One Thousand Lonely Stars
Epilogue Previous Chapter Story
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One Thousand Lonely Stars: Epilogue

E - Words: 3,152 - Last Updated: May 24, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Mar 16, 2015 - Updated: Mar 16, 2015
183 0 0 1 0

Author's Notes:

So this is it, I hope you liked it :) Thank you so much for reading and for your lovely reviews. ( I promise Ill answer all of them this time) This the best fandom ever, I love you <3

You have no idea how much this fandom means to me and how sad it makes me that this is going to end little by little. Klaine is my soft spot and you can call me stupid but Klaine makes me believe in true love, makes me want to open up a little more and let my walls down. Trust me, I will always remember and keep in my heart my love to this crazy fandom.

Now, If you ever need an internet friend, if you want to talk about glee, Klaine, Darren Criss, Chirs Colfer, about Harry Potter, Star Wars, fashion, dogs, cats, can talk to me ;) here 

Take care and keep Klaining.




Five years later...

Kurt Hummel, one of the biggest names of fashion industry, handsome, successful, intelligent, creative, kind and devoted husband and father. The happiest man in all of New York City.

Or at least thats how he felt right now as he pressed soft kisses in his husbands soft skin. He stopped to pay attention to that sensitive spot behind Blaines ear, licking, biting and sucking, in an attempt to wake the other man.

They were completely naked. Kurt felt Blaine moving and he smiled. He thought he had finally succeeded, but all sense of victory faded when heard his husband snoring.

Kurt groaned and pressed his lips to Blaines ear.

"Honey, Its time to wake up" He whispered, but the man laying under him didnt make a move, didnt even make a sound other than his snoring.

"My parents took the kids out to have breakfast" He tried again.

"Blaine, were alone!" Kurt said in a loud voice.

Blaine opened his eyes in less than a second and smiled wickedly at Kurt. "Like, completely alone?"

Kurt looked up at him and nodded, watching in amazement as Blaines pupils dilated and a dark and lustful look took over his face.

"Why are you so tired anyway?" Kurt said

"Andrew and I stayed up until really late playing video games"

"Ugh, dont talk about our son when were about to have sex" Kurt complained.

"What? You asked and I answered, but yes.." He trailed off and focused on the feeling of Kurts body over his.

"So we can be as loud as we want, right? Merry Christmas to us, honey" Blaine changed the subject. His hands roaming all over the expanse of Kurts back, his breath already stuttering with the feeling of Kurts lips in his neck.

"Actually, Christmas was yesterday, but yes..." Kurt said in between kisses "Ill ride you so hard youll forget how to breathe" He whispered hotly.

"Im already having trouble remembering how to" Blaine admitted. He slid his hands down, stopping in the swell of Kurts ass.

Kurt moaned when he felt his husbands hardening length rubbing against his thigh. He rummaged through the top drawer of their night stand and pulled out the bottle of lube.

Blaine took the bottle from Kurts hands and squirted a small amount on his fingers. They kissed passionately, sliding their tongues together as Blaine teased his husbands entrance with one finger.

"Blaine, just do something" Kurt said with his lips still pressed to Blaines, pushing back at the mans digit.

Blaine laughed at Kurts desperation and urged him to spread his legs wider. "Sorry if Im taking it slow, you wore me out last night. I mean, my ass is still a little bit sensitive"

Kurt smiled at the memory, the images of Blaine begging for more and completely at his mercy still very fresh in his mind. "If this is about yesterday, this is your revenge for how much I made you wait, isnt it?" Not waiting for an answer, Kurt straddled Blaines hips. Blaine took this opportunity to stare at the gorgeous man in front of him and unable to resist, he reached out to touch his chest and stomach. In one swift motion he leaned in to take one of his husbands nipples in his mouth, rubbing the other with his thumb.

Out of habit, Kurt bit his bottom lip to prevent his moans. He sank his hands in Blaines wild curls and pulled the hair slightly. The feeling of Blaines wet tongue caressing his nipple, the sucking and biting making him lose control.

"Dont hold back, were completely alone" Blaine whispered against the hard nub.

"I-I know its just- FUCK!" He screamed when Blaine pushed one finger inside without a warning. He started moaning shamelessly with the sensation of Blaines thick finger sliding in and out.

After a while, Blaine changed his previous position and he was now sucking a huge hickey in Kurts neck (Something they both would regret later), they were both panting heavily and Kurt was fucking himself in the three fingers he had inside.

