One Thousand Lonely Stars
Chapter 3B Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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One Thousand Lonely Stars: Chapter 3B

E - Words: 6,667 - Last Updated: May 24, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 7/? - Created: Mar 16, 2015 - Updated: Mar 16, 2015
138 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

 Oops...Im sorry? Dont hate me please.


And here he was, Kurt Hummel was once again waiting for his lover in a hole-in-the-wall restaurant. But this time he wasnt alone, his son Andrew was there too and Blaine had no idea.

Andrew had gone to the bathroom and right now Kurt was sitting by himself in a little table at the corner of the place, staring at the glass placed in front of him. He was staring as if that little ice cube floating in iced tea, were the most fascinating thing he had ever seen.

He startled when he felt a hand on his upper back. When he turned around his expression softened, a pair of big and bright hazel eyes were starting back at him. Looking at those kind and loving eyes would always make him feel better and this time wasnt the exception.

"Hey, its just me" Blaine commented on Kurts alarmed reaction. He flashed a bright smile at the other man and sat in front of him.

"Sorry, Ive been a little jumpy lately. Its nothing" Kurt answered. He felt Blaines hands enveloping his, slowly bringing them to his lips and placing a soft kiss. Kurt blushed at the small but loving gesture. Before Kurt could say anything else, he noticed Andrew standing behind Blaine. The kid just looked at their joined hands with an amused expression, he didnt get to see his father blushing very often.

Blaine noticed Kurts eyes were set on something else behind him. He furrowed his brow in confusion and when he turned around, he froze. Andrew tried his hardest not to laugh at his teachers reaction. Blaines lungs emptied and he stopped breathing for a moment, his jaw went slack and he looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Hello Mr. A" Andrew said teasingly, unable to hold back a smile. Blaine stayed still and Andrew took this opportunity to sit on the remaining chair.

"Wha- I- I dont- You father and I were..we were just...having a..talking about school and you and-"

"Cut the crap, Mr. A. I know everything" The boy interrupted

Kurt glared at him "Andrew, your manners!" He chastised. Andrew rolled his eyes and murmured a sorry to his teacher. Blaine was still speechless, he kept playing nervously with the rings on his right hand.

"Why didnt you tell me Andrew was coming? So I could be mentally prepared... Now Ive made a fool of myself in front of him" Blaine asked desperately.

"It was his idea, he wanted it to be a surprise" Kurt answered, making quotes in the air.

The boy laughed quietly at Blaines frustration. "Youre reaction was totally worth it" he defended. Since none of the adults seemed willing to start this conversation, Andrew decided it was time for him to start making questions.

"Why are you so quiet? Im not mad at any of you and since you are so adamant to remain silent, Im going to talk-"

"Sorry to interrupt" Blaine said "But I just want to know one thing, How did you find out?"

Kurt snorted as he shook his head, he caressed Blaines hand and looked at him seriously."Trust me, you dont want to know.."

"And I dont want to talk about it like, ever again." Andrew added.

"Okay. Im all ears, then" Blaine turned to the kid to give him his full attention.

"First, I want to know how all of this started. Like, did you just meet in the classroom and decided you wanted to be together in secret? You talked about how much I sucked at piano lessons and suddenly fell in love? This is confusing because I know you both are very rational and reasonable persons, I know you wouldnt do something like this without thinking twice." Andrew explained.

Kurt and Blaine struggled to get the words out of their mouths, completely embarrassed and refusing to acknowledge that this time they had allowed themselves not to think about consequences. Before the silence became awkward, a waitress went to their table and took their orders. When the waitress was far enough, Kurt spoke.

"We met before when we were younger...that meeting at your school was a coincidence and I- We didnt actually stop to think, we just jumped into this" Kurt and Blaine avoided the kids gaze and looked down at the table. Anyone would have found this situation funny, a twelve year old chastising his parents, because that was what it looked like.

"Oh..and how did you two meet?" Andrew asked in genuine curiosity.

Kurt and Blaine looked at each other with smiles on their faces. How did they meet? That was a long and interesting story.

They made a wordless agreement of who was going to answer Andrews question. Blaine thought of the easiest as shortest way to tell that story.

