Starting Over
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Starting Series

Starting Over: Chapter 4

T - Words: 2,902 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Aug 06, 2011 - Updated: Oct 21, 2011
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Kurt woke early Saturday morning, anxious to get ready for his date with Blaine. Just the thoughts that Blaine might have actual feelings, or dare he even think it, attraction to him, made butterflies erupt in his stomach. He had to fight the urge to sing in the shower, afraid of waking his suitemates, unsure if they knew he was going on a date with their friend. In his room, he danced around while getting ready, from both excitement and nerves. He was just finishing tying his knee high boots when he heard a gentle knock at the suite door. He quickly grabbed his phone and wallet and hurried to the door.

Blaine was standing there with a big smile on his face, taking in all of Kurt. “Good Morning, you look really nice.”

Kurt couldn’t help but return his smile, with a blush he said, “You too, Mr. Anderson.”

Blaine stepped back for a moment, giving Kurt room to exit. “Are you ready to go Mr. Hummel?” he asked.

As they made their way out of Hayden Hall, Blaine started telling him about what he had planned for the day. “I thought we could go to Bagels on the Square and pick up breakfast to eat while waiting for the rush line, then see what tickets we can get. Sound good?”

Blaine looked a little nervous that his plan wasn’t good enough. So Kurt, smiled at him saying, “It sounds perfect.”

Kurt was surprised when Blaine insisted on paying for his breakfast, reminding Kurt that this was a date. Blaine carried the bag of bagels and cream cheese while they walked to Broadway, sipping coffee and talking. There were maybe two dozen people in line in front of them when they made it to the ticket booth an hour and a half before it would open.

“Have you seen a Broadway show before?” Blaine asked handing Kurt his bagel.

Kurt took another sip of coffee before answering, “No, I actually had never been to New York until I moved here. My stepbrother Finn came with the glee club last year, but that was after I left school. I was so jealous of him that HE was here and not me.” A smile mischievous smile appeared on Kurt’s face as he added, “Granted, I did feel better when I found out they were pretty much stuck in the hotel room the whole trip.”

Blaine’s laughter joined Kurt’s in a kind of harmony. “Well then, I think it is only fair if you get to choose the show we see then.”

“No, I couldn’t do that.” Kurt said, feeling it was rude not to protest.

“I insist. If you could only see one show, what would it be?”

“Wicked. Hands down, I love that show.” Kurt said unable to stop himself from bouncing on his feet.

Blaine’s face fell a fraction, “They don’t rush Wicked tickets, they do a lottery, but I have an idea. We could try and get rush tickets for a matinee of another show. Then we can go to the Gershwin to enter the lottery for tonight’s show. You up for it?”

“That is too much Blaine, this is just our first date.” Kurt told him shaking his head.

Blaine’s face brightened, “What if it was our second date?” Seeing Kurt’s confusion he elaborated, “We get tickets for a matinee now, spend the morning together, have lunch, go to the show, then I walk you back to your dorm. We take thirty minutes to change, go through all the post-first-date nerves, where we worry how it went. Then I pick you up, we go to the Gershwin, enter the lottery, hope for the best. If we get the tickets, we go to a diner to eat before the show, if not I take you to a fancy restaurant. So, would you be willing to go out with me again?”

Kurt’s laughter filled the air. “You are that confident our first date will go well?” he couldn’t help but ask.

“More like, I hope our first date goes well.” Blaine said, a blush appearing on his cheeks.

“Me too,” Kurt said his heart racing wearing the biggest smile he’s had in a long time. “I think that is a brilliant idea. I think a second date is a great idea.”

Conversation after that flowed easily between them as they waited in line. Kurt hadn’t laughed as hard with another person ever. When the ticket booth finally opened, it wasn’t long before it was their turn to buy tickets. They were lucky enough to get matinee tickets to How to Succeed in Business, which had both boys excited as they walked away from the booth.

Since Kurt, hadn’t really left campus much since beginning NYU, Blaine led him around the streets of New York. Just outside of the Central Park, Blaine reached over and took Kurt’s hand without comment. They walked hand in hand through central park, talk while taking in their surroundings. They talked about almost every subject under the sun, except bullying. They talked about their high schools, but both left out the traumatic experiences they both knew they each had.

For lunch they found a deli with a patio where they could sit and eat. Kurt ate his salad, and watched Blaine with his corned beef and cabbage. Seeing his looks, Blaine asked, “You eat a lot of salad, why?”

“I have always watched what I eat, but my dad had a heart attack last year, so I have been even more careful since then. Better safe than sorry, you know.” Kurt said with a shrug of his shoulder.

Blaine smiled at him, “While I can respect that, have you ever tried Corned beef?”

“The name was always off putting to me.” Kurt said shaking his head.

