You Said You'd Never Say Goodbye to Me
Chapter 1 Story
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You Said You'd Never Say Goodbye to Me: Chapter 1

T - Words: 2,314 - Last Updated: Jun 24, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Jun 24, 2012 - Updated: Jun 24, 2012
417 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hello there! I honestly thought that no one actually read my stories because of no reviews. turns out i was wrong, so thank you guys!So this is the new story that I have.Thanks to Azara-Rayne18 -who is awsome! - for editiing it. Before i sent it to her it was kinda short. Now look at the monster.First time I've wrote anything like this so yay!
Kurt was sat holding hands with the comatose boy that was in the bed next to him searching for any signs of life apart from the steady beating of the cardiac monitor. His unnervingly pale skin and the red oozing scars with a slight hint of infection did nothing to help him. The beeping of the cardiac monitor, and the blinking lights from the various machines was slowly starting to make him lose his mind. He looks down at the scars on the boys wrists and gently takes the sheet in his hands and pulls it up to the boys chin to hide then from the eyes of others. It now seemed like the boy was merely sleeping, and for once, it seemed like he was peaceful even though, Kurt and the boys father hadn't slept for a few days, just waiting on something, anything that would tell them it was going to be alright. He lowers himself back down into the chair, and starts to hum a song, brushing the boys curls out fo his face for what seemed like the hundredth time over the last few days. Kurt knows that things aren't peaceful, not when he's waiting to see if the boy lives or dies, the stabbing pain in his heart and the lump that rises in his throat when he thinks what /could/ happen, makes him realise that things aren't going to be peaceful for a long time.

How did it come to this? How didn't I see the signs? he thought, He was so drawn in on himself, not the person I fell in love with. Did I see the signs but chose to ignore them in case he left me?

A nurse walked into the room, in her green uniform, and checked the small boys IV, gently folding the sheet back. She inserted some antibiotic's into the flow of the fluids, to stop the infection in the scars, and turned to leave. She gave Kurt a consoling look and started to talk, "I know it looks bad honey, but you have to believe in him. If... when he comes back from this he's going to need a lot of help to get past it. He'll need you and his dad to be there for him." The nurse then left the room to go check on other patients.

Kurt looked up at the clock, there were only about five minutes until visiting time was over. He pulled the sheet back up to the boys chin from where the nurse had left it, running his finger through the curly hair one more time for the evening. "I'll be back tomorrow baby, don't forget that I love you, Blaine." With that, Kurt kissed his forehead and walked towards the door, looking back one more time before he had to wait to come and see him again, thinking about when everyone was happier...


"That was amazing, Blaine" Kurt squealed when Blaine had finished his song, putting his bright yellow sunglasses back on his face.

"Thanks Kurt!" Blaine replied. The look on his face was one of pure joy, and it made Kurt's smile even bigger when he saw how happy Blaine was at McKinley with him, even though Blaine would miss Dalton a lot.

The two were too busy trying to learn Blaine's dance moves, that they didn't notice the angry look on the Finn's face and the way his fists clenched as he watched the purple piano burning away to nothing. All the girls were now crowded around Blaine and Kurt - so they couldn't see the piano - saying how good the song was and how they would totally win Regional's now that he was part of the group.

"Oh my God! He's blushing!" Mercedes shouted as she saw the pink tinge on his cheeks, which made him blush more. There was a chorus of "aww's" from the group and then laughter.

"Come on; let's go inside. What lesson do you have?" Kurt asked.

"Err... French I think," Blaine took out his timetable to check, "Yeah... French!"

"Awesome, you're in my class. Come on." Kurt said pulling Blaine along to the classroom. Blaine tensed slightly not wanting to stand out from everyone and become the target of the school. He let himself be pulled along though, as it reminded him of when he first met Kurt.

As they entered the classroom, Blaine introduced himself to the teacher, and sat down next to Kurt. French was... easy to say the least. After being at Dalton for so long, it seemed like a five year old could do the work they were set. Blaine spent most of the lesson staring at Kurt, catching his eyes every so often and making him blush.

"You are supposed to do work you know." Blaine whispered with a smirk on his face.

"It's ok; I'm good at French, so I don't have to worry that much," Blaine replied, not taking his eyes off of Kurt once.

"Ok then, but don't ask to borrow my notes..." Kurt teased with a smile on his face as he finished his notes and started to put his books away. "What do you have next?"

"Err...Calculus..." Blaine groaned. He hated calculus with a passion. He didn't understand the numbers and he only chose to do the subject to please his dad. It was boring and confusing and there was no point to it at all no matter how many times his dad explained to him what the "point" was.

Kurt laughed, "I have history, I'll see you at Glee Club. Try not to get lost, ok?"

"Yeah, whatever..." Blaine had to quickly scribble down the notes, Damn Kurt for being so distracting!


The bell rang and Kurt waited for Blaine to finish and pack up his bags, so he could send him off in the right direction to the classroom. Kurt said goodbye giving him a pat on the shoulder, worried that the PDA might get them some grief from passing jocks. He then continued to walk down the corridor to his own lesson to make sure he wasn't too late.

Secretly, Blaine wanted to give Kurt a goodbye kiss like they used to at Dalton, but was too scared to try.

Walking into the classroom, he was hit with the smell of perfume. There was a middle-aged women stood at the front of the room waiting for the rest of the class to take their seats before their lesson began. There were a few spare seats around the room, but decided to take the seat next to Tina as everyone kept saying that she was a brain box, she was on the "Brainiacs" and the math's team. Who knows, maybe if he's lucky enough she might let him copy off her.


