May 24, 2015, 7 p.m.
May 24, 2015, 7 p.m.
If you havent read at least ten different descriptions of Kurt sleeping and looking like an angel youre not real, were all creepy and like the thought of watching him sleep.
Do you have any request for the epilogue? It will be set four years ahead of this and maybe I can make it fit. Maybe you want to know about Kyleighs future n__n (Or maybe you dont)
"Blaine..." Kyleigh was trembling, there was nothing she could do to avoid this. Now that Sam knew, Blaine was going to find out one way or another.
"Just tell me whats going on." Blaine said, staring at his wife. He knew this was something big, he had never seen that furious look on Sams face and Kyleigh looked as if she had just been caught stealing something.
"Kyleigh will tell you everything, right?" Sam looked at the woman. "And I am gonna leave you alone" Sam walked past them and when he reached the front door, he glanced over his shoulder to look at Blaine as he talked. "This is important Blaine. You cant leave this conversation for later."
Blaine and Kyleigh stayed silent as they watched Sam stepping out of the apartment.
Kyleigh sat on the couch and covered her mouth with her hands, her body was shaking uncontrollably. Blaine would never forgive her for this, he would always hate her. All this time, all this effort for nothing. In the beginning she actually thought that Blaine would fall in love with her at some point, maybe if she tried hard enough and maybe if Blaine noticed how much she loved him...
It was a lost cause, it had always been a lost cause. Blaine was gay and Kyleigh was a girl, they worked just fine as friends but they didnt work as a couple. Blaine was Prince Charming and Kyleigh was a villain. Life isnt always fair, magical and beautiful, sometimes you dont get the guy, some things arent mean to be, some people isnt suppoused to end up together.
Kyleigh never thought that being with the man she loved and wanted the most, would make her feel so lonely. She was so uncertain about everything. Did she really know what true love felt like? Had she ever felt loved? Was there something she could do to make this better? Could she find a way to say this without Blaine hating her for the rest of his life? How did they get here? Why did she think this was a good idea?. Suddenly, she felt tears streaming down her face. Blaine was sitting next to her keeping some distance.
"Kyleigh? Im waiting for you" Blaine whispered.
She sobbed and took a deep breath "Before I start, I want you to promise that you will listen, that you will not interrupt me. Can you do that?" Kyleigh asked. It was taking all of her strength not to look away from his husband. The man just nodded in response.
Kyleigh played with her wedding band and glanced at Blaines left hand. He wasnt wearing his ring. Even with all the pain she felt, she willed herself to talk.
"Blaine, Im not sick." Blaines eyes widened and he opened his mouth. Then he remembered he had promised not to interrupt her. But what was this about? If Kyleigh wasnt sick, that meant...no, she wouldnt do that.
"I- I really thought I was sick in the beginning but..the diagnose was wrong. The doctors found out a couple months after we got married, when you went with you mom for thanksgiving" She swallowed nervously when she saw Blaine tensing, his eyes were closed and he was biting his bottom lip. He was clearly struggling to stay quiet.
"I-I lied because I knew you would leave me as soon as you found out, I wanted to stay with you but you would only stay if you though I was sick. I thought you would fall in love with me at some point but you didnt and ... now I just want you understand that I did it because I love you!" She explained, maybe Blaine would understand.
All hope vanished as soon as Blaine opened his eyes and looked at her with... disbelief? Disappointment? Disgust? The beautiful hazel eyes she loved so much, glistened with tears. She couldnt bear the thought of being the cause.
"Dont you dare saying that you did it because you love me! That was years ago, so youve been lying to me for years!" Blaine was almost screaming "Thats not love, Kyleigh. All this time Ive been worrying for nothing, I stayed by your side like an idiot, being sad and hollow and you didnt say anything! You are the most selfish person I have ever met, you dont give a shit about me because its all about you. You know Im not happy and you just dont care!" Blaines face was red with anger, he couldnt believe it. This wasnt the girl he used to love, the girl he used to call his best fiend.
Kyleigh didnt want to feel guilty, so she tried to make the tables turn.
"Dont act like I ruined your life, Blaine. You owe me!" She replied.
Blaine laughed humorlessly and shook his head. She had to be kidding
"I owe you? Are you serious?"
"Yes, Blaine. Your one night stands and your sleeping around was going nowhere, I gave you stability, I made you change your ways. If it wasnt for me you would still be the man whore you were in college" Kyleigh stated, very sure of herself. She couldnt be the only one to blame.
"Stop saying nonsense! I wasnt a manwhore and you didnt do me any favor. I married you because thats what you wanted, and what did I get in return? Oh yeah, you lied to me!"
"Its not my fault that you were stupid enough to believe me!" She yelled. They both stood up and stared at each other with fire in their eyes.
