What Our Colors Don't Show
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What Our Colors Don't Show: Chapter 10

E - Words: 5,081 - Last Updated: Mar 08, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 14/14 - Created: Mar 08, 2016 - Updated: Mar 08, 2016
233 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

My computer has died so let me know if this is messed up. I am posting from my phone. 

Kurt was shaking, he couldn’t help it after four years and countless hours rehearsing over the last few months, he had done it. His last jury was in the bag and there was nothing he could do but wait for the results. He just needed to find Blaine.

Classes had been canceled that week so the professors could focus on the senior juries but Kurt knew he was around campus. He had made the excuse of needing to study for Theatre History but Kurt was sure he wanted to be close; the thought warmed Kurt. 

He had barely left the lobby of the auditorium where his vocal jury had been held when he found Blaine sitting, leaning against a wall in the hall just beyond. He perked up the instant he saw Kurt, “How did it go?” He asked, anticipation clear in his voice.

“Good, great. It was amazing,” Kurt stuttered out in shock. Blaine’s hug did little to ease the vibrations assaulting Kurt’s body.

“Are you alright?” Blaine asked concerned.

Kurt huffed a breath, “Yea, it’s all just a lot to take in right now.” He paused a moment before adding, “Take me home, I promised Rachel we would have dinner together tonight.”

Blaine looked a little crestfallen as they made their way out of school “Rachel is going to be there? I thought maybe we could celebrate on our own.”

Kurt squeezed his hand, “In time sweetie, Rachel already promised some of her friends they would go out for dessert afterwards.”

When they got home though, Rachel was nowhere to be seen. Kurt was a little put out, but the two of them prepared vegan lasagna instead of waiting for her. Once it was in the oven they went to Kurt’s room to cuddle on his bed. Blaine was wrapped up on Kurt’s left side his head over his heart as they murmured a quiet conversation together. In the distance Kurt heard the familiar sound of the door sliding on it’s track. 

“Kurt?” Rachel called out in a small voice. 

“We’re in here Rachel,” he called out to her. He had to huff out a laugh as she parted the curtain her hand covering her eyes. “We’re not doing anything! Do you really think that I would call you in here if we were naked?”

Rachel peeked between her fingers a small smile playing on her lips, “Well after the shower incident I can never be sure.”

“Excuse me, it was you who barged into the bathroom, it’s not like I invited you.” Kurt laughed as he rubbed Blaine’s back while he buried his head in Kurt’s chest, clearly embarrassed and not yet used to their banter.

Rachel fidgeted by the bed and Kurt watched her toying with her ring. “Rachel Berry what is that?” He exclaimed in shock sitting up.

She noticed what she had been doing and sat gingerly on the side of the bed. 

“It’s not what you think,” she whispered. “I haven’t been marked again, it's just- I’ve been thinking about it and the more I do the more certain I am that it’s going to happen. But-but I’m just not ready to know that Finn’s name isn’t going to be there. I mean I know I can’t read it now but-just knowing it’s there- it’s nice. I couldn’t stand the thought of one day it not being there anymore so I went- just look.” She said taking off the ring and extending her hand out to them to look. There just above the beautiful white knot work of her mark in elegant script was the word Finn Hudson, in black ink. 

“Oh, Rachel,” Kurt sighed taking her hand.

“I figure whoever else loves me, will have to accept the fact that Finn was my first soulmate and he'll always have a piece of my heart and they won't mind.”

“Do you need to cuddle too?” Kurt asked tugging at her hand.

“Yes please,” Rachel’s small voice answered.

The two boys scooted over and laid back down. With Blaine on his left side and Rachel on his right Kurt enjoyed having his boyfriend and his best girl friend there with him. He knew that things would be crazy again, and sooner than he would like, but for the moment Kurt pushed that thought away and was content- until the timer went off twenty minutes later. 

The last week of the semester was just as hectic as Kurt knew it would be. While Blaine was busy with finals he and Rachel were busy with tech week for the senior showcase. On top of all that, both their families would be arriving in town in just a few days. Kurt was excited to see his dad and Carole and to introduce them to Blaine. He had been raving about the boy constantly during their weekly chats and wanted to show them he was just as amazing as he had described. Blaine was a little more nervous about the prospect and Kurt enjoyed reminding him just how wonderful he was in anyway he could think of. They had plans to visit Blaine’s mom in New Haven once the summer holiday began, if it wasn’t for the fact that Blaine was meeting his mom’s soulmate for the first time and needed Kurt’s support, he would have been more nervous himself. 