"We met in summer camp, we shared a cabin. We were sixteen and it was practically love at first sight. People found out about us and things got a little crazy. They called my dad and they called Burt too. We tried to get in touch but my dad wouldnt allow it. No matter how hard I tried, I couldnt find a way to see you father or talk to him. After a while we gave up, so..the fact that we found each other again has to mean something." Blaine finished. Maybe they could tell him the whole story some other time, right now there were much more important things to talk about.

"Okay. I was curious, but now were gonna talk about your husband and wife" Andrew announced. Both men fidgeted uncomfortably in their seats, once again looking at everything but Andrews face.

The waitress came back to their table with two coffee cups and a big chocolate milkshake. The boy got distracted for a while, eating the whipped cream on top. Kurt and Blaine took this time to allow themselves one last moment of peace.

Andrew had already drank half the milkshake when he decided it was now time to interrogate. "When are you going to leave your respective spouses?" Andrew deadpanned. In surprise, Blaine almost choked on his drink and Kurt patted his back until he recovered.

"If you want to avoid this so badly, you can also fake a heart stroke. The choking reaction is so cliché" Andrew teased him.

Blaine glared at him playfully. Suddenly the air didnt feel as heavy and the atmosphere was no longer tense. Getting to know Andrew better wasnt going to be as hard and as awkward as Blaine had anticipated.

"Um..I been thinking about this and.. give a me a month to give an answer" Blaine told the boy and Kurt.

"A month? To get your answer?" Kurt asked incredulous and a little upset.

"Thats ridiculous" The boy added "Tell you what, Ill give a moth to leave her. And Im being generous here" He negotiated, feeling like a gangster.

"Kurt, you know its not that easy. Kyleigh cant be alone, you know she is-"

"Doesnt she have a family?" Kurt cut off desperately.

"Her parents died when she was in high school" Blaine said.

To avoid the awkwardness, Andrew spoke again "Okay, enough about her. This has to be done, lying isnt okay month, Mr A."

Blaine nodded in response "Just call me Blaine" he said.

"Okay" Then the kid drank the rest of his milkshake in the less gracious way possible.

"Andrew, that was disgusting!" Kurt complained scandalized.

"What? Its not like Im sitting next to Queen Elizabeth-"

"No matter where you are, you always have to remember you manners. You cant act like a caveman just because-" Kurt stopped his ranting when he hear Blaine laughing.

"Whats so funny?" Kurt asked the other man.

Blaine stopped for a moment to catch his breath. "Nothing, its just- I totally expected you to say something like that to Andrew" He took a sip from his mug and looked at Kurt fondly.

"See? Being like that, makes you predictable" Andrew said with a smile on his face.

"Just because I want the rest of this day to be peaceful, Im going to ignore the fact that you just called me predictable" Kurt remarked.

"And dad, you have a moth too. To tell Matt" Andrew stated very seriously.

Kurt sighed and ran his index finger over the rim of his mug. "Sure" was all he said. He didnt even want to think about that moment, he was dreading it like nothing else.

They stayed in that place for a while longer and then went to another small restaurant to eat pizza (Kurt had agreed reluctantly) . When they finished, they went back to their respective homes. This was still an affair, and Kurt and Andrew had to get home before Matt went back from work and Blaine still had to go to Kyleigh.

"I´ll call you" Blaine promised before he parted.

"One month, dont forget" Andrew said, as Blaine walked slowly away. He turned around one last time and nodded "Sure" Was the last thing Blaine said.

Kurt was surprised by Andrews reaction to all of this, Andrew made this whole thing look easy. He suspected it had something to do with the fact that he already knew Blaine and actually liked him, and it had probably a lot to do wit the fact that he didnt get along with Mathew and never really saw him as a father.

However, he still had to talk to Rachel and Burt about this (And he really didnt feel like listening to his father say I told you, Burt never saw any kind of chemistry between Matt and him)And the hardest part; telling Matt.

* * *

William Anderson was pouring hot water into his mug when he heard the doorbell ring. He walked to the front door, the doorknob was broken so he was struggling a little to open . Judging by the desperate and insistent ringing, he already knew who it was.

"Stop it, Kyleigh. I can hear you" He grunted, finally wining the battle against the damn door.

