Starting Over
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Starting Series

Starting Over: Chapter 2

T - Words: 2,144 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2011
Story: Complete - Chapters: 21/21 - Created: Aug 06, 2011 - Updated: Oct 21, 2011
1,409 0 0 0 0

A small jolt of fear ran through Kurt as the shadow covered his sketch. He looked up and saw a vaguely familiar face smiling down at him.

“You’re Kurt, right?” he asked. Kurt simply nodded so he continued. “I’m Blaine, we met the other night.”

Kurt smiled back at him. “Yes, I remember. Are you heading back to your dorm?”

“Actually I was heading over to Tisch from lunch.” Blaine told him.

“Oh are you a theatre major? Kurt asked shocked.

Blaine chucked, “No, I’m a music major, but I have been thinking of minoring in Performance so I have an appointment with one of the advisors. What’s your major?”

Kurt debated for a minute before answering. He knew that he just needed to be honest and if this lost him a new friend, then it is better to get it out of the way. “I’m a double major in Fashion Design and Performance with an emphasis on Musical Theatre.” Kurt paused taking in the slightly impressed look on Blaine’s face before continuing. “Speaking of which, I have a class in Tisch in half an hour, do you want to head over together?”

Blaine’s face lit up, taking Kurt by surprise. “That would be lovely Kurt.” Blaine then stepped back a bit, giving Kurt room to return his sketchpad to his bag and stand up. As they started across campus, Blaine began speaking again. “So what class are you headed to?”

“Musical Theatre Workshop, should be interesting I haven’t done much group work in almost a year. If I am being completely honest, I’m a little nervous.” Kurt replied without thinking.

Blaine gave him a slight frown, “Why so long since you have performed with others? Nick and Jeff said you were in Glee club too.”

Kurt sighed, knowing he would have to say something since he had already revealed this much. “I was in Glee but I had to quit right before sectionals.”

Blaine’s frown however did not disappear, “Why?” It seemed like such a simple question but it was more that Kurt was willing to reveal to a new acquaintance.

“I would rather not get into it, it is kind of personal.” He said not even looking at his companion.

Blaine smiled and rested his hand momentarily on Kurt’s shoulder. “I understand, no pressure. So you are from Ohio too right?”

The conversation from there was a bit easier. Kurt could avoid the topic of dropping out and bullying while learning more about his suitemates friend. The conversation flowed almost effortlessly between the two.
As they approached Tisch, Kurt turned to Blaine, “Thanks for talking to me… I’m not the best at making new friends.”

Blaine smiled warmly back at him, “It was truly my pleasure. Tonight, I was going to hang out with Nick and Jeff’s, since you already live there, maybe you should join us.”

Kurt couldn’t help but smile at Blaine. “I just might do that, thanks again.” He then turned away and made his way into the theatre.

Once class was finished, Kurt was almost sure that Musical Theatre was going to be his favorite. They played an introduction games, trying to get to know each other. Kurt was happy that most of the information they revealed was not too deep but enough to where he felt comfortable around the group. On Thursday, he was expected to have a song prepared to ‘audition’ with in front of the rest of the class. As Kurt walked back to Hayden Hall, he thought over what song he could sing.

He was not paying attention when he walked into his suite. So he was surprised when he heard his name and turned to see the three friends looking back at him.

Blaine laughed at the shocked look on his face, “In your own world?” he asked.

Kurt chuckled a bit, “Yeah, I was caught up in the world of song selection. What are you doing?”

Nick and Jeff looked taken back a bit, Kurt wasn’t sure if it was about song selections or him actually talking to them with a smile. After a beat, Jeff spoke, “We were talking about History. Want to join us?”

“As thrilling as history sounds, I really need to go select a song. But when you go down for dinner, let me know and I will come with you.” Kurt said with a smile before retreating to his room. Not out of fear, not ready to be lonely, but determined to find the perfect song. He scoured through his iTunes list, trying to find the perfect song.

Just as he finished downloading the background track for his song a knock sounded at his door.

“Come in,” Kurt called over his shoulder.

Jeff pushed his door open tentatively. “Hey we were heading doing to the dining hall, you coming?” He said looking around the room.

“Yeah, I just need to grab something then I’ll be out.” Kurt said unplugging his phone from his laptop. Jeff left the room as Kurt reached up to grab his speakers and stuff them in his bag.


Kurt was beginning to relax as he sat at a table with Jeff, Nick, and Blaine in the dining hall of Hayden. Kurt picked at his salad listening to the boys telling stories about their old glee club and high school.

“I think the best was the GAP Attack!” Nick gasp through his laughter, “Blaine I have never seen you more embarrassed in all my life.”

“Okay, I hate to interrupt,” Kurt said, trying not to look like he thought the guys were crazy. “But what exactly is a GAP Attack. I mean while I would never be caught dead in anything from there, but I wouldn’t take the time to attack it.”

Jeff answered as Blaine covered his face with his hands, “Last year, Blaine had a crush on an assistant manager at the GAP and decided to serenade him with an inappropriately suggestive song, in the middle of the GAP backed by our acapella choir. It was fun, but man you should have seen poor Blainey when the guy turned him down.”

