Oct. 21, 2011, 11:58 a.m.
Oct. 21, 2011, 11:58 a.m.
They discussed the future, making plans, learning more about what each other wanted in life. Sometimes the conversations frightened Kurt by how real it all seemed. He never would have thought that at seventeen he would be planning a future with someone, especially not one he actually believed they could have. More and more he came to realize that age truly was just a number and it shouldn’t matter that they were young, they just had longer to grow old together. This thought brought a smile to Kurt’s face.
As March and spring break approached, Kurt enlisted Nick and Jeff’s help in distracting Blaine. Blaine’s birthday was March 23rd, the Friday of Spring Break, and Kurt needed at least part of the week to work on Blaine’s present. Fortunately, Nick’s grandparents owned a house in the Hamptons and had offered it to the boys to use. It took a lot of cajoling on everyone’s part to convince Blaine to go and leave Kurt behind.
“Honey, you know that I promised Blythe I would work on our scene, she leaves on Wednesday night to fly to Texas for the weekend to visit her family. I can’t get out of it. This is our mid-term. I will be fine her by myself. Go and have fun.” Kurt urged for what felt like the hundredth time in two weeks. In reality, Kurt’s scene with Blythe was already perfect, but Kurt was great at keeping up the rouse, even enlisting Blythe to fumble through the scene when Blaine came to watch them practice.
“But it won’t be the same without you.” Blaine whined nuzzling into Kurt’s neck. “Think about it, we could trick Nick and Jeff out for the day, and have the whole house to ourselves. Think of all that we could do.”
Kurt moaned, “That is not fair Mr. Anderson. But sexy times will have to wait, I really can’t get away. I’ll make a deal with you, you go and have an amazing time in the Hamptons with Nick and Jeff Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, then come home Thursday and you will be all mine until they get back in on Sunday. I will even plan a special birthday treat for you.”
“But I would rather spend all week with you.” Blaine muttered against Kurt’s neck.
Kurt smiled sadly at him, “I know me too. But I promise next year, I will make sure you have me all of spring break, wherever you want me.”
Blaine smiled, “Well as long as you promise. I really should spend some time with Nick and Jeff, I have been neglecting them as of late. Fine, but I am coming home first thing Thursday morning.”
Kurt did an internal happy dance that his plan was going to work, before kissing Blaine soundly on the lips.
Kurt spent the beginning of spring break enjoying the quiet of the dorms to work on Blaine’s present. Monday he ventured to Mood to find the perfect fabric for an entire outfit for Blaine. He didn’t use the gift card, rather using part of his savings. It felt almost like a dream actually being in the building he had seen so many times of TV.
Kurt work tirelessly perfecting the construction of his design. Perfecting the fit by comparing each piece to things Blaine already owned that he knew fit just right. It was long hard work, but by Wednesday morning everything was finished. Kurt’s first true design was done and ready to be worn by the man he loved. He pressed the lovely garments and gently hung them in a garment bag which he placed in his closet. In 24 hours, Blaine would be back in Kurt’s arms. Kurt used his remaining time alone planning Blaine’s birthday surprise.
By the time Blaine stepped through the door Thursday morning, Kurt’s entire body was thrumming with excitement and nerves. This was the first opportunity he had to make a grand gesture to Blaine. Before Blaine was always surprising Kurt with romantic moments, leaving him feeling oh so special and loved. Now it was finally Kurt’s turn.
“Honey, I’m home.” Blaine called with a laugh as he entered Kurt’s dorm. His breath caught in his throat as he took in the changes to his surroundings. The overhead lights were off, only white Christmas lights handing from the ceiling adding any light to the otherwise windowless common room. The clutter that Blaine knew was left before the three boys left for the Hamptons was gone. Instead a silky red cloth covered the table, flameless tea lights arranged in the middle.
Kurt walked in dressed impeccably in all black except for a red scarf tied around his neck. “Happy Birthday” he all but whispered.