Kurt’s family arrived on Thursday night, the day before the showcase. Kurt was at rehearsal until six, so Blaine went to the loft to prepare dinner for everyone. Rachel was spending the evening with her dads.  As Kurt showed his parents into his building, he reminded his dad, “Be nice, Blaine is beyond nervous to meet you so please don’t try to intimidate him.” 

Burt opened his mouth to protest but Carole spoke over him, “Don’t even pretend that you weren’t Burt Hummel. And no matter how much you protest, it isn’t funny. Just be nice.”

Burt laughed, “Fine, I was only going to mess with him a bit.”

As Kurt rolled back their front door, he called out, “Blaine we’re home,” and watched as Blaine shyly stuck his head out of the kitchen. “Come here, sweetie and meet my parents.”

Kurt was proud of his dad for behaving himself and smiled at the shocked look on Blaine’s face when Carole pulled him into a hug. 

“Dinner’s almost ready,” he said once the introductions were complete.

“What are we having?” Burt said sniffing the air trying to discern what he is smelling.

Blaine smiled, it had been his idea as a way to butter up Kurt’s dad, “Steak with asparagus and mashed potatoes.”

“Okay Kurt, I’ve decided, you can keep him around,” Burt laughed putting an arm over Blaine's shoulder, “He lets me indulge in the finer things every once in awhile.”

Kurt shook his head and reminded his dad that if he wanted food he was going to have to release their chef. He watched Blaine walk back to the kitchen with a pleased yet shocked look on his face. Kurt caught his dad’s eye and smiled at him fondly, he knew his father understood. He followed Blaine into the kitchen to help him set the table. 

Dinner was nice; comfortable conversation filled the loft as Burt and Carole asked the boys about school and their plans for the summer. Kurt regaled them with stories from classes and his determination to audition for everything he could get his hands on. Blaine shyly told them about his classes. 

“Don’t be modest Blaine,” Kurt said gripping his hand under the table, “Blaine is at the top of his class, he’s amazing.”

“I don’t know about that-”Blaine demurred.

Kurt rolled his eyes lovingly, “He is, even Cassandra July likes him and I didn’t think that was humanly possible.”

When Kurt brought out the cheesecake he had made for dessert, Carole grabbed Burt’s hand, who nodded at her before she began speaking. “We wanted to tell you something,” she began, “We got a call yesterday, our application was approved, we are going to be foster parents.” 

Kurt gasped returning his parents smiles, “Oh my god, that is amazing. I didn’t realize you had begun the process.”

“Well, we weren’t sure we would be approved what with my heart issue a few years back and our age,” Burt began, “We didn’t want to get all our hopes up.  But once we passed that part, everything seemed to happen so fast.”

“I think it is wonderful, you guys were always the best parents,” Kurt said. 

“We could get a call any day, they know we are out of town but when we get back-” Carole told them with a smile before turning serious. “We’ve already fixed up Finn’s old room but we wanted to talk to you about it before doing anything to yours. We won't get rid of anything, it will just go into the attic. Is there anything you want us to send to you while we are packing?”

Kurt grabbed Blaine’s hand surreptitiously under the table as he said, “No, everything I need is right here.”

Once the food was gone, Burt and Carole excused themselves. “We are having brunch with the Berry’s tomorrow.” Carole smiled.

Burt grumbled, “Yea, so that means who knows when we'll get out of there.” He smiled showing Blaine he was kidding, “Hey at least we know we won't miss this showcase of yours, they’ll probably be in the first freakin’ row to watch Rachel.”

Blaine told them goodbye, earning him another hug from Carole and a pat on the back from Burt, saying he was going to start on the dishes. Kurt walked them out to wait for their cab. 

“Blaine seems like a nice kid,” Burt said eyeing Kurt with that way only he could, like he could see everything he could be hiding. 

“I told you he is wonderful.” Kurt rolled his eyes.

“So is he really just going to wash the dishes and leave tonight?” Burt asked. 

Kurt rolled his eyes again, “No, I just don’t think he is comfortable admitting to you  that he is spending the night. He doesn’t have the best experience in the dad department; his dad is an asshole.”