"Im ready, I want you now" Kurt growled, pushing Blaine back into the mattress.

Unable to form any coherent sentence, Blaine nodded.

Kurt leaned over to press soft kisses on Blaines chest, trailing down until he reached the other mans lower abdomen.

Kurt looked up to his husband and gave him a mischievous smile. Without wasting any time, he wrapped his mouth around Blaines cock, running his tongue over the underside.

"Shit! Tha-Thats so good" Blaine stuttered. He tried to control his hips, not wanting to thrust upwards.

Kurt locked eyes with Blaine as he went deeper, taking almost all of the length in his mouth. Then, he started sucking hard and fast, watching in fascination the debauched look in Blaines face.

"Oh, Oh! Kurt, stop. Dont wanna come yet" Blaine pleaded, pushing Kurts shoulder in an attempt to make him stop.

Kurt pulled off and hovered over his husband and kissed him tenderly "I love you" He said. Blaines heart melted a little.

"I love you too, honey" His sweet smile faltered when Kurt wrapped his lubed hand around his cock.

Blaine grabbed Kurts butt cheeks to spread him open while Kurt positioned Blaines cock at his entrance, both men moaning.

Kurt sank in his husbands erection little by little, adjusting to the intrusion. He stayed motionless for a while, with Blaine fully inside. Once he got used to the feeling, he stated moving his hips slowly.

"Youre.. hot" Blaine said in between breaths, running his hands all over his husbands thighs.

Kurts mouth quirked up in to a smile and he moved his hips faster and faster, Blaine took the hint and he thrust upwards to meet his husbands movements.

"Blaine!" Kurt screamed when the man brushed his prostate.

Their rhythm became erratic after a while, their noises could be heard all over the house. Blaine was pushing into Kurt as hard as he could and Kurt was moving his hips in circles, just to drive Blaine crazy. He didnt change the speed even as he felt his thighs burning.

"Uh.Uh..Blaine Im close.." Kurt announced.

"Me-me too.." Blaine used the little concentration he had left to wrap his hand around Kurt and stoke him.

Blaine was the fist to reach his orgasm, screaming his husbands name. Kurt followed soon after, cumming all over Blaines chest and stomach.

Blaine reached blindly for something to clean up and found his white shirt on the floor next to the bed, he used it to clean the mess on his own body and then to clean the excess of fluid and lube in his husband as he fell on top of him.

Kurt hummed happily with his eyes closed and a satisfied look on his face, feeling exhausted and gross.

"Youre beautiful" Blaine whispered lovingly, with his fingertips tracing the line of Kurts spine.

"And you just ruined a two hundred dollars shirt" Kurt told him playfully.

The man laughed and shook his head "Way to destroy the blissful moment. And for the record, I didnt even like the shirt that much"

This seemed to catch Kurts attention. He opened his eyes and look straight at Blaine "I gave you that shirt" He said with that menacing and sometimes (Blaine and Andrew would never admit it) scary expression.

Blaines eyes widened and his brain worked to form an excuse "I- I mean, what a shame, I loved that shirt" He tried.

Kurt raised an eyebrow "Im gonna let it pass because youre cute"

"And because you love me?" Blaine hinted.

"And because I love you" Kurt reassured. He kissed Blaines cheek , all trace of annoyance completely gone.

Blaines eyelids felt heavy and just a he closed his eyes, he heard his husband talking to him.

"What do you think youre doing? We have to take a shower, dress and have breakfast before our family is back"

Blaine groaned in protest "I dont wanna.." He said sleepily, but he already knew he was fighting a loosing battle. He opened an eye to look at his husband, just waiting for him to give in.

"If you say yes, Ill blow you in the shower" Kurt offered.

In no time, Blaine stood up and dragged Kurt to their bathroom.

* * *

Andrew always rolled his eyes when his father told him to tidy up his room How can you live like that, Andrew? I dont even want to imagine what your dorm room looks like he said. Right now his fathers words were coming back at him to bite him in the ass.

"Fuck!" Andrew said exasperated. He sighed and gave up. He got out of his room and ran to the kitchen.

Once he got there, he leaned in the kitchen island and smiled broadly at the sight. His parents covered in flour and brown sugar, laughing hysterically with a very upset Bella in the middle, she was sitting on the counter. Her normally dark curly locks looked gray with the flour covering them, her annoyance was making her white skin look red and her gorgeous hazel eyes (Identical to her biological fathers eyes) glared at the men surrounding her.

