Somewhere only we know ...
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Somewhere only we know ...: Chapter 9

E - Words: 1,931 - Last Updated: Aug 24, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 18/? - Created: Jan 09, 2013 - Updated: Aug 24, 2013
594 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes:

First of all, thank you all so much for reading this ... even though I know I can't update it as often as I would like to.

I really hope you all enjoy it and please, leave a review or something, just so I know I'm doing okay or not!! ;)

Big hug to you all!!! ;)

It's monday afternoon and Kurt is lounging on his bed, attempting to watch a movie now he's finished his homework, but can't seem to focus on it. Instead his mind goes through the passed week and uncontrolably out to Blaine, and though the fact is that he appologized to the boy, it didn't do anything to make their interactions less uncomfortable.
Blaine has talked to him, but the bantering and small talk that was becoming so familiar and normal before, has seemed strained and a bit too formal in Kurt's eyes.
He knows it's his own fault but at this point doesn't really know what to do more, to make it go back to the way they became just a week earlier. And if there's one thing he wants more than ever at this moment, it's for Blaine to trust him again and to be able to just hang out with the boy like they started doing before.
He shuts off his tv again with a sigh and lays down on his bed, eyes closing and drifting off in his own thoughts, until he can hear Carol calling him to come down for dinner.

The bell rings and Kurt hurries out of the classroom to the cafeteria, quickly grabbing lunch before he heads outside to Blaine's and his meeting place behind the gym. As he walks towards it, Kurt can see Blaine already sitting there, as usual with his shoulders a bit hunched and his gaze cast down to an apple in his hands.
When Kurt is standing next to Blaine, and he hasn't looked up yet, Kurt stares down at the boy frowning,
"Hey, are you okay?" he asks and tentatively lays a hand on Blaine's shoulder.
The other boy flinches away from the touch, causing Kurt to immediately draw back his hand and take a seat across from Blaine.
"Look, how many times do I need appologize? You know I really didn't mean it like that." Kurt sighs as he looks at the boy in front of him.
"Kurt," Blaine almost snaps, "Not everything is about you, you know! And well, it still stings thinking about that, so I guess a few more times?"
He takes a deep breath, and looks at Kurt gazing up at him with wide eyes. "Fuck, I'm sorry okay, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that." Blaine speaks softly before taking a bite of his apple.
"No, ... no, you're right." Kurt admits with a slight tremble in his voice, "But what's wrong then? You look ... I don't know, ... tired?"
"So, I am, but what can I do about it. I just haven't been sleeping all that well lately, don't worry, I'll be fine."

"If you're sure?" Kurt hesitantly adds as he starts to eat also, "But wait, that's not all you're gonna eat right?"

Blaine shrugs, "Not that hungry either."

They stay silent mostly throughout the entire lunch period, Kurt stealing glances at Blaine when he's sure the other boy isn't looking and starting to get worried by the withdrawn attitude.
When it's almost time to head back to their class, Kurt leans on the table trying to get Blaine's attention by shortly touching the boy's hand. He immediately pulls back the moment he sees the slight hesitant flinch from Blaine's own hand.
"Blaine, why don't you come over to my house after school?" he asks tentatively, "after our homework we can watch a movie and I'll order pizza. Finn is staying at Puck's tonight and both Dad and Carol are out until late, so you don't have to worry about intruding or anything."
He smiles at the boy who is just about to say something, "And no, that is exactly what you're thinking. And I know you don't have to work so, are you coming?"

"Are you sure? Won't your dad mind if I come along with you without them being home?"

"Don't be silly, you're coming." Kurt says, determination clearly in his voice, as he stands up. "We've got our last class together, so that's even easier, I'll see you then."
Blaine just stares after Kurt as he dissapears back inside through the large doors,
'I'm not sure this is such a good idea Anderson!' he thinks and swings his bag over his shoulder as he stands up and walks the same way Kurt went.

Throughout the entire last hour of the day Kurt and Blaine are sitting together, earning some glares from Puck and Sam. Kurt just rolls his eyes at them as he turns his attention back to the front of the class.
When he watches Blaine from the corner of his eye, he can see the boy actually start dozing off. So Kurt tries to bump Blaine's shoulder as inconspicuously as possible, but fails miserably when Blaine drops his pen and his head jerks back up. Kurt can hear the snickers coming from certain places in the classroom and he treats them with his best glare, making the offenders turn back to the front of the classroom.
"Ten minutes and class is over," Kurt whispers to Blaine as he picks the pen up from the ground for the boy.
"I could've gotten that myself, you know." Blaine snaps quietly then shutting his eyes, "God what is wrong with me, sorry ..."
"Don't worry about it," Kurt smiles a little bit forced, "Here, your pen."
He holds it out for Blaine to take, and as soon as the other boy wraps his fingers around the pen, his fingertips brush over Kurt's, making the boy suddenly hold in his breath as he swears to himself he could actually feel the sparks where Blaine touched his fingers.
Kurt turns in his seat, scowling at himself inwardly, 'No you didn't feel anything, that was just static electricity. He doesn't even look at you like that.'
Sighing he starts to copy their assignment from the blackboard, 'Hummel, you're so fucked!'