She ran past him and went straight to the living room" What took you so long? Theres something important we need to talk about!" She said angrily.

"Dont get me wrong girl, but you tend to overreact to everything so whatever it is, I dont think its actually what I would call an emergen-"

"Blaines cheating on me!" Kyleigh yelled. She placed her arms in her hips and looked at the man, expecting an answer.

He just stared back at her, then realized she wanted him to say something in his sons defense. "What?" He asked incredulous "You brought this on yourself. Its not my fault that he still doesnt love you, you must be doing something wrong. The plan was: You wouldnt tell him that your diagnose was wrong and you werent actually going to die, he would stay married to you and he would eventually forget about all that gay shit and fall in love with you, then you would be miraculously cured and you would stay forever together. As Im telling you, you must be doing something wrong!" William would always find a way to win an argument and blame the other person involved.

"What are you talking about? I have tried my hardest, Ive been there for him, Ive been loyal, I listen to him and try to make him happy!" She snapped. "Do you think this is easy for me? I have to act like this useless and fragile woman all the time, I have to deal with the fact that he expects me to die one of this days. This is hard, and Im not gonna sit around and put a blind eye on the situation and accept his affair. Im. Not. Gonna. take it!" She was practically screaming by the end. Kyleigh closed her eyes, took a deep breath and took a seat on the armchair.

William sat in front of her. He took a cuban cigar and a lighter out of his black blazer, he took a long drag and enjoyed the feeling of the smoke filling his lungs.

"Who is his lover? Do you have any idea? Is it another woman?" He attacked her with questions.

She rolled her eyes "Oh, yeah. Its a gorgeous blonde, blue eyed girl. With big breasts and tiny waist" Kyleigh said sarcastically "Of course not! Its another man, goddamn it!" The woman was exasperated, this man had to be kidding.

William groaned and shook his head in disapproval "Anyway, do you know him or not? The lover"

"I dont, I know about him because I checked Blaines texts. He mentioned his name in one of the texts, his name is Kurt, but I dont have the last name, just the initial." She explained, much more calm now.

"Thats all you managed to find out? Jesus, you are seriously-"

"Before you start to dismiss everything I do, Ill let you know that I have two numbers written down" Kyleigh interrupted, something she wouldnt normally do in a conversation with Mr. Anderson. She rummaged through her purse and found the folded piece of paper she was looking for. She handed it to Mr. Anderson. "One of them is his cellphone and the second is from his work. Blaine was stupid enough to save it as KH work" She said.

"You wrote it in a piece of paper..whats this? The 90s? You could have saved it on your phone, what if Blaine sees it?" William asked unimpressed. This girl wasnt the brightest.

She looked down at her folded hands in her lap. The man spoke again "Have you called?" He put his cigar in the ashtray placed in the coffee table.

"I havent. I wanted to see you first, you can tell me if thats the smart thing to do"

"Do it, but call to his work. Just to know where he is working and then, Ill make sure to get the rest of his information." He authorized, giving her his own phone.

Kyleigh dialed the number and waited.

-"Hello, you are calling to K&H la maison de stylisme. My name is Linda, how can I help you?"

Kyleighs breath hitched. She panicked and ended the call.

"What happened?" William asked

"This cant be possible. K&H...Kurt Hummel, the fashion designer. Of course, hes gay, hes good looking and they could have met anywhere...Sams girlfriend is involved in the fashion industry too" She stated. Mr Anderson wasnt satisfied with her lame answer.


"THE FASHION DESIGNER KURT HUMMEL! Someone picked up the phone and said youre calling to K&H la mao... whatever, I think its the number of the brands offices"

"And how do you know his last name?" He inquired

"How can you not? His winter collection was featured in the last issue of Vogue. Remember I have nothing to do all day, I read and unhealthy amount of books and magazines"

"Are you sure its him? It could be anyone from that office, from his work" He added. He didnt trust this girls intuition, it could be the desperation clouding her sane reasoning.

"Are you serious? and what are the chances of another man named Kurt working in there? It has to be him. Why would he save his number as KH otherwise? And..Blaine had pictures..theyre blurry but now that Im making the connection, the body, the hair, it looks like him. " She hoped Mr. Anderson didnt ask what kind of pictures. "And as Im telling you, he could be related to Sams girlfriend."

