Not Following the Rules.
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Not Following the Rules. : Chapter 2

T - Words: 4,920 - Last Updated: Jan 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 18/18 - Created: Dec 05, 2011 - Updated: Jan 29, 2012
1,829 0 2 0 0

Kurt wakes up early Friday morning, wanting plenty of time to fully prepare himself for the day. His vocal audition is at 11:00. He was lucky enough to secure a space on the first day of open calls. He left the hot water of the shower rush over him as he thinks back to Saturday night. He could never call Saturday night perfect, not by any means, but it certainly made the top five best nights of his life. (Busted nose notwithstanding.) The kiss. Some people claim to see fireworks a grand display of feelings when kissing that perfect person. But if Kurt had to describe that kiss… not fireworks, but more like if every nerve in his body was suddenly alive and seeking attention. It was simple, rather chaste by today’s standards, but Kurt was still left feeling breathless, but… alive.

As they had pulled away from each other, Kurt saw his own blush mirrored on Blaine’s face. He chuckled a bit before gently placing the ice pack back on Kurt’s busted nose. They talked a bit longer, before noticing the lateness of the hour. After exchanging phone numbers, Kurt walked Blaine to his door. Oh how he wanted to pull Blaine into another kiss, but something held him back. They parted.

The next day Blaine texted Kurt all the information for the audition. Since then they had been exchanging random texts throughout the day. The subjects ranged from random observances to Kurt freaking out about his audition.

On Monday, Kurt dropped off his paperwork with the agency. He also needed to report the incident at Santana and Brittany’s gig. They had sent him to the doctor, to make sure they were covered incase anything turned out to be wrong with his nose. There wasn’t, as Kurt had suspected all along. He still looked awful though. Not only was his nose swollen, but he had two black eyes despite the arnica he had applied the last two days.

Since then Kurt had been tirelessly working on song selection and trying make himself look less like an albino raccoon. Slowly he found two contrasting pieces to use for his audition, and slowly the bruises began to fade.

Now, Kurt was trying to slough off the nerves and energize himself. The shower was helping, but he needed to move. As he stepped out of the shower, he noticed the darkness around his eyes was finally gone. He carefully styled his hair, before dressing in the outfit it had taken him all week to prepare. As he stood in front of his full length mirror, his hair slightly messy, but expertly so, in his black skinny jeans, with fitted t-shirt and black finely tailored vest, he felt ready. Ready, not only for his audition, but even for his date with Blaine. He threw dance clothes and shoes in his bag, along with a bottle of water, and set out, wanting to arrive early.

Kurt had an extra spring in his step as he walked the several blocks that lay between him and the small theatre. It wasn’t Broadway, but it could be a company position. This meant if he actually got this, he would be making steady money, he could quit dancing, he would have really made it was an actor in New York City. He had long ago quit sharing with his family and friends about his ‘next big audition’, so many times having to relay to everyone that he once again hadn’t been cast. The only person who knew about this possibly life changing day was Blaine. Blaine… so many days Kurt had spent thinking about that man. A man who under normal circumstances he wouldn’t have given a chance. Kurt never thought he might be happy about breaking his own personal rules, but he was beginning to think that this once that might have been the best decision of his life. Not solely because of this chance that now lay before him, but because they just seemed to click in a way he never had before with another guy.

He still has the hop in his step that he has had since Saturday as he rounds steps into the theatre lobby. The lobby is pretty full with people in different forms of dress. Some are clearly ready to dance, while others are dressed nicely with sheet music clutched in their hands. A petite woman with a dark pixie cut is standing next to the theatre doors with a shiny red clipboard in her hands. She looks like she is in charge of things, surveying the crowd and glancing at some sort of list. Kurt approaches her with a smile. “Hello, my name is Kurt Hummel, are you who I should be checking in with?”

She smiles back, but it seems a little forced and harried, “Yes, I’m DeAnne, let’s see.” She runs her finger down the list of names, “Ah yes, you have the 11:00 spot. They are actually running ahead of schedule right now, there is just one person in front of you. Have a seat and I will call your name when they are ready.”

Kurt wasn’t expecting that, usually these things run behind schedule, but he can’t help feel excited he is about to perform. He takes out his resume, headshot and sheet music which are all neatly arranged in a folder. He can hardly sit still, he is on edge but in the best way possible. He can almost feel the possibilities that lay before him. Another name is called and Kurt can no longer sit in his seat, he paces the lobby, earning him glares from various people undoubtedly exacerbating their nervousness. Kurt is not nervous though, he is purely excited.

