeth Hummel. Kurt's mother...” Blaine said. Kurt watched Erica's reaction. She was fine and then when he told her the truth she looked at Kurt surprised.
“There's no way...” she said.
“She is,” Kurt replied curtly. He looked at Blaine still hurt that he had kept this from him all of this time.
“And! Blaine knew her the whole time! I told him about my mom and what happened but he never said anything to me!” Kurt said.
“Kurt...I didn't put two and two together! I didn't know her original name. She kept that from us!”
“I had pictures and videos and you said nothing! Do you know how that makes me feel?” Kurt said seething with anger.
“I know...babe, I'm so sorry. Believe me, I am,” Blaine said. Kurt sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He turned on his heel and walked into the kitchen. He went through the produce and put some away. He kept one of the cantaloupes out and started to make something for Blaine. It kept his mind off things. When he was almost done arms wrapped around his waist and a gentle kiss was placed behind his ear, where Blaine knew he liked.
“I'm sorry,” Blaine said.
“I just need some time...” Kurt said. He finished with the little treat and turned around.
“Sorbetto di melone,” Kurt said holding the little dish out to Blaine. Blaine took it from him and kissed him. Kurt crossed his arms and looked down. He realized how much of a jackass he was to Blaine and felt like shit. Blaine put the dish down and went back to Kurt.
“I can feel it through the bond. I know you're upset and you're sorry...just calm down and take it easy. We can work this out...”
“I thought for sure she was dead...right now I'd rather believe that,” Kurt said letting the tears fall.
“Why?” Blaine asked confused.
“I saw that guy she was with...she loves someone else. She left my dad and me, Blaine. She loves somebody else...”
“Kurt...if she was changed against her will then she probably decided to make the best of it. If she was changed on her own free will then maybe...”
“No! Don't say it! She loves my dad! She wouldn't...cheat,” he said the word with disgust, “on my father and leave us behind! She left me behind! A child, Blaine! She just walked away from us!”
“Kurt! You would not have been able to live in that world at that age!”
“I was eight, Blaine! I thought my mom died! I watched my dad break and cry for the first time! I watched him, us, slowly crumble until we had to change our lives,” Kurt said.
“Your dad remarried Kurt! He moved on! Your mom did too! It's life...it's what happens. No. We may not like it but we have to accept it,” Blaine said. Kurt shrank back at the bitterness in his voice. He knew Blaine didn't mean to be that harsh. Kurt was being unrealistic but you can hope, can't you? Kurt moved away from him and walked to their bedroom. He closed the door and locked it. He moved over to the bed and sat down on it. He eventually got up and went to the closet. He pulled out the one box and pulled out to photo albums. He made his way back to the bed and sat down with them.
He went through some of the old photos he had of him and his mother. It was one of the things Blaine had gotten for him all those years ago the night they ran away. Blaine had packed two of Kurt's old photo albums. How his mother pulled off her death he'll never understand. He spent the rest of the night going through those books until he finally laid down. He cried himself to sleep that night as he held Blaine's pillow in his arms.
I don't know why he is so mad at Blaine. Your mother is a whore Kurt get over it!!!
It's just...Blaine knew she was alive and even though he didn't know it was her he still knew and Kurt is upset! Things will be fine though until someone else makes their presence known in a few chapters!