Against All Odds
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Against All Odds: Shock

M - Words: 1,438 - Last Updated: Jun 09, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/? - Created: Jun 03, 2015 - Updated: Jun 03, 2015
128 0 0 0 0

Kurt looked at his black suit and fashionable black tie. He put some extra hairspray in his hair as he heard a knock at the door. He quickly fixed a stray hair and hurried to door. He opened it to reveal a very well looking Adam. He really did dress up nicely. Kurt admired his clothes.

"You look great." Kurt smiled.

"You look better." Adam said as he kissed his cheek.

"Ready to go Im guessing?" Adam nodded as they locked hands and went to Blaine and Nicks apartment.


Blaine started putting out sorts of food for the guests as he heard Nick still getting ready. He whistled a tune as someone finally arrived. He answered the door to see Kurt, but only Kurt. Kurt looked down the hallway and saw Adam coming slowly. He laughed at his luggish attitude. Blaine got a bit disappointed when he saw Adam appear behind Kurt. He led them inside.

"Make your self at home." Blaine said, forcing a smile and shaking hands with Adam. Kurt hugged him friendly as he went into the kitchen to get him and Adam a drink. Nick emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed and looking dashing. He acknowledged Kurt as he went to see Blaine. He gave him a hug from behind.

"This is going to be awesome." He spoke softly in Blaines ear. Blaine felt shivers go up his spine. Adam went to join Kurt, not wanting to see them interact like that.

"Lovefest in the living room." Adam muttered coming up behind Kurt, wrapping an arm around his waist. Kurt forced a smile at Adams affection. He really didnt want Adam touching him with other people around. He got out of Adams grip as he handing him his drink. Blaine and Nick entered the room, Blaine looked flushed and Nick beaming. Kurt raised a eyebrow at Blaine and gave him a playful smile. Blaine scrowled at him. Kurt hopped onto the counter, sitting on it. He crossed his legs.

"So who else is coming?" Kurt asked.

"Some people from NYADA and Nicks work." Blaine replied. Kurt nodded as the door began to ring and people entered. 

"Kurt?" He heard someone yell. He turned his head and saw Rachel. He smiled wearily at her as she joined him by his side, grabbing his hand.

"I didnt know you would be here!" She exclaimed in his ear. He forced a smile and a chuckle as he hopped off the counter. 


Kurt watched as everyone was absorbed into their own conversations. He sat in the back, watching everyone not amused. Adam went to the bathroom. He sighed as everyone slow danced and he sat in the corner. Blaine and Nick seemed really happy slow dancing. Kurt felt the boiling in his stomach, he tried his best to ignore it. Blaine looked over at Kurt. His stomach did a flip, making the boiling going down. 

Blaine let go of Nick and said something to him, making his way towards Kurt.

"Where is your Prince Charming?" Blaine asked, aware of Kurts empty presence.

"Hes in the bathroom, sadly." Kurt said sort of smiling.

Blaine nodded and held out his hand. "Dance with me then." Kurt began to protest.

"Your hot date is over there, its Valentines Day, Ill live, go dance with him." Blaine shook his head wildy as he kept his hand extended.

"I bet Adam will be out any minute." Kurt said looking at the restroom door.

"Just for a bit, Kurt, please?" Kurt looked into his hazel eyes as he took his hand. Blaine rested his hands on Kurts waist and Kurt kept his on Blaines shoulders.

Blaine took ahold of Kurts arms and made them go over his shoulders, making them curl his neck. Kurt leaned in and rested his head on Blaines shoulder. Blaine replaced his hands back at Kurts waist.

"See, its not that bad." Blaine said quietly.

Kurt laughed quietly as he heard someone cleared their throat behind him. He let go of Blaine and saw Adam.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I think I am Kurts date, not you." He said coldly to Blaine.

