June 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 9, 2015, 7 p.m.
Ill edit it this later, so please excuse any mistakes! Thanks!
Blaine stared into Kurts eyes as the silence absorbed them. Kurts breathing was slightly heavy, so was Blaines. Kurt felt a small blush creep up his cheeks. He cleared his throat quickly. Blaine looked down sheepishly with a small grin.
"We- I." Blaine tried to gather his words. "We should probably go to bed." Kurt looked surprise, taking Blaines words the wrong way. "Separately." Blaine added quickly. Kurt nodded slowly as he went to wake Rachel.
"Rachel, hey. You fell asleep." Kurt whispered, shaking her shoulder slightly.
"5 more minutes." Rachel mumbled, turning over. Kurt sighed.
"I dont think she is waking up anytime soon." Kurt turned around. Blaine nodded. Another wave of silence passed through. Kurt bit his lip nervously.
"Do.. uh, you want to just sleep in my room..?" Kurt asked, the words rushing out quickly.
"Yeah, thatd be-, yeah." Blaine said with a half-smile.
"Ill just-." Kurt began to say.
"Yeah.." Blaine finished as they went their separate ways to change.
Kurt slowly laid in his bed as Blaine appeared behind the curtain. Blaine joined him, making sure to give Kurt enough personal space. Blaine let out a small laugh of relief. Kurt turned over.
"What are you laughing about?" Kurt asked, his own smile creeping onto his face.
"Just-." Blaine sighed, trying to find the right words. His mind was fuzzy. "I guess I just kind of want to, well, kiss you again." Blaine said, turning over to look into Kurts gaze.
Kurt stayed frozen for a moment. Blaine scooted closer, not very noticeably. Kurts gaze went to the edge of the bed. A finger under his chin pulled his attention away to Blaines eyes. Blaine pulled Kurts head towards his own as their lips collided once more. Blaine exhaled deeply as chills ran down his spine. He never felt this way when he kissed Nick.
Kurt leaned in more, capturing the side of Blaines face in the palm of his hand, bringing him closer. Kurt pulled back, unsure of what he was doing.
"Is- are you sure about this..?" Kurt asked, wondering what overcame Blaine to kiss Kurt in the first place.
"More than sure." Blaine said, his voice barely above a whisper as he grabbed Kurts hand in his own. Blaine leaned in and Kurt followed. Kurt smiled against Blaines lips. He slowly pulled back, regretting it.
"Rachel is going to be so pissed." Kurt chuckled, leaning his head against Blaines.
"Guess well figure something out, huh?" Blaine said, a grin appearing on his face.
Rachel woke up, a pain in her back for sleeping on the sofa. She looked around and didnt see Blaine anywhere. She swore he fell asleep on the other end of the couch. She got up quietly and tip-toed to Kurts make-shift room. She slowly pulled the curtain to reveal Kurt and Blaine in each others embrace asleep.
Kurt woke up, feeling a hand wrapped around his waist. He was alarmed at first, but then saw the face that belonged to the hand. He smiled and turned over, facing Blaine. Blaines eyes slowly opened, his grip tightening slightly.
"Morning." Kurt said quietly.
Blaine yawned, his morning breath reaking. Kurt chuckled quietly.
"Oh, hey." Blaine said, his words slightly slurring from waking up.
"Have any other dreams?" Kurt asked, a small grin on his face.
"Only if." Blaine said sighing. He grabbed Kurts hand and intertwined their fingers together. He let out another sigh as his gaze went to Kurts eyes. "Kurt," Blaine started, getting his attention, "I dont know what I am doing, but I felt like I needed to. I dont know where things are going to go, but I just- its like a feeling, an emotion, that overcame me to kiss you. An urge almost. Like, my heart told me, kiss him, kiss him, and never stop. I just want to be able to kiss you whenever I want, slow dance with you, hug you longer than usual, curl up next to you, I dont know why, but I feel like heart knows and my mind doesnt yet." Kurt felt overwhelmed as Blaine continued, "You- you said that love is confusing. Your heart knows something that your mind doesnt and I feel that with you. I- Im sorry Im rambling, but-" Blaine was interrupted by Kurts forceful kiss. Blaine sighed as he kissed Kurt back. They broke this kiss and Blaine smirked. "What was that for?" Blaine asked. Kurt smiled and got up, going into the kitchen.