Blaine held up his fork, “Here, try it… for me.” Blaine gave Kurt a hopeful smile.

Kurt couldn’t resist that smile, so he leaned forward taking the fork delicately in his mouth. “Oh my god!” he exclaimed pulling away, “that is really good.”

Blaine smiled, his eyes sparkling. “I’m glad you like it.”

As they left the deli, Kurt found Blaine’s with his, not letting go until they were outside the Al Hirschfeld Theatre. Their seats were close, so close Kurt felt like it was a dream. The show was amazing. Kurt sat there hardly able to believe that one of his first Hollywood crushes was up there on that stage. What made it even more dream like that the thought that he was more content sitting holding hands with the guy beside him. At intermission, they talked about the first act, and the surprise talent that was Daniel Radcliffe. During the second act, Blaine’s arm made its way over Kurt’s shoulder. Kurt leaned slightly into Blaine’s space, comfortable.

Once the show ended, Blaine led them back to NYU, and Hayden Hall, their hands entwined again. They talked about the show, not mentioning their date later that night. By the time they made it up to the tenth floor, it was 4:30.

Kurt turned around, his back facing his door. “I really had a great time today Blaine. I can’t wait to do it again.” He smiled shyly at him, playing along with how first dates were supposed to end.

“I’ll call you, okay Kurt?” Blaine asked playing along.

Kurt turned around, unlocking the door but not opening it as he said, “I look forward to it.” Kurt then turned to where it was facing Blaine again and pulled him into a hug. As they began to pull apart, Kurt put his hand on Blaine’s cheek, placing a chaste kiss on the other boy’s lips.

Kurt then pulled away saying, “Thanks again Blaine.” Before opening the door and disappearing within. He had barely made it to the door of his room when his cell phone rang.

“Hello” Kurt answered, breathlessly.

“Hey, it’s Blaine, I was wondering if we could go out again?” Kurt heard over the phone and faintly through his front door.

“That would be lovely.” Kurt answered, unable to completely hide the excitement in his voice.

“Great, I’ll pick you up in half an hour then?”

“I’ll be waiting.” Kurt answered, hanging up the phone.

Kurt was so caught up in his excitement at an excellent first date, that he didn’t notice Nick and Jeff sitting at the table in the common room. As Kurt began to dance around in a circle, Nick called out, “What has you so happy Kurt?”

He jumped at the voice, turning to face the two other boys, “Oh, great first date! I have to go get ready for the second. We’ll talk later okay?” He then rushed to his room to choose and outfit so he could jump in the shower.

Kurt missed the confused looks his suitemates sent each other as they watched him flit into the bathroom. Kurt’s song reached them as well as he happily showered and did his hair. He had just disappeared back into his bedroom to put on his shoes, when they heard a knock at the door.

Jeff opened the door and looked a Blaine dressed in a slim black suit. “Hey Blaine, what are you all dressed up for, you don’t have to impress us.” He said with a laugh.

Blaine gave his friend a smile, “Actually, I am here to pick up Kurt.”

“Wait, you’re the great first date?” Nick asked looking between his friend and the boy emerging from his room.

Kurt walked up to the three saying, “Yes, we’ll see you later, night.”

Before Blaine could do more than wink at his friends they were out the door. They fell into step with each other, and nice conversation as they made their way to the Gershwin Theatre. As they stood in line waiting to put their names in the lottery, Kurt couldn’t help but exclaim, “I can’t believe I am here.”

Blaine smiled at Kurt, “I’m glad that just being here has made you happy.”

Kurt turned a serious face to Blaine, “Are you going to let me pay for this?”

“Here’s the deal, if your name is drawn for the tickets, you pay. If mine is then I pay. Deal?” Blaine said holding out his hand.

“Deal.” Kurt said, forgoing Blaine’s outstretched hand instead sealing it with a gentle kiss.

Their smiles did not leave their faces for the twenty minute wait for the drawing. They stood a listened to half a dozen names being called before hearing Blaine Anderson called by the woman at the front. Blaine cheerfully paid for the tickets, stuffing them in his jacket pocket before Kurt could inspect them.

“Okay we have two hours until curtain, let’s go find something to eat.” Blaine said grabbing Kurt’s hand once more. This was a gesture that already felt natural to the two men.

Sitting inside a small caf�, waiting for their food, Kurt said, “I take it you didn’t tell Nick and Jeff that you asked me out?”

“No, but you didn’t seem to tell them either.” Blaine laughed.

Kurt’s laughter joined his, “They are either going to tease us mercilessly, threaten my life if I hurt you, or drill us for details after this aren’t they?”

“I don’t know, I may be the one threatened, they do have to live with you.” Blaine returned with a smile, “But if I know Nick and Jeff, they will want to know how this happened more than anything.”

A puzzled look crossed Kurt’s face, “How did this happen?”

