May 24, 2015, 7 p.m.
May 24, 2015, 7 p.m.
This is so poorly written I wanna throw up, but as an excuse Ill let you know that Im majoring in architecture, so my language is mostly graphic and Im actually not very good with words.. whatever. Have a nice day/night/afternoon and thanks for reading <3 (Il try to update next friday or saturday)
Im married to a woman
Im married to a woman
Im married to a woman
I'm married to a woman
Those words wouldnt stop haunting him. Kurt was sitting on the couch ignoring the noises coming from the tv. He was completely alone, Matt was on his way home and Andrew was still at his friends place.
Im married to a woman
There were a lot of things he didnt understand and there were some other things he didnt want to think about. He had just cheated on his husband, his loving, loyal and always supportive husband. Ha had cheated on his husband with a married man, a man that happened to be married to a woman. So yeah, right now was not the time to over analize things.
He would get answers soon enough, or so Blaine said...
-----2 Hours ago----
“The circumstances, sometimes they dont..Well, Im married to a woman”
Kurt stayed motionless, an unreadable expression taking over his features
“Uhh, what?”
Kurt waited for a second and when he realized that Blaine wasnt going say anything back, he stood up angrily and started rummaging for his clothes.
Blaine walked behind him, he grabbed Kurts arm and forced him to turn around and look at him.
“Let go of me!” He said through gritted teeth.
Blaine just gave him a pleading expression until Kurts frown relaxed and then lead them back to the bed. They sat at the edge and stayed silent for a while.
“Will you listen to me? Please?” Blaine said as he took Kurts hand in his.
Kurt nodded and rested his head in Blaines shoulder.
“First of all, the fact that Im married to a woman doesnt mean that Im back in the closet. I swear I had my reasons and let me tell you that I did it with the best intentions. My wife knows Im gay so as I'm telling you-”
“How can you be openly gay and married to a woman? Did you dad force you?” Kurt intervened
“Let me finish, please?” Kurt nodded and the other man kept going “So yeah, my wife knows and she has known from the beginning but if you want to know why I married her, Ill tell you the next time we meet. Believe me, its a long story and my dad has nothing to to with it, even if he was ecstatic when I told him I was marrying a girl” The man rolled his eyes at the thought and then looked at Kurt expectantly.
“So Kurt, do you want to meet again? Or do you want me to back off and never talk to you again?”
This was his way out. Kurt could easily say that he didnt want anything to do with him ever again. He could pretend this day didnt happen and go on with his life, forget he had cheated on Matt and become the most faithful and devoted husband ever. But no..
“I spent years yearning for someone like you, I looked for you in others. I gave up and married Matt because it was a safe decision. Now that I finally found you Im taking the chance. Well figure something out. And If you say theres a reason why you married a woman, I believe you. And I admit that I overreacted, It would be hypocrite getting mad at you for that. Whether its a man or a woman, Im married too, so I guess were even.”
Blaine smiled at him, held him close and kissed his forehead.
They forgot about the little incident and took a shower together, enjoying their company as much as they could. They got dressed and left the hotel room, with those walls as the only witnesses of the sudden affair.
---Back to current time---
“Hey, Kurt! Wake up!” Matt said as he weaved a hand in front of his husband.
“Umm, sorry. Did you say something?” Kurt replied as he came back from his dream state.
Matt chuckled and sat next to him. He kissed Kurts cheek and turned off the tv.
“Not really, I just said Kurt, Im home and when I came to the living room you were staring absentmindedly at the screen, like, in a trance or something. You looked kinda funny, I shouldve taken a photo. Anyway, what were you thinking about?”
Ohh, there it was. The guilt. Burning him as his husband talked to him as if nothing had changed since yesterday. If he only knew.
“Nothing special. Just work, you know, the photo shoot” Matt seemed convinced with the answer.
“Dont worry, Its gonna be alright. Youre the best at what you do” Matt winked at him and stood up, pulling Kurts arm.
“Lets make dinner” he said
“Sure” Kurt got on his feet and followed Matt to the Kitchen.
* * *
Andrew arrived home an hour later. Dinner was ready and everyone was at the table. The family was eating quietly and Kurt remembered he still had to talk about the piano lessons with his son.
“Andrew, as you know, I talked to your music teacher today” he said, trying to leave the memories of the rest of the meeting at the back of his mind. For now.
