Not Following the Rules.
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Not Following the Rules. : Chapter 4

T - Words: 3,338 - Last Updated: Jan 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Jan 29, 2012
1,676 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Okay, here is another chapter. PLEASE let me know what you think. I was feeling kind of stuck on how to get where I wanted to go. I think that it turned out pretty good, but I am still not 100% sure. So let me know what you think.
Kurt began to stir, snuggling into the warmth surrounding him. In his sleep-hazed state, it took him a moment to understand what was different. His pillow was slowly rising and falling, and the warmth pulled him closer to the source. He slowly opened his eyes and drank in the sight before him. His head was resting on a broad chest, his hand clutching at the shirt covering it. Blaine. The night before came flooding back to him and he couldn’t help but smile thinking about the amazing night. He moved slowly to glance at the clock, startled to see it was almost seven. He extracted himself from Blaine’s hold, gathered some clothes, and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower.

Once Kurt was dressed, and his hair styled, he crept back into his bedroom. He stood for a moment, watching Blaine sleeping in his bed. His heart picked up pace, partly in fear at how quickly things were moving, but mostly in excitement at the vision of Blaine’s rumpled state in a space that was purely Kurt’s. He made his way back over to the bed and sat carefully down. Kurt reached out and brushed the curls off Blaine’s forehead. “Blaine, sweetie, it’s time to get up,” he spoke softly.

Blaine opened one eye, “Sweetie?” he asked smiling.

“Shut up…” Kurt grumbled, inwardly berating himself for using the term of endearment.

Before Kurt knew what was happening Blaine’s arms were snaking around his waist pulling him closer. “No, I liked it… don’t worry so much Kurt, I’m not going anywhere… unless you want me to, but I really hope you don’t want me to.”

Kurt’s heart eased and he smiled down and Blaine, “The only place I want you to go right now, is the shower so we won’t be late.”

“But your bed is so comfy, why don’t you come back and we can cuddle for a while.” Blaine whined.

Kurt just shook his head, “No time, but if you get up, I will make us breakfast while you get ready.”

“Breakfast sound nice,” Blaine told him, and began to untangle himself from the covers.

Once Blaine was in the bathroom, Kurt examined the contents of his fridge. There wasn’t much there, as he really needed to run to the store, but he found the basics for a quick, easy breakfast. He started bacon in one pan and began whisking eggs while another pan heated. He was just taking toast out of the toaster, when Blaine walked in wrapping him once again in his arms.

“Good morning.” Blaine whispered in his ear before placing a kiss there. “I’m not a morning person, at least until I shower, that usually helps to wake me up.”

Kurt turned around, kissed him before replying, “Then you may want to rethink this thing with me, I have never really been one to sleep in.”

“Then I will have to learn to adjust.” Blaine stated plainly.

Kurt couldn’t hide the smile as he turned around to grab the plates, “Breakfast is served.”

Blaine looked down at the scrambled eggs and toast, before picking up the bright red strip lying between them. “Kurt, what is this?” he asked eyeing it suspiciously.

“Veggie bacon… just give it a chance, it’s actually really good.” Kurt urged him.

Blaine didn’t look as if he believed him, “It looks like a dog treat.”

Kurt sighed, this was not a new problem for him, so many people side-eyed his healthy eating habits. “I know, but it is better for you than the real thing.” Kurt paused for a moment, and then decided that if this was going to work out between Blaine and him, he would have to start working on total honesty. “I have always been a healthy eater, but after my dad’s heart attack, I started doing research on heart healthy foods. I made sure that my dad ate better, and I really began working on making sure I did as well. My dad was only in his 40’s and had already had a heart attack; I didn’t want to end up the same way.”

Blaine set down his plate and took him in his arms again, “Kurt, I am glad you take care of yourself. I will try it, but I can’t promise not to eat the real thing ever again.”

This made Kurt laugh, “And I wouldn’t expect you to, I myself do indulge occasionally, after all it is a lot more expensive to eat healthily. Just the last time I was at the store, the veggie bacon was on sale. I have learned moderation is the key.”