"Just to make sure, pay him a visit. His reaction will be your answer. Tell him to back off and maybe with a threat or two, I dont know.." The man ordered. He was not having any of Blaines shit anymore, it was time for his son to step out of his world of fantasy. He had a normal life now and his father was not going let him ruin it.

At the other end of the room, Kyleigh was considering her options. If Blaines relationship with the designer was just sex, Hummel would definitely back off to avoid the sick wifes drama. He wouldnt let a stupid affair ruin his reputation.

"Okay, Ill go next week" She said. She stood up and walked towards the entrance. "Ill see you later, Mr-"

"Not so fast" He cut her off. Kyleigh rolled her eyes and turned to him, she found his bad habit of interrupting other people extremely annoying. Blaine was nothing like his father and for that she was glad.

"You have to give Blaine a reason to stay with you. Actually, I want you to force to stay with you, but subtly"

"Umm. How?" She asked, skeptical.

"I dont know. Make something up, youre good at that. Maybe...tell him youre pregnant"

In other circumstances she would be offended, being called a liar wasnt exactly pleasing. But Mr. Anderson was an asshole to everyone.

"Mr, Anderson, with all due respect. I dont know if youre aware but, in order to get pregnant, people has to do certain stuff. Women cant get pregnant magically" Kyleigh said sarcastically.

"Dont talk to me like that!" He replied with a menacing look on his face "God knows I dont wanna talk about this but, when was the last time you slept with my son?" The man was slightly embarrassed.

"Our wedding nigh was our last and only time. Now, can I go home?"

The man opened his mouth to say something else, but Kyleigh was already halfway out the door. He frowned when he heard it slam with force. This woman was a pain in the ass, part of him couldnt blame his son, he wouldve cheated on her too..

* * *

Kurt was panting heavily in his couch while Blaine sucked kisses all over his chest and abdomen, they were both shirtless. He was biting his lower lip to prevent his loud moans. Even if everybody was out of the studio having lunch, there was the possibility of people coming back sooner than expected. And doing this in his workplace was already wrong enough.

"B-blaine, we have.. fifteen minutes left" Kurt warned with shaky breath. Blaine ignored him completely and unbuckled his belt.

"That will be enough, just let me make you come." Slowly, he pulled down Kurts skinny jeans. His head was now between Kurts legs, his breath tickling his partners thighs. Kurt quivered at the sensation, reaching down to tangle his fingers in Blaines curly hair. For a moment he wished they had the time to make this last, but he forgot how to think as soon as he felt Blaines mouth teasing his clothed erection, grazing his plump lips over his hard length, kissing the underside. Blaine payed special attention to the head, rubbing it with his lower lip and then running the tip of his tongue all over it.

"Blaine, d-dont tease p-please" Kurt begged. He was a wreck; his hair was a mess (He would have to fix it in record time) and his skin was all flushed and glistening with sweat. Right now he looked like the embodiment of sex.

Blaine tugged down Kurts underwear, smirked at him seductively and without warning, wrapped his lips around the other mans cock, in no time he sank down and took as much of the length as he could.

"Fuck" Kurt threw his head back in pleasure and spread his legs wider, encouraging Blaine to take him deeper. And who was Blaine to deny his lovers request?.

Blaine bobbed his head up and down rapidly, sucking hard as he let his hands roam all over Kurts chest. He used his thumbs to play with the sensitive nipples and if his mouth werent full with a cock right now, he wouldve smiled at Kurts loud moans.

"I-Im close" Miraculously, Kurt was still able to talk.

Blaine took the warning as a clue to suck even harder and faster. That was when Kurt opened his eyes and looked down at Blaine. He could see the other mans head moving up and down, he could see his own hard cock disappearing inside Blaines mouth. The sight became too much and he came down Blaines throat with his hips stuttering in the air with the intensity of his orgasm. He covered his mouth with his forearm and bit it with more force than necessary. If he was going to have sex in his office, at least he could have the decency of being not too loud (He had failed at being quiet).