"I knew something was off but I chose to believe you, and it wasnt because Im stupid, I believed you because I trusted you" This time Blaines replied in a low voice, almost a whisper. There was a single tear sliding down his cheek.
That was when Kyleigh broke. She let the tears fall freely, her sobs wouldnt let her speak. She wanted Blaine to hold her and tell her that everything was going to be alright. But that wasnt going to happen so she wrapped her own arms around herself.
"If you knew you were going to be so unhappy, why did you marry me? Dont say it was because it was what I wanted. Tell me what made you think that this wouldnt be so bad" Kyleigh said.
"I- I thought you would be dead by now" Blaine said coldly. He hadnt meant to be so mean, but the rage was taking over him. He had never felt as betrayed as he felt right now.
Kyleigh froze. She wasnt sure if she deserved this or not. Or maybe she knew but didnt want to accept it. Blaines words hurt like nothing else, he had never talked to her like that.
Kyleighs mind wondered, What wouldve happened if she hadnt professed her love for Blaine? Would they still be friends now? Maybe she could have found someone, she could have fallen in love with someone who loved her back. It didnt matter though. Whats done is done.
It was time for redemption, time to make apologies, to accept her fate and move on. Blaine was probably never going to forgive her, but she could at least try. Before she could say anything, Blaine spoke.
"Just say youre sorry. For the first time in your life, put my name at the top of your list and say youre sorry. Accept you were wrong. Please" Blaine pleaded. He wanted to believe that deep down inside, Kyleigh actually loved him and wanted the best for him.
She placed her hand on Blaines shoulder. Her eyes boring into Blaines "Im sorry. I really am and I know I was wrong but I didnt stop because I was only thinking about myself. You are the most perfect man I have ever met and I wanted that for myself. Im sorry I couldnt be good enough" Kyleigh said in a whisper.
"This is not about being good enough, were just not right for each other. Its not meant to be"
The girl nodded as she let go of Blaines arm.
"One last thing" Blaine said "My father is involved in all of this, right? He helped you and encouraged you" The last part wasnt a question. It was pretty obvious.
"It was kind of his idea" She answered.
"Okay" Blaine could feel fire running through his veins. Apparently, his fathers favorite hobby was ruining his life. "Im going to visit my dad and then Im going to stay the night in Sams apartment" Blaine announced as he left the room. His hand reached the doorknob of the front door when he felt a hand in his back.
"Wait! Theres something else you have to know" Kyleigh said.
"So tell me"
"Your dad knows about Kurt and threatened him, Im not sure but it was something about his son. He told Kurt to stay away from you or.." She trailed off. Once again, Blaine features transformed. He grunted and hit the wall with force.
Kyleigh was surprised, this was so unlike him.
"I have to go" Blaine rushed out of the door and ran to the elevator.
"I promise Ill be gone by the time youre back!" Kyleigh said. She wasnt sure if he had heard her because he didnt look back.
She closed the door and walked to her room. This was going to be the last time she stayed in this place.
* * *
Mr. Anderson was getting comfortable in bed when he heard a loud noise coming from the entrance. He got out of bed and grabbed the baseball bat he kept next to the nightstand.
He was in the hallway when he realized someone was hitting the front door with force. He was about to call 911 when the door fell to the floor in pieces. He was horrified, but then he saw Blaine walking over the broken door towards him. Mr. Anderson frowned at his son.
"Whats wrong with you, Blaine? Why did you break my door? You can ring the bell instead, or you could have called!" The man chastised, But Blaine was having none of it.
"First off, I didnt mean to break your door. I just kicked it a couple times, the thing was older than you. And second, you are not one to ask for explanations!" Blaine said angrily.
"Blaine, whatever it is that you want to talk about, Im sure it can wait until tomorrow, go home and we will talk later" Mr. Anderson said calmly. How could he think this wasnt important? Blaine broke the freaking door (even if it wasnt intentional).
"I know about Kyleigh. I know what you two lied to me for years!" Blaine said.
Mr. Anderson looked surprised for a second and then he sighed, rubbing his temples. "I dont know what you are talking about" He said.
Blaine rolled his eyes. Of course his father wasnt going to accept it so easily, he was the most self absorbed man Blake had ever met. Blaine wouldnt be surprised if at some point his father tried to blame him for this.
"Dont treat me like an idiot! I know what you did and Im here to tell you that Im done with you. Im not gonna put up with your shit anymore." Blaine stated. This was not a warning, this time he was determined to stay away from him.
Mr. Anderson thought he was joking, he even dared to laugh out loud. "Oh, B-Blaine" He said in between laughs. "Stop being such a drama queen. Ill admit that yes, we lied to you and I never intended for you to find out, but it was for your own good. You need to grow up, Blaine. You are no longer a teenager and you need to get real and forget about your gay shit. Its wrong, son, its fucked up and its not normal. I just want you to have a normal life, with a good job, with a beautiful wife, kids...Now you almost have it all, you are very lucky so you should just get used to this life." The man tried to reason with his son, he really thought he was doing the right thing, why was it so hard for Blaine to understand?