"Kurt Hummel." Rachel said, crossing her arms, causing Kurt to stop in his tracks. He backed up and looked like a deer caught in headlights. He looked around and pointed to himself. "No, the other Kurt Hummel." Rachel sighed.
"Oh, okay, room 7." Kurt called, walking foward, trying to get into the kitchen again.
"Kurt." Rachel whined, following after him. She grabbed his wrist.
"Okay, what?" Kurt said, sitting at the table.
"You know what." Rachel said, sitting by him.
"No idea." Kurt said, shrugging his shoulders.
"Youre difficult." Rachel said, crossing her arms again.
"Guilty as charged." Kurt grinned.
"Since you arent going to admit anything, let me be youre guest. Cuddling fest in your room? Jog any memories?" Rachel asked, leaning in.
Kurt looked up, pretending to think. "Not that I can think of, only Bruce. Good ole Bruce." Kurt said, getting up and grabbing the box of Rooster Os.
Rachel huffed. "Blaine is your friend, Kurt."
Kurt sighed and turned around, setting his bowl down on the table. "Im taking a risk Rachel. I feel like Blaine and I will work." Kurt finally admitted, grabbing the milk out of the refrigerator and sitting down to make himself a bowl of cereal.
"And what if you dont? Blaine will be heartbroken, so will you. Then, you wont be friends anymore. Do you really want to jepordize your friendship with Blaine?" Rachel asked as Kurt swirled around the small cereal pieces in his bowl.
"I-I dont know, Rachel. All I know is that I feel something towards Blaine that friends dont feel towards their friends." Kurt looked up, Rachel rolled her eyes.
"What if its just a silly crush. Every now and then people get crushes on their friends, its a normal thing." Rachel began, referring to her ex-boyfriend Brody.
Kurt turned his gaze back to his cereal bowl with it being the most interesting thing in the room at the moment.
"Well?" Rachel asked.
"I really like Blaine. I thought youd be supportative." Kurt said, filling the silence.
"I just dont want you getting hurt, Kurt." Rachel said, grabbing his hand and squeezing it gently.
"Then you have nothing to worry about." Kurt looked up meeting Rachels gaze. "Blaine and I will work. I just feel it."
"Youre such a hopeless romantic." Rachel sighed, getting up. "Ill be in my room." Rachel roughly closed her curtain. Kurt kept replaying Blaines small lecture to Kurt when they were laying down, smiling to himself. They were going to work. They had to..
Blaine walked into the living room, an hour later.
"Oh, hey, curls." Kurt smirked, nodding towards Blaines ungelled hair. Blaine pretended to look offended as he sat by Kurt, taking his hand.
"You love the curls." Blaine said, flirtatous. Kurt grinned and shook his head no. "Deep down, I know you do, Kurt Hummel." Blaine rested his head on Kurts shoulder.
"Maybe." Kurt smiled. Blaine turned his head, looking at the TV.
"Youre watching Orange is the New Black without me?" Blaine pouted.
"Didnt know you were a fan of it." Kurt said, pausing the TV.
"Of course I am, I basically like anything you do." Blaine looked up at Kurt. Kurt smiled at his expression. He reached out and swiped a curl off of Blaines forehead.
"Guess thats true." Kurt sighed. Blaine leaned forward and planting a kiss on Kurts lips.
Kurt pulled back, "So is this going to be a normal thing?"
"I hope so." Blaine said, making Kurt blush.
"No, no, no. Not on my my couch." Rachel said, sitting in between Blaine and Kurt. Kurt sighed and leaned back into the couch. "Dont give me that attitude, Kurt. You guys are friends, nothing more." Rachel concluded.
"Sometimes things change. Change is good." Kurt suggested.
"And something change isnt good." Rachel threw back at Kurt.
Blaine stayed silent, not too sure of what to say.
"Ill be in my room." Kurt said with a large sigh as he walked away. Blaine began to get up, but Rachel stopped him.
"Blaine, could you go get me some water?" Rachel asked, while Blaine started to walk towards Kurts room.
"Uh, sure.." Blaine said, not wanting to be rude. He quickly got a glass and filled it with water, handing it to Rachel.
"Sit with me." Rachel insisted, patting the couch cushion by her. Blaine looked back to Kurts room. He slowly sat by Rachel, turning his attention to the TV.