Meanwhile, Blaine waited patiently for Kurts climax to be over. Swallowing spurt after spurt of cum like an expert. He let a drop or two dribble down his chin in purpose, just to make the face-wiping move after. As cliché as it was, he found the gesture unusually erotic.

So yeah, to complete the act, he pulled off and looked at Kurt in the eye. He cleaned the corner of his mouth with his thumb and then sucked on the digit, capturing Kurts attention with the act.

Blaine let his thumb out with a wet sound and smiled brightly at Kurt.

"You want to make me hard again, right?" Kurt asked breathlessly. He used an excessive amount of tissues to clean his thighs and his sweaty skin. He wasnt even going to think about how disgusting that was. He pulled his jeans and underwear up and stood up. He remembered that Blaine was still hard, the man was sitting on the couch, rubbing himself through his slacks.

Wordlessly, Kurt knelt in front of Blaine and unzipped his trousers in one swift motion.

"Wha- what are you doing?" Blaine was taken off guard by Kurts movement.

"Im returning the favor." He responded mischievously and he pulled down the trousers and underwear. Without any kind of preamble, he sank his head in the throbbing erection, sucking with all his might.

Within minutes, Blaine came with a muffled sound. Kurt relaxed his throat and swallowed every single drop, enjoying the feeling of Blaine fingers tugging his hair.

Rapidly, Blaine adjusted his clothes and they both tried to fix their appearances, lunch time was already over and people would start coming back any second.

"I have to go, Ill call you later." Blaine said as he picked up his satchel from the coffee table. Kurt walked to him and they kissed tenderly.

"Okay, I love you" Kurt said. Blaine smiled and gave him one last kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too. A lot"

They stared lovingly at each other until they heard the elevator door open. Blaine opened the glass door of Kurts office and walked to the elevator, without looking at the person stepping out of it. He smiled at Kurt as the elevator door closed slowly.

"Who was that?" Asked Linda, his secretary, once the door was completely shut.

"Someone special" Kurt answered. Linda smiled at him and with no more questions, she went straight to her desk, Kurt went back to his office.

Two hours later, Kurt was trying to find the perfect fabric for a dress he had been working on. He stared intently at the sample book lying on his desk, he was torn between two different colors.

"Excuse me, you dont have an appointment!" He heard Jenn scream angrily,

"I dont give a damn about appointments! I have to see Kurt Hummel and you cant stop me!" The other unrecognizable said in a hysterical voice.

The blinds covering his glass panels, were still closed from Blaines visit this afternoon, so he couldnt see what all of this was about.

"If you dont leave right now, Im calling security. Please " Jenn said, her voice sounded much more calm now.

Kurt didnt have time to do anything else. He saw his glass door open roughly, an average looking woman letting herself in and his coworker Jenn walking behind her, both women with furious looks on her faces.

"Im sorry, Kurt. I told her she couldnt see you without an appointment but she-" Jenn didnt get to finish her sentence.

"I dont need an appointment and Im sure Mr. Hummel wont be able to deny me" She stated confidently. She sat on the couch and crossed her legs and her arms. Kurt blushed as he remember that not long ago he had received a blowjob in that same couch and he had given one as well. He almost felt like offering one of the chairs instead.

He snapped out of his trance and noticed Jenn, staring at him. She was waiting for instructions, whether he was receiving this woman or not.

"Um..I dont think weve met before, sorry" He told the unknown woman.

She laughed humorlessly and gave him the fakest smile he had ever seen. "Oh no, you dont know me. But theres one person we both know pretty well. So in case youre wondering, my names Kyleigh, but you may refer to me as Mrs. Anderson. Im Blaines wife"

Kurt tried to keep a straight face and failed completely. Suddenly, he was glad she was sitting on that couch. He nodded at Jenn and she left them alone in the office, closing the door behind her.

"I see. I guess Blaine has talked to you about me, we met when we were young and were good friends now" Kurt said, he realized this was a stupid attempt but there was a small possibility of the wife not knowing the real nature of his relationship with Blaine. He could at least try.

"Oh, is that so? Because I wasnt aware that nowadays, fucking your friends is something normal. And no, he never said anything about his good childhood friend Kurt Hummel."