Blaine couldnt believe it. Why had he spent so many time trying to please this man? Mr. Andersons only concern was to have a normal son, he didnt care about Blaines happiness.
At some point you have to get away from the ones that hurt you, you have to accept when someone is not good for you. That was what Blaine was going to do.
"This is who I am and Im really sorry if you dont like it, Im not looking for your approval anymore. Im gay, dad. Its not a phase, its not something I chose, its not something Im going to forget or get over."
"This was the last straw, Im not going to forgive you and Im serious when I say that I dont want anything to do with you anymore, I want you out of my life forever." Blaine stated firmly.
Mr. Andersons face changed when he finally understood that Blaine wasnt kidding. His son had never spoken to him with such determination. For the fist time he was at a loss, he didnt know what to say.
Blaine took advantage of his fathers silence and questioned "Why did you threaten Kurt? Why did you say you would hurt Andrew if he didnt stay away? I know you wouldnt do that" Blaine took a step closer to his father.
"Of course I wouldnt hurt them, but he doesnt know that and I just did it because I love you, you are my only son and as I told you I just want the best for you-"
"Dont say you did it for me!" Blaine said hysterically "You did it because you dont want to have a gay son!" His voice broke at the end of the sentence, but he wasnt going to cry anymore.
"Thats right, I dont want a gay son!" Mr. Anderson screamed, his frustration was getting the best of him.
Blaine wasnt surprised, but he would be lying if he said he hadnt hoped for his father to apologize and show a little bit of remorse.
"Then Im going to make it easy for you. You dont have a son anymore" He announced, his usually warm honey-colored eyes were void and cold. Of course he was holding back, he wanted to say more, but he didnt have time for that, it wasnt worth it.
Blaine didnt want to stay any longer, so he walked towards the shattered door. "Stay away from Kurt and Andrew, I dont want you near them" He said before he left.
"The moment you step out of this place, you will be dead for me forever!" Blaine heard his father shout.
For a second he wished the door wasnt broken so he could shut it loudly.
* * *
The 66" tall bulky man stared at nothing in particular as he sat on the couch waiting for Andrew. He was the biggest man Andrew had ever seen.
The kid hid behind the wall and peeked into the living room every once in a while, trying to inspect the stranger. He had been by Andrews side every single second of yesterday, but he still made the kid feel awfully uncomfortable.
Of all the weird things that had happened this past months, this had to be the worse. He squinted his eyes the way spies and ninjas did in the movies when they spotted someone suspicious. He flinched when he felt a hand in his shoulder. The color returned to his face when he saw Kevin standing behind him.
"Oh god, Its just you" Andrew said to his friend.
"Umm, yeah its just me. And what are you doing? Stop staring at him like hes some weird specimen. Hes just your bodyguard" Kevin said.
"I dont trust him! Just look at him, hes so scary" Andrew whispered. He didnt want the bodyguard to listen.
Kevin rolled his eyes and before he could say something else, they saw Kurt walking down the stairs. This was Andrews opportunity to interrogate his father.
Kurt smiled at the kids "Good morning, boys. Im sorry I couldnt have breakfast with you, I overslept. Anyway, did you sleep well?" He asked, not aware of Andrews discomfort.
"Yes, we did. We even finished the essay early and we played video games before going to sleep" Kevin answered.
"Im not going to ask, Im just going to assume that you guys went to bed early. Your mom is not going to let you stay on school nights anymore if she thinks I let you stay up all night with the play station" Kurt told Kevin.
"Dont worry, Mr. Hummel. Were good kids" Kevin grinned devilishly.
"Sure.." Kurt glared at them. He was going to the dinning room when Andrew grabbed his arm.
"Dad, wait! You havent said anything about the bodyguard!" Andrew said, exasperated.
"Oh right. Well, he is Anthony and hes your bodyguard" Kurt answered lamely. He turned to leave but his previous explanation wasnt enough for his kid.
"Dad! Im serious. Why do I have a bodyguard? He is scary, he has a freaking gun! He follows me everywhere and everybody stares at us in school. Is this really necessary?" Andrew was scandalized, but tried to be not so loud. Meanwhile, Kevin felt like an intruder in this conversation.
"Trust me, honey. I wouldnt do this if a didnt think its necessary so please bear with me. I promise it will be temporary, okay?" Kurt said, caressing his kids hair fondly. Andrews reaction wasnt unexpected, so he understood. However, as irritating as this was for the boy, his safety was the priority.
