Somewhere only we know ...
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Somewhere only we know ...: Chapter 12

E - Words: 2,174 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Jan 09, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
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Author's Notes: Author's Chapter Notes: Thanks for still following this one, all of you!!!Didn't think I'd get much readers again after that time.I hope you enjoy this one too and please, leave me some reviews!!!! ;) Tnx! <3

As soon as both boys are standing on the other side of the fence, Kurt looks back questioningly at Blaine who just nods towards the back of the huge house and starts to run along the fence, gesturing for Kurt to follow him. For just a moment, Kurt thinks he's not even sure if he should really be doing this and stands completely still just gazing at the boy who's already a bit further away from him.

When he sees Blaine turn his head over his shoulder, looking at him with a wary smile as he stops. Kurt now though, smiles brightly and finally starts following Blaine, passing the house completely towards an enormous garden behind the house. It takes Kurt's breath away for a second as he looks at the perfectly trimmed lawn and the meticulously placed flowerbeds around the garden and he practically bumps into Blaine's back, not seeing that the guy stopped in front of him, looking back at him over his shoulder.

"God Blaine, what are we doing here? It's beautiful though, the garden." he says, his eyes not anymore on the lawn but on Blaine himself, and he can feel a blush already rising to his cheeks so Kurt quickly averts his gaze towards the closest patch of flowers.

"Come on," Blaine smiles, having noticed the slight redness on Kurt's cheeks and not wanting to acknowledge whatever it is that is actually going through his mind right now. "It's just a bit further between the trees at the back there." He hurriedly speaks as he points to the back of the garden, already starting to walk towards it again.

Soon they're standing between a few rows of trees and Kurt looks up at Blaine first, following his line of sight until he sees what Blaine was looking at. A bit higher into some trees, there's a treehouse build, by the looks of it not something a kid by himself could ever even think about building though. "Wow, Blaine, that's ..." Kurt blinks a few times, "that's huge for a treehouse."

Blaine just shrugs, sighing a bit sadly as he replies, "Yeah well, I always wanted one when I was a little kid and instead of building one with me, my dad thought it would be better to just hire someone to build one for us. So that's why it's so big and fancy. A bit too fancy maybe but well, it was my getaway for years so ..." He stops talking, his eyes just trained on the treehouse for a few minutes. Kurt shifts his weight from one foot to his other, not sure if he should say something or not and resisting his urge to take Blaine's hand in his when he sees the still sad look on his face. But then Blaine turns to look at him and asks, a soft smile playing on his lips, "You want to get up there? It's really nice, and tidy, I promise."

Kurt just nods, falling in step behind Blaine when he walks forward and up the stairs. It's pretty high up and thankfully the steps to it are just normal ones, he wouldn't handle going up a cord ladder all too well, he thinks to himself. But his thoughts move pretty quickly when he looks up at Blaine's back going up in front of him. He can't help but wonder where this sudden change is coming from, Blaine even seems a bit less tense around him and Kurt is just glad that after the last two days things aren't that awkward as he almost expected it to be.

Taking the last step, Kurt stands next to Blaine on a small wooden deck in front of the door leading into the treehouse. The view is amazing from up here, just the sight from above on the lawn, seeing all the colors from the flowers now in it's totality makes it all even more breathtaking and Kurt sighs with a smile, thinking on how such a simple thing can be so beautiful if you just look at it from the right angle. He wants to say something of those sorts but is cut off out of his thoughts when Blaine opens the door and gestures for him to walk passed him inside the treehouse.

He steps inside, looking around curiously with his eyes going wider with every second. The treehouse is beautifully paneled with wood plates completely around the entire inside of it. The room closed off from the tree trunk with windows so you can still see it but keep it outside, a small table like shelf placed underneath the small windowsills where you can sit.

To his right around the tree trunk there's a double bed tucked away in the far end of the tree house, almost hidden from sight when you walk in. On the other side there is a loveseat and a small table to sit, with the space in the middle practically empty except for the closet against the wall next to the door, a guitar leaning against it and on the other side of the closet a sound system with a rack of cd's next to it.

Blaine is still standing behind him, the door now closed and Kurt takes a step further tentatively, almost like he's afraid to touch anything. He startles at Blaine's voice though, suddenly saying, "You can go in further, you know. It's a safe treehouse, I think you can see that though." Chuckling softly, Blaine steps around Kurt now, their hands brushing swiftly and both breath in at the sudden touch. "Euhm, you want to take a seat or ... I don't know." Blaine deflates a little, looking around the room with sad eyes before he shrugs and adds quietly, "I don't even know why I actually brought you here."

This has Kurt snapping out of his silence and he looks back at Blaine with a soft smile as he takes a step towards the loveseat before changing directions again and going to look over the cd's still perched into their rack. "Are these all yours?" he asks, not really looking at Blaine but he can feel the guy stepping a bit closer as he sighs softly and replies, "Yeah, most of them, I think there are still a few I borrowed from Cooper but that's only a couple."