Kurt closed his eyes and rubbed his temples with his middle and index fingers. Were they really that bad at hiding? He had the feeling that this was going to be like a hundred times harder that it had been to deal with Andrew finding out. But not half as embarrassing, luckily.

He wanted to avoid this, but feigning ignorance and denying it wouldnt help at all.

"I had assumed you were related to Sams girlfriend, and that was how you two met. But now youre telling me you met when you were young, isnt that sweet?" She said in fake excitement. Of course this girl wanted something out of this meeting, but what?.

He came to his feet and walked the short distance to the couch, he stood in front of her. "What do you want?" His tone was challenging, his face bitchier than ever.

He realized that he was being kind of an asshole, she was Blaines wife and she had every right to be upset. But she was forcing Blaine into a marriage he didnt want and sick or not, that was manipulation. And for him, she looked pretty healthy.

She glared at him and got to her feet. "Stay. Away. From my husband" She said through gritted teeth.

He looked down at her, unamused. "Or what?"He raised and eyebrow.

She huffed furiously "You have no idea what his father is capable of!" She warned. Mr. Anderson was taking her side and that made her feel powerful.

"Actually, I know. And I dont give a damn. What you dont know is that you just made this easier. The most difficult part was telling you, at least for Blaine, but now that you know..."

"Im not letting him go, and Blaine wont let me die alone." They were slowly raising their voices, drawing attention.

"He doesnt want you and no matter what you do, hes gonna leave you. You have to understand that what we have is real and Im not going anywhere. If you respected him or loved him you would set him free, but it doesnt matter since he doesnt love you either. He doesnt love you, he has never love you and he never will!" His face was getting red with anger, this girl wasnt going to make this easy. She was obsessed with Blaine, and with Blaines father on her side, he was slightly scared of the consequences.

"You have a son, dont you? What if he found out that his lovely father is nothing more that a disgusting cheat-"

"Dont even bother. My son knows everything he has to know" He answered. "And Its not like I would let anyone as fucked up as you near my son" He walked to the door and turned to her.

"Ill walk you to the elevator." Kurt opened the glass door for her and walked behind her. Kyleighs hazel eyes filled with tears, but she wouldnt let them fall.

They were a couple meters away from the elevator when she screamed "You cannot take him away from me! He is mine, he married me, he made a fucking vow!" Everyone on there was staring at them. At this point he couldnt care less, so he answered just as loud.

"Fucking watch me do it-"

That was when he felt a sharp sting on his left cheek. This was his first bitch slap ever, and it was more painful than he would have imagined. He rubbed the left side of his face with his palm, his mouth was agape and his eyes wide. Everybody was staring with eyes round as saucers.

"Youre a bitch" It was lame, but it was the first thing that came to his mind.

"Sorry, but you have to go" Jenn told Kyleigh as she dragged her towards the elevator. This time she didnt fight it.

"I wont let you win" Was the last thing Kyleigh said with a tear sliding down her cheek.

With Blaines wife gone, Jenn went back to Kurt "Are you okay?" He was still standing in the same place, everyone was still staring.

"Yeah, Im fine. Everybody, go back yo whatever you were doing" He ran back to his office and as soon as he shut the door, he slid down the glass wall. He sank his head in his hands.

He grabbed his phone and dialed a very familiar number. The other person involved in this.

- "Hey! I was about to call you, I was working with Sam and I lost track of time"

- "Blaine.." Kurt said in a shaky voice.

- "Whats wrong?"

- "Your wife knows"

- "What? But..Shit, what happened?"

* * *

I know everything. We have to talk but I need time. Ill be back in a week or so...


Blaine read from a note lying on his bed when he came back to an empty home. He wanted to feel something about it, but he didnt. His sick wife was wondering in the city, she wasnt coming back home for a while and that made him feel slightly relieved, he was an awful person.

* * *

His wife had been gone for tree days and he was singing in the shower while his lover cooked dinner in his kitchen. Was he crossing the line? It certainly didnt feel that way.

It had been a lucky coincidence, Matt was going on a business trip for a few days and Kurts dad and step mom were taking Andrew to Disney world, he would be back on Sunday. Today was Friday, so they had a lot of time with no interruptions or worries.