“Well,” Blaine began, “I thought you were gorgeous the first time I saw you, but… you remember when I saw you singing that one day?” Kurt nodded, “That was the first time I saw what I was sure was the real you. Watching you sing, there was so much vulnerability and strength and so much emotion there that I knew I had to get to know you better. Since then, you haven’t ceased to amaze me.” Blaine laughed a little shyly, “So why are you here, Kurt?”

“The first time I met you, I was too mad to really notice anything about you.” Blaine looked confused and a little bit hurt. Kurt tried to explain, “I overheard the three of you talking about me. With everything that happened in high school, it was easier for me to put up a wall and be mad than to put myself out there. Then, you walked up to me in the park, and I really saw you. To be honest, I have been trying to ignore my feelings for you for a while now.”

“Why?” Blaine asked.

“I was afraid, my past crushes have not ended well. I didn’t want to strain this with us or between me and Nick and Jeff. I’m glad I decided not to be afraid anymore.” Kurt told him, grabbing Blaine’s hands.

If Kurt thought his first Broadway show was amazing, Wicked was simply magical. They were in the third row center. Kurt felt like he could reach out and touch Elphaba she was so close. Tears filled Kurt’s eyes numerous times throughout the show. Kurt didn’t even want to leave his seat during the intermission.

He turned to Blaine, “Thank you so much for this, I have never had a more amazing day.” He grabbed Blaine into another hug, after which Blaine lifted his hand to caress Kurt’s cheek. The flashing lights signaling the end of intermission broke the spell.

Kurt was one of the first people out of his seat, applauding the show once the curtain fell. They stood there are the rest of the audience filed out of the theatre, when it was just the two of them Blaine placed his arm around Kurt’s waist and led him out in to the New York night.

They walked, arms around the other’s waist in comfortable silence for a while. Kurt was the one to finally break the silence. “We were going to do Defying Gravity in glee once. Mr. Shue automatically gave the solo to this girl Rachel. I wanted that song so bad, when my dad saw how upset I was he went to the school and fought for my right to audition for it.”

“Did you get it?” Blaine asked quietly.

“No, I might have, I had that High F, but… I was used to the calls, the name-calling. But the night before the audition, my dad answered one. I knew it would get worse if I sang a girls song… so I blew the note. I really wanted that solo, but my dad meant more to me.” Kurt finished with a sigh.

“You’re close with your dad?” Blaine asked.

The smile that graced Kurt’s lips was mesmerizing to Blaine. “Yeah, for so long it was just us. We’ve had rough spots, but he tries really hard to be accepting.”

“You’re lucky.” Blaine said, with the barest hint of bitterness in his voice. “My dad, is better at ignoring than accepting. My mom is great though, how about yours, you said it was just the two of you…”

Kurt smiled at Blaine, “My real mom is dead, but my stepmom is wonderful.”

“I’m sorry Kurt…”

He cut Blaine off, “Don’t be.” Another moment of silence before Kurt continued, “This really has been a perfect night. I couldn’t have imagined a better date… or a better person to share it with.”

Blaine turned to Kurt, ignoring the stream of people walking past them. His hand cupped Kurt’s cheek, bringing their lips closer. Kurt’s heart pounded as their lips caressed. They didn’t break apart until a wayward pedestrian bumped into the couple.

The rest of the walk back to Hayden was filled with silence and smiles from both men. Once again outside of Kurt’s door, they stopped.

“I would ask you to come in, but I figure Nick and Jeff would just bombard us with questions.” Kurt said blushing.

Blaine smiled saying, “I think you may be right. Listen Kurt, I had a great time, can we do this again?”

“Honestly, I would hate it if we didn’t.” Kurt said, playing with Blaine’s fingers.

“Then I will call you, or see you soon.” Blaine nervously answered.

Before either of them knew it, their lips were meeting again, in that beautiful dance. Kurt’s heart raced as he swiped his tongue against Blaine’s lips wanting to properly taste him. He nearly gasped when Blaine complied. Kurt thought his heart would explode. Small noises filled the air around the pair, as they revealed in the taste and feel of the other. Finally, they parted, needing to catch their breath. Both chuckled, before bidding each other good night.

Kurt slipped in through the door, but couldn’t stop himself from placing his back against it and sliding down to the floor with a huge grin on his face. He was so caught up in reliving the moment in his head he didn’t hear the guffaws of laughter from his two suitemates.

Jeff’s boisterous voice finally broke from his revelry, “I take it you had another great date?”

Kurt’s face was a deep scarlet as he stood telling the other boys, “Shut up,” before going to his room and plopping down on his bed. He wanted to gush over his wonderful day, he wanted to go over every detail with someone. But he knew a phone call or Skype wouldn’t be enough. So instead, he relived every detail of the day in his head as he got ready for bed, and drifted off to sleep.


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