“Kurt! That is no way to talk about your boyfriend's father,” Carole reprimanded. 

“He once told him he didn’t want a faggy sub for a son.”  He told them still seething at the thought. 

Burt shook his head, “Asshole is a kinder phrase than I would use.” 

Their cab pulled up and Kurt hugged them each in turn. Once the door was shut and they were hurtling down the street Kurt returned to the apartment. 

Blaine was elbow deep in dish water when he snaked his hands around his waist, kissing him tenderly on his neck.  “That wasn’t so bad was it?” he asked. 

“You’re parents are great.”  Blaine answered turning his head and kissing Kurt. 

“Want some help?” Kurt offered. 

Blaine shook his head, “No I am almost done.  Although I wouldn’t object if you stayed right where you are.”

Kurt smiled against his neck before deciding that he shouldn’t let this opportunity pass, he began kissing and sucking on the column of it earning him tiny whimpers. He knew he was just providing a distraction and slowing Blaine down, but it was too nice to stop. 

He had just taken Blaine’s earlobe in his mouth lightly nipping it when Blaine yelled “Fuck!” Kurt pulled back, he knew he hadn’t bitten him hard enough to warrant that reaction.  As he pulled back he saw Blaine pulling his hand out of the murky water, blood already dripping through his fist. 

“Oh my god! What happened?” Kurt exclaimed turning Blaine around. 

“I didn't remember that I put the knife from the potatoes in there, and I grabbed the wrong end.” Blaine hissed. 

“Let me see?” Kurt asked gently pulling Blaine’s hand towards him.  When Blaine opened his palm it was red with blood but Kurt couldn’t see where it was coming from.  “Run it under the water, I can’t see.” 

Hearing Blaine moan as the water stung his hand made Kurt’s stomach clench unpleasantly. With the blood cleared momentarily he could see cuts on three of his fingers and blood seeping out from under his ring.  He grabbed a paper towel, pressed it to the cuts and led Blaine to the couch. 

Once Blaine was seated Kurt knelt down, pulled back the paper towel and inspected the wounds. The one on his picky was small, barely bleeding anymore. His pointer and middle fingers had deep cuts, not deep enough to require stitches Kurt thought, but enough to worry him.  Blood was still leaking out from under Blaine’s ring though and Kurt could feel his panic rise.  He held the towel back down, with more pressure this time and prayed to whatever could be out there that the bleeding would stop.  Blaine had his eyes closed, Kurt knew it must hurt. He tried to wait a full minute before checking again. 

Blaine was still bleeding. 

Kurt took a deep breath trying to steady himself before he spoke. “You've cut yourself pretty bad and one might need stitches but I can’t tell and it wont stop bleeding.”

“Why can’t you tell?” Blaine asked looking suddenly scared. 

“Your ring is in the way, I can’t see it.” Kurt tried to sound calm. “We have a couple of options, I can take you to the hospital, but who knows how long you will have to wait or- or I can take off your ring and try and get a better look.”

“Kurt,” Blaine gasped sounding absolutely terrified. “We can’t- what if-” He stopped talking as tears welled in his eyes. 

“What if what Blaine?” Kurt asked knowing full well what Blaine feared, it was the same terror that was in his heart, but he needed to hear Blaine say it.

“What if your name isn’t there?” Blaine’s voice was shaky with tears. “I love you so much and I don’t think I could stand it if you looked at my mark and it was still just a mark, if it wasn’t your name waiting there ready for you to see it. My parents- I- nothing scares me more than being like them.  I don’t think I could take it.”

Kurt took a deep breath counting to ten before speaking.  His voice was sure and strong although inside he felt anything but.

“If I take off your ring and my name isn’t there- I will keep on loving you as much as I do right now. I know better than anyone that just because someone is your soulmate it doesn’t promise you forever. I am absolutely terrified of not finding my name there but I am more terrified of you being hurt and not being able to help you. I am scared that it is really deep and not getting you help soon enough.  I promise, no matter if my name is there or not I will love you for every second that I have. Please, let me look.”

They both looked down at the towel, bright red with Blaine’s blood, and at the blood pooling steadily in his palm.

 “I don’t know.”  Blaine groaned. 

“I’m going to go the the bathroom and get the first aid kit. I am going to clean the other cuts and if you still don’t feel like you can, then I will take you to the emergency room. Okay?” Blaine nodded and Kurt walked with purpose to fetch the kit, not wanting Blaine to see how unsteady he felt.  His stomach dropped, thinking he could be about to have his heart broken. 