He hadnt spoken to Blaine in days, trying to figure out what to do. He knew he had to come up with an answer sooner that later but in the meantime, he wanted his son to be completely safe. So far, he hadnt seen anything suspicious or something out of the ordinary, but he wasnt going to take risks.
Andrew sighed and looked down at his feet "Okay, If you say so" He surrendered, he knew his father wouldnt do this to bother him.
"Take it easy, Drew. Anthony can even play Grand Theft Auto with us.." Kevin trailed off when he noticed Andrew looking daggers at him.
"Do you guys play Grand Theft Auto?!" Kurt asked, worried.
"Of course not! Thats for older guys, we wouldnt dare. Im offended youre even asking and umm...werent you going to the kitchen?" Andrew pushed his father towards the dinning room, wanting this conversation to be over.
"Were going to talk about this later, young boy" Kurt warned quietly.
Ten minutes later, Kurt was heading outside with the kids and Anthony when Matt called him from the kitchen.
"Its getting late for the kids, I have to go now!" Kurt yelled back, but Matt was already behind them, he had ran from the other room to get there.
"Um, hey! Youre Eduardo, right?" Matt greeted Andrews friend, then he nodded politely at Anthony.
"Not even close.." Andrew muttered, not surprised at all that Matt had forgotten his friends name for the umpteenth time.
"Its Kevin, actually" The other kid reminded him. He knew how much it bothered Andrew when Matt did this. Kevin found it funny.
Kurt looked at his husband in amusement.
"Oh, right. Sorry" Matt said to the kid "And Kurt, I know its late for the kids so, why dont you let them go with the bodyguard?, I need to talk to you about something" Matt explained.
Kurt nodded "Okay, but the bodyguard has a name. He is Anthony" Kurt said in that overly sweet tone he used when he was annoyed.
"Umm, yeah Anthony. Would you mind?" He asked the bulky man.
Anthony rarely spoke, so he just nodded and lead the kids to the town car, opening the door for them. He flashed Kurt a small smile and got in the car with Kevin and Andrew. Kurt could barely see the kids waving at him from the tinted window.
Matt closed the door when Kurt came inside and walked straight to the living room. He took a seat on his favorite spot of the couch, Kurt sat next to him.
"What do you want to talk about?" Kurt asked, dreading the answer. Being alone with Mathew was such a hardship lately, it was awkward and their conversations always felt forced. He didnt want to be with him anymore, but he still had to find a way to make him understand.
"Do you really have no idea?" Matt said. He wasnt looking at Kurt, he wasnt going to.
"I honestly have no idea" Kurt answered. There were a lot of thing he could think of, it could be about their marriage, about Blaine or about Andrew or it could be about something else entirely.
"Well I... I want you to know that Ive been thinking a lot about last week, about that fight we had. I really dont know what possessed me that night. I was consumed by my frustration and jealously and I said and did a lot of things I shouldnt have. I just ..went crazy" The man took Kurt off guard. This was unexpected.
"Ohh, I get it. We...we were both very shaken up" Kurt said.
"Yes but, I was so out of line, my behavior was inexcusable. Anyway, the reason why Im talking to you right now is that I have made a decision. As I told you, Ive been thinking and I have to do whats best for me" Matt held Kurts hand and gave it a hard squeeze.
Now, Kurt had an idea of where this was going, but still had to ask "What do you mean?"
For some reason, Kurt glanced down and noticed that Matt wasnt wearing his wedding band. Matt sighed as he let go of his husbands hand.
"I mean that Im setting you free" With this simple sentence, Kurts body went numb. He saw it coming, but hearing it was still surprising. Matt sensed the change in his husbands demeanor, but he continued "This marriage isnt good for any of us. I can see you struggling, one second you want to stay because you feel bad for me and the next you want to run back to him. Do you think I dont notice when you reread his texts? And when your mind drifts off, I know youre thinking about him. This makes no sense anymore, this marriage was a stupid idea form the begging, I mean, I knew you would never love me back. If you didnt fall for me in the past, why would you do it now?" Matt looked sad and hopeless but determined.
"Im sorry I blamed you for my failed relationship with Alex. Back then, I chose to stay with him because I wanted to feel loved and desired, it had nothing to do with you but...I was so mad, I wanted to make you feel bad. Every other stupid decision I made, it was my fault because you didnt force me into anything, but I guess sometimes is easier to blame other people for you misery" He laughed humorlessly, thinking of all the time he had lost, of all the chances he hadnt taken because he was afraid.
"Matt, please dont try to make me feel better about this. I know I was a crappy friend, and then I was a crappy husband" Kurt said.
"Oh, I know. Its not my fault that you didnt care about me as much as I cared about you. The fact that you never loved me the way I loved you is not my fault either. Its not my fault you cheated on me. But it is my fault that I choose to settle down with you anyway. And it will be my fault if I stay with you now and make the both of us unhappy, and its not just about us, its about Andrew because believe it or not, I care about him. I dont want him to see you like this, its not healthy for him"
"So youre doing this for Andrew?" Kurt asked. It wasnt that hard to believe it, he knew that deep down inside, Matt was fond of the kid.