Blaine finished his shower and went to his bedroom, he put on pajama pants and a white shirt. He went to the kitchen and smiled when he saw Kurt doing the dishes and humming quietly. Blaine walked to Kurt and hugged him from behind, wrapping his arms around the other mans middle.

"Stop. Ill do the dishes later" Blaine said, with his lips pressed to Kurts neck.

"I dont mind, and Im almost finished anyway." Blaine was being a big distraction, but Kurt continued nonetheless. "Dinners ready, if youre hungry" Kurt added, turning on Blaines arms and wrapping his own around his shoulders.

"Im not, but maybe we can watch a movie and then have dinner. What do you say?"

"Its okay. Im not hungry either."

They stared at each others lips for a while but none of them made a move. "Are you going to kiss me or not?" Kurt challenged. Blaine leaned in very slowly and finally pressed their lips for a sweet and innocent kiss. Of course, said innocence wouldnt last for long. Kurt teased Blaines bottom lip with his tongue, asking for permission. Blaine granted access and their tongues slid against each other rapidly and desperately. Kurt moaned when he felt Blaines hands squeezing his ass.

"Bedroom?" Blaine said, without moving his mouth from Kurts.

Kurt nodded in response and dragged Blaine to the bedroom. By the time they got to the bed, they were shirtless and panting heavily. Blaine was on top of Kurt, kissing his jaw, his neck and collarbone. His kisses were soft and tender. They didnt get this kind of opportunities often, so Blaine was taking his time with Kurt. He ran his fingertips over the expanse of Kurts ribs and stomach, every inch of skin tingling with his delicate touch. Kurt closed his eyes and basked in the warmth provided by Blaines gentle caresses.

Blaine hooked his fingers in the waistband of Kurts pants and jerked them down. Kurt felt Blaine struggling to get rid of the skinny jeans, he was about to offer his help when Blaine finally managed to take them off completely.

Kurt thrust his hips up at the feeling of Blaines stubble brushing his crotch and inner thighs. Blaine appreciated his partners eagerness, but he was determined to make this last. He kept worshiping every inch of Kurts body, tracing lazy patterns with his tongue all over his chest, his lips ghosting over the length of his legs. Blaine was everywhere, with the exception of the place where he needed the attention.

Blaine took his pants off and straddled Kurts hips, grinding down slowly. Both men crying out in relief. They still werent completely naked and Kurt wondered why. Apparently, Blaine was thinking the same and seconds after, he removed his and Kurts underwear.

They looked at each other with dark eyes and there was no need for words right now, because it was all about feeling. Blaine rummaged through his top drawer and found the bottle of lube and the box of condoms he had been looking for, the same he had placed in there this morning.

Kurt waited and spread hi legs in anticipation, resting his feet flat on the mattress. Blaine moaned wantonly at the sight and ran a slippery finger down the crack, circling his entrance slowly.

"Blaine, more.." Kurt whimpered in desperation.

Blaine was getting desperate too, so he slipped his finger inside, all the way in. He grunted at the pressure, it was just was finger and it was so tight, he couldnt wait to be inside. He moved his finger in and out repeatedly, adding a second finger when Kurt moved his hips to get the digit deeper into him.

Kurts body relaxed around Blaines fingers easily, his deep blue eyes bore into Blaines hazel ones. Blaine moved his hand faster and in different angles trying to find the one spot inside of Kurt that made him scream in pleasure, he knew he had found it when Kurt threw his head back and moaned loudly.

"Fuck!, just like that..I-I want you know" Kurt managed to say in between gasps.

Blaine was achingly hard now, the only thing he could do was granting Kurts wish. "Its okay, babe. Ive got you" He leaned down to kiss Kurts forehead, his eyelids, his cheekbones and finally his mouth. That last kiss was all teeth and tongue, but somehow it felt intimate instead of dirty. They locked eyes once again.

"I love you" Blaine said.

"I love you too" Kurt felt Blaines fingers leaving his body.

The man sat up for a moment to tear open the condom wrapper with his teeth, he rolled it down his throbbing cock. Kurt took this opportunity to squirt some lube onto his hands and then reached out to stroke Blaine. He got lost for a moment enjoying the weight of Blaines cock in his palms.

"S-Stop. Dont wanna come yet" Blaine warned.