"You promised not to throw flour at each other this time" She complained, crossing her arms.

This only made them laugh harder. At the other side of the room, Andrew covered his mouth to hide his own laugh, he didnt want the three year old-girl to notice, they hadnt realized he was there too.

"Its not funny! I hate baking with you both!" She screamed and pouted. Kurt and Blaine stopped laughing when they saw their little girls eyes fill with tears.

Blaine picked her up and the girl rested her head in his shoulder.

"Oh, honey were really sorry. We didnt want to hurt your feelings" Kurt cooed at the toddler, kissing her forehead softly and looking at her eyes.

"Your daddy is right. We didnt know this meant so much to you. Were really sorry, princess" Blaine apologized too.

Bella nodded and wrapped her tiny arms around her parents, laughing when Kurt tickled her tummy.

"Tell you what, your papa will take you upstairs to change your dress and Ill finish the cookies and then youll help me with the decoration" Kurt tried to negotiate with his daughter.

"And then I give the cookies to grandpa Burt and grandma Carol!" Bella added.

Kurt smiled at the girl "Yes, sweetie" He kissed her cheek.

Bella giggled as she let go of Kurt and wrapped both arms around Blaines neck.

Blaine turned around with the kid to leave the room, that was when he noticed Andrews presence.

"Andy, how long have you been here?" Blaine asked, surprised.

"Just long enough to know how unprofessional you and dad can be. Unbelievable, or what do you think, Bella?" Andrew said.

"Daddy and papa are silly" She said.

"But we said were sorry" Blaine said, pouting at the little girl. Andrew saw Kurt trying not to laugh.

Bella nodded and kissed his Blaines cheek "Its okay, papa. Im not upset now" She said very seriously.

"See? Were forgiven" Blaine told Andrew "This girl needs a change of clothes. Well be back soon" With this, Blaine and Bella left the kitchen.

For some reason, Andrew and Kurt stared at them as they left.

"You know, I hate it too when you dont take baking seriously, Bella is not the only one" Andrew teased, after a while.

Kurt glared at his kid. It didnt matter if he was eighteen now and if he was a couple inches taller than him, he was still his kid.

"Did you need something?" Kurt asked, working on the cookie dough.

"Um, I was just curious. What are the plans for today? My grandparents are going back to Ohio tomorrow"

"I know, but Im not sure. What do you think about Bryant Park?" Kurt said. He offered a spoonful of cookie dough for Andrew to take.

The boy took the spoon and shoved it in his mouth.

"That would be cool. Bella loves Bryant Park" He remembered.

"Thats the plan, then" Kurt knew his son wanted something else when he felt Andrew gaze on him. He looked at the boy and raised his eyebrow. It was a wordless question.

"Umm dad. Have you seen my NYU t-shirt? I cant find it anywhere" Andrew finally asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.

Kurt sighed "Im not surprised, your room is a mess and I mean, youre just here some weekends, how can you mess it up like that? And your shirt in in the closet, second drawer in the right corner." He said exasperated.

"Thanks dad, youre the best. I promise Ill take care of my room later" Andrew grabbed his fathers face and kissed him soundly in the cheek.

"And dad, I dont want to know what you and Blaine were up to while we were out, so you should probably cover that huge hickey in your neck.." Andrew said quietly.

The boy laughed when Kurts face turned a deep shade of red. The man covered the mark in his neck with his hand and ran out of the kitchen, probably to his room for another shirt.

Andrew sat in one of the stools and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Andy! How do I look? Papa and daddy are changing clothes too" Bella said, showing her yellow dress. Her hair wasnt covered in flour anymore.

"You look awesome, Bella. Just like a princess!" He answered in the same excited voice the girl always used.

The girl giggled and Andrew picked up. They went to the living room and Andrew, Burt and Carol listened intently to Bella, she was telling him how the flour war had started.

Theres no such thing as perfection, but for Andrew this was pretty close.

* * *

It was very cold outside. The whole family walked slowly in the winter village in Bryant Park, they were all wearing big jackets, scarves and gloves.

Burt and Carol stopped to take some photos with Andrew, Carol glaring at him every time he tried to make an ugly face to ruin the photo.

While Kurt, Blaine and Bella waited a few steps ahead of them, Blaine recognized an old man staring at them. The air rushed out of his lungs and he froze for a second.

Bella was falling asleep on his shoulder, but she noticed the man staring at them too. The girl looked at her parents, not knowing what was going on.