"You could say that, but this is mostly about me. There are a lot of things I have made just to make you happy, maybe that way you would fall in love with me but...Im tired of trying" Matt looked at his husband intently as he said the last part of the sentence.
Kurt knew he wasnt finished yet, so he didnt say anything.
"Last week I wanted you to stay because I thought it was your responsibility. I had always been there for you, so I thought I earned it, I deserved it" Matt felt his eyes burning. The reality of this hitting him hard, but he couldnt regret his decision. He grabbed Kurts hand again almost unconsciously, looking for reassurance "The truth is, were not for each other. Life cant be a fairytale for everyone, sometimes youre loved in return but sometimes youre not, the only thing you can do about it is accepting it and moving on" The man finished.
Kurts feeling were a mess. He felt sad, guilty and relieved at the same time. Of course Matt would come to his senses, he was a smart and good man after all.
"I tried to love you, I swear I did. Im sorry I couldnt" Kurt apologized, wishing he could make Matts pain dissipate with those simple words. He wished he could go back in time and make everything right.
"I know you tried" Matt simply said.
They stayed silent for a while, taking their time to process their previous conversation. What hurt the most was that this was not only the end of their marriage, this was the end of their friendship too.
When it seemed appropriate, Kurt spoke again.
"Thank you, for doing this" Kurt said, tightening his grip on Matts hand.
"Dont thank me. Im not doing this for you, Im doing this for me. I want a real change, Im even going to therapy to get over my relationship with Alex" The man stated, trying to convince Kurt and himself.
"Thats really brave of you, and even if youre not doing this for me, it still means a lot" Kurt gave him a sad but genuine smile. Matt smiled back at him.
"And what about Andrew? What should I tell him? Youre still his other father" Kurt reminded Matt. Andrew was always a priority.
"Dont worry about that. You know perfectly well that Andrew has never seen me as a father and I dont blame him, Its not like I ever tried to be a part of his life. I wasnt ready to be a father when we adopted him and Im not ready to be a father now. You can do this without me, the kid adores you and I know you are capable of anything for him" Matt said.
"So youre giving me full me custody?" Kurt asked. He didnt understand, Andrew was the most perfect kid, so smart and lovely. Who wouldnt want to be his father?
"If thats okay with you" Matt said.
Kurt nodded "If you really feel like youre not ready to be a father, its okay" He still didnt understand, but it was probably for the best. If Andrews awkward relationship with Matt was never going to improve, it was definitely for the best.
"What now? Do we go our separate ways and avoid each other for the rest of our lives? Do we have to pretend like we never met?" Kurt questioners, half joking. What if that really was what Matt wanted?
The other man laughed "That would be stupid and immature but I think that yes, we should go our separate ways, but we dont have to avoid each other. New York is kind of a small city for so many people, we will definitely run into each other at some point, when that happens we can just.. smile and wave, shake hands or hug like old friends, that will do" The man suggested in earnest.
"That will do" Kurt repeated.
Matt nodded and stood up "I have to go now, Im late for work" The man turned swiftly to go and stopped when he heard Kurt "Matt, wait!!"
Kurt stood in front of him and enveloped his body with his arms. Matt froze for a second, but returned the hug soon after.
No more words were spoken. Kurt waved at Matt as he got in the car, the man tried to smile at him, but it ended up being a grimace.
Kurt went back to the house and walked straight to the kitchen. After a glass of water and ten minutes of solitude, he went to work.
* * *
From: Matt
Wheres the masking tape? I need it for the boxes.
Kurt sighed and shook his head. It had been two days since his agreement with Matt and he had already found another place. The man was currently at home packing.
To: Matt
I left it on the table! It has to be there.
From: Matt
Its not on the table, Ive been looking for it for minutes.
From: Matt
Wait, is it the kitchen table or the dinning table?
From: Matt
Forget it, I found it
To: Matt
It was on the table, wasnt it?
From: Matt
Shut up..
It was like something had switched since they decided to get a divorce. They were no longer tense or awkward around each other. Another proof that they should have stayed friends.
Little by little, his life seemed a bit less of a mess. It would be so much better if Blaine was here and yeah, the dead threat was in inconvenient too. Mr. Anderson was such a bastard and Kyleighs presence in Blaines life didnt help either...
Okay, it was still a mess.
Kurt was laughing at Matts clumsiness when his phone went off. An unknown number showed up on his caller ID. He took the call anyway.
- "Hello?
- "Kurt its me, Sam Evans"
Kurts breath hitched. Sam was Blaines best friend and coworker, he remembered. Ha hadnt spoken to Blaine for days and Blaine hadnt called either. With Mr. Andersons threat, Kurt had planned on waiting until next week to contact Blaine.