When DeAnne calls his name, he has to force himself not to bound over to her, but walk with grace and dignity. She asks for his resume and headshot before leading him into the theatre itself. The space while not as grand as say the Gershwin, is charming, harkening back to the heyday of the theatre. The walls are covered in red velvet curtains, matching the ones framing the stage itself. The stage is large and bare, save for a lone piano and thrusts out into the audience. An orchestra pit is set off to the sides of the stage. The black palette calls to Kurt, his mind fills with the plethora of things he could do with that space, the people he could become, the stories he could tell.

DeAnne instructs him to take his place on the mark center stage and wait for the director. As he steps foot on the stage, it feels like coming home. It had been months since Kurt landed an audition, months since he really sang. Just as he steps on the red x taped on the floor, a voice floats up to him. “Alright Kurt, our accompanist should be back in a moment. My name is Wes Montgomery, this is my partner Nick Duvall. I see you work for NYC Entertainment. Can you tell me a bit about them? I’m afraid I am not familiar with them.”

Kurt knew this was coming, directors either immediately recognized the company (which Kurt thought made them hypocritical if they couldn’t at least give him a shot.) or asked about it then shut down with their prejudice. “They are a agency that hires out dancers.” Kurt answered simply.

“Oh, like for chorus work? You haven’t listed the shows they have used you for.” Wes inquired further.

Kurt shook his head slowly, “No, dancers as in exotic dancers, strippers.” Then he decided to make him understand. “But can I tell you it is as much an acting job as any role I have ever had. Especially when I started, I was never one to just show off my body, I have to become someone else just to get through a gig. And to be completely honest, I want to stop, I don’t want to have to do it anymore, but you know right now it pays the bills.”

Wes nodded, but then seemed to brighten, “Alright, it looks like Blaine is back, if you would just hand him your sheet music and we see what you can do.”

Kurt’s heart stopped, Blaine was not a common name, and he knew that he was friends with at least one of these men. Sure enough, Kurt turned and saw Blaine sliding onto the bench behind the piano. He tried his best to maintain his cool, only glaring a moment at Blaine when he was sure the directors couldn’t see. Kurt also tried to ignore the eyebrow raise Blaine gave when seeing the title of his first piece of music. Since the audition was for a company member position and not a certain role, he had been asked to prepare two contrasting pieces. This Kurt could do. He went back to his mark and waited for the directors attention.

“When you are ready.” The other man, Nick called out.

Kurt took one final breath to center himself before beginning his first song. “I've got thirty-six expressions Sweet as pie to tough as leather And that's six expressions more then all them, heh, Barrymores put together.” He saw the two men exchange curious glances. He was going to prove himself to these men. Kurt was tired of people brushing him off, for what… having a unique voice, being proud of who he is, for doing what he had to to get by in this big city. Kurt wasn’t going to stand for it any more. He let the song flow through him, using every bit of stage that he could. He varied his posture, embodying every line.

He could see a group of people in the wings out of the corner of his eye, knowing they would just barely be visible to the men in the directors he shot his line, “No Autographs please,” at them. Wes and Nick’s faces were no longer skeptical, but pleasantly surprised. Kurt couldn’t see Blaine’s face as he was sitting with his back to the stage. Kurt wanted to know what he thought, but there was no time to dwell on that, he had an audience to please.

The men laughed when they were supposed to, he had them, Kurt knew they saw his talent. He even dared to shout, “He Mr. Motgomery! Here I am.” He saw Wes break into a smile before he soften to begin the last section of the song. As the song came to a close, he let his voice work for him, letting his body slow, moving only when he had to. The last note rang out through the space, filling it before dissipating like a mist. There were no applause, it was an audition after all, but he did hear murmurs come from the wings and the seats in front of him.

After a moment, Nick called out, “Excellent Mr. Hummel, your next piece please.” Kurt nodded and looked over at Blaine, silently letting him know to follow his lead. Once again he started his song with no accompaniment, he had lowered the key, wanting to show off his range more.

“Close every door to me…” He began, quietly but with strength to his voice, his head bowed, looking dejected. In contrast with his first song, Kurt didn’t move, he stood on his mark center stage, only moving his arms when he just couldn’t contain them anymore. Where his first song, was fun, humorous and lively, this song was subdued strength of voice, but embodying the soul of the character. It was subtle by itself, but paired with the previous number helped to show off his talent. Kurt sang the last line with a kind of desperate power, “We have been promised, a land of our OWN,” and a single tear rolled slowly down his cheek. Kurt reached up to wipe it away, the wings were silent, the audience too. He dared to look at the two men seated there and saw them scribbling away on a piece of paper.

