Aug. 7, 2012, 1:58 a.m.
Aug. 7, 2012, 1:58 a.m.
Hi again everyone! Haven't updated for such a long time-just finished school and been revising for exams etc,.
Before you start reading I though that I'd mention why I started writing fics. Mara had got me into Glee and she discovered loads of the amazing Klaine/Glee fics on this site, and I saw that they had 100s of reviews.
I wanted to be truly appreciated for things I do and have people like my work. I want to take this author's note, to thank everyone who has reviewed my stories and followed them. Please carry on :D I love waking up to a few story alerts or favourites-it really means alot and those other authors who write stories for this website will understand what I mean... Anyway!
"Blaine Anderson: Kurt...can we please get a puppy when we move in together?"
"Mercedes Jones, Kurt Hummel and 3 others like this."
"Kurt Hummel: Of course sweetie! But we can't have a pug. :L"
"Blaine Anderson likes this."
"Blaine Anderson: Ok. Pugs are...ew."
"Kurt Hummel: I like golden retrievers, although when I am in broadway and you're famous, we might not have time for a big dog..."
"Mercedes Jones likes this."
"Kurt Hummel: 'Cedes, I know you're there, so why aren't you commenting? Its stalkerish."
"Mercedes Jones likes this."
"Kurt Hummel: ..."
"Mercedes Jones likes this."
"Sebastian Smythe: Tina?"
"Tina Cohen-Chang: Yes?"
"Sebastian Smythe: What style era are you going through now...?"
"Mike Chang likes this."
"Tina Cohen-Chang: MIKE!"
"Blaine Anderson: :D"
"Kurt Hummel and 5 others like this."
"Kurt Hummel: You're in an abnormally mood today...I'm not sure if I like it."
"Blaine Anderson likes this."
"Blaine Anderson: You should be happy that I'm not skulking around Dalton looking miserable."
"Kurt Hummel: Yeah..but still. What have you done?"
"Blaine Anderson: ...Want to go to my room? ;)"
"Kurt Hummel: Kurt Hummel likes this alot."
"Mercedes Jones, Brittany Pierce and 7 others like this."
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: Anyone on wanting some money?"
"Kurt Hummel: I hope this has nothing to do with man prostitution..."
"Finn Hudson, Blaine Anderson and 4 others like this."
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: Actually it has NOTHING to do with that. It has everything to do with my pool cleaning business."
"Finn Hudson: Sure, man, I need some extra cash. When and where?"
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman likes this."
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: Usual person."
"Finn Hudson: Oh God not her? She spends the afternoon staring at your abs."
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman likes this."
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: How do you know I have abs?"
"Finn Hudson: ...not exactly hard to see when you strip off."
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman likes this."
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: Well maybe you should spend less time going gay for me and more time earning money."
"Kurt Hummel likes this."
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: Why do you like that Kurt?"
"Kurt Hummel: Because it would be funny to see Finn turning gay :D"
"Finn Hudson likes this."
"Kurt Hummel: Guys, if you were told you'd die tomorrow, what would you do?"
"Santana Lopez: Have sex with Brittany and probably some other people."
"Finn Hudson: Marry Rachel properly with no accidents."
"Blaine Anderson: I'd do the same as Santana but with you Kurtie (and not with other people)"
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman, Kurt Hummel and 3 others like this."
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: I'd try and graduate, and maybe go find Coach Beiste and/or the pool lady."
"Quinn Fabray: Spend it with my family. :P I'm such a saddo!"
"Noah 'Puck' Puckerman: HAHAHA"
"Kurt Hummel: No Quinn! It's lovely :D not like this will happen soon but I was curious. And of course I would spend it with Blaine ;) and with you guys!"
"Jeff Sterling: OMG guys? I'M HAVING A NOSEBLEED!"
"Nick Duval: Well how can you type then?"
"Jeff Sterling: Because I have ninja skills...thanks for asking how I am."
"Nick Duval: How are you...?"
"Jeff Sterling: I have to go to hospital. It hasn't stopped for over 30 minutes."
"Kurt Hummel likes this."
"Kurt Hummel unlikes this."
"Kurt Hummel: Oh God I'm sorry Jeff I didn't mean to like it! My computer had a spasm. Do you want me to meet you at hopsital?"
"Jeff Sterling: *sniffs* Yes please. OH NO! IT STARTED AGAIN COS I SNIFFED. *cries* Nick...!"
"Nick Duval: I'm coming babe!"
"Jeff Sterling: Nosebleeds suck :("
"Nick Duval: I know babe, I know."
"Jeff Sterling: Have you ever had one?"
"Nick Duval: Nope."
"Jeff Sterling: Did I tell you that I might have to have an operation on my nose to stop all the nosebleeds?"
"Nick Duval: NO?"
"Jeff Sterling: It might affect my looks...;) for the better"
"Kurt Hummel: Oh no this is exactly like the Rachel Berry dilemma."
"Jeff Sterling: It's optional..."
"Nick Duval: You are not having it. *stomps foot*"
"Jeff Sterling: OK. :D (I like being loved) hehehehehehehehe"
Thanks for reading guys...Umm I know its short but I wanted to get an update up soon because I haven't for such a long time! Will be able to do alot more now because I'm on holidays being treated like a baby because I have a jaw disorder... so umm keep the alerts going :D