Sept. 14, 2012, 6:48 a.m.
Sept. 14, 2012, 6:48 a.m.
"You've been sleeping for quite some time now, 3 days to be specific."
Kurt almost choked on his pancake when he heard that, his eyes popped out of their sockets.
The king nodded. Wow, what is up with me?
Kurt shrugged it off and continued eating feeding Maria in the process.
"So, how old is she?" The female asked Kurt now.
Kurt swallowed before stating, "Eight and a half months,"
Kurt nodded and looked down at Maria who had now given up on trying to pronounce that word and was now saying, "Ba ba ba ga ga," her two tiny bottom teeth jolting out when she spoke.
Kurt smiled and fed her a bit more pancakes.
"How old are you?" The female asked again.
"I'm 17," Kurt said quietly, still looking down at his plate.
"Ahh, still so young," the queen said. Kurt smiled softly.
"And when will you be turning 18?" The king asked.
"May 27." he shared.
"You're born in May?" A male asked.
Kurt nodded, "O nice, May baby bump," he said holding up his fist, Kurt smiled.
"Sometimes Ethan is such a retard," the other female mumbled.
Kurt ignored that comment but the king didn't, "Now, Sandra it isn't nice referring to your brother as such,"
"Ok fine, I'm sorry Ethan," she said without much meaning.
Kurt fed Maria more pancake bits and she loved it. Soon they were both finished and Kurt gave her some orange juice from his glass.
"We're going to have to stock up on baby things," the other female said. Everyone looked at her wide-eyed, "For Maria!" She said shocked.
Kurt was about to laugh but stopped himself. The king looked down at Kurt and smiled softly.
"O how did I forget?!" The king began, "Kurt, this is my oldest son Cooper Anderson and his wife Ariaana," he said pointing to a charming young guy to his right, he had dark brown hair, and a beautiful black-haired girl with green eyes was next to him, "That, of course, is Ethan," Ethan waved to Kurt and he smiled, he had short spiky black hair and hazel eyes too, along with dimples similar to Kurt, "That is Sandra, my beloved wife" he pointed to a beautiful women with long straight brown hair, she had hazel eyes just like the rest of them, "And Blaine's best friend Jeff," he concluded.
"I've always thought of you as a dad but whatever I get you," Jeremiah joked playing with the syrup in his plate with his fork. The king smiled and rolled his eyes. He then smiled to Kurt; he had dark brown hair and silver eyes which glowed when they met with Kurt and he could pass as family if it wasn't for the eye color and slightly different hair color. So Kurt met everyone.
"And everyone this is Kurt Hummel... Blaine's-"
He looked on Kurt and saw him disapproving already before finishing with, "friend."
Kurt strongly disagreed as this was an under-statement, but it's better than being called his 'mate' so Kurt didn't complain.
"So Blaine where did you meet Kurt?" Queen Sandra asked.
"Yes, your 'friend' Kurt," Nick, another Blaine’s good friend justified air quoting 'friend' when he spoke; they both had weird smirks on their faces that made Kurt want to laugh.
Blaine looked at them with juvenile hatred in his eyes, "Shut up you two," was all he said, a smile tugging the corner of his lips.
Kurt looked down at Maria who had just burped, and was glaring at him with adoration. Kurt smiled and lifted her to stand on his lap, at first she was uneasy, but then she got the hang of it and started bouncing herself making car noises while she did this. Kurt smiled at her and kissed her nose.
"She's so adorable," Queen Sandra then chimed, looking at Maria.
"Yeah right," Ariaana added.
"Can she speak?" Queen Sandra then asked.
Kurt thought about it, "Not a lot, just a few words,"
"Like?" Nick asked.
Kurt looked down at Maria, "Maria," he began, "Who am I?"
"Kut..Kurt," she said clearly.
"Awww," Queen Sandra and Ariaana cooed.
"And who are you?"
"Ma-wia," she answered bouncing as she said it.
By now everyone had a smile on their face, including Blaine. Kurt smiled down at her and she clasped her hands in front her irresistible little smile.
"Can I hold her?" the queen asked.
Kurt wasn't sure what to say and was about to answer when Brittany entered the room with a tray in her hands, the room then began to have a smell similar to that of a hospital room. Kurt didn't like it, it made him feel woozy as though he was about to faint. Kurt realized why he felt like this when Brittany handed out the content that was on top of the tray. The king was the first to receive his cup of blood then everyone else; Kurt stared at the thick red liquid completely grossed out as he wondered what its source might have been. Kurt weak stomach churned and he started to re-taste blueberry in his throat as it slowly moved up his esophagus.
"Kurt, are you ok? You look sort of pale?" Jeff asked.
Everyone then looked at Kurt and he could swear that he was ok until he saw Ethan drink some from his glass. Kurt covered his mouth with his palm almost immediately and he began to walk briskly, he handed Maria to Brittany in his journey to the bathroom down the hall. Kurt slammed the door behind him before crouching over the open toilet and regurgitating everything he had eaten all at once. Kurt closed his eyes not wanting to see what it looks like, knowing that would only make him puke more. He flushed what was in the toilet and rinsed his mouth- with some mouthwash- in the sink, he washed his face with some cold water and dabbed it dry with a towel that was directly to the left of the sink.
I need to get out of this hell hole!
Kurt opened the door and looked down the hall to see Nick and Jeff heading his way. No Blaine, shocker! On seeing him, Nick immediately asked if he were ok.
Kurt nodded unconvincingly and walked pass them, heading up the stairs in a rush wanting to be all by himself now. He turned down the hall and went in his room immediately. He slammed the door and collapsed right there crying. He wasn't sure what for exactly, but the tears kept falling and he allowed them to. His throat was burning again and his eyes grew hot. Tears fell from his eyes endlessly and he had a growing urge to scream at the top of his lungs but didn't. After 45 minutes Kurt rose from the ground and headed to the bathroom, he washed his face and brushed his teeth again. He sat on the edge of the bed and took a breath scanning the room to distract his tear ducts. He looked in the far corner and spotted his bag and rushed over to it.
Kurt pulled out his cell phone.
Thank God!! SWAT Team here I come!!!
Kurt unlocked it and the first thing he saw was "NO SERVICE". He cursed but was happy to see his music was still intact, he dared himself to go in his images and saw a picture of him and his dad. He remembered that day, they were at the beach with dad and his mum was still pregnant with Maria. They were sprawled out in the sand with sunglasses as the beautiful sunlight radiated their skin and brightened their smiles with arms wrapped around him.
Kurt locked his phone and threw it in his bag knowing this wasn't good for him. He sighed and looked around the room for something else to distract him. He saw two glass doors that led outside and was tempted but never went out. He went back to where he had collapsed at first and stayed there not doing anything, not thinking anything, just wondering how he was sucked into this situation.
A knock from the door behind him brought him to his horrible reality.
"Leave me alone please!" Kurt said loudly as stood from the locked door and collapsed in the bed. His face was buried in the pillows when the person somehow entered. “Kurt..hey, it is me.Please don’t be scare” Brittany said. He heard baby noises and knew it was Maria, Kurt had almost forgotten about her. Brittany placed her on the bed next to Kurt where he laid down. Brittany then petted Kurt nose with concerned eyes and he smiled in such a adorable way.
Brittany left without a word and he was grateful for that.