“Dont tell me. Its because I suck at it, right? Ill rehearse more often if necessary, I- I can even go to Ellas house every day after school. She can help me because shes the best and-”
“Honey” Kurt reached out, took his hand and looked at him fondly. The boy stopped rambling and avoided his fathers gaze.“Its okay. He didnt say you suck, he said that youre doing okay. Hes just concerned because you dont seem to enjoy it. So I just want to know. You dont like playing the piano, right?”
The boy sighed, ran his hand trough his blonde hair and finally met his fathers eyes.
“Im really sorry dad. I didnt want to disappoint you. I dont like it, its like torture for me but I didnt want you to know because you were so excited about it. I wanted you to be proud of me and every time I played the piano you had this look in your eyes, this look that makes me feel like I deserve to be your son and I thought that if I stopped playing the piano you wouldnt be proud of me anymore. I wish I was a better singer, a better dancer or good at drawing but Im not, Im not a boy of many talents so If Im slightly good at something, even if its something I dont really like Im going to do it, as long as that makes you happy.” Andrew was upset and frustrated, but he tried to smile at Kurt in an attempt to make him feel like he didnt really mind, in an attempt to drop the subject and reassure his father.
But Kurt wasnt going to let that happen.
“Andrew have I ever made you feel like you have something to prove? Like you have to make yourself deserving? Because its not like that at all, I dont want you to do things you dont want to do just because you think that will make me happy. If something makes you miserable it could never make me happy. I dont care if you hate playing the piano or if youre not a good singer, you could never disappoint me. And dont you dare saying that you have no talents, you are the smartest kid I know-”
“You have to say that because Im your son” The boy mumbled bitterly as he removed his hand form his fathers grasp and crossed his arms.
“Let me finish, and no Its not because youre my son. And you are pretty good at fencing too, dont forget that.” Andrew ginned at this and leaned in to rest his head in Kurts shoulder.
“I guess thats true” Andrew affirmed.
Meanwhile, Matt just stared at the two of them, happy that Kurt wasnt expecting him to get Involved in this conversation.
“Of course it is, or what do you think Matt?” Kurt added, and with that his luck ended as soon as it had started.
“Well, hes not the best but..yeah, you can say hes good at fencing” The man pointed out. Andrews face fell and the kid stood up.
His husband looked at him as if he had just killed an innocent little puppy and he knew that he had made the wrong choice of words. He was so screwed.
“But he will get there, the only reason why he isnt the best is because there are much older kids with much more experience” Kurt snapped. Matt could already feel his husbands rage like heavy mist in the air.
“Hes right, Im not the best. Being good isnt good enough” Andrew remarked humorlessly as he walked towards the staircase.
“Thanks for dinner, dad” Upset or not, Andrew Hummel had manners.
“Andrew, come here!” Kurt demanded. With no response, he left the dining room glaring at his husband.
“What? We cant lie to him, I just said he wasnt the best, which is true” Matt looked incredulous. This kid always got him in trouble with Kurt.
“Whats wrong with you?” Kurt told him and ran after his son.
* * *
That day when Blaine came home, his wife was in bed soundly asleep. The housekeeper, Rosa, was making dinner.
“Mr. Anderson, Dinners almost ready.” Rosa said when she saw the man standing by the kitchen island.
“Thanks Rosa. And Ive told you several times, youve been with us for two years now, so just call me Blaine please.” he pleaded.
He made small talk with her and helped the middle-aged woman setting the table, then he sat on the armchair and checked his e-mail as he waited for his wife to wake up. Rosa stood in front of him with her coat and hat on, she cleared her throat to catch his attention.
“Mr. An- Blaine, Im going home now if you dont need me for anything else.” She announced politely.
Blaine shook his head and smiled at her “Were okay, you can leave now. Thank you” he answered. Just as the woman turned around to leave the room, Blaine spoke again to ask the one question whose answer he didnt really want to hear.
“Why is she sleeping? Is she feeling ill again?” He inquired. He rubbed the back of his neck and silently prayed for his wife to be fine.
Rosa sighed and looked at him with sympathy “Dont worry, it was just a headache. I dont think shes getting worse or anything.” She tried to reassure him.
Blaine put his laptop on the coffee table and buried his face on his hands. He took a deep breath and stared back at the woman.
“Okay, thanks for letting me know.”
Rosa nodded and left. It looked like this conflicted man could use some alone time.
Ten minutes later, Blaine was still sitting on the armchair. He was now reading a book.