When he returned he knelt at Blaine’s feet, he had barely grabbed the antiseptic when Blaine whispered. “Please just look.” His face was still full of apprehension before he closed his eyes, clearly afraid his mark would still just be his mark.  

Kurt nodded, dropping the bottle back in the kit and took Blaine’s hand in his own. He kept his eyes trained on his palm as he slid the ring from his finger.  His breath hitched and he felt Blaine tense as the ring revealed what was underneath.  Ignoring it, Kurt inspected the small gash, nestled close to his palm which the ring protected from the towel.  He squeezed it trying to stop the trickle of blood. 

He heard Blaine sigh and he looked up at him; his eyes were closed and tears trailed down his face.  He whispered brokenly, “I really wanted it to be you.  I love you so much and- I just wanted it to be you.” 

“Blaine,” Kurt whimpered unable to stop his own tears.  When Blaine looked at him he continued, “just look at your mark.”

Kurt turned his hand over and together they saw Kurt Hummel  in blue encircling his finger where moments before beautiful filigree entwined. Blaine huffed laughter and sighed, “Oh my god.”

“Take mine off,” Kurt said, his voice high with emotion and holding his own left hand to Blaine. They watched as Blaine slid the ring off and for a moment the red lacework glowed before morphing to read Blaine Anderson. “I am so glad it’s you.” Kurt said pulling Blaine down until their lips met.  They only kissed a moment before Kurt remembered just how they had gotten there. Blaine whimpered when he pulled back. “Let me doctor your fingers, then we are going to have the most mindblowing soulmate sex the world has ever seen.”

“Soulmate sex? Is that a thing?” Blaine laughed his smile bigger and brighter than ever before. 

“It is now- for us anyway.” Kurt said joining in and feeling like he was floating. 

Kurt meticulously cleaned and bandaged Blaine’s hand taking his time knowing it was driving Blaine crazy.  As he wrapped the gauze around Blaine’s palm and fingers he made sure to keep his mark bare.  He wanted to see it when he fucked deep into him. 

Kurt stood and looked down on Blaine still on the couch, he could see him straining against the front of his jeans already.  The sight steadied his frantically beating heart.  He held out his hand to Blaine who took it immediately, and pulled him to his feet. Kurt kissed him long and deep until neither of them could catch their breaths.  When they panted against each other’s lips Kurt whispered,  “You are mine, you were made for me. It is my name on your skin.” Blaine shuddered against him and Kurt pulled his finger up to kiss his own name on Blaine's skin. “I am going to love you with every breath that I take.”

“I love you,” Blaine whimpered, “I only wanted it to be your name.”

Kurt held his hand up for Blaine to see, “What does it say?”  He asked wanting to hear Blaine say it. 

“Blaine Anderson.” he whispered with awe in his voice.

“What does it mean?”

“That I am yours,” Blaine replied dutifully still sounding amazed. 

“No, sweetheart,” Kurt said kissing him. “It means I’m yours. One hundred percent yours. I was made only for you and no one or nothing can change that.”

Blaine nuzzled his nose behind Kurt’s ear and whispered, “We were made for each other Mahal Ko, and nothing makes me happier than knowing that.”

“Tell me what it means.” Kurt commanded needing to hear Blaine say it although he thought he already knew. 

Blaine pulled back, “Mahal Ko, my love.”

Kurt sucked in a shuddering breath, “It’s the best name anyone could ever give me. I love it. I love you.”

He captured Blaine’s mouth in another searing kiss. He tugged on the hairs at the back of Blaine’s neck forcing his head back and completely owning his mouth. Blaine whimpered when Kurt pulled away, unable to move to close the distance again. 

“Undress,” Kurt said, his voice husky with the desire coursing through him. “I’ll be back.”  He left Blaine in the living room and headed to his bedroom.  He slowly undressed knowing the longer he made Blaine wait the hornier he would become.  He slowly pumped his cock thinking about Blaine standing naked in the middle of the apartment unwilling to touch himself without express permission. He wanted to be flush and dripping when he approached him again.  When he had worked himself up into a state of utter desperation he grabbed the lube from the basket and returned to Blaine. 