Both just stand there for a little while, staring at the cd's, neither of them saying anything until Kurt starts again, "These are really great ones, you've got pretty good taste."
"Thanks," Blaine softly answers him, "the ones here have always been my favorites."
"Why didn't you take them with you then?" Kurt asks before he can stop himself, he knows the situation with his parents and after the words left his mouth, he figures it probably wasn't the top of his list to get when he had to leave. So now he scrambles to say, as he turns around and faces Blaine, "Oh, I'm sorry, I ... Damn, I really need to think about what I'm gonna say before I say it."

Blaine shrugs and huffs a little, looking anywhere but at Kurt. He takes the few steps towards the couch and sits himself down as he says, finally glancing up at the other. "That's okay, don't worry ... I just, you know, I took everything that I needed the most from my room but I didn't really have time back then to come here." Blaine sighs, running his hand through his hair and shakes his head, "I don't even know why I keep them here too, I've been here a few times when I knew they were gone but I ... Maybe it's stupid but if I take these too, I have nothing left here and ..." He stops, his voice trembling and he swallows hard a few times.

Furrowing his eyebrows as he keeps his gaze on Blaine, Kurt takes a tentative step towards the boy, "Hey, it's okay you know, you can talk to me about it, you do know that don't you?" A soft choked out laugh escapes Blaine's lips as he answers, "I'm sorry, but ..." he inhales sharply and then goes on, "It's still pretty hard for me to believe sometimes that after years of hardly noticing me in the classroom, you actually want me around you. Let alone, talk to you." Kurt lowers his gaze to the ground momentarely, knowing they covered this a while back already but still feeling pretty bad about the way he did act towards Blaine up until recently. "I know," he softly speaks now, "But I really do like ... like hanging out with you. Can I sit?" Kurt adds, nodding to the empty place besides Blaine.

Blaine is quick to nod in agreement, so Kurt takes his seat, back completely straight as his hands tangle together in his own lap. He keeps his gaze on them and both guys just stay there in complete silence for another few minutes, until Blaine turns towards Kurt and suddenly starts to talk again, "Thank you though. For this ..." A small smile plays on his lips but there still is a certain sadness in his eyes that just make Kurt reach out and take his hand, squeezing softly. Blaine's gaze flickers down to their joined hands now as he breathes in harshly before locking his gaze with Kurt's. "You know, I just keep those here, cause there's still a part of me that hopes they'd just let me come back. And I realize how stupid that must sound, I mean, what are a couple of cd's and instruments gonna make a change but still ..."

Shaking his head, Kurt is quick to reply, "It's not stupid, at all."
"Thanks," Blaine answers softly, relaxing a little into the couch as he looks a bit pensive at the rest of the furniture and stuff inside the treehouse. "I never thought that I would be sitting here like this when I first had this place. I've always know my dad wasn't the easiest on people who lived their life differently, whether it was because they were gay or anything else, as long as it wasn't the typical family it wasn't correct. But I never thought as a kid that he would actually feel that way about me. I really thought that they loved me for myself enough that they could overlook the fact that I am gay, you know? It's just ... I ... Fuck!" He pulls his hand back from Kurt's grip, sliding them both in his hair as he lowers his gaze to the ground in front of his feet.

Kurt's mind is filled with whatever insult he can think off after hearing Blaine talk about his father but even more with sympathy and affection for the guy sitting next to him. So he does all he can think of right now, seeing the way Blaine's body is slowly trembling and the way he clearly tries to hold back tears. With a soft mumbled, "Come here!" Kurt pulls Blaine into his arms, holding on tightly and just letting the guy cry against him. He settles back in the couch, taking Blaine with him as he lets his hands run softly over the boy's back.
"For what it counts," Kurt suddenly says, his voice barely a whisper as his stomach is nervously fluttering, "I'm sorry, for your parents but also for the way I treated you all this time. I never ... I never should've let myself be pulled into that kind of attitude by the rest of the guys."
He sighs and as he can feel Blaine wanting to say something in return, he quickly goes on, "And no, that's really no excuse at all, but that doesn't change the fact that I still acted the way I did. And not only to you, but ..." He pauses, causing Blaine to look up at him, his eyes still a bit watery but a soft expression in them, "I don't blame you though, you do what you have to do. I know how it can go otherwise." They both stare at each other, neither of them wanting to be the first to look away and after what seems like ages, Kurt lifts his hand, gently cupping Blaine's cheek. "Blaine ..." he whispers even more softly before he just acts without thinking any further about it. He leans in, his lips brushing Blaine's gently for a second before he presses in further. A small gasp escapes Blaine's mouth in surprise, but within seconds he starts moving his lips in sync with Kurts. It stays chaste like that for a few moments until Blaine can feel Kurt sucking on his lower lip, causing him to open his mouth and the other takes advantage of it, immediately deepening the kiss. They break away after a couple of minutes which seem to last a long time, their gazes locking instantly for merely seconds before both look away a bit shyly.     



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