“What time is it?” Blaine glanced sideways and found his wife approaching him, yawning and rubbing the sleep off her eyes.
The woman sat in his lap and hid her face in her husbands neck.
“Time to have diner.” He responded. The woman yawned once again, so Blaine shook her shoulder gently.
“Kyleigh, dont fall asleep on me. You have to eat.” Blaine muttered.
Kyleigh groaned but stood from his husbands lap and dragged her feet to the dining room.
Blaine stayed in the living room for a while longer, keeping his eyes on his wife as she left. Kyleigh was a pretty and smart girl. She had dark straight hair and hazel eyes, just like Blaines. Her skin was white, her height average and her body a little too skinny.
Today she looked especially weak, Blaine noticed. She had dark circles under her eyes and she was walking awfully slow.
After dinner they stayed in the dining room. Blaine was trying to finish a song he had started a week ago and Kyleigh was reading a magazine. Just the two of them in comfortable silence. As usual.
“Did you go to the doctor's appointment today?” Blaine remembered.
“Yeah, your father went with me” She answered.
“And..is everything alright?” Blaine held his breath as he waited for a response.
“Im not getting worse, If thats what you want to know”
Kyleigh fidgeted in her seat nervously. When she thought this conversation was over, she went back to the magazine.
“Its just...Its fine. Youre not feeling weaker or anything, right? Rosa said that you fell asleep because you had a headache.”
“Yes, It was just a headache. Dont worry”
“Because if something was wrong. You would tell me, right?” Blaine asked, anxiously.
“Yes, I would. Youre asking a lot of questions today, youre making me nervous. And you seem a little tense too. Did something happen at work?” Her tone wasnt accusatory or anything. But Blaines conscience was getting the best of him.
Oh, nothing at all. I mean, I cheated on you but that was all. The memories of todays events were extremely fresh on his mind. Every touch, every noise, every smile. And the worse part was that he couldnt bring himself to regret it.
While his wife attended to her weekly doctor's appointment, he was at a hotel room having sex. He was an asshole.
“No, everythings fine. Umm, I have to take a shower” Blaine adverted his gaze and proceeded to run to their room.
Kyleigh just furrowed her brow. “Sure” She said, even if Blaine wasnt in the room anymore.
* * *
It had been a week since his first encounter with Blaine. These past days had been hectic, with the photo shoot and the tension at home. Kurt thought he wouldnt survive the week, but surprisingly, he did.
Now he found himself at an almost hidden restaurant three blocks away from the studio waiting for Blaine, they had been communicating through texts and clandestine phone calls.
Kurt was completely exhausted, but now that he was done with work and Andrew was at fencing practice, he was planning on relaxing and enjoying this late lunch. His phone went off and when he checked the caller ID, he decided to ignore it. It was Rachel, he had avoided her ever since he had slept with Blaine. She was going to lose it, he just knew. And he didnt feel like being admonished by her nonstop, he was way too stressed for that. But of course he would tell her...eventually.
He got lost for a while, thinking how to explain this to Rachel. It wasnt going to be easy.
Ten minutes later, he saw Blaine approaching their table. He had a big smile on his face, his unruly curls bouncing with every step he took. That was enough to make Kurts heart flutter uncontrollably inside his chest. Kurt waved and smiled shyly at Blaine. The man kissed his cheek and sat in front of him.
“Hi” That was all Kurt managed to say with his excitement threatening to burst at any second. His schoolgirl-like behavior was getting ridiculous.
“Hey! How was your week?” The other man asked as he intertwined his fingers with Kurts.
“It was out of control. He had an important photo shoot, so the past days we practically lived in the studio making sure everything was ready. One of the models got sick and he had a lot of trouble finding another just as perfect. My son and husband didnt speak to each other for days, and Ive been avoiding my best friend because Im still not ready to tell her about you and keeping it from her its not an option.” Once he finished his rambling, Kurt took a deep breath and squeezed Blaines hand.
“Im really sorry Im one of the instigators of your stress” Blaine said apologetically.
“Dont be. It´s not your fault” Kurt smiled at him just as the waitress came to take their orders.
In the beginning Kurt talked about work and Blaine talked about school. Being together was so easy it was overwhelming. They listened, they laughed and basked in the moment, never running out of topics.
Soon, the food was gone and they ordered coffee. Time for the real conversation.
When the coffee arrived, Kurt stared at his mug intently. He didnt want to do this.