He was in the same spot Kurt had left him but kneeling with his head bowed and his hands on his knee, his clothes in a neat pile on the kitchen table.  Kurt could see the loops that formed his name.  “You are gorgeous sweetheart.”  He cooed as he neared. 

“Only for you, Mahal Ko.” Blaine whispered, looking up at him with so much love and devotion in his eyes. 

“I love you.”  Kurt couldn’t help himself from saying.  He tossed the lube on the couch and asked, “What do you want?”

Blaine groaned, “I want to taste you, I want you to own my mouth.  Please.” 

This wasn’t part of Kurt’s plan but he couldn’t deny him when Blaine asked so nicely. He would never deny Blaine anything he wanted. “Yes.” Kurt almost hissed. 

In an instant Blaine’s mouth was on him taking him as deep as he could go. He fisted the base moving it with his mouth and forcing the most tantalizing noises out of Kurt.  Soon Kurt was thrusting into the heat, as Blaine relaxed into the movement. His tongue worked the way he knew Kurt liked it and his fist kept Kurt from going deeper than he could stand.  Kurt keened at the sight before him.  Blaine’s face was content as his mouth stretched around Kurt’s girth. He could feel the heat building deep within him and stilled his hips.  He had other plans for the night.  He pulled out with an obscene pop.  With a hand he pulled Blaine to him, kissing and tasting the tang of precome on his tongue. He backed them up to the couch and parted just long enough to grab the lube and say, “Left leg up on the couch.”  By the time he had straightened up Blaine had obeyed. 

“Such a good sweetheart.”  Kurt cooed before kissing him again. As his tongue danced with Blaine’s he slicked his fingers and began teasing at Blaine’s hole.  He opened him up as he worshiped Blaine’s body with his mouth. Trails of marks led from his neck down his chest and to each nipple, all the while his fingers opening him up. He whispered words of love and devotion into Blaine's skin, needing him to feel wanted, loved, cherished and desired.  Blaine’s hands grasped at Kurt’s hair and back needing to feel as much of him as he could.  When Blaine whimpered, “Please Mahal Ko,” Kurt pulled back. 

“Go kneel on the window seat facing out,” he said his voice low. “Don’t worry no one will see you but me.”

Blaine nodded before obeying.  Kurt grabbed the lube, slicking himself up as he waited for Blaine to be in position. This was something he only let himself imagine late at night when Blaine was at home in his own bed.  This was the moment he was waiting for that he feared would never come.  When he turned around Blaine was there kneeling so beautifully, his back straight, his ass cushioned on his feet and his head bowed. The window seat was the perfect height, on numerous occasions he had banged his hip into it. 

When he reached Blaine he smoothed his hands down Blaine’s muscular back, tracing every dip and bulge. He then grabbed Blaine’s left hand and rested it on the bar running across the window at eye level. “Keep that there, my love.” Kurt  told him, noticing how his breath sped at the change of pet name. 

Kurt used his right hand to guide his cock until it brushed against Blaine’s now gaping entrance. He then slotted the fingers of his left hand with Blaine’s so that their names snuggled close together, blue against red. “This is us,” he whispered in his ear, “Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson.  We are soul mates, made for each other and I want to remember this moment for the rest of our lives. The way our names look together on each others skins.  I love you so much and I couldn’t have imagined it being anyone else but you.” 

“Oh god, me too Kurt, I love you I only ever wanted it to be you,” Blaine whispered. 

Kurt kissed him as he pushed slowly into the heat of him.  They kissed as inch by inch they slid together until Kurt’s hips were fully against the flesh of Blaine’s plump ass.  When he stilled he broke the kiss. “Look how beautiful they are together.” he said. “Just like us.  Just like this.”

Kurt pulled back and thrust in hard and fast, brushing against Blaine’s prostate. The groan urged Kurt on. “Fuck yourself on me.” he said and Blaine’s movements joined his. Kurt thrust forward as Blaine pushed back, coming apart and back together increasingly faster.  They were frantic in their movements suddenly desperate, their eyes wavering from their hands, from their names, only as they kissed needing more of a connection.  Kurt soon found himself pounding into Blaine who stilled at the agonizing perfection as Kurt repeatedly hit is prostate.  He was soon crying, “Mahal ko I have to-” and Kurt halted his movement, leaving Blaine catching his breath from being so close but unable to come. 