Kurt’s heart dropped, they hadn’t cared, once again he had missed the mark. Even combining the flamboyant with the subdued couldn’t earn him recognition. He stood there, waiting for them to notice he was finish, to dismiss him with a curt thank you. The minute seemed to stretch into eons, as he stood in the spotlight, trying to keep the anger and hurt at bay for a few minutes longer.

“Thank you so much Kurt!” Wes said, surprising Kurt with a huge smile. “If you wouldn’t mind heading back stage to green room 1, you can meet Mike, our Choreographer there. He will teach you a dance combination so we can see how you move.” Wes smiled again, “Although from looking at your resume, I am sure that won’t be a problem. Once again, excellent job.”

Kurt barely found his voice, “Thank you.” He turned back to the piano to grab his music, finding Blaine sitting there with the biggest grin on his face. He looked like a kid whose parents just told him he was going to Disney World. As he handed the music back to Kurt he winked, “Great job, Mr. Hummel.”

Kurt smirked back at him, and walked backstage trying to find green room 1. As he walked he pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent a quick text to Blaine: I have half a mind to kill you ;) Just as he found the door leading off the stage area, Kurt heard a bark of a laugh followed by a quick apology from Blaine. Kurt smiled as he pushed the door open.

A long hallway led to the left and he heard voices coming from inside a room back to the right. A plague next to the door read: Green Room 1. Kurt stepped inside to find a room devoid of furniture with several people sitting on the floor streatching. However, one person caught Kurt’s eye excluding all others. “Mike?” Kurt asked closing the distance between his old friend. “Mike what are you doing here?”

Mike Chang turned towards his name with a large welcoming smile, “Kurt, hey! I heard you sing your first song. I thought Wes was ready for the first group of dancers, and there was no mistaking that was you up there, no one sings like you man!”

“I will take that as the best of compliments.” Kurt laughed, “but you didn’t answer my question, what are you doing here, the last I heard you were touring with that dance company.”

“Tina and I moved here in August, she wanted to settle down. But we will have to catch up later, you are the last of this dance group. Maybe we can go out to lunch together when this is done.” Mike smiled at him.

“Oh, so you’re that Mike,” Kurt said before asking, “is there a place I can change?”

Mike pointed to the bathroom at the back of the room telling him he had two minutes before he started teaching the routine. Kurt hurried to go change into the dance clothed he brought with him in the hopes he would be given a chance. That was when it hit him, this was the furthest he had made it in an audition since leaving NYADA. Even if he didn’t find a place in the company, he was going to count this as a success. He stepped out of the bathroom just as Mike was assembling the other actors into two rows. Kurt hurried to find a space. He sidled in between a beefy blonde man and a small redheaded girl in the front row.

The combination Mike taught them while harder than anything they did in New Directions, was not as hard as some of the pieces he had to learn in dance classes at NYADA. Still Mike told them they only had thirty minutes before they were to perform for the directors. Kurt marked most of the moves while Mike taught them, knowing from experience in school not to tire himself out before it was necessary. He noticed Mike watching him out of the corner of his eye, but tried to ignore it. Once each step was taught and they began to run through them together, Kurt worked himself up to a full performance. This also helped since, unlike the others he hadn’t had time to properly stretch. The beefy blond beside him was awkward and had a hard time remembering the routine, but the little redhead was definitely a dancer. Mike had just given them a two minute breather when Mike’s phone beeped and he announced the directors were ready for them. Kurt took one last sip of water before following the group back to the stage.

They stood in line as the directors shuffled papers around, presumably resumes, putting them in the same order as the people on stage. After a minute, Mike nodded to Blaine who played a melody on the piano as Mike counted down for them, “And 5, 6, 7, 8.” Kurt danced full out, clearly showing the extensive training afforded to him at NYADA. He never missed a step, never missed a beat, unlike the man to his right.

They ran through the routine three times before Wes spoke. “Okay we need the following people to stay back to receive sides, Jessica, Henry, Celia, Jacob, Brant, Lucy, Kurt, Ben, McKenna, and Rochelle. Everyone else thank you so much, we will be in touch.”

Kurt was frozen in place, he was being called back for a reading. He, Kurt Hummel, was actually advancing in an audition. Not only had he been allowed to dance, he was now going to be reading. His heart raced as DeAnne began calling out names again, handling people small stacks of papers. “Okay, you have an hour for lunch before we meet back here at one. We will then give you about five minutes to find your partners and run through the scene with them before we start calling names. I suggest you use your time at lunch familiarizing yourself with your sides. Your part is already highlighted for you.”

