Starting Over
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Starting Series

Starting Over: Chapter 3

T - Words: 1,997 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Aug 06, 2011 - Updated: Oct 21, 2011
1,373 0 1 0 0

Kurt had to fight the urge to withdraw from his suitemates again, afraid he might be led to reveal more of his past than he was willing to. When Blaine was there with his smiling, friendly face, it was even harder for Kurt. Part of him wanted to open up to this other boy, but most of him wanted just to see him smile. Kurt was trying hard not to start crushing on one of only three tentative friends he had made so far.

Friday, Kurt focused on getting through his classes, and going to the Gay-Straight Alliance. What he hadn’t planned on was finding Blaine waiting outside of his suite as he returned from History.

“Hey Blaine, what’s up?” He asked tentatively as he approached.

Blaine’s face lit up in a smile that made Kurt ignore the clenching of his stomach. “I was actually looking for you Kurt.”

Kurt fumbled with his key, placing it in the lock as he responded, “Oh, well in that case, come on in.” Kurt gave him a smile before gesturing for him to enter. They made their way into the common room, but Kurt kept walking until he got to his bedroom door. He looked over his shoulder and told Blaine. “I’m just going to put my stuff away if you want to come in.”

Blaine followed Kurt into his room, taking in his surroundings before turning to him once again. “Your room is really nice. It seems very… you… at least from what I know about you.”

Kurt was pulling his books out of his bag, giving him something to do aside from focusing on Blaine, “Thank you, I tried… so what did you need with me?”

If Kurt had turned around, he would have seen Blaine shifting with nerves. As it was, he was trying to organize his homework. “I was wondering if you wanted someone to go with you to the meeting tonight.” Blaine said.

Kurt fiddled with his papers once more, not wanting to look at Blaine. “You already have plans, I’m sure you have been looking forward to going to this club.”

“But I want to go to the meeting; the jazz club will still be there next week.” Blaine said his tone light.

Kurt finally turned around, “And there will be other meetings as well. You don’t want to let down Jeff and Nick.” Kurt sighed, “It’s not that I am opposed to you going to the meeting, but you already have plans. Don’t feel bad that I can’t go, I knew that I would run into things like this when I came here. Just go have fun, and check out the place, that way when I do turn 18 you can tell me all the places that are worth going to.”

Blaine gave a resigned sigh, “Okay Kurt, if you insist. Let me know how the meeting goes, okay?”

Kurt smiled at him again, “Of course.”


At the meeting that night, Kurt was happy to find that it was more of a mixer than anything else. Kurt stood talking to a couple of guys from his Musical Theatre class, Jack and Ty. Jack was tall with blond hair and deep brown eyes, while Ty was stocky with red hair and sparkling blue eyes. The three stood around talking about musicals and what they hoped would happen in the class that year. Kurt was surprised to feel a big smile creep onto his face. He was in a room full of strangers and for once, he wasn’t afraid. He excused himself from Ty and Jack and started mingling throughout the room. He met several people and had a few fulfilling conversations. It was nice; he met couples, both gay and straight and many people there on their own. This was why he wanted to come to New York, the acceptance. A place where he may be a minority, but he wasn’t an outcast.

He was just about to leave when a man approached him. He was tall, with short brown hair. Kurt vaguely remembered him from earlier in the evening, and thought his name was James. He was a junior, and an English major.

“Hey, Kurt, leaving already?” he asked with a smile.

Kurt returned it, “Yes, I want to get back before it gets too late.”

“Too bad, I was hoping you would join me for some drinks.” The boy actually winked.

Kurt, a little flustered by this blatant act of flirting, answered back, “I’m not 21 yet so no bars for me.” Kurt gave an uneasy chuckle.

“No bars needed, I have some back at my apartment.” James said, apparently not easily dissuaded.

Kurt tried hard not to roll his eyes at this boy, who was making him uncomfortable. “Listen, as flattering as it is, I am only seventeen, and that is not really something I am interested in. Thanks for the offer though.”

James left in a bit of a huff. Kurt was about to leave Brittany Hall when Ty and Jack walked up to him hand in hand. “Hey you live in Hayden right?” Ty asked. When Kurt nodded they offered to walk back with him.

Kurt left the budding couple in the lobby before heading up to his suite. It was only ten, so he wasn’t surprised to find it empty. Kurt sat in his room, quiet music playing and sketched. It wasn’t until he was finished that he noticed the figure on his paper had slicked back hair, bushy eye brows and a slightly crinkled smile.


The next few weeks went by in a rush. The classes were getting more intense and Kurt was starting to feel the pressure of taking so many hours. Most of his free time was spent doing homework, or taking meals with Nick, Jeff, and Blaine. Kurt tried desperately not to let them see the strain that his work load was taking on him.

A month into the semester, though, after the other boys persuaded him to join them in the common room to study, Kurt cracked. He was trying valiantly to understand his Algebra homework but he just wasn’t getting it. He slammed his book in frustration and threw it to the ground in a huff.

