Starting Over
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Starting Series

Starting Over: Chapter 6

T - Words: 1,902 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Aug 06, 2011 - Updated: Oct 21, 2011
1,408 0 2 0 0

When Kurt woke up that Monday, he worried things would be different with Nick, Jeff, and especially Blaine. He shouldn’t have worried. Things were just as easy and friendly as before, plus the added perks of hand holding and kisses from a certain boy. The four boys still met in the suite to study, they still enjoyed meals together most of the time. However, Kurt and Blaine found excuses for more time alone, time Nick and Jeff were more than willing to give them.

Friday night found Kurt and Blaine in Kurt’s room, alone, trying to finish their homework, in the hopes they would have the entire weekend to spend together doing whatever they pleased. Kurt was lounging on his bed trying to finish a series of sketches while Blaine worked on an English paper on Kurt’s laptop.

Kurt was just shading the figure on his paper, when a chime and Blaine’s voice interrupted his concentration. “Kurt you’ve got a call coming in on Skype.”

Kurt scrambled to get up to reach his computer. Seeing the name on the screen, he yelped, “It’s my dad.”

“Do you want me to leave?” Blaine asked, not hiding his nerves very well.

“No it’s fine, just switch with me for a minute.”

Blaine stood up and made his way to sit on Kurt’s bed, while he took the seat at the desk and hit accept.

“Dad!” Kurt exclaimed as Burt head filled the screen.

“Hey kiddo, how’s it going?” Burt replied louder than necessary.

A sweet smile graced Kurt’s lips, “Really good. How are things at home?”

“Good, miss you here, I tell you Finn is almost useless at the shop, between football and glee, he hardly comes in. I miss working with you.” In the distance Kurt heard and indignant ‘hey’ from Finn causing both him and Blaine laugh. “Who’s that with you?” his father asked peering around, like he could actually look past Kurt into the room.

“That’s Blaine, we were doing homework, actually he was writing a paper on here when you called.” Kurt said, laughing at his father’s antics.

“And who is Blaine?” Burt asked, as if the boy wasn’t in the room.

Trying to divert the conversation, “A boy Dad.”

“Like a friend, or a boyfriend, type of boy?”

“DAD!” Kurt yelled.

His father smiled, “What? A father has a right to know these things. I don’t care if you are ten hours away, you are still my son.”

Blaine shifted uncomfortably on the bed. Kurt whispered, “We’ve gone out.”
Just then, Finn’s face appeared beside Burt’s, “You’ve been dating that’s great, dude!”

Kurt covered his face with his hands, trying to hide his blush. “Thanks Finn,” he muttered… “Hold on a sec.” He then reached to mute his mike and placed his hand over the camera. Kurt then turned to Blaine, “I am so sorry about this. My family is a little insane.”

Blaine smiled at him, “They seem great, really don’t worry about it.”

“Do you want me to try and end this call so you can finish your paper?” he asked, really hoping that would be the case.

“No… no that’s fine. I’m almost finished and that is the last of my work.”

Kurt sighed, “They are going to want to meet you, is that too much too soon?”

Blaine shifted again on the bed, “Um… I guess we can do this, but can I ask you something first?”

“Sure” Kurt said slowly.

“Are you my boyfriend?” The blush appearing on Blaine’s face made Kurt’s heart melt.

“Well, I don’t plan on accepting dates from anyone else, so if you want to be.” Kurt said bashfully.

“Great, yeah, so I am meeting my boyfriend’s family over the computer. Okay I can do this.” Blaine moved to kneel beside Kurt’s chair while Kurt unmuted the mike and removed his hand.

“Sorry about that. Dad, Finn this is Blaine.” He said quickly.

“Hello, Mr. Hummel, Finn. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Hey I know you!” Finn exclaimed in his usual childlike way, “We competed last year; you are from that private school too right?”

The four men talked for a few minutes, Burt clearly looking over at Blaine trying to decide if he should threaten the boy over the computer. As they were ending the call he said pointedly, “Call me in the morning Kurt, we need to talk.”

When Kurt ended the call, he turned to Blaine. “Was that too incredibly weird?”

“A bit, but your family seems nice.” Pulling Kurt into a kiss, they abandoned their homework for the rest of the night.

Their kisses however, were cut short when Nick and Jeff bounded into the suite breaking the mood into shards.

Kurt’s conversation with his dad was easier than he thought it would be. All his father needed was reassurance that Kurt was being safe and taking things slow. And the pair were, aside from one particularly heated make-out session, they were still just enjoying being able to hold hands and kiss when they wanted to.

As midterms approached, Kurt was once again feeling overwhelmed with the amount of schoolwork required of him. Try as he might, he couldn’t clear all of his homework before the weekend as he had for the past three weeks with Blaine. Instead, Blaine almost had to force him out of his dorm room to work at the coffee shop instead. They were there late the Sunday before midterm exams were set to start, with Kurt frantically trying to finish note cards for his classes, when Kurt’s phone began to ring. He pushed the offending object over to Blaine, “Please see who that is.”

Blaine lifted the phone, “It’s Finn.”

Kurt moaned, “Will you please answer it and tell him I will call him after these damn test are over?”