“Are you going to tell me about your wife?” He muttered.
Blaine gulped and took a sip from his mug. Saying this out loud was going to make him look so pathetic.
“Okay, but first I want you to know that I was never back in the closet. After summer camp I decided I wasnt going to hide anymore. God, my dad was enraged. He went as far as threatening to take me to a catholic school, he was out of his mind.” Blaine looked down at their clasped hands as Kurt shook his head in disbelief.
“Anyway, at some point he just put a blind eye on it and pretended I wasnt gay, but that was okay because at least he stopped being a pain in the ass, he stopped giving me anti-gay pamphlets and he didnt set me up for dates with girls anymore.”
Blaine didnt say a word for a minute or two, he fidgeted nervously in his seat and tried to calm the whirlwind inside his head. Kurt just waited patiently for him to go on, smiling encouragingly at the man.
“About my wife...Her name is Kyleigh, we met in our first year of college. I was majoring in music and she was majoring in dramatic literature. The moment we got to know each other, I knew she was going to be special. Not in a romantic way, but special.” Blaines mouth unconsciously quirked up into a smile, reminiscing and thinking of that time when his relationship with Kyleigh was carefree and natural.
“We became inseparable. She and my other friend Sam meant everything to me. They were my best friends in the world. By that time I didnt want a relationships, I would settle for one night stands and friends with benefits. But Kyleigh...she was starved of affection. She wanted something real, one of this life-altering romances. Thats when she met Ryan.” Blaine took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He looked as though he was remembering a traumatic experience.
“He was this handsome and seemingly attentive dude. Sam and I approved. After a while, she changed. She started spending less and less time with us, she was so wary and stiff. According to her, everything was fine. Anyway, one day Kyleigh and the guy got into a big fight on campus, Sam and I witnessed the whole thing and talked to her. She admitted that he was mentally abusive and after our intervention, she broke up with him. Sam and I thought that it was over, but it was just the beginning. She went from failed to failed relationship, one after the other. Every single guy would be such an asshole.
This went on for years and eventually she gave up.”
Kurt listened to every word Blaine said, taking in every single detail not wanting to miss anything. He dragged his chair closer to the table and rested his chin in his hand. Blaine took this as a clue to continue.
“After this, things got better but she wasnt the same girl anymore.
When we were about to graduate, she started getting sick. At first she thought it was just the stress, but as time went by, she kept getting worse-” Blaine was shaking now. Kurt noticed and sat next to him hurriedly. Kurt placed his arms around Blaines shape and kissed his cheek tenderly.
“You dont have to tell me everything now, if youre not ready” Kurt whispered to Blaines ear.
Blaine turned to him and caressed Kurts jaw with his thumb.
“Its fine, I want to.” Blaine affirmed.
“Umm, so..she kept getting worse and when she finally went to the doctor, she got pretty bad news. Apparently, she has this weird genetic condition whose name I cant remember right now, Its extremely weird. The doctor said she had six months left” Blaines face fell, he was clearly struggling to keep a straight face.
“Six months left? As in..” Kurt couldnt bring himself to finish the sentence. His eyes went wide in surprise.
Blaine nodded. He stared at his abandoned mug as if in deep thought.
“Yes. After this, she got so depressed and she was so miserable. I just wanted to help, I just wanted her to be happy...
One day I went to her apartment and she was crying. She was so sad and seeing her like that was so hard, it broke my heart. She was upset because she didnt want to die without having experienced love, because the man she loved the most would never be with her..”
“And..” Kurt added.
“And she confessed. She said that she was in love with me, that she thought that was the reason why her past relationships hadnt worked.
I just wanted her to feel loved, to get exactly what she wanted for once in her life. And I asked her to marry me” Blaine explained and took a long sip of coffee, willing himself to finish the story.
“This is going to sound awful but, I didnt expect her to live this much longer. That year I went back to Ohio for thanksgiving and she stayed here. When I got back she was better. She said that it was a miracle, for whatever reason the disease wasnt progressing as fast as it usually does. What was I supposed to do? She said she was happy with me, that Im the love of her life. I dont want to be selfish but...sometimes I regret what I did. Sometimes I think I deserve to be happy too but I cant leave her, I made a vow, and that has to mean something.”
Kurt was astounded. He didn't know what to say, because really.. What was he supposed to say? He felt bad for Blaines wife, but Blaine deserved to be happy. And when you really love someone, you want them to be happy, right?
