Oct. 21, 2011, 11:58 a.m.
Oct. 21, 2011, 11:58 a.m.
As January melted into February, Kurt finally voiced his fears. “Blaine, I’m sorry we can’t go out and do more. I know that this is not the way you want to spend your Friday night.” Kurt murmured while completing yet another blind hem for class on Monday.
Blaine’s eyes met his, Kurt was surprised to see an amused smile brighten them. “I’m here with you, where else would I want to be?”
Kurt shrugged, “I don’t know… Nick and Jeff went to that club, I’m sure that would be more entertaining than sitting here watching me sew… all night… again.”
Blaine stood up and crosses Kurt’s dorm room, and wrapped him in his arms. “There is nowhere else I would rather be than with you. It doesn’t matter to me if we have a fancy night out on the town, or sit in silence while you study. Plus I like watching you sew, the deep concentration… it’s mesmerizing to watch. I can’t wait to watch you create something fabulous. Besides, I love just being with you, I like that we can just be content being in the same room, not even having to say anything.”
Kurt gave him a shy smile, “Well, when you put it that way… I love you.”
A little over a week later, Blaine bounced into Kurt’s dorm room as he was memorizing lines for a scene for acting class, startling the young man. “Blaine! What are you doing?” He asked with a laugh.
“Tuesday, your last class is over at noon right?” was Blaine’s only response as he grabbed Kurt around the waist.
Kurt suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, “Yes, Blaine, it has been all semester, why?”
With a huge grin, Blaine said, “It’s Valentine’s Day silly, I have plans for us… big secret plans. I just wanted to make sure you would be there for them, it wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Kurt’s face fell a bit, “Blaine, you know I don’t have the money…”
But Blaine cut him off with a kiss. “I know, I don’t want a present… I just want to spend the day with you. I have the best idea for the perfect, cheap day for us… are you in?” Blaine turned his puppy dog eyes on Kurt and began nuzzling his nose into Kurt’s neck causing him to giggle.
“Fine, but for now would you help me run these lines?” Kurt said before handing a script over to Blaine. They worked the rest of the afternoon making sure Kurt was ready for his next scene in acting class.
Tuesday morning, Kurt made sure to dress ready for a day out for his boyfriend. He donned black skinny jeans and a tight red shirt. Feeling well put together, he made his way out to the common room to find Nick and Jeff gathering their things for their own day of classes. “Hey, Blaine and I are going out after classes, don’t be alarmed if I don’t come back tonight, I may crash in his dorm.” He warned his sometimes over protective roommates.
He noticed the two exchanging knowing smiles before Nick responded, “We figured as much. Have fun today.”
Kurt’s classes seemed to creep by that day, he still had no better idea what Blaine had in-store for them. Blaine hadn’t been at breakfast this morning, but Jeff explained that he was ‘finalizing details’ as Kurt sat down to his bowl of fresh fruit. When his math teacher finally dismissed them for the day, Kurt barely held in his sigh of relief and quickly made his way back to his dorm. When he entered Hayden hall, Kurt was pleasantly surprised to find Blaine waiting in the lobby for him.
“Hello gorgeous!” Blaine exclaimed, greeting Kurt with a soft loving kiss. “Ready for our grand day out?”
Kurt blushed, cursing himself for the giddy feeling Blaine could still elicit from him after all these months together with a simple comment. “Always… I am always ready to spend some time with you.” He said with a shy smile filled with all his love for the other boy.
Blaine grabbed his hand and led him back out into the cold February day. As they made their way to the train station, Blaine explained a little of his plan. “I brought some soup to eat on the subway, a light lunch to hold us both over for later.” He said patting his satchel.
Kurt still not one for riding the subway, having little need to go anywhere outside of walking distance to campus, squeezed Blaine’s hand a little anxiously. “Where are we going that we need to ride the subway?” he asked, hoping his fear was not evident in his voice.
“Brooklyn, that is all you will get out of me right now. But I promise, it will be worth it.” The subway ride was much better than Kurt thought it would be. Blaine’s presence and the warm vegetable soup he was sipping on were wonderful distractions from the closed in feeling of the subway. When they finally emerged topside, in what Kurt could only assume to be Brooklyn, Kurt noticed Blaine take a moment to look around his surroundings, obviously trying to get his bearings.
“This way.” He said with a smile taking Kurt’s hand again and leading them toward a mass of storefronts. After a few blocks of taking in the assortment of businesses lining the street, the pair stopped in front of a small store with blacked out window’s reading: ‘Carla’s Classic Clothes’. Kurt shot Blaine a confused look before being led into the surprisingly bright interior. Instead of natural light streaming in through the windows, bright lights flooded the space, which was filled with racks and racks of vintage designer clothes. Kurt’s breath held for a moment as he took in his surroundings. Blaine broke him from his amazement saying, “My mom told me about this place, and I just knew you would love it. You are going to pick out an entire outfit for both of us.”
“Blaine… really?” Kurt could only whisper.
Kurt started looking through the racks, sneaking glances at the price tag. He nearly screamed when he saw how low the prices really were. It seemed here he could really get an entire outfit for less than a hundred dollars. His excitement renewed he began pulling pieces for both him and Blaine to try on. The woman working the store, Carla herself, gladly set up dressing rooms for the two men. Kurt was careful to explain which looks were for which man. Blaine beamed watching his boyfriend happily sort through the clothes.
