Somewhere only we know ...
Chapter 18 Previous Chapter Story
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Somewhere only we know ...: Chapter 18

E - Words: 1,850 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Jan 09, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
132 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Author's Chapter Notes: So after a really long time I had inspiration to update this ... I still love this story so I will go through with it no matter what. ;) Hope who still is willing to read this, enjoys it and see u next time :* ♥



Waking up by the feeling of someone shaking his shoulder, Kurt looks up bleary eyed to find his dad standing next to his bed. When he suddenly realises Blaine is still laying in his arms, he stares at his father wide eyed as he whispers, though still sounding a bit wary of what his dad's reaction might be, 

"Dad! Why ... ?" He glances over at Blaine lying partly on his other shoulder, making sure he's still asleep and then looks back at Burt, "What are you doing here? You'll wake him, and ... don't scare him."
"Wow bud, it's okay." Burt says in the same hushed voice as Kurt's, "I just wanted to check in on you and tell you that you should be getting ready for school."
Surprised at the time, Kurt curses silently but then reality dawns back on him and says,
"I'm not going to school today, one day isn't going to kill me. I can't just leave him alone like this, and Blaine can't go to school either yet right now." He's already in the middle of pleading with his dad when Burt interrupts him with a raised finger.
"I kind of figured out that that would be your reaction, so yeah ... For now, I'll agree to that and just warn the school that you won't be there. At least you're in the clear when I do that."
He laughs softly but stops instantly when Blaine stirs a little and nods at Kurt, mouthing,
"I'll be downstairs, take your time." before he moves back out of the room and to the kitchen to get ready for work.

The moment the door shuts, Kurt sighs heavily and turns his face towards the boy sleeping on his shoulder. His gaze softens immediately but it also brings back the angry glint in his eyes at the sight of the bruises that mar his gorgeous face. He stays like that for a little while, just taking in Blaine's soft and calm expression and lifts his hand to gently and slowly trail his fingers down his jaw and up into his hair. He didn't mean to wake him up but Blaine stirs for a moment before he violently flinches away from Kurt and is looking at him wide eyed.
Kurt cringes before he's already reaching back out at Blaine unconsciously but stops his movement right before he can put his hand on his boyfriend.
"It's just me, Blaine. Come on, please just look at me, it's just me ... It's okay. You're going to be okay." he instantly tries to sooth Blaine and finally does lay his hand on his shoulder once Blaine's expression has slightly eased up.
Blaine just looks at Kurt for another long moment before his lower lip starts to tremble and he rolls back forward, burying himself flush against Kurt's chest and his fists clenching at the front of his shirt.

"I don't want this ... I don't want to keep crying like this." Blaine hiccups and sniffles into Kurt's shirt. "I'm sorry ..." he adds silently through the tears that keep coming out.
"Oh sweetheart, don't worry about that, don't worry about you crying, it's only normal. You don't have to say sorry at all." Kurt answers him in a hushed voice, trying to keep it steady as he wants to sooth the other boy as much as possible.
"You'll be okay, trust me ... you will be. I'll make sure of that."

It takes a little more time before Blaine looks back up at his boyfriend, eyes red rimmed and tears still trailing down his cheeks although less than before.
"I really don't know what I am gonna do now ... I ... I'm not gonna be able to work again after filing a report. I can't go back home ... I don't know anymore." he says, already seeing himself having to live on the streets again, without any money or place to go to.
"Okay ... I know you worry about that but you know, I've said it before, you can stay here ..." Kurt starts but is interrupted by Blaine.
"But your dad? I mean, he probably won't want a guy he doesn't even know to stay here, I can't even pay for rent or anything."
"I promise, B. My dad won't mind. I'll have to talk to him when we head downstairs but he won't kick you out once he knows what's going on. Not that he would otherwise but still ... especially not now."

Blaine shivers slightly, wiping his face with his hand before completely letting go of Kurt and turning to lay on his back, eyes on the ceiling and breathing heavily. He's not completely sure that what Kurt says is going to happen, his own experience putting doubt in his mind no matter what his boyfriend assures him of.
"I don't know about that ..." he mumbles put doesn't say anything more, his mind starting to give him images of how Kurt's dad might react to everything involving him.
Watching Blaine's profile, almost seeing what Blaine might be thinking, Kurt replies resolutely,
"I do. I know my dad ... I know he might seem all gruff and distant sometimes but he has such a big heart and is more openminded than a lot of people I know."