“Im really sorry. I get that you had the best intentions but, sometimes its okay to be a little bit selfish, dont you think?” Kurt asked
“I just cheated on her, isnt that selfish enough?” Blaine snapped and regretted doing so as soon as he watched Kurts face fall.
“Im sorry, I didnt mean to snap at you. Im just really frustrated”
Kurt looked at him with sympathy “I get it, its hard for you. We can talk about that later, when you feel better.”
Blaine nodded and sighted in relief before muttering a quiet thank you.
“Its still early, we can go somewhere else” Blaine offered.
Kurt smiled wickedly at him “Woah, seems like someones eager. What do you heve in mind” He teased.
Blaine chuckled and shook his head slightly.
“I didnt mean it like that, you perv. I was thinking about central park or something like that”
“I like how you think” Kurt answered.
They spent the rest of the afternoon together. They made plans for their next meeting and parted ways, both men full of hope and affection.
* * *
After the first two months together, Kurt and Blaine became masters in the art of sneaking around and making excuses.
They saw each other at least three time for week. Andrew went to his friends house after school on Tuesday and Thursday, those days Kurt and Blaine would go to secluded little restaurants or... to other places. On Saturday Blaine would spend time with Kurt as he waited for Andrews fencing practice to be over.
Little by little they established this flawed but effective routine. Kurt as the perfectionist he was, made sure to take every single detail into consideration so they wouldnt be caught.
Now that Kurt knew how happy he could be with Blaine, he wasnt letting it go. His marriage with Matt was a joke and this was unfair to him, but every time he tried to bring it up, he would look into his loving husbands eyes and get his tongue tied.
Matt had been waiting for Kurt for a very long time, had confessed his love since they were fourteen. But Kurt wanted them to be just friends, so Matt spent the next ten years watching Kurts love life as an outsider until one day Kurt surrendered and accepted Matt as a lover. Because of all people he was never going to let him down, he wasnt going to hurt him.
Kurt never stopped to think of the possibility of Matt being the one getting hurt by himself. He was betraying the one person that had always been there for him, always wiling and ready to give him everything.
Those were the thoughts currently tormenting him as he sat on the right side of the bed and stared into his husbands green orbs. Matt had this relaxed expression on his face, he was wearing Kurts blue sweatshirt and he was rubbing his left shoulder with his left hand. As if he were purposefully showing Kurt his matching wedding band to make him feel like shit. But that was ridiculous because Matt didnt know anything. Kurt was becoming paranoid.
“Honey? What did you want to talk about?” Matt asked.
“Nothing, forget it.” Kurt answered cowardly. He wasnt brave enough to do this. Not now.
“If you say so...Oh and I almost forget, this Saturday I wont be home until late. Some partners are coming from Chicago and were having an Important meeting and then were having dinner in some fancy ass place. Since Andrew is spending the weekend at his friends cottage I wanted to skip dinner and spent quality time with you, but they gave me no choice. Im sorry” Matt kissed the back of Kurts hand and waited for his reply. The man looked genuinely sorry and that wasnt good for Kurts new found self-loathing.
“Its fine. Dont worry” Kurt smiled nervously at Matt, avoiding to meet his eyes.
A few minutes later, Kurts phone buzzed. Matt was already under the covers getting comfortable.
Kurt slipped out of the bed quietly and locked himself in the bathroom. It was a text from Blaine.
B- Can I see you this Saturday?
With this simple text, Kurt forgot how much of an asshole he was and threw his moral right out of the window.
K- Yes
* * *
As soon as Kurt managed to close the front door, the two bodies collided against the wall.
They kissed desperately, their hands roaming all over each others bodies. After having lunch and taking a walk in central park, they barley made it to Kurts brownstone without ravishing the other.
It was understandable, last week they didnt get the chance to satisfy their physical needs. Time would always get in the way.
“Are you sure we should do this in your home?” Blaine asked, still aware enough to worry about that.
“I told you. Matt will be home late and Andrew is spending the weekend with his friends. They go to the cottage twice a year”
Kurt proceeded to unbutton Blaines shirt slowly as they made their way up the stairs.
Kurt dragged Blaine to the guest room (he was not taking Blaine to the bed he shared with his husband, that was too much) he closed the door and lead the other man to the bed.
They undressed slowly and took their time touching, caressing and feeling.
“What do you want?” Blaine whispered sensually.