They ate breakfast together, never running out of anything new to say. Before heading out the door, Kurt fixed them each a travel mug of coffee and refilled two water bottles as well. They held hands, talking and laughing as they set out on the New York streets towards the theatre. As they neared their destination, Blaine turned to Kurt a contemplative look on his face, “If you still want to keep this from Nick and Wes, we should probably part here, or you know at least stop holding hands, I think they would notice.”

Kurt was reluctant to let go, but knew he would always second-guess himself if the directors found out about his… relationship (?) with Blaine before they made a casting decision. “You are probably right. But soon, that won’t matter anymore… thank you for being so understanding about this.”

Blaine placed his free hand on Kurt’s cheek, cupping it lightly. “It’s going to be harder today, not talking to you, or touching you. But seeing you happy… totally worth it.” Blaine leaned in and took Kurt’s breath away with soft but passionate kiss. “Last one before you go in there and seal the deal.” He whispered, resting his forehead against Kurt’s.

“Don’t jinx it,” Kurt exclaimed pulling away, lightly tapping Blaine on the arm in chastisement. “For all you know the dozen people who come in today, could just blow me out of the water.”

Blaine shook his head, “Never, I have never met a more talented man in my life; they would be crazy not to hire you.”

Kurt blushed, this was getting to be a bad habit to fall back into, “Come on, sweet talker, or we’ll be late.”

They walked into the theatre together, though not holding hands. The lobby was filled with a few people, all in varying degrees of nervousness. Blaine continued into the theatre, without another word, as Kurt made his way over to a calmer DeAnne. “Good Morning,” he greeted her with a smile. “Where do you need me?”

She looked at him, he could tell she was trying to place him for a moment. When realization came to her eyes, she smiled, “Kurt, right? You can just wait in Green Room 2, I will come and get you when we need you.”

Kurt spent the morning, talking to Celia. He really liked her, she was spunky, and while extremely talented, she was not full of herself. She was from Texas, recently graduated from college and immediately moved to New York. She had been dealing with rejection as well, which as horrible as if sounded, made Kurt feel better about his own failures. Around noon, DeAnne came in asking for Celia, so Kurt was left to entertain himself while he waited.

Half an hour later, a very bored Kurt was brought out of his musings by the sight of Blaine walking into the green room. “Hey, Nick and Wes asked me to come and get you,” he said in a low voice.

Kurt just smiled at him, resisting the urge to grab the inviting hand hanging at Blaine’s side, and sauntered out the door teasingly. He chanced a glance over his shoulder, to see Blaine smiling, shaking his head. Kurt still had a laugh caught in his throat, when he made his way into the theatre to where the two directors were sitting.

“Kurt,” Wes greeted him, “I am so sorry, but we won’t be needing you to read today.”

Kurt tried to hide his disappointment and answered, “No problem.”

“But we really wanted to talk to you before letting you go.” Kurt’s heart sank; he really had thought he had a chance for this. At least he hadn’t quit his job yet, he thought. “We wanted to offer you a place in the company.”

Kurt could hardly believe his ears. Wes and Nick smiled at the disbelieving look on Kurt’s face. “Really? That’s great.” Kurt managed to say through his shock.

It was Nick who answered, “Yes, we were really impressed by your audition, and wanted to offer you a spot as one of our Principle Actors.” Seeing Kurt’s confusion, he continued to explain. “As a Principle company member you will be guaranteed a major role in each production. Now, they may not always be the lead, but they will at least be supporting roles. The season we are planning is three shows a year, with a ten week run; Wednesday through Sunday with matinees on Saturday and Sunday, each play will rehearse during the week for six weeks. It’s is a pretty full schedule, but we have built in a week off time between each show, with an extra week in the summer.” Kurt could hardly take it all in, it seemed too good to be true. “Now we are asking that you sign a two-year contract, with a renewal bonus if you resign with us before your contract it up.” Nick then handed Kurt a stack of papers, which Kurt noticed was an actual contract. This was really happening.

Wes then told him, “We would like to have the first read through on Wednesday, you can just bring the contract in then, if everything seems in order. If you want to discuss it, just call us and we will make time to meet with you before Wednesday.”

Everything was catching up with Kurt; principle cast, three shows a year, vacations, a contract, Wednesday read-through. This was real… he had finally made it as an actor. “What’s the show?” Kurt asked trying hard to keep his voice steady.