Blaine agreed chuckling and walked out of the coffee shop answering the phone. Kurt wrote the last information on his last study card as Blaine came walking back in smiling at his boyfriend. “Finn wanted to tell you that they won sectionals. He seemed excited, I told him you would celebrate with him next week when you weren’t so stressed. Is your stepbrother always that excitable?”

Kurt smiled back, “Pretty much. Well all my work is done and I just finished with my cards, care to go back to my dorm and quiz me for my history final tomorrow?” His smile grew sad, “I’m sorry I haven’t been much fun lately.”

“Nonsense, I always enjoy spending time with you. And just think after mid terms are over we should get at least a week were things are easier. Maybe we could do something to celebrate?” Blaine said while helping Kurt gather his things.

“Sounds nice, I can’t wait.” Kurt said slipping into this coat. They made their way into the cold night to return to Hayden Hall.

Kurt’s last midterm was Thursday afternoon; with them over, he wanted to dance around to celebrate. He knew that while the teachers graded papers and test, they would ease up on the weekly workload. He practically skipped back to Hayden Hall and to his dorm room.

Kurt called Finn, who happened to be at lunch so he was on speaker phone with all of New Directions when a knock came on the door. He opened it while Tina was asking about ‘this boyfriend Mercedes told me about’ to find Blaine standing in the doorway smiling at him.

“Well Tina, I would love to gush all about him, but it will have to wait, as he is standing in my room right now. I have to let you guys go.” He didn’t even say goodbye before Blaine was kissing him.

“You’re finished for the week right?” Blaine asked pulling back. All Kurt could do was nod. “Great, tonight I am taking you out. I will pick you up at six, dress warmly.” A kiss later and Blaine was out the door.

When Blaine returned Kurt was dressed nicely but warmly, not sure what his boyfriend had planned. Blaine grabbed his hand a pulled him out the door, planting a soft but assertive kiss on his lip. Blaine led him to a small romantic Japanese restaurant near Central Park. At first, Kurt was wary about sitting on the floor to eat, but he found that it just seemed more intimate like that. They lounged and talked while they ate, their hands constantly seeking the other. Throughout the meal, the two were in constant physical contact, whether holding hands or thighs lightly touching.

They walked towards Central park, and Blaine bought them large cups of hot chocolate before leading Kurt towards a line of carriages. Kurt gasp as Blaine began to pay the first carriage in the queue. “A carriage ride? Really Blaine” He said pressing his free hand to his lips.

“I thought it might be… romantic.” Blaine said helping Kurt into the carriage.

As Blaine sat beside him, Kurt snaked his arms around his boyfriend’s waist. “Perfectly romantic. You are spoiling me.”

A warm wooly blanket across their laps, the boys snuggle close. Kurt rested his head on Blaine’s shoulder, who kissed it before resting his on top. Kurt played with Blaine’s fingers under the blanket as they rode in silence for a while. “You know I’m not seeing this, no good at romance thing you told me about, it seems to me you are a natural at it.” Kurt said breaking the silence.

Blaine smiled against Kurt’s head, kissing it again before speaking, “With you… it is natural. I just try and think of something that will make you smile. When you are happy, I am happy.”

“You don’t have to try and make me happy… being with you is all I need. I don’t think I could have made it through the last two weeks in one piece without you here. You make all the stress bearable. You make everything better.” Kurt said, bringing Blaine’s hand to his mouth for a kiss before replacing them beneath the blanket.

They were passing a pond, lights reflecting off the water, soft music drifting through the air. Blaine lifted Kurt’s head so their eyes met. “Kurt, never before has anyone else’s happiness meant so much to me. I have never felt like this about anyone before… I love you Kurt.”

Kurt’s heart sped, he pulled a sharp breath in before, placing his hand on Blaine’s face. His eyes glistened as he whispered, “Oh my god Blaine… I love you too.” Their kiss was slow and sweet, filled with love and just a dash of longing. Several long moments later, when the need for proper breaths were became too much, they pulled apart, just enough so their foreheads touched. Kurt smiled and spoke again, “Everything that led me to this moment with you was worth it. I would willingly relive the taunts and the threats, everything, knowing I would end up here in your arms. You are worth it.”

“I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through what you did, but I am so glad to have you.” Blaine’s hushed voice assured.

The resumed their previous position cuddled together, taking in the sight of Central Park at night. Both feeling loved and complete, and utterly happy. When the carriage pulled to a stop, Kurt exited first and helped Blaine down. They walked hand in hand back to the dorms, quietly talking, exchanging occasional kisses.

Outside Kurt’s door, they exchanged good nights, and ‘I love you’s before promising to see each other in the morning.

End Notes: AN: I have a quick question: Now that our boys have been dating for a while, and have confessed their love, how do you feel about intimate moments, would you rather I up the rating and include them or gloss over them here and maybe post them as separate stories.. Let me know what you want me to do.


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Aww! :"""""> I just love this chapter! So cuteeee! :"""""""> Is there gonna be a smut scence? =)))) haha.

There is it is in a story called starting something new. It should be linked to this one as a series. Warning though not all of the smut chapters are written. Glad you are enjoying it!!