Kurt rolled his eyes at his newfound jealousy. He put his arms around Adam and began to slow dance. It wasnt as magical with him like it was with Blaine, but its alright. Adam joined in and danced with him until the song ended. Kurt released Adam as he heard clanking on a glass. 

Nick clanked the glass one last time, getting everyones attention.

"Uh, first, thanks for coming to the party." He said quietly. Small cheers were heard throughout the room. "Second," He began, looking at Blaine, "Id like to announce something." He set down his glass as he walked towards Blaine. Blaine was wondering what he was doing. Kurt watched carefully.

"Blaine," He said as he got on one knee if front of him, "I dont know why I havent asked you this sooner. You are my one and only. I cant express how much I love you. I dont want anyone else to take what we have nor do I want to lose this." He got out a small box and opened it, revealing a ring. Blaine gasped at the gesture. "Blaine Devon Anderson, will you marry me." Blaine was speechless as the audience and Nick were waiting for an answer. Kurt felt the boiling again. Why is he asking Blaine to marry him? Blaine could so much better than Nick. Please dont say yes, he thought.

"Yes, I-, yes." Blaine said pulling Nick up and giving him a kiss. Kurt wanted to blow up, tell Blaine what he is doing is wrong. Blaine hugged Nick. Nick glared at Kurt. Kurt had disappointment and anger written all over his face. He wanted to cry, scream. Why did he not act upon his crush on Blaine when he was younger..? Why cant he admit he still has a crush, he has always had a crush. Kurt snapped out of his thought as he forced a smile when Blaine looked at him. Blaine looked truly happy, which broke Kurts heart. 

"Isnt that lovely." Kurt heard from Adam. Kurt nodded slowly as he kept the smile on his face. Blaine rushed towards Kurt and showed him the ring.

"Look at it, Kurt, its beautiful." Blaine said, staring into the ocean blue eyes.

"Y-yeah." Kurt choked out, trying to hide his feelings. Blaine stared at Kurt until Kurt decided he couldnt stay any longer.

"I think Adam and I are going to go." Kurt spoke.

"But, we were going to play Spin-The-Bottle." Blaine frowned. Spin the bottle seemed stupid for Valentines day party. You dont want other people kissing your date. The way Blaine pouted, Kurt couldnt help but say that he could stay a little longer. Blaine smiled brightly and hugged Kurt.

"Youre going to make Nick really happy." Kurt said through clenched teeth as Blaine pulled back from the hug.


"Spin the bottle!" A voice screamed loudly. Everyone gathered around, there werent as many people, due to the fact it was late. Blaine was starting to get drunk. Rachel was drunk, so was Finn. Most of the people around him were wasted. He laid low on the drinks, alcohol wasnt his forte. 

"Lets let the happy couple spin first!" Someone said, referring to Blaine and Nick. Nick shook his head, letting Blaine go ahead. Blaine laughed as he spun the bottle. Kurt watched as the bottle spun, hoping it didnt land on Rachel again. The bottle began to slow down, pointing awfully close to Kurt. The bottle began to move slower, landing on the one and only, Kurt Hummel. Kurt felt a lump in his throat as gasps were head around the room. Some people began encouraging Blaine and Kurt to kiss. Nick stiffened, so did Adam. Blaine laughed and started to crawl towards Kurt.

"Um, Blaine I dont think we should be kissing." Kurt began to stutter. 

"Its fine, gosh, were just friends." Blaine said, some of his words slurring as he leaned into Kurt. Kurt tried to pull away, but he couldnt. He could smell the beer in Blaines breath as he inched closer. Their lips grazed and Kurt felt a shock. Kurt leaned in, wanting more, feeling the shock grow. Kurt melted against his lips, experiencing a new feeling hes never discovered before.

With a loud clap of Nicks hands, Kurt and Blaine split up quickly. Kurt gulped and took Adams hand.

"Can we leave, please?" He choked out, his voice weak. Adam nodded.

Kurt thanked Nick as he left, not looking back.




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