“Assassins, we wanted to start out with something that isn’t over done.” Nick told him, and Kurt nodded.

“We would like to offer you the roles of the Balladeer and Lee Harvey Oswald.” Wes clarified.

“Oh my god!” Kurt exclaimed, barely containing a hint of professionalism. The Balladeer sang most of the songs and Oswald was one of the more dramatic characters. He only had one scene, but it was amazing. “That is awesome, I would love… love to do it.”

“Great then, we will see you on Wednesday. Congratulations, we can’t wait to work with you.” Wes told him, his grin matched on Nick’s face.

“Thank you so much. This… this means so much to me. Thank you.” Kurt told them both shaking their hands. As he turned to leave, he saw Blaine standing at the edge of the stage, clearly anxious to find out what they were discussing. He had a small smile on his face, as if he could tell it was good news just from the three men’s mannerisms. Kurt couldn’t contain it anymore, he rushed over exclaiming, “I did it Blaine! I’m in!” He then grabbed Blaine’s face and pulled him into an excitable kiss, not even thinking about who was around.

Blaine chuckled, bringing Kurt into a hug, “That’s great, Kurt, but I’m assuming that you are okay with telling our friends about us now?”

Kurt’s face heated up as he turned around to find Nick and Wes staring at them with looks of equal shock and amusement. “But what exactly do we tell them?” Kurt whispered.

“That I’m your boyfriend?” Blaine shrugged, “I mean if you want, I’m not planning of dating anyone else.” Kurt could see a blush creeping up Blaine’s cheeks.

“Yeah… alright.” Kurt smiled at him, kissing him softly before turning back to Nick and Wes, who were making their way down the aisle.

“So this is the reason you have been grinning like an idiot all week?” Nick asked giving Blaine a pointed stare.

“Yes.” Blaine stated simply.

“Sorry, I made him promise not to say anything,” Kurt defended.

Wes shrugged. “That is understandable, I guess.”

“So, I guess you guys know my boyfriend,” Blaine’s grin grew exponentially. “Kurt.”

They both shook their heads at Blaine’s goofy love struck expression. “Get out of here you two, go celebrate.” Nick told them, clapping his friend on the back.

As they made their way out of the theatre, hand in hand, Kurt turned to Blaine, “Let’s go out and celebrate tonight, I’ll call Mike and Tina, Brit and Santana and we can meet at the piano bar?”

Kurt could see Blaine struggling with something, “I was thinking we could celebrate now.”

“Well, we could…” Kurt then shot Blaine his flirtiest smile, “but I was thinking, I could go home, and pack a bag, then meet you at your apartment to drop it off before we go to the bar. We can celebrate with my friends, and then I could spend the night at my boyfriend’s house. I mean… if you want to?”

Kurt could see the wheels turning in Blaine’s head, before his face split into that mesmerizing smile. “That sounds like an excellent idea.”

They walked in comfortable silence until they needed to split up to go to their separate apartments. Kurt turned towards Blaine, ignoring the people rushing around them. “I’ll meet you are your place at seven?”

“Seven.” Blaine whispered before another kiss.

Once Kurt finally pulled back, he said, stroking Blaine’s cheek, “I have to go if I am going to call everyone, but more later I promise.”

“Later… bye Kurt.” Blaine told him.

Kurt nearly flew back to his apartment, his feet barely touching the ground. He could go into the office and quit his job on Monday. He was going to be starring in a fantastic musical. He was falling in love with an amazing man. That thought gave him pause as he walked up the stairs to his apartment. He was falling in love, and as scary as the prospect was, he couldn’t really be more happy about it. And that realization made him break out in an even bigger smile.

He called Mike as soon as he stepped in the door, thankfully he was just leaving the theatre. He agreed immediately to meet them that night, and not tell Tina he had been offered a position with the theatre, just that he wanted to get together with them. Brittany was next on his call list, luckily Santana was not dancing until around eleven so they both could make it.

Once the plans for the evening were confirmed, Kurt turned to his computer. Logging on he saw that his dad was already signed into Skype. When Kurt first left for New York, he made sure that his father could use the computer so they could talk as face to face as possible. Now whenever he was home, he signed into Skype so that he could talk with his son. Kurt sat in the floor in front of his coffee table and made sure he was in view of the camera before ringing his dad in Lima.