The other boys looked over at him, as he felt tears stinging the back of his eyes. “Everything okay Kurt?” Blaine asked his brow furrowed in concern.

“I hate Algebra I just don’t get this.” Kurt yelled in frustration.

Nick looked at him in confusion, “But it is basically Algebra II, did you have problems with it?”

Kurt sighed, “I didn’t finish Algebra II.”

“Why not?” Blaine asked.

Kurt stood up and started to his room, but mumbled before he was out of ear shot, “I told you I left school early. I didn’t say I graduated early.” Then Kurt was alone in his room.

He could hear quiet voices coming from the common room, then the door opening and shutting. He was surprised then when he heard a light knock at his door.

“I don’t feel like talking.” He said in a small voice.

He was surprised when Blaine’s voice answered. “Do you want some help with your work?”

Kurt got up and opened the door, seeing Blaine standing there with his book and papers in his hand. “Thanks Blaine, but I think I have had enough Algebra for one night.”

“Mind if I stay?” Blaine asked with a hopeful smile.

Kurt waved him in the room before returning to his bed with a plop.

“Are you sure you don’t want to talk? I’ve heard I’m an excellent listener.” Blaine said with another shy smile.

“I’m just overwhelmed. I knew college would be harder, especially compared to my high school, but it’s a lot. Even French is kicking my butt and I am fluent.” Kurt told him as he grabbed his pillow to hold to his chest.

“Really? Fluent in French, very impressive.” Blaine said, obviously trying to cheer Kurt up.

“Yes, I once sang a fourteen and a half minute Celine Dion medley for a National Cheerleading competition.” He told Blaine. “We won too.” He added with a smirk.

“When was this?” Blaine asked.

“My freshman year of High School.”

Blaine gave a mischievous smile, “You never mentioned you were a cheerleader.”

Kurt couldn’t help but laugh, “It was only that one year, a few months actually. I did a lot of things that year I never thought I would.”

“Like what?”

“I apparently lead a girl on causing her to break the window of my car. I was only fifteen but I had a hardship license since it was only my dad and me. Oh and she is now one of my best friends. I joined the football team, as a kicker, to make my dad happy. I then came out to my dad. I joined Cheerios. I set my dad up with my crushes mom. They worked out, we didn’t as you know. I dressed like a Lady Gaga character. It was an interesting year.”

Blaine laughed, “Wow sounds like an interesting school. My freshman year was mainly spent being beaten up.”

Kurt’s face fell, “Yeah, that too, well mainly shoved and tossed in dumpster, and slushee facials.”

“Slushee facials?” Blaine asked.

“Oh yes, the jocks love to throw Slushees in our faces, not a pleasant experience, but can we talk about something else?”

Blaine’s smile was back again, “What about sophomore year?”

“It was pretty tame, we had our sex riot, I was Riff Raff in a production of Rocky Horror that no one saw. I planned my Dad and stepmom’s wedding in a week,” Kurt paused, and decided just to go for it, just to let it out. “And I dropped out of High School.”

“What?” Blaine said in obvious confusion.

“I don’t want to go in depth, but things got really bad at my school, I had no other real options, so I left. I got my GED took my SATs and here I am.” Kurt said, not meeting the other boy’s eyes.

“Wow, no wonder you are feeling overwhelmed. But really if you need help with anything, let me know, okay?”

Kurt nodded still not looking at Blaine. He was surprise when Blaine spoke again, “Hey, let me take you out tomorrow, we can rush tickets for a show, maybe go to dinner.”

Kurt gave a sad smile, “That’s nice Blaine, but I don’t want your sympathy, that’s not why I told you.”

“That is not why I asked you Kurt. I asked you,” Blaine paused, lifting Kurt’s chin so he was finally looking at him. “I asked you, because I have been dying for an opportunity to do something with you, just the two of us.”

Kurt couldn’t keep the look of disbelief off of his face. Sure, in the time he has been at NYU he has been hit on and asked out, but this was different. As much as Kurt tried to deny it to himself, he really liked Blaine. He had tried to convince himself, they were only friends.
“Really?” Kurt asked.


Kurt still couldn’t believe this, “Just so we’re clear, and don’t feel bad if I am wrong, but are you talking going out, as in a date?”

Blaine laughter couldn’t be contained, but Kurt’s panic was short lived, “Yes, as in a date. Kurt, would you go out, on a date, with me tomorrow?”

Kurt’s cheeks reddened almost instantly, “Yes, Blaine, I would love to go on a date with you tomorrow.”

As soon as Blaine left, Kurt was on his phone with Mercedes gushing about his first date. She accused him of only calling her because of this happy development, so Kurt stayed on the phone with her telling her the trials and jubilation that was college life.

That night, Kurt went to bed, no longer stressed about his schoolwork. He decided that it could wait. Tonight, he was going to allow his romantic dreamer side to take over and bask in the fact that tomorrow Blaine Anderson was picking him up at seven to take him out for a day in The Big Apple.


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Aww! I love this chapter! :""""> Great work! I looooooooove this fic! :)