He leans in, kissing Blaine's cheek shortly and softly before adding,
"I'm going to go downstairs and talk to my dad. You can come if you want, but you can stay here just the same, it's your choice."
He contemplates it for a moment, still not looking at Kurt before quietly saying,
"I think I ... Euhm, I'll stay here for a little while longer if that's okay?"
"Of course, that's perfectly fine, B." Kurt speaks softly as he turns and gets up out of his bed. With a glance at Blaine still staring straight up at the ceiling, he smiles sadly and makes his way out of his room and towards the kitchen where he knows his dad is getting ready for work.

"Hey dad." Kurt announces himself as he walks into the kitchen, seeing his dad standing with his back towards him as he's filling his thermos with coffee.
Burt turns around, putting the top on his thermos and setting it on the table in front of him before he looks up at his son.
"Goodmorning." he huffs out, not entirely sure how to proceed before just diving right into it.
"Sit down, son. I think we need to talk a bit before I head to work, I can't concentrate anyway if I don't know what the hell is going on with you."
Kurt swallows thickly, not sure how to start but knowing that he surely owes his dad an explanation. So he takes a seat and takes a breath before he starts without giving his dad the chance to say anything else.
"Look dad, I know I kind of rushed off the other day without much explanation and seeing Blaine upstairs like that must've been a surprise but ..." Kurt takes a shaky breath, hoping his dad won't be too upset with the story. "You see, I ... Well, it wasn't my place to start with to say anything about Blaine but now I know he doesn't mind and ... okay, let's just start at the beginning ..."

He continues to tell everything to his dad, from how he found out what job Blaine was doing to why exactly he did it. Going through what he knows about how Blaine's family treated him and finally ending on what has happened.
Burt sits there silently, taking it all in and letting his son get it all out. It isn't until Kurt stops talking that he runs his hand over his head in that typical gesture of him and letting out a breath before saying,
"I can't believe that boy had to go through all that at his age, he should be enjoying life and his time with friends and boyfriends. Not worry about if he's going to be able to pay for rent and food on top of all the shit he has to go through. It's good you could persuade him to go to the cops, unfortunately I'm not completely sure they'll do much about it but at least he stood up against those assholes."
He stands up, pours himself and Kurt a cup of coffee and takes his seat back across from his son.
"And don't even get me started on that boy's parents, what kind of person are you if you completely abandon your own son just because he came out to them, for being so much braver than many other people. I wouldn't mind telling them exactly what I think of them." Burt sighs and then quickly adds before Kurt can say anything,
"And well, it's a given that Blaine can stay here. For as long as he wants but one thing, you said he has a brother right?"
At that Kurt nods and his dad continues, "I do think we need to get in contact with him, I don't know his story but I would want to know if my brother was living practically on the street to put it a bit crueler."

"I know dad but ... Blaine only mentioned him once in a passing comment and I honestly don't know anything more about him so I have no idea where to start on that right now ..." Kurt starts to say only to be interrupted by a small voice coming from behind him,
"Cooper ... His name is Cooper Anderson and he lives somewhere in LA."

Both Burt and Kurt look up surprised, finding Blaine standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his stomach. The bruises all the more clear now and his eyes sad, not making eye contact with Burt but keeping his gaze somewhere in the middle between Kurt and his dad.
It breaks Kurt's heart every time he sees every bruise and scratch on his boyfriend but he smiles nonetheless at him and gestures for him to come sit next to him.
Burt quickly nods at the boy too with a kind smile, saying,
"Come have some breakfast son, take whatever you want and for the record ... You're welcome to stay as long as you like." He sees Blaine look up surprised at that, eyes moving towards Kurt and then back at him before he opens his mouth to say something but Burt stops him by adding,
"And don't worry about it, you don't have to pay us anything. It's enough for me to know you're safe now."
Blaine doesn't know what to say, his emotions clouding his mind as tears threaten to flood his eyes once more. Kurt is quick to notice it though and with a quiet ‘Thank you' towards his dad, he wraps an arm around his boyfriend's shoulders and pulls him against him. Blaine sags into the embrace a bit and feels a kiss being planted on his hair as he sniffles a little, thinking about how lucky he is with a boyfriend like Kurt.    


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