The ride to Kurt's home is fairly easy, the radio is on and there isn't much conversation. Although Kurt tries to engage them into some small talk, Blaine keeps responding with such short answers that he just stops asking or saying anything at all. But Kurt can't help that, once in a while, he starts singing along with certain songs at which Blaine keeps glancing out of the corner of his eyes, a smile playing on his lips.
Soon Kurt is pulling up the driveway of his home and within a matter of minutes, the car is parked and he's already out of the car.
When he notices Blaine isn't immediately following, he walks to the passenger side with a questioning look. The door is already open but Blaine just looks at Kurt and then back to the house,
"Are you sure this is okay?" he asks, a lot quieter then Kurt's used to.
"Of course it is, silly! I wouldn't have asked you to come otherwise." Kurt replies as he leans on the door, "Come on, let's get inside."
Still a bit hesitantly Blaine gets out of the car and follows Kurt into the house, his messenger bag slung over his shoulder and clutching it with one hand as he follows Kurt into the kitchen.
"Want anything to drink?" Kurt asks and opens the refrigerator, already taking out two cans of soda.
"Euhm, yeah sure." Blaine answers as he takes the can from Kurt's offering hand, smiling slightly as he looks around.
"Okay, let's get some homework done. Follow me ..." Kurt is already brushing passed him, leaving Blaine no other choice than to follow him up to his room.

So that's how they end up on the floor next to Kurt's bed, their homework finished but still laying in front of them listening to some random music coming from Kurt's stereo on the dresser.
"We should do this more often ..." Kurt offers, speaking softly as he looks at Blaine apprehensively, not sure what the other boy's answer might be.

"Yeah, maybe," Blaine replies sounding a bit hesitant as he closes his books and starts to put them back in his bag. "That could be nice." he adds barely audible, and Kurt isn't even sure he was supposed to hear that.
They just sit there quietly now, looking everywhere but at each other, before Kurt suddenly claps his hands exclaiming,
"So! What movie do you want to see? I've got loads of musicals and stuff, you just choose one and I'll go order us some pizza." He jumps up, looking down at Blaine for a moment as he nods in the direction of his DVD's. "I'll be right back." he adds, already running out of the room and off the stairs to the kitchen to retrieve a flyer of the pizza place they usually order from.
Blaine sets his bag against the dresser as he walks over to the DVD cabinet and let's his fingertips slide over the boxes, halting at Moulin Rouge with a small smile on his lips and takes it out of the cabinet.
He doesn't want to snoop around, but he can't help wander through Kurt's room, taking in all the little things that he's learned are typical Kurt. When he stops and lays the DVD on the dresser, waiting for Kurt to come back, his eyes fall on a picture standing on the stereo, picturing a little boy that's unmistakably Kurt on a woman's lap, both their eyes shining brightly and the same wide smile.

Unconsciously he traces the figure of the woman with a fingertip and sighs when he suddenly gets startled by a soft cough not too far away from him. Kurt is standing next to him, shoulders almost brushing against each other, smiling at the picture.
"You're mom?" Blaine asks quietly, and Kurt only nods, "She's beautifull." he adds, for a short moment glancing at the other boy's rueful expression as Kurt replies "She was ..."
"I know ... I'm sorry." Blaine just says, knowing all too well what happened with Kurt's mom, so he leaves it with that and tries to lighten the mood again.
He picks up the DVD, holding it to Kurt's gaze, "Is this alright? It's been a while ..."
At that Kurt smiles once more, "You like Moulin Rouge? Who would've thought?"
All Blaine really does now is shrug as he hands the DVD to Kurt and awkwardly stands near the end of the bed while Kurt puts it in the dvd-player. When he turns around again and sees Blaine standing there biting his lower lip uncertainly, Kurt chuckles as he walks over to his bed, dropping himself on it, his back against the headboard.
"Are you gonna keep standing there, or are you going to actually sit down here?" Kurt asks as he pats the bed besides him.
"Oh, well ... yeah, sure." Blaine stammers, toeing of his shoes before taking place next to Kurt, just in time as the movie starts.

Kurt's eyes are glued to the screen, he knows the movie by heart but that doesn't make him love it any less. The pizza arrived 45 minutes earlier, and the now 2 empty boxes lay besides the bed. He does his best not to let his gaze move to the boy next to him, so it takes him by surprise when he suddenly feels a weight on his shoulder that makes him tense for just a moment before realizing what it is.
He turns his face a little, and an unnoticeable shiver runs through his spine, Blaine leaning his head on his shoulder, eyes closed and breathing steady, clearly sleeping.
Kurt just smiles at the sight, turning his eyes back on the movie and tries to stay as quiet as possible not to wake Blaine up.


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aww thats so cute!! cant wait for an update!!