“Not yet my love, I’m not ready for it to end.”  Kurt explained before kissing him again his right hand gripping him tightly against his chest. When he could feel Blaine’s breathing even out from the frantic pants of before he began moving again. This time long and slow movements, teasing drags that held them in the state of arousal but let them feel every moment with such clarity they could never forget. Kurt kissed along Blaine’s neck who could do nothing but take it and stare at their names. He sighed in contentment. “I can already feel it, I’m almost floating.” 

Kurt knew he only needed one command to push him over into subspace.  “Stay with me forever,” he said. 

“Yes Mahal Ko.” Blaine breathed as he slipped away into subspace. 

Kurt kept working his cock slowly in and out of Blaine relishing in the feel of Blaine around him.  He watched their reflection in the dark mirror of the window as he slid in and out of Blaine’s body, not taking himself closer to his orgasm but holding him and keeping them both on this level of deep arousal until Blaine came back to himself. He could feel the moment it happened, a wanton moan vibrated out of Blaine as he pushed back against Kurt silently asking for more. Kurt was more than happy to give it to him.  He shifted his hips and sped his movements.  Even if he wanted it to last forever, he knew that his body need release and so did Blaine’s. “I love you,” Kurt chanted as he fucked ever more frantically into Blaine who answered with “Iniibig kita” over and over again. 

There was no stopping it as their orgasms barreled closer,  their bodies undulating together. “Now my love, come for me.” Kurt cried.  Kurt came with a shout and he felt the vice-like grip of Blaine’s orgasm around his spurting cock. They shuddered together as their movements slowed and collapsed against each other, utterly spent. 

Somehow with shaky legs they made it back to bed, Kurt vowing he would clean up the mess they left behind in the morning well before Rachel came home.  As they lay in bed, they whispered words of love to each other, talking about a future as they had never let themselves before their hands still entwined, watching the names on their fingers. Before they could fade away, Blaine grabbed his phone from the bedside table and snapped pictures saying, “I don’t want to forget what they look like like this,”  All too soon for their liking their marks began to morph once more, only leaving swirling black lines where their names had been.  As they drifted off to sleep, Kurt murmured, “Maybe Rachel had the right idea. Maybe we should tattoo each other’s names above our marks. I miss seeing them already.”

Kurt sat at the table clutching his mug of tea.  It couldn’t be called late anymore, it was too damn early and Finn wasn’t back yet.  Kurt was pissed, he couldn’t believe they were going to do this again, put him in the middle because they just couldn’t give up on each other.  He had thought they were safe with Rachel dating Brody, but with the way they disappeared during the wedding that was when Kurt figured he was wrong.

He resisted the urge to rip into Finn the moment the door opened but sat there seething as Finn practically waltzed into the room.

“Where have you been?” He said coldly.

Finn looked like a kid on Christmas morning, “We’re soulmates dude.”

“What do you mean?” Kurt snapped.  He was too tired after waiting up all night for his oaf of a step brother to come home.

Finn’s smile didn't waver, “Rachel and I were fighting and I was so mad because she was saying that sex was meaningless, just a bit of fun-”

“Wait,” Kurt yelled, “You two slept together?”

“Well- yea- but that’s not the point,” Finn stammered.  Kurt rolled his eyes. “What I was trying to say was I was mad and I dunno- I guess I wasn’t thinking and I took my ring off and-” Finn held up his left hand and there on his finger in place of his gold ring a black mark stood.

“Oh my god, are you serious?” Kurt asked.

“It was different than it was with Puck,” Finn confessed, “It was weird when I got my mark and I had two colors. It doesn’t happen a lot but when I saw Puck’s mark with my name it made total sense. I mean our match is platonic so we were just like ‘cool so we’re like super bros.’  But with Rachel, I mean- we couldn’t leave each other while we could still see our names on each other.  When the names disappeared and our marks turned black- we had to go home- but until then-”

“But what are you going to do?” Kurt asked unable to process what this meant to his brother and best friend.

“I dunno,” Finn shrugged. “I guess we move to New York with you guys. Puck can get his own place, and he probably won't mind he can fuck around there as much as he can here. We’ll figure it out.”

“Then I will get my own place too,” Kurt laughed, “I don't think I want to hear the kind of things Rachel tells you to do.”


Kurt smiled at his brother, “I’m really happy for you.” He couldn’t wait to know how it felt to finally find your perfect match and know it.


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