“I want you inside” Kurt murmured with ragged breath.
Blaine didnt need to be told twice. He reached for his jacket lying on the floor rummaged through it until he found the little bottle he was looking for.
Blaine hovered over Kurt and attacked his neck, sucking in the place he now knew drove him insane. Then, he placed his lips in Kurts ear.
“Get on your hand and knees” he ordered.
It took all of Kurts self control not to come right then and there. He obliged wordlessly and held back a moan when he felt Blaine fingers getting closer to where he wanted them the most. The teasing didnt last for long.
After a few minutes, Kurt started moaning shamelessly loud, the air rushing out of his longs with every hard thrust. Blaine slid in and out of him with practiced ease, his grunting being the sexiest sound Kurt had ever heard.
When Blaine laid his chest over his back and whispered filthy little nothings, he was positive he was going to lose it.
God, this man was going to be the death of him.
* * *
* * *
Andrew Hummel loved his friends. They liked the same thing he liked, they were funny and they were loyal. They were like brothers.
His best friend was Kevin, the other guys and him would go to his house every tuesday and thursday to eat junk food, do their homework and play video games.
This tuesday and thursday tradition was new, but the cottage tradition started four years ago. They went to Kevins family cottage twice a year, and this year was going to be the best because this year Evans parents had given him permission to go with them. Yeah, Evan was going with them and everything was going to be awesome...or so he thought.
Andrew, Evan, Tyler and Liam sat in the back seats of Kevins mothers white Lincoln navigator.
“I cant believe he broke his arm” Tyler said in disbelief. The accident had happened just minutes before they left Kevins place for their little vacations.
“Im never going to run in the stairs, a broken bone isnt worth it” Evan added.
“It was kind of ironic, Kevins mom told him not to run up the stairs like five minutes before he fell”
The kids stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. Kevins mom was taking them back to their respective places.
“Andrew, honey. Were here” The woman announced as she parked in front of the brownstone.
The kid nodded, he weaved at the other boys as he closed the navigators door.
“Dont be sad, sweetheart. We can go as soon as Kevins arm gets better” The woman smiled sadly at him.
“Dont worry Mrs. Sanders. We just want Kevin to be okay” he replied.
“He will be” Mrs. Sanders reassured.
Andrew walked the few steps towards the house. He opened the door quietly and closed it just as lazily. He was sad, this weekend was supposed to be one of the best and now he was back home sooner than expected and his best friend was at the hospital with a broken arm. Sometimes life really sucked.
He walked straight to the staircase taking the steps one by one, not bothering to make his presence known. His father was probably in the living room, but he didnt feel like talking right now, he just wanted to lock himself in his room for a while. And he left his suitcase by the door, Kurt would notice anyway.
He was about to close his door when he noticed something. The guest rooms door was closed. Weird.
He approached the door and just as his fingers started brushing the doorknob..
“Oh god, right there”
Andrew froze. That was his dads voice and this could only mean one thing.
The boys face went completely red, his eyes went wide as saucers and his mouth fell open in horror.
DISGUSTING. That was the first word that came to hi mind.
The boy went down the stairs (very carefully, thank you very much) and tried to erase this moment from his mind forever. That would take years of therapy.
He suddenly remembered that one conversion he had had with his friend not long ago. After an embarrassing sex talk they had at school, the other boys had shared their horrifying experiences walking in on their parents or listening to them. He had proudly revealed that such thing had never happened to him. Never take anything for granted, they say.
Andrew hurriedly placed his suitcase in the living room and opened the front door as soundlessly as he could. The plan was, going to that coffee shop he often visited with his dad and stay there for a while.
When he looked up he was pretty sure his brain stopped working for a few seconds. Could this day get even more confusing? Yes, it did.
“Wha-but you-I just” The kind stuttered.
“Sorry, I didnt get a word of what you said” Matt answered.
What the hell is going on?. This was a mess
“It doesnt matter. Um..dads not home, aunt Rachel had an emergency and he left like, two minutes ago. I begged him no to call a babysitter.” Andrew closed the door very slowly and stared at Matt intently. The man stared back at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Okay, and you were getting out because...”
“Because I was going to the café, you should totally go with me,” The kid grabbed Matts arm, not giving him time to consent and leading him to the place.
“But I need to go to the-”
“Everybody loves coffee, were getting coffee”
Matt surrendered and followed the kid. Coffee was good.