- "Sam! Hows Blaine? Please tell him I miss him and that I cant talk to him right now, something happened and I wanted to-"
- "Hey, breathe! Its okay, we know Blaines father threatened you. Im calling you because Blaine thought you would be scared and you wouldnt answer his calls. He wants you to know that you and your son are not in danger, Mr. Anderson is not as dangerous and powerful as you think. I swear youre both safe"
- "Are you sure? I need to know if were 100% safe, its my son were talking about."
- "Im sure, as Im telling you, Mr. Anderson wouldnt go that far and... Blaine talked to him, theyre not seeing each other ever again. Mr. Anderson will be out of your lives forever"
Kurt sighed in relief.
- "Thank god. That means I can see Blaine now? We need to talk"
- "Not exactly. Hes in New Jersey with his mom and his step brother Cooper. Something really bad happened with Kyleigh and his father. Blaine dumped her and his father went crazy and he needs time out of the drama, with his family. He will contact you as soon as he gets back. He wanted to see you but he was perturbed and angry, so I advised him not to. I hope you understand"
- "I just want him to be okay, I understand"
- "Great, so...Ill see you around"
- "Sure, thank you"
- "Youre welcome"
The line went dead.
A lot of questions ran though Kurts mind. Something bad happened to Kyleigh and his father? Mr. Anderson would be out of their lives forever? He couldnt find the answers, but he was sure Blaine would tell him everything.
Right now the most important thing was that Andrew was safe (He had to trust Blaine, he would never do something to put his kid in danger).
He couldnt wait to talk to Blaine, maybe this time they would get their fairytale and their happy ending. Matt said that life couldnt be a fairytale for everyone...
Maybe he was one of the lucky ones.
* * *
-Two weeks later-
"Dont you think this is too much?" Sam asked his best friend, his hands gripping the steering wheel of the white rental van.
"Not at all, Its for Kurt. It could never be too much" Blaine said excitedly. Maybe it was too much, but that mean mean it was wrong.
He had planned this with his stepbrother Cooper, in other circumstances he would never, not even by mistake, listen to Cooper, but he felt like doing something crazy.
He was finally free and such liberty felt like heaven. If he had known that getting away from Kyleigh and his father would make him feel like this, he would have done it ages ago.
But that wasnt all, he knew Kurt was getting a divorce too. They could be together now, absolutely nothing would come in between now.
"Now, turn up the music" Blaine commanded.
* * *
Andrew sat on the chair in front of his fathers desk. This was his third time in this week trying to negotiate with his father.
"Okay, what about this; just thirty minutes, no more" It was like he was trying to sell something, he would not take no for an answer.
"I grounded you for a month, Its been only two weeks" Kurt said. Andrews determination was remarkable.
"But Ive been a good kid since then!!" The kid pointed out
"I said, No Play Station for a month, no more no less" Kurt was relentless too. And really, why was Andrew insisting so much? To Kurt, the punishment seemed fair.
"But Im bored to death! I already finished my homework!!"
"You can read a book" Kurt offered.
"Ive already read all my books!"
"Use your computer"
"Dad please!! I need to play, I need it!!" Andrews dramatic tone was amusing. His frustration seemed so genuine that it almost made Kurt feel bad. Almost.
"Stop it, Andrew! Its not a tragedy and you brought this on yourself. Next time you will think twice before playing M rated video games!" This kid was unbelievable.
"It was just Grand Theft Auto, and it was only one time. We returned it to Kevins brother!" Andrew justified, as if it would make a difference.
"You can insist as much as you want. Im not going to change my mind" Kurt said firmly. To be completely honest, he was enjoying his kids desperation more than he should.
Andrew huffed and rolled his eyes at his father, he was annoyed. Kurt wanted to laugh at the reaction, but he kept his poker face on.
"You do that again and Im taking your phone too" Kurt warned.
"Sorry" Andrew said, defeated.
After that, neither of them said a word and Kurt went back to the sketch he had been working on. At some point, Andrew started doodling in a piece of paper.
"Dad, Can I tell you something?" Andrew asked.
"Tell me"
"Im happy you and Matt are divorcing" This seemed to catch his fathers attention "I just realized that sounded awful! What I mean is, I know you were unhappy together so Im glad youre no longer trying to pretend" The kid explained.
Kurt looked up to his son.
"Im sorry we dragged you into this. Your safety and comfort are the most important things to me" Kurt said.
"You what would make me even more comfortable? Not having a bodyguard anymore and having my Play Station back" Andrew teased.
"Oh Andrew, you were doing so well. And just for the record, Anthony is a really nice guy" Kurt mentioned as he glared at him.
Andrew was ready to try to convince his father when they heard loud music coming form the outside.