The smile that broke out on Blaine’s face as he crossed the room engulfing Kurt in his arms, was all Kurt needed to know he had done well.
“I know your birthday isn’t really until tomorrow, but I couldn’t have you stay away longer than I needed to get everything done. So I thought we could start celebrating early.” Kurt told him, leading Blaine back to the table and sitting him in a chair. “First, I need to go get your present then we are going out.”
Blaine sat staring at Kurt’s door as he walked back into his room, returning with a black garment bag. “Open it.” Kurt said anxiously.
Kurt held his breath as he watched Blaine slowly raise the zipper on the garment bag revealing its contents. First Blaine pulled out the jade green vest with silver accents Kurt had worked so hard on. Next he pulled out the grey shirt, followed by the black pants with subtle green and silver accents. “Did you get these from Carla’s?” Blaine asked, “They are fantastic.”
Kurt was surprised to feel the blush rise up on his cheeks. “No, you are the proud owner of the first pieces of Kurt Hummel’s as yet unnamed line.”
“What? Really?” Blaine exclaimed. “Kurt these are wonderful! I am so proud to wear these. When anyone asks, I am going to love telling them my wonderfully talented, not to mention loving, gorgeous, sexy boyfriend mad them for me.”
Blaine pulled Kurt into a long tight embrace before meeting his lips in a kiss. Reluctantly Kurt pulled away, “Now go change, I have plans for you.”
Kurt was pleased with how perfectly Blaine’s outfit fit him, silently congratulating himself on the first phase completed fantastically. He led Blaine out into New York City. Kurt had researched the best cheap restaurants and found a small sushi place on the lower east side that would be perfect. They would have missed the little whole in the wall if Kurt hadn’t known exactly where to look. They shared various rolls in the quiet atmosphere before enjoying free coconut ice cream when Kurt mentioned it was Blaine’s birthday.
They spent the rest of the day watching street performers and visiting museums, before heading back to the dorms. The day was perfect, romantic and Kurt’s wallet was only $40 lighter. As they walked through Washington Square Park, Blaine tugged Kurt to sit down on a bench.
“Kurt today has been wonderful. I don’t think I have ever had a better birthday.” He said leaning his head on Kurt’s shoulder.
“Well it isn’t over yet, we still have all weekend alone.” Kurt said kissing the top of his head.
“I wanted to talk to you about something.” Blaine surprised Kurt by saying.
“We are both taking summer school and… Nick and Jeff are going back to Ohio for the summer.” Kurt nodded not sure where this conversation was going. “And next year we have to move out of Hayden since it is only for Freshmen.” Kurt knew this too. “Kurt, I want to share a dorm with you this summer and next year.” Blaine finished flatly, as if afraid Kurt would say no.
Kurt took a moment to think. If he was honest with himself, he was relieved Blaine had said something. Kurt wanted nothing more than to not have to part with Blaine even to sleep. On the other hand, they had only been together five months. “Yeah, okay… me too.” Kurt blurted.
“Okay?” Blaine asked finally looking at Kurt again.
“Okay. Let’s do it. I mean, I love you Blaine and I meant what I said before. I will always love you. And to be able to spend our nights together… yes, I want nothing more.” Kurt said, tears forming in his eyes.
Blaine’s smile widened, “Great, oh my god Kurt, this is great. I love you. Now let’s go back to your room.”
The rest of the weekend the two never left the dorm room, except when hunger for food became too overpowering. Then they only left long enough to grab a bite to eat from the cafeteria before heading back up stairs. It was with a little heartache they accepted Nick and Jeff back on Sunday. They spent the day celebrating Blaine’s birthday with their friends.
Sunday they also learned Kurt would be seeing his friends in about six weeks, the New Directions had won Regionals earning them a spot at Nationals. Monday as soon as the housing office was open Kurt and Blaine entered hand in hand, to place their request for a room together for summer session in Hayden, and another for the next year. Smiles on their faces, they both felt excited at this new development.