Somewhere only we know ...
Chapter 15 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Somewhere only we know ...: Chapter 15

E - Words: 2,221 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Jan 09, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
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Author's Notes: Author's Chapter Notes: I absolutely love all of you guys leaving your comments and I'm so sorry for not responding to all of them one on one, but I do wanted you guys to know how much I apreciate it!!! It feels amazing to read so much praise for my story/writing ... And I promise I am doing my best to give you guys as soon as I can another chapter. This is by no means one that will get abandoned but it takes me a while to update due to many different circumstances. So I just wanted to say again, Thank you all for your support and for reading it still!!! Love you guys ..... And so here is my new chapter ...  

It's a quiet few days after again, both boys keeping their low profile when they are at school but they don't really separate if they don't have to either. Sam joins him still more and more but Puck stays the big absent one in the whole picture. Kurt has to admit that even though he's not sorry for saying all he did to Puck cause he still stands by his own words, he is kind of sad that the guy hardly ever talks to him anymore. Sam does his best to fill in the slight gap the other guy left with his absence but it's not really the same. When it comes to Blaine and Sam though, things are working out fairly perfectly. Both becoming quick friends with each other due to their mutual interest in all superhero stuff and apparently video games too. The moment they start to ramble about the latest comic or game, Kurt can't help but roll his eyes at them. It's not that he doesn't know how to play or find the superhero thing fun, he just can't get into it in the way those guys do.
But their times alone are what Kurt loves the most, kissing, cuddling and just being around each other is enough to make his heart soar and leap in his chest. They haven't dared to go back to Blaine's treehouse though, it's not that neither of them wants to but the fear of getting caught too much for now. Instead, Blaine has come increasingly more to Kurt's home, finding more and more in common with Kurt the more they talked.
They've even established some kind of routine since a few days, whenever Blaine needs to work and is finally done with his shift, he texts Kurt so he knows Blaine's safely home the moment Kurt wakes up. Every time Kurt reads one of his texts, telling him good morning in advance, he gets this rush of emotion going through him and a bright smile automatically finds it's way on his face. Even his dad had noticed, though he didn't comment on it yet. Burt just looked at his son when Kurt didn't notice with a warm smile of his own figuring Kurt will fess up to why soon enough. For now, he decides he merely enjoys the fact that he can finally see his son shining through this hardened posture that Kurt had taken on.

It's so noticeable that one sunday morning as Burt is sitting at the kitchen table, Finn off to who knows where and Carol cooking some breakfast, when Kurt comes down with a frown on his face, he puts his paper down instantly and asks, 
"What's up, buddy? Been a while since I've seen you with a frown on your face in the morning." 
Looking up startled from his phone, Kurt just looks at his dad questioningly for a moment before stepping up to the kitchen counter and pouring himself a cup of coffee. He's contemplating on what he's supposed to tell his dad, he hadn't even mentioned Blaine and him being together yet, let alone that now he can say why he's actually looking distressed. Telling his dad the truth would also mean telling Blaine's story and he can't, not until he knows Blaine is okay with that. 
"I'm fine, dad. Just didn't sleep all that good last night." he says with a slightly shrug, still not really acknowledging Carol there and walks back to his room with his cup of coffee in hand.

Once he's back in his room, Kurt closes the door behind him and drops down on the floor with his back against it. Putting his cup next to him, he's already going through his contacts on his phone once more and for what seems like the hundredth time this morning, he presses on Blaine's number. He's not sure what to think, all of this feeling so eerily familiar but refusing to believe it's like the other time again. He's sure Blaine wouldn't go back to doubting them but he doesn't understand why the other just doesn't pick up his phone now, thinking he must know how worried he might be after not getting a text this morning.

With every unanswered call, he gets more restless though. On any weekday, he'd have already been with Blaine but since it's a sunday and there's no school to go to, he doesn't really know what he should do. After almost an hour of still no sign of Blaine, Kurt decides to try one more time and if he still won't pick up, he'd just drive straight to his place. He gets up, already taking his keys and wallet from his desk when his phone suddenly starts to buzz in his hand, making him nearly drop it in his hurry to answer.

"Blaine?" Kurt rushes out, not giving the other the chance to say something first, "Why didn't you text me? I've been worried sick!" He pauses, taking in a deep breath and then his breathing stops entirely for a moment when Blaine still doesn't answer him. "Blaine? Are you ..." he asks, his heart thudding rapidly in his chest.
"Kurt ..." Blaine finally croaks out, not able to stop a sob from escaping his lips.

Dread is filling Kurt completely at the sound of Blaine's voice and he just runs out of the house towards his car, leaving Burt calling worriedly out behind him in the hallway.
"Baby, I'm on my way. Are you home? What happened?" he asks, his own voice breaking while he drives off down his street.
""I'm ... Yes." Blaine almost whispers so Kurt has to strain his ears to even hear him properly, "I'm sorry, ... I'm so sorry Kurt, I ..."
Changing lanes, Kurt frowns at Blaine's words but immediately interrupts him saying,
"Blaine ... I'm right here, one more block, okay? Almost there." It's a bit further than that but Kurt speeds up just a little, figuring he's going to be there soon anyway. He keeps talking though, even if Blaine hardly responds, right until he finally pulls up in front of the diner and parks his car haphazardly. He tells Blaine as much and hangs up his phone as he rushes out of his car and through the door he knows is alway open during the time the diner is open. Hurrying up the stairs, Kurt almost trips a few times but keeps going until he barges through the door of Blaine's room and then stops dead in his tracks. His eyes immediately fall on Blaine who's laying in his bed with his back towards him and completely wrapped up on himself. It seems like he's trying to make himself as small as possible and it's then that Kurt notices the way Blaine's shirt is ripped at the collar on his neck and underneath one arm.