Kurt looked around for a minute, not seeing Blaine. Instead he approached Mike, “So are you still up for lunch?”he asked.

“Sure thing,” Mike grinned at him, “Just give me five minutes, I need to talk to Nick and Wes, then I will meet you back in the green room.”

Kurt hurried back to the green room and changed back into his previous outfit. As he waited, stretched out on the floor he sent another quick text to Blaine: I am just going to pretend you don’t know, even if you do. I AM BEING CALLED BACK TO READ!!! Going to lunch with an old friend. Still haven’t decided if I am going to kill you yet.

He thought a moment before sending the next text off, But I think I might just kiss you :)

Kurt smiled to himself as he read over the two scenes he was given. One was fairly dramatic, a fight between two brothers, the other was comedic. Kurt just hoped that whoever Brant was, the man he was partnered with, was a decent actor. Just as he was coming up with ways to vary the readings, Mike walked through the door.

“Hey, I only have half an hour before I need to be back and start teaching the next group choreography, is that alright with you?” He asked as he grabbed a bag sitting next to the door.

Kurt stood, gathering his things, “Perfectly, since it seems you live here now, hopefully we will be able to get together more often.”

“More than that if you get cast, what a crazy world, how did you find out about the audition anyways?” mike asked leading the way out of the theatre.

Kurt thought for a minute about lying, but decided it wasn’t really worth it, Mike would find out eventually. “Do you know Blaine? The accompanist?” Mike nodded, a small smile on his face. “I ran into him the other day, we… talked… anyway he told me about the audition.”

“Are you dating?” Mike asked shoving his hands in his pockets to ward off the chill in the air.

Kurt took a moment before answering, “Well, we do have a date tonight… but don’t tell Wes or Nick or well anyone else involved in casting. I made Blaine promise he wouldn’t mention knowing me. I have worked hard and haven’t made it yet, but I would hate to think I only got a shot or this far because I knew someone. I want to get cast purely by my talent.”

Mike seemed to blush a little. “I told them I knew you… but it was only because they asked. They know I’m from Lima, and since you put our Nationals win on your resume, well they were bound to put two and two together. This was after they called you back for the reading though. Mainly they just asked me how you were to work with.” Mike gave Kurt another smile before adding, “I think you really have a shot at this.”

Kurt beamed, and practically bounced into the caf� they were headed to. After ordering their food, a salad for Kurt and a large bowl of pasta for Mike, they sat at a small table. Mike told him between bites about how Tina had changed decided to add and education minor to her musical theatre performance degree. “We talked about settling down, but we figured it would be too hard if we were both touring. It was hard enough when it was just me on the road with her at Kent State. She says she wants kids, so she decided to teach. She applied to schools in areas she knew I could find work too. That is how we ended up here. She teaches with Blaine.” Mike chuckled, “In fact, she has been trying to set him up with you since she met him. She thinks you would make the perfect couple. I’ll have to tell her you found him on your own.”

“Wait, she is the friend that has been bugging him to let her set him up?” Mike shrugged as if to say, ‘what can you do.’ “Well for once one of my friends seems to have taste. Oh my god I can’t wait to tell Blaine. That is absolutely fabulous.” They laughed together. “You should have called me when you moved here, I would have loved to have seen both of you.”

“Things have been crazy, I know Tina has been meaning to call you. Maybe one night you and Blaine can come over for dinner.” Mike said.

As they were walking back to the theatre, Mike asked the question Kurt had been waiting for throughout lunch. “So, Wes told me you were dancing, that true?”Kurt nodded, it was no secret what he was doing. He believed if it was something he couldn’t tell his dad about, or his friends for that matter, then he shouldn’t be doing it. But, Kurt didn’t like announcing it to the world. “So do you still do that shoulder shimmy you used to do in high school?”

Kurt could barely speak through his laughter, “Only when the moment calls for it. You would be surprised what a hit that move is with the ladies.”

Their laughter continued as they walked back into the theatre. “Well, I have to get back. It was great catching up with you. I will tell Tina to call you. Good luck with the rest of your audition.” Mike said, bringing Kurt into a hug.

Kurt patted his back, “Take care Mike, see you soon.”