Kurt complied and laid down in his previous position. Blaine hovered over him and suddenly the emptiness he felt was replaced by the thick head of Blaine cock pushing in, stretching his hole. Kurt cried out and arched his back, encouraging Blaine to get as deep as he could.

Blaine didnt waste any time and responded to Kurts movements eagerly. He buried himself completely and stayed motionless, giving Kurt time to adjust.

"Move, I- I want..hard" Kurt stuttered, moving his hips against Blaines.

"Yes, anything you want" The other man moaned. Blaine started moving his hips in and out, his thrusts were sometimes slow and some other times fast, driving Kurt insane. At some point he stopped teasing and just fucked into Kurt relentlessly, he moved his hips as fast and hard as he could, changing the angle all the time trying to find-

"Shit! Dont stop, there!"Kurt screamed. He fisted his own hair with one hand, he used the other to run his nails down Blaines back with force, Blaine moaned at the combined feeling of pleasure and pain.

"Fuck! You f-feel so good.." By now, Blaine was moving so fast and hard that the headboard was making loud noises every time it hit the wall. If luck was on his side, his neighbors wouldnt be home now.

"I- Im close" Kurts nails keeps digging into the skin of Blaines back and his screams got louder, his hips stuttered and his eyes fixed on Blaines.

"Its okay, beautiful. Let go" Blaines voice was so deep and rough. Kurt didnt have to be told twice, his body tensed and he came with a high moan, he he closed his eyes and his toes went numb. He was floating, every inch of his skin was more sensitive that ever and his orgasm seemed to last forever.

When he opened his eyes again, it was to see Blaines face as he reached his own climax. Kurt had never seen something sexier, Blaines eyes were tightly shut and his mouth slightly agape, his back arched and he tightened his grip on Kurts hips.

Blaine fell on top of Kurt and stayed there, not bothering to clean the excess of body fluid between them.

"I love you so much" he whispered to Kurts ear.

"I love you more"

Blaine was going to disagree when Kurt swallowed his words with a kiss.

"Im going to talk to Matt this Monday" Kurt said.

Blaine smiled brightly at him and kissed him hard. He almost felt like squealing.

"Were going to make this work, youll see"

It was a promise.

* * *

Monday night, Blaine sitting on the couch staring at his phone, he was waiting for Kurts call. Today Kurt was going to talk to Matt and he had promised to call Blaine after. Tonight they were going to be free to be together. Well, kind of.

He was nervous and he didnt even know why, everything was going to be fine. He couldnt look away from his phone, as if that would make the call come sooner.

*you make me, feel like Im- *

The phone went off. Blaine accepted the call hurriedly.

- "Oh, thank god, I was getting worried. What took you so long?"


-"Umm..Kurt? Is something wrong?" He felt his stomach sink. He could only hear Kurt breathing heavyly.

- "Everythings wrong, Blaine! This is a fantasy, this isnt real, we were just being naive and stupid!" Kurt sobbed.

Blaine felt dizzy, he wanted this to be a very bad dream. This couldnt be happening because of course what they had was real, Kurt had to be kidding.

- "You- this is a very bad joke Kurt, you dont really mean that!" He pleaded, laughing humorlessly.

- "Im so sorry Blaine..bu-but I cant do this. Please dont make this harder than it already is" Kurt was crying desperately, or that was what it sounded like.

- "NO! I want a good reason, I want you to"-

- "Im so sorry. Its over"

- "Kurt!"

Nobody answered, Kurt hung up the phone.

Blaine had tears already streaming down his face, clutched the left side of his chest. This was so sudden and he didnt understand, absolutely nothing made sense. Of course it had something to do with Matt but..What?

"I know I said Id be gone for a week but-" Kyleigh forgot the rest of her sentence when she saw Blaine crying on the couch. Blaine hadnt even heard her opening the door.

She ran to him and wrapped him in her arms. "Hey what happened?" She whispered in a soothing voice, running her hand through Blaines curls.

Blaine sank his head in her chest and cried, finding comfort in the familiarity of it. Kyleigh kept petting his hair and kissed his forehead.

"Shh..Im here with you. And Im not going anywhere" Of course Blaine didnt notice the little smile forming on her face.



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