"Hey, I know that song!" The boy said excitedly.
"Of course, everybody does. But why is it so loud?" Kurt asked to no one in particular.
"Im gonna take a look" Andrew stated before standing and going to the window. He gasped when he looked down at the source of the music.
"Dad!! Youve got to see this!" Andrew screamed.
Kurt really wanted to finish his sketch, but this kind of things didnt happen often and he was a little bored.
As soon as he looked out at the street, his breath hitched and his jaw went slack. His eyes zeroed on the white van parked in front of the building and the man climbing to the roof. The recognizable music still on. The man was Blaine.
"What the fuck is he doing?" Kurt asked
"And thats one dollar for the swear jar. And I think you know what hes doing" Andrew mentioned to his father.
"Hes gone crazy" Kurt shook his head, but he was smiling too.
"He has. Lets never go to New Jersey" The boy joked.
Soon after, Blaine started singing.
Youre just too good to be true
Cant take my eyes off of you
Youd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
By this time, a group of strangers had gathered around the vehicle, they were all staring at Blaine with incredulity, astonishment or fascination. Some others laughed. That didnt stop Blaine from singing his heart out. In his mind this wasnt a rental vans roof, this was a stage and Kurt was his only audience.
Meanwhile, Kurt laughed like an idiot. He clutched his chest forcefully, hoping his heart would stay inside.
Pardon the way that I stare
Theres nothing else to compare
The sight of you makes me weak
There are no words left to speak
So if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that its real
Youre just too good to be true
Cant take my eyes off of you
The little crowd cheered, realizing how good Blaine sounded. Blaine just laughed and his face turned a deep shade of red. Fortunately, Kurt couldnt see his blush from the distance.
I love you, baby and if its quite alright
I need you, baby to warm the lonely nights
I love you, baby, trust in me when I say
Oh, pretty baby, dont bring me down I pray
Oh, pretty baby, now that Ive found you stay
Let me love you, baby, let me love you
Blaine had originally intended to finish the song, but he couldnt wait any longer. He got off the van as gracefully as he could and ran to the entrance of the building. People around him cheered some more as they watched him go. A lot of people had been watching from the windows too, Blaine noticed.
Kurts mouth was still agape when Blaine stopped singing. He could not believe this was happening, this had to be a very weird and realistic dream.
Kurt had always thought that this kind of striking yet romantic gestures were overrated, now he got why people liked them so much.
"Earth to dad" Andrew said and waved a hand in front of his face to get him back to his senses.
"Sorry, I..."
"Hes coming, dad. Go!" Andrew instructed and pushed his father towards the glass door.
As Kurt rushed to the elevator, he noticed everybody looking at him with excitement written across their faces. God, his private life was no longer private for his coworkers.
"Sorry, Juliet. The elevator is on maintenance, you will have to take the stairs" Jenn said in between giggles.
"Dont look at me like that!" Kurt complained, trying to hide his smile.
"Im not.." The girl kept giggling as she lead Kurt to the staircase.
Kurt took the steps two at a time, not paying as much attention as he should. His mind revolving around one person. He was so distracted that he didnt notice the man running up the stairs just as hurriedly. They bumped into each other and smiled when they realized they were finally in each others presence.
"You..what- where...You" Kurt said, his tongue was tied and his mind wasnt forming coherent sentences.
"Me..." Blaine responded, feeling as eloquent as the man he loved.
Word failed them, but there were other thing they could do. They held each other and kissed fervently. After months of uncertainty and drama, they felt like they could finally breath.
They didnt know how long they stayed there kissing, they didnt know if someone had walked past them in the meantime, they just knew that time they would actually have their happy ending.
"I dont remember the last time I made out in a staircase" Kurt said when they parted.
Blaine laughed and nuzzled Kurts neck
"I dont remember the last time I felt as happy as I feel now" Blaine said.
Once again, Kurts heart constricted in his ribcage. "I love you" Kurt looked at Blaines eyes as he said it.
"I love you too" Blaine was quick to answer.
"Youre crazy" Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaines shoulders.
"About you"
"Are you sure you want this?" Kurt felt the need to ask, even if he already knew the answer.
"I want this more that anything else" With this, Blaine closed the distance between them and pressed his lips against Kurts. It was the most passionate and sweetest kiss they had ever shared.
They still had a lot of things to talk about, a lot of things to figure out, but they would do it together. Because thats how they were meant to be: together.
* * *
-Eight months later-
"How do I look?"Andrew asked his best friend. They were both standing face to face inspecting each other. The boys were wearing navy blue suits with black ties, from Kurts last collection.
"You look fine" Kevin said, smiling at the other boy.
"Okay, now I just have to make sure I dont do something stupid" Andrew said nervously.