"Wanna go and say hi?" Kurt asked, tightening his grip in Blaines arm.

"I dont know" Blaine said, not moving form his place.

"I think hes coming" Kurt whispered to his ear. And yes, the man was approaching.

"Its okay, were just gonna say hi" Blaine tried to reassure.

"This is going to be more awkward that that time we ran into Matt" Kurt said.

"Of course is going to be worse. Al least we know Matt is a good man and we got to meet his husband and his newborn baby" They were talking in hushed voices now.

"Okay, okay. Lets just be polite" Kurt agreed. With a fake smile on his face, he weaved the man. By now, he was right in front of them.

The man smiled brightly at them, they could almost tell it was a genuine.

The awkward silence was I interrupted when Andrew appeared and wrapped his arms around his parents. He hadnt noticed the other man when he spoke loudly to Blaine.

"I was thinking, since Im your only son..." He stopped when he felt the tense atmosphere surrounding them.

"Im sorry.." Andrew said quietly, adverting his gaze.

"Mr. Anderson, its been a while" Kurt started.

"Yes, I- I know. Its been years. How are you? How have you been?" He said excitedly.

His behavior was taking them off guard.

"Um..Good, were good and really happy" Blaine said politely.

"Thats ..amazing. Im glad" Mr. Anderson said, he was looking strangely at he little girl.

"Oh, sure. Umm you already know Kurt, my husband. This our son Andrew" Blaine patted the boys back. Andrew nodded and smiled awkwardly at the stranger "And this little girl is our daughter Bella" The girl hid he face in the crook of Blaines neck.

"...I promised I would call Kevin, it will be just a minute.." Andrew placed his phone in his ear and walked away.

Kurt tried to ignore how rude that was from his son and focused on Bella "Sweetie, dont be shy, say hi to Mr. Anderson" Kurt said, playing with Bellas curls.

Bella looked up and mumbled "Hi" and just as fast, she hid her face again.

"Sorry, shes just sleepy" Blaine mentioned.

"Dont worry. Shes beautiful and she looks a lot like you" Mr. Anderson said with a fond look in his eyes.

"Thanks. have you been" Blaine asked, just because that was the polite thing to do.

"Fine, thanks. A little lonely but fine" The old man said miserably.

"I see. Uhh, it was nice to see you but were kinda busy. We have to go but..take care" They didnt wait for his answer. The family turned around and walked to Burt and Carol.

"Who was that? That was awkward" Andrew said just as he slid his phone in his back pocket.

"He was scary" Bella added.

"No one important. He was just...I used to work for him" Blaine lied, kissing the little girls hair.

All of them unaware that they werent out of Mr. Andersons earshot yet. Unaware of the emptiness the lonely man lived with.

"Hey guys, Carol and I are hungry, we should go to that Italian restaurant you were talking about" Burt said.

"Oh, sure. We should call Finn and Rachel, Bella wants to see Mason" Kurt suggested.

Bella forgot how tired she felt at the mention of her cousin "Im gonna see Mason?" The girl squealed in Blaines arms. Everyone smiled at the toddlers excitement.

Burt took his phone out, probably to call Finn.

Kurt walked behind them with his arm wrapped around Blaines.

"Hey, its okay. We did the right thing" Blaine whispered, sensing his husbands discomfort from the previous encounter.

"I dont know. I feel bad for him" Kurt grimaced, remembering how miserable Mr. Anderson looked.

"Dont. He made a choice and right now everything is going so well for us, Im still making music with Sam, youre brand has never been better, Andrew is in college and we have this little girl" He caressed Bellas cheek. "He was part of my life once and it didnt turn out well. My family is all I care about now and hes not my family anymore" Blaine stated

"So you are never going to forgive him"

"Maybe one day, but Im not ready yet"

"Okay..If that makes you happy.." Kurt rested his head on Blaines shoulder.

"You make me happy. I love you" Blaine nuzzled his hair.

"I love you too" Kurt leaned in and kissed Blaine tenderly. It was a dry kiss, just the softest slide of lips. They stopped as soon as they heard the little girl complaining.

"Eww, daddy and papa kissin!!" Bella said scandalized, covering her eyes with her chubby hands.

They both laughed and placed soft kissed of over her face, Bella shook her head in an attempt to make them stop, giggling and squirming in their arms.

This was their life now, this was their family and there was absolutely nothing they would change about it.

Who says that life isnt a fairytale? Maybe it isnt, but you can find a way to make it feel a lot like that.




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