Once Mike left, Kurt sat in the lobby going over his lines for his scenes. As Kurt was almost finished memorizing the dialogue (only needing to consult the paper every once in a while) the others began to trickle back in. Just as he was gathering his things to return to the stage, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Kurt pulled it out and read the message there: I would love that kiss ;) Taking my lunch break now, knock ‘em dead. Kurt giggled, actually giggled, not able to contain his giddiness at exchanging flirty texts with Blaine. He hurriedly replied with, You should expect nothing less, then joined the group assembled on stage.

As it turns out, Brant was a muscular guy with black hair and he was terrible. As Kurt ran through the scenes with him he just wanted to cry. He was finally doing well in an audition and his partner had nothing to offer. His line readings were stilted and garbled, he didn’t seem to understand the basic concept of the scenes, he had no comic timing and he thought the only way to show anger was to yell at the top of his lungs. Kurt tried his best to help him out, wanting the best out of the reading. But his suggestion of, “Why don’t you vary your emotions in the scene. There is more than one way to be angry,” was met by an eye roll and a scoff. To make matters worse, they were the second pair to read, cutting short time Kurt might have had to work with the oaf.

Kurt did his best playing his scenes with emotion and wit not mirrored by his companion. In the end the scenes felt off and unbalanced to him. All he could say was he had done his best with what he was given to work with. He sat on the side of the stage waiting for the other couples to perform their scenes, so he could be sent away for good or bad. He noticed the little redhead, Celia, was exceptional. It made his heart ache, wishing luck would have paired him with her.

As the last group finished their second scene, Kurt saw Blaine walk in to the theatre, and sit next to Wes. Wes and Nick conferred for a few minutes together, before Wes raised his voice and spoke to the small group surrounding the stage. “Okay everyone, we will be in touch. Kurt, Celia could we talk to you for a moment.” Kurt barely schooled his shocked expression before standing and making his way to the table Wes, Nick and Blaine were seated at. Celia stood beside him a hopeful look in her eye. Wes began again, “Would you two mind staying and helping with the readings if possible. We have two more groups of dancers to watch and we don’t know how many we will want to stay.” Both Celia and Kurt nodded before Wes continued, “Also would you mind coming back in the morning in case we need you to read then. We only have about a dozen more auditions scheduled.”

“That would be fine.” Kurt managed to say, shooting a covert look at Blaine, hoping it would go unnoticed. Celia agreed as well and Wes handed Kurt the other sides to review if they needed him.

“Green room 2 is not being used if you want to hang out there, it will probably be another hour before we need you.” Nick told them.

Kurt had a lot of fun with Celia, they played each scene as many ways as they possible could, from over dramatic and silly to sincere and heartbreaking. Kurt was trying hard to catch his breath when he told her, “I wish I could have read with you out there, you are phenomenal.”

Celia laughed, “Thanks, but honestly I think anyone would have been better than what you were stuck with.”

“Your words not mine.” Kurt said with a smile. “I do feel bad for him though, I would hope it was just nerves, but something tells me he just isn’t ready for the big stage yet.”

They talked for a few more minutes before Blaine himself appeared in the doorway. Kurt tried to slow the rapid beating of his heart when he realized that Blaine was closer than he had been all week, and only Celia was there. Kurt liked Celia, but he really wished she would just vanish. “Kurt, Celia they are ready for you now.”

Celia hopped up and walked out the door, before Kurt could even register the words Blaine had spoken. They were alone, if only for a fleeting moment. Kurt stood, and closed the distance between the two. When he stood mere inches from Blaine, he pulled his hand back and hit him lightly on the shoulder. “That is for not telling me you were going to be here.” Then Kurt closed the remaining distance, placing a soft chaste kiss on Blaine’s lips. “That… is for pretty much everything else.” Without another word, Kurt walked out the green room door.

Before the end of the day, Kurt read with four other partners, two women and two men. Only one of the women would Kurt say was anything spectacular, the other woman and one of the men were passable. The last man was almost as bad as Kurt’s first scene partner. He felt good about the audition, not only had he made it through all the steps of the process but he was asked to help as well. It was with a light heart he walked out of the theatre and waited on the corner for Blaine to join him. After an exhilarating day, Kurt still had more to look forward to; a date with a man Kurt felt he could truly fall for.

End Notes: AN2: There will be at least one more chapter of this. I know this chapter is half the length of the first but I wanted to get this to you sooner rather than later. So I split up the date and the audition. If you have any questions please ask, and I will let you know anything. I will try and post another chapter (the date) asap. Let me know what you think.


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I loved the first chapter and this is a terrific continuation of the story. I can't wait for the rest.

Thank you so much!! I hope you continue to enjoy it!