Kurt’s heart leapt, so not only was Blaine gay or at least bi-sexual, but Nick and Jeff seemed accepting of it. He decided to open himself up a little to them, “Well I told a guy I wanted to sing ‘I Honestly Love You’ to him as a ballad project where we were supposed to sing what we felt about that person. Not only is he straight, but now he is my stepbrother. So don’t feel bad Blaine, you aren’t the only one to make a fool out of yourself over a guy.”

Blaine and Kurt exchanged smiles, before Nick asked, “Any other stories from when you were in Glee?”

Kurt’s face lit up as he talked about his friends. “Well there is an annual tradition where we end up singing an inappropriate song at a school assembly causing a sex riot. Speaking of which, it is about that time of year, I just hope someone takes a video.”

Blaine chuckled, “Does that mean there are videos floating around of you doing these inappropriate songs?”

Kurt blushed a deep crimson. “I have absolutely no idea.”

It wasn’t long before they were finished eating, Kurt excused himself from the other boys. He made his way down to the basement and into one of the few practice rooms down there. This was one of the reasons he had wanted to dorm in Hayden were the practice rooms near the laundry.
Kurt spent an hour practicing his song before heading back to the suite to finish his homework for his morning classes. Nick and Jeff were working on their homework together at the table in the common room when he entered.

“Hey Kurt!” Nick called when he walked through the door.
Kurt smiled at the two boys. “Hey, thanks for inviting me to dinner tonight. I had a lot of fun.”

“We were glad you came. You know you really are a great guy, we should hang out more.” Jeff told Kurt with a smile.

“Yeah, I will have to do that, but I have to finish my homework for class. I’ll see you in tomorrow.”

That night, Kurt felt his loneliness slipping away. It was a good feeling.


Things were looking up for Kurt, he spent Wednesday, when not in class with Jeff, Nick and Blaine. He put off rehearsing for his audition Thursday not wanting to seclude himself again. He even let the other boys watch him as he finished his sketch. They didn’t scoff at his majors, and were actually impressed with the amount of hours and work he had set himself up for. They kept the conversation light, as they all worked on homework together.

After his morning classes Thursday, Kurt knew he desperately needed to run through his audition piece. He hurried back to Hayden, grabbing a cup of yogurt before heading downstairs to the practice rooms. He ate his yogurt quickly as he set up his speakers and found the song on his phone.

He centered himself, preparing himself to sing. Kurt chose Blackbird, because it was a song about rising above struggle. It was something Kurt could really connect to. He thought back to last year and to where he is now. He pushed the buttons and began to play. What he didn’t know, was that someone was watching him from the window in the door.

The last strum of the guitar sounded just as a knock came to the door. Kurt looked up to see Blaine staring back at him. He motioned for the other boy to enter.

“That was amazing Kurt.” Blaine said walking through the door.

“Uh… T-thank you.” Kurt replied trying to hide the way his heart leapt. The more time he spent with Blaine the more his feelings were growing. But he was wary, he didn’t want to ruin something with Blaine or his friends with what he was sure was a silly crush that wouldn’t be reciprocated. He pushed his feelings aside and continued talking. “It is for an audition today in Musical Theatre.”

Blaine smiled an enchanting smile at Kurt, “Well, I personally think that you will do great.”

“What are you doing down here?” Kurt asked, trying hard not to sound rude.

Blaine rubbed the back of his neck, “I was going to use the piano next door to practice a piece but I heard you, well I didn’t know it was you yet, but I heard you singing and I had to see who it was.”

Kurt smiled, trying to hide the blush creeping up his neck. “Thank you again. I should probably go though, it’s a trek to Tisch. So I will see you later, okay?”

Blaine nodded and stepped out of the door to let Kurt through, while he stuffed his phone and speakers back in his bag.

Kurt’s audition went well, it had been a while since he had felt his talent appreciated. He left the theatre with a skip in his step, returning to his dorm. When he walked in, he was greeted by the familiar site of the three boys sitting at the table in the common room.

“Hey, Kurt, how did your audition go?” Blaine asked as soon as he made it through the door.

Jeff and Nick exchanged glances, “What audition?” Nick asked before Kurt could speak.

“It was a mock audition for my Musical Theatre Workshop. And it went great! Professor Hester is passing back our critics on Tuesday, but I think it went well.”

The three sat around talking about their classes, for a while before Blaine spoke up again. “Hey the three of us were planning on going to this Jazz club around the corner tomorrow. It is eighteen and up until eleven, you want to join us?”

Kurt frowned at them, as they all looked expectantly at him. “Sorry, I can’t.”

“Why not?” Blaine asked with a frown of his own.
“I’m not eighteen yet, not until May. I think we can all agree that they will card me.” Kurt said with a smile.

The other boys stared at Kurt for a minute before Nick spoke. “If you are only seventeen, how are you in college yet?”

“I left school early.” Kurt said simply. “but you guys can go without me. I heard they are having a Gay-straight alliance meeting at Brittany Hall tomorrow night, I might go to that.”

Before any other questions could be asked, Kurt excused himself and went to his room. He called his dad that night on Skype to assure him that he was surviving in New York. He wanted to talk to Mercedes or one of the other glee girls to ask for advice on navigating his feelings. Unfortunately, none were on the computer and he was afraid of being over heard by the other boys. Instead, he plunked his earbuds in, lay on his bed and lost himself in thought.


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