Kurt insisted on Blaine trying on his outfits first, carefully detailing which pieces should go together. He sat and watched his boyfriend model each look, his happy smile never leaving his face. Kurt knew shopping was not one of Blaine’s favorite activities, but nevertheless, he seemed to be enjoying himself immensely. What Kurt didn’t know, was that his own joy was fueling Blaine. He hadn’t seen him look this relaxed and happy in almost a month. While trying on the clothes was fun too, what really gave Blaine his smile, was watching the fun it gave to Kurt.
Together they chose an outfit for Blaine, grey fitted slacks, a purple and grey plaid fitted shirt, purple suspenders and bowtie, and Black wing tipped shoes. It was the perfect mix of Blaine’s style with a touch of classic Kurt thrown in. Blaine was surprised how much he liked the entire look.
Then it was Kurt’s turn to model for his boyfriend. As he showed each completed look, he couldn’t help but explain each piece and what drew him to it. There were so many things he had seen online, or in vintage issues of Vogue and other fashion magazines Kurt had collected over the years, that Kurt couldn’t contain his excitement in seeing them and wearing them. Finally it was decided that they would buy a pair of tight pants that buckled up the entire length of each leg, paired with a fitted white shirt under a blacked corseted vest. In place of a tie, Kurt found a broach of a dagger cut from a beautiful blue stone. He also found a new pair of knee high boots, these with buckles instead of laces.
Just as they were about to check out, still wearing their finds, Kurt noticed Carla about to throw out what he knew was a piece from Alexander McQueen’s first line. It was a � length black coat with skull detailing on the buttons and lapel. Kurt knew this was a rare find and couldn’t image why she wasn’t attempting to sell it. “Excuse me, how much for the coat?” he couldn’t help but ask.
“I can’t sell this, the lining is almost completely ripped out.” She answered almost sadly.
“So you are just going to throw it away?”
She shot him a disbelieving look, “I have to, no one wants a coat like that.”
“If you are just going to throw it out, may I have it?” He asked almost sure that she would say no.
“Knock yourself out.” Was all she said as she handed him the coat before giving the total to Blaine. For $150, the two were completely outfitted in beautiful designer clothes.
Kurt practically skipped out of the store carrying a bag full of his old clothes and the wonderful find of a coat. He spun on Blaine as soon as the door shut behind them. “I can’t believe that place. Blaine, do you know that his coat alone could sell on e-bay for thousands of dollars? And I got it for free, with this class I can easily fix the coat… did you see the lining, it is silk with McQueen’s signature skulls! This was the most amazing shopping trip ever. Thank you! I have to come back here. I can buy a whole outfit for the price I would normally pay for one scarf.”
Blaine beamed at his boyfriend. “God, I love you. I love how excited you get about things. I am glad I have been able to give this to you. Now come on, time for dinner.” They walked around Brooklyn a little longer before they found a small basement restaurant. Even though it was Valentine’s day, it was still pretty early and the place was only sprinkled with a few couples. The restaurant was dimly lit with only the candle on the tables illuminating each couples faces. It felt intimate. Fresh garlic bread lay on the table, which they shared as they decided on what to eat. Kurt let all thought of calories, fat and cholesterol leave his mind as he ordered, wanting only to savor the feel and flavor of the evening. They talked quietly, holding hands as they ate.
“This has been… wonderful.” Kurt told Blaine squeezing his hand.
“I always want to keep that smile on your face, Kurt Hummel. Always”
They shared a slice of cherry cheesecake for dessert. Kurt gazed into Blaine’s eyes as he fed him another bite of cheesecake. He thought about everything: the day, the small moments they had shared together since October, how Blaine made him feel in every way, his mind body and soul. In that moment, Kurt knew he never wanted anything else. Fame and prestige meant nothing to him, if Blaine was not by his side. He knew that no matter what life threw at them, the stress of school, career, people’s hatred, they meant nothing as long as he had Blaine.
Blaine startled him out of his reflection, “Penny for your thoughts.” He said swiping his thumb along Kurt’s cheek.
“I just love you… completely. I never thought I would feel this way about anyone. I never thought anyone could love me like you do.” Blaine started to interrupt, but Kurt silenced him with a squeeze of his hand and a look. Knowing Kurt was not finished, Blaine fell back into silence. “This isn’t about today, or this silly holiday… it’s just you. I know it may seem soon… and if you don’t feel the same, that’s fine… but I never want to let this… us… go. You told me always… and I mean always… I will always love you because I can’t imagine a day in my life without you in it. I don’t want to fathom a life not loving you. I am yours completely forever and always Blaine Anderson. Even if you decide you don’t want me you will always have my heart.”
Blaine closed the space between the two, and just as their lips brushed together he whispered, “Never, Kurt. There will never be a time in this world where I will not want you. I love you, and the only way that will change is I love you more and more each moment. Always and forever.” They closed the space, connecting their lips. The kiss was not different from the many they shared before, but each felt the power behind it, the love and commitment the other felt. While to an outside observer it was just like any other kiss, they knew it was deeper, making this moment last forever.
Hand in hand they made their way back to NYU, both knowing that their relationship had changed. A step had been taken forward, and neither ever wanted to look back.