"Oh fuck!" Kurt mumbles under his breath as he gets moving again, crossing the room in hardly a few steps and walking around the bed so he can see Blaine's face. His breath leaves his longues when he sees him now though, feeling as if he's been punched in the guts at the sight in front of him. Blaine's face is partly hidden behind his arms around his knees but it's more than enough. Kurt drops on his knees next to the bed, hands slowly moving over Blaine's arms as tears escape his own eyes.
"Oh sweetheart ..." he whispers, "Who did this to you? What the hell happened? Why ...?" His words leave his mouth a jumbled mess as he tries to coax Blaine into really looking at him.
Blaine hardly dares to look up at Kurt though, his vision blurred by his tears and the black eye he's sporting right now and getting more and more pronounced every minute that passes. But most of all, he's afraid to look up, out of shame and not wanting to see the disappointment that he's sure is going to be there on Kurt's face.

"Blaine, please ..." Kurt is now pleading, scared for what he'll find out but needing to know it anyway. He's scooting as close as possible now, taking Blaine's hands in his and recoils slightly when Blaine hisses in pain. It's then that he notices the scrape marks on his palms and when he looks up and finally sees Blaine's face, a loud sob leaves his mouth and he brings his hands up to his boyfriend's face so Blaine looks straight at him.
"I'm sorry ... I didn't want to but ... I was ... I ..." Blaine rambles on, his voice hoarse, before he flings himself into Kurt's arms and starts to cry loudly against Kurt's chest.

It takes a few long moments for Kurt to really understand what Blaine's mumbling between his sobs over and over again as he runs his one hand through Blaine's hair and his other caressing the other' back in a soothing motion. 

"What did they do, baby?" Kurt whispers hoarsely against the top of Blaine's hair, "I don't understand ... What do you mean? Talk to me, B. Please tell me what happened." He's beginning to have an inkling of a thought about it and only thinking about it makes a shiver run down his spine but he can't help if he doesn't know for sure either.
After a couple of minutes of Blaine staying quiet except for the sobs leaving his lips, he looks up, eyes locking blurrily on Kurt's as he starts to stutter a bit when he explains.
"I ... They ... I had to ... I never wanted to but I couldn't say no, I need the money and ... they said I had to or I would lose my job there and ... and ..." A loud sob escapes Blaine's mouth again as his breathing gets even more ragged than before. Kurt can see the other boy starting to show signs of hyperventilating and he brings his hands up to his face, careful not to hurt him but coaxing him gently to look up at him.
"Shh, okay ... Just breathe, B. Follow me and just breathe. You'll be okay ..." Kurt does his best to soothe him and when it finally works after a long time, Blaine practically slumps back against Kurt' chest as he starts again.

"You have to believe me that I didn't want that to happen ... I was just ... I had a one on one with one of the patrons at the bar, I never had to do that before but I would've lost my job if I didn't and ... and ..." Blaine breathes in deep a few times, trying to find the courage to go ahead.
Tightening his hold around Blaine, Kurt keeps whispering softly that he can tell him, that he wants to help him and be there for him.
"It was supposed to be just a dance, nothing more but ... but then they took me back to the private rooms and I still didn't think it would be that bad and ... and ... My music started and I did what I had to do and ... Fuck, when it came to an end, he just grabbed me with one hand and pushed me on the floor, undoing my shorts and I tried to fight ... I tried to but ... He was so much bigger than me. I never wanted to do that ... I haven't ever even ... He ripped my shirt when he turned me onto my stomach and ... Oh god, he just ... He just pulled down my pants and ..." 

Kurt heart breaks in a thousand pieces when he hears Blaine's words along with his anger that is skyrocketing and the need to go bash that guy's head in only increases. It's when a hiss escapes Blaine's lips that he notices how tightly he was holding Blaine and Kurt instantly loosens his hold a bit.
"Oh B, sweetheart. You need to go to the cops, you need to file a report, they can't let this go like this. They can't hold your job over your head like that ..." Kurt breathes out and then rushes, "You have to ... I should just call the cops." He's already reaching out to his pocket to grab his phone but Blaine is quick to put a hand on his arm, effectively stopping his movements for a second with a frantic shake of his head. "No, don't ... I don't ... Then everyone knows and I ... They'll call my parents and I ... I just can't. Please, Kurt ... Don't, please?"
It takes a few moments, Kurt trying to persuade him and Blaine constantly rejecting to call the cops and after a little while, Kurt sighs softly and lets go of his phone.
"Blaine, I don't like this ... They shouldn't be let off on this, they hurt you, I ..." he says and his voice breaks a little on the last words he utters, "You're coming home with me. Doesn't matter, you're coming home."
Slowly taking in a shuddering breath, Blaine looks up at Kurt with watery eyes, tears still running down his face and trembling all over. Some kind of relief washes over him that Kurt won't call for the police right now and all he can do at the moment any more is nod in agreement.


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