"I hate calculus..." he chants as the seemingly friendly teacher stands at the front trying to describe the problem on the board. He put his hand in the air to ask a question.

"Put your hand down for now, Mr. Anderson. Ask questions later." She said in a kind tone. She didn't mean to sound strict... she seemed rather friendly.

After a long lecture about solving problems - which Blaine still couldn't get the hand of - they were set their work from the book and continued his quiet chanting.

Tina soon got annoyed, "Come on Blaine, you're from Dalton. It can't be that hard for you."

"I had a tutor in Dalton!" Blaine said defensively, a little louder than he meant to.

"Look, Mr. Anderson. It's your first day. I know I said I would help you, but if you continue with that level of noise, I will give you detention." The woman said from a nearby table.

"Sorry, Miss. I just don't understand the work..." To be fair, Blaine was a little upset. He went to Dalton, so he was instantly labeled as the smart kid in the group and he's gay so he's labeled a fag.

"Stupid fag..." Someone from behind him mumbled under their breath.

"Ok," she said, "Stay behind at the end please."

Great, Blaine thought, First day and I'm already in trouble for not understanding the stupid work she set us. I wish I was still at Dalton... at least then I would be able to get help. Guilt ran through Blaine when he thought that. That would mean he wouldn't have transferred for Kurt. Not got to see his face every day. He never thought about how McKinley could be harder in some ways than Dalton. He had a tutor at Dalton, which he just managed to blurt out, and now Tina kept sending glances his way that showed shock in her eyes.


By the end of the hour, Blaine had done four - yes four - questions out of twenty. Damn his dad for making him choose it. Tina had been leaning over him a few time throughout the lesson after finding out he had a tutor and some of the faces she had made would have been enough to make Blaine laugh if he wasn't trying to concentrate. It didn't help that every time she offered him help, he brushed him off. If she had a go at him before then he didn't want to listen now.

The bell rang and everyone got up and out of their seats apart from Blaine, who had to wait in his seat until the teacher cleared off the blackboard at the front of the room. As the students were making their way out, the idiot was mumbling again. "Stupid fags... aren't as smart as they think are they?" There was a malicious glint in the jock's eyes as he left. The woman turned around and looked at, Blaine with a soft smile on her face.

"Now, Blaine come up to the front please," the teacher said gently. Blaine didn't know her name just yet, "Now what is the problem Mr. Anderson?"

"I just don't understand any of it at all..." Blaine said.

The woman's face softened a little, "Well then, I guess you'll have to stay and do some work after school. I'll see if I can set you up with a tutor. How about that?" The kind smile never left her face.

"That would be awesome, thank you!" He felt like hugging the woman.

"Alright then, off you go!" She said sighing. She pulled out a large stack of work that had to be graded giving him one last smile before he went on his way.


Blaine walked along the corridor on his way to the choir room, when he felt rough hands on his back which sent him flying into the lockers. He put his hands out in front of him to try and lighten the impact, scraping his hands against the locker grille. Failing in this, he slid down to the floor once the blow had been took. When he looked up, he saw the looming figure of Dave Karofsky standing over him.

"What's up fag?" the taller boy asked in a quiet, yet terrifying, voice glaring down at him, making his small body frame tremble, "We already have one fairy, we don't need two! Why did you come here?"

The hallways were empty everyone in class already. There was no one there to save him from the bully that looked like he was out to kill.

"I wanted to be with Kurt. I love him." Blaine couldn't describe how powerful his love for Kurt was, yet he knew already saying this was a bad move. There was something that flashed through Karofsky's eyes that made them more terrifying than before.

The taller boy pulled Blaine up. He then pulled his arm back and slammed his fist into Blaine's jaw, sending the smaller boy to the floor once again. He walked off and left him, but not without the last words, "Don't cross me, fag."

Blaine was sat on the floor for another five minutes after that. Trying to quell the panic attack that was trying to fight its way out of Blaine's system. He cautiously lifted his hand up to feel his jaw. He winced and pulled the hand away as quickly as possible, knowing that the bruise was already forming. He really does want to go back to Dalton, but doesn't want to risk losing Kurt if he does.


"Blaine, what happened?" Kurt cried as Blaine entered the room. Somewhere behind Kurt, Tina also gasped.

"Blaine, you were fine a few minutes ago in calculus. What did you do?" Tina asked with confusion in her eyes.

Around the room, the other people in the room all had different emotions crossing their faces. Quinn and Rachel had a sad look on their face. Tina, Mike and most importantly, Kurt had a worried look on their face. Finn and Puck didn't really seem all that bothered. They had been giving him the cold shoulder ever since he arrived at the school to say he was transferring. That hurt Blaine because over the summer break he thought that they had all become close having 'Call of Duty' marathons when Kurt was out with his girl friend's. Mr. Schue hadn't arrived yet, and to be honest, Blaine was quite relieved, he didn't want further questioning from anyone. He wanted the day to finish so he could go home and sleep. The meeting with Karofsky had really taken it out of him.

Blaine had to think fast, "Err, I was walking down the corridor. Someone opened their locker door and I walked into it. I wasn't really paying attention..." It was times like this, that Blaine was proud that he was an extremely good actor.

The room filled with laughter, all believing his story... well all apart from Kurt. He was the only one who noticed the pain flash through Blaine's eyes when the laughing started. He didn't say anything. Not while he was with everyone else. He would have to ask him later when they were alone. What Kurt didn't know, was that this pain would grow and eventually lead to the boy in front of him being in a coma.

End Notes: That's chapter 1 guys! Also, I don't ever use the f** word in real life so yeah... Don't forget to review :)


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