It took a few rings before Burt’s face appeared on Kurt’s screen. “Hey kiddo, what’s up?” Kurt could hear his stepbrother whooping in the background and Burt craned his neck trying to see into the living room.

“Hey dad, you busy?” Kurt asked, hoping that whatever his dad was doing could wait.

Burt turned back to the computer and smiled, “Just watching the Buckeyes with Finn. They’re really kicking ass. How are you kid?”

“Great, amazing! Hey do you think Finn and Carole would come to the computer, I have something to tell you.” Kurt beamed when he saw the happiness in his father’s eyes.

“Sure.” He said before calling the others into the room. Soon Carole’s sweet face, and Finn’s goofy grin joined his father crowded together on the laptop screen.

After each offered their greeting, Kurt told them, “I have some good news.” He paused as he deliberated what he should tell them first, the company or Blaine. “Okay, so first… I’ve met someone. He’s a great guy, he teaches music and glee at an arts school here. He’s name is Blaine.” His family smiled and told him how great that was, but looked confused to why he would call to tell them this; he was usually so quiet about his love life. (Mainly because it was fairly quiet to begin with.) “Any way, he told me about this audition for a theatre company… and I got it. I am one of their new principle company members!” Kurt squealed. After a beat, his family joined in asking questions over each other.

“Right now this means two things; Monday I will be quitting my job, which is great, I have been waiting for this since I started. But it also I won’t be able to come home for Christmas; The first show opens in December, but if you come here I will make sure you have great tickets to my show.”

His family’s proud faces, was enough to finally make this seem real and not an amazing dream. After a few more minutes of catching up, Kurt said goodbye to them and went to pick out an outfit for the evening. He sang lightly to himself as he meticulously put together the perfect outfit. He really hadn’t been able to show off his impeccable fashion sense to Blaine. When they met, Kurt was dressed for the part of escort for the girls. The last two days, he was trying to be professional and castable. Now, he was going to show off his best assets, and his eye for fashion.

The perfect outfit chosen, and his overnight bag packed, Kurt sat down and read over the contract. He had already skimmed through it and eyed the calendar included as he talked to Mike and Brit, but know he looked at it more in depth. He knew he wanted to do this anyway, but seeing the fair terms and the generous compensation laid out in the contract, made the choice easier.

At a 6:30, Kurt looked over himself once more, his outfit was flawless, and his hair had cooperated after his shower. Excitement was welling up within him as he smoothed down his vest one more time to eliminate nonexistent wrinkles. His bag in hand, he left for the night, securing the door behind him. On the way to Blaine’s, Kurt popped into a small drugstore. He didn’t know what supplies Blaine may have on hand, but he wanted to make sure they were prepared for whatever may happen after leaving his friends. Blushing he paid for the items, stuffed them in the bottom of his bag and heading back out.

As he closed the distance between him and Blaine’s apartment, Kurt couldn’t help but think about what a change his life had made in the last week. Any other Saturday night he would be heading to a gig, ready to convince himself that the job was worth it to stay in New York with the slim chance of making it. If he was lucky, a night might include dinner with Brittany and Santana, they were the closest friends he had in the city. He would have gone home, his only companion, his own hands. Now, he was finally going to be an actor in New York, and while it might not be Broadway, it was a hell of a lot closer than the bumping and grinding of before. Tonight, he would get to see Mike and Tina again, whom he had missed so much since leaving Ohio, plus Brittany and Santana would be there, not to mention his boyfriend. And with all this, the prospect, of connecting with Blaine on a deeper level, to lavish affection on that amazing man and have it returned, well it almost seemed like a fantasy.

End Notes: AN2, I'm sorry for ending it here, I needed to break it up. I will try my hardest to get the next chapter up ASAP (read that as before the weekend is through, unless I don't get it in before Sunday in which case, sorry) Someone asked for some angst, there will be some conflict later, but my fluff lovers have no fear. Let me know what you thought.


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I am continuing to love this story. Can't wait for more... Have you said how many chapters it may be?

I'm not really sure, probably at least 3 more chapters, but it was originally was supposed to be a one shot, two shot at most. However, it has been expanding, so I will write I guess until I feel it is complete. I really like their dynamic though, so who knows :)