"Stop freaking out, its gonna be alright. Besides, its you fathers wedding, not yours so stop worrying" Kevin tried to reassure.
"I know but, what if he slips while walking down the aisle?" Andrew had thought of every possible scenario. For some reason he could only remember the bad ones.
"He wont. This would be the second time we walks down the aisle and if he didnt slip the first time, we wont do it this time" Kevin reasoned. He regretted his choice of words soon after when Andrew glared at him.
"Sorry. That didnt sound as bad inside my head" Kevin defended.
"Boys! Its time to go, everybody is outside waiting for Kurt and Blaine" Burt announced as he entered the room.
"What? I didnt think it was so late" Andrew told his grandfather.
"It wouldnt be late if you had woken up when I told you" Burt reminded him
"I know, please stop telling me that" Andrew answered embarrassed.
Burt laughed at his grandsons distress and headed out, the boys following his lead.
* * *
The wedding had been everything Kurt and Blaine had dreamed of. The ceremony and reception took place in a beautiful garden in New York they had found not long ago, Kurt had to pull some strings to book the place.
Ever since the proposal, they had agreed on something small and simple, just family and close friends. In the beginning everybody had been surprised with their decision of remarrying so soon after their respective divorces. Kurt wasnt sure either because of Andrew, but the kid was quick to reassure him and said he was okay with it, so once they got Andrews permission, they started planning.
Kurt and Blaine were amazed when the planning turned out to be easier than expected, since their previous experiences had been something completely different (Kurts wedding with Matt had been big and extravagant and Blaine had been scared to death when Kyleigh turned into a bridezilla). Even with the short notice, they managed to have everything under control.
They almost cried when they said their vows and Kurt caught his dad wiping a few tears ("I wasnt crying, my eyes were irritated, kiddo" Burt had claimed). They danced slowly as they sang Come What May to each other. Blaine wanted the earth to swallow him whole when Cooper made a speech and told the most embarrassing stories he could remember about Blaine, it was worse that Sams best mans speech. Kurt rolled his eyes when he saw Rachel talking animatedly to his step brother Finn and flirting with him.
Kurt found himself staring lovingly at certain table all night. His father, his step mom Carol, Finn, Andrew and Kevin were in that table. At some point, Blaine sat next to Burt and started friendly conversation with the man; in that moment, Kurt was positive his heart had melted with the sight. He took his phone out and snapped a photo.
The newlyweds would never admit it, but after midnight they were so horny they barely made it to to suite they had reserved for the night. After almost an hour of sneaking glances, flirty smiles and highly inappropriate innuendos (And thank god, nobody was paying attention to them by then) they left.
They werent there to witness Sam and Coppers drunken duets, Rachel and Finn making out or Andrew and Kevin recording everything and laughing at those who had lost their cool.
It hadnt been the perfect wedding, but that didnt mean they hadnt loved every second of it.
One of their favorite parts was their wedding night. They knew now how intimate and loving sex could be. The room was filled with ragged breaths, high moans, grunts, the sound of the headboard rocking against the wall, the smell of sweat and cologne and the phrase I love you repeated over and over again.
In the early morning Blaine woke up to a sight he though he would never get enough of. The same sight he had woken up to everyday since he moved in with Kurt and Andrew one month ago. Kurt was lying on his side, a few strand of his messy hair covering his forehead, his lips parted just the slightest as his whole body moved gently with every breath he took. The sun rays coming from the floor to ceiling window, illuminated his alabaster skin making it glow.
Blaine had a stupid smile on his face when Kurt opened his eyes.
"You know, It kind of creeps me out when I wake up to you looking at me like that" Was the first thing Kurt said. He moved his left hand form under his body and placed it over Blaines shoulder.
Blaines smile got bigger. "Dont worry, youll get used to it eventually, husband" He accentuated the last word, savoring it.
"I cant believe were married now" Kurt said, caressing his husband lovingly.
"I know, Im still not sure if this is real or Im just dreaming. I was so used to feeling incomplete and with you its like I couldnt ask for anything better. Youre the love of my life, youre the most handsome man Ive ever seen, you are so smart and talented, I mean, do we even deserve this?" Blaine was overwhelmed.
"I dont know. I dont think I do, I hurt innocent people in the processes just because I was incapable of making up my mind. I couldve lost you forever for the same reasons" Kurt answered honestly.
Blaine took his face in his hands and kissed his forehead tenderly.
"We both made stupid decisions in the past, but its over. Now, mistakes bring good things to your life too; they make you wiser. And just so you know, you are never gonna lose me" Blaine told Kurt.
"I dont know how to answer that, so Im just gonna say that I love you"
Blaine laughed and kissed him "I love you too" He whispered.
"Will you love me forever?" Kurt asked, his sight set on the gorgeous hazel eyes in front of him. His husband looking back at him